Feel admiration for some of the people throughout our lives we could know I think it is very difficult.
For me it is almost an impossible task because how many people I have admired in the many years I've lived ?.
With the fingers of one hand and spare almost all would count to the next human beings that I could admire, and I wished to know more but it has not.
For a limited time I have been able to admire someone, yes, but in the course of the years that admiration has been dissipating until it died out almost completely.
Throughout my life I can distinguish two or three people at most, a friend / friend, my mother and all without any doubt my own wife Cuca.
At my wife Cuca I began to admire her very soon once married to her and it was not because I was not in love previously, it was a lot, but according to got know better at my love was adding a deep admiration that over the years has I grown up going to more every day of our life together.
Cuca is the most admired and loved by me as it is highly intelligent for her every day life, and her/my family. Austere, nothing at all whimsical, friendly, polite, never lost the papers for anything, never saw her scream or hit our daughters or even to not people.
Patient, and above all caring and loving friends. With me she has always been the high respect, love and patience with my whims or sometimes bad moods.
That being always loyal and sincere about her owns opinions frequently different from my own.
She always told me what she thougt but being respectful one with the other that is the best one person could find.
My bad moods were caused frequently by a lack of health, he (me) was always sick, headache, stomach pain, bad or very bad digestion, irritable bowel syndrome and high "depression" that lasted nearly two years.
She never gave or gives defeated, tired or expired, so despite my ailments went past few years of great happiness. Being married / a with someone you admire is the best you happen to be, as in my case whenever I wanted an intelligent opinion, tranquility, serenity, by rule came to her who never tired of listening and give me her sincere opinion looking at my well not hers.
Cuca never looked for his own good and it has continued doing so until today that is no longer at home with me. With 53 years was diagnosed "multiple sclerosis" and never saw her desperate, inside if if and much suffering, especially for thinking it would be a hindrance to me or his daughters.
When I pointed out that it would never be for me, nor therefore for their daughters, was inwardly accepting their illness.
Nobody knew that and it was so because she actually Cuca, never showed a bad mood or complain about her sickeness to anyone.
She never complained, always smiling, friendly, hospitable with whom we got home.
Then I got to admire her much, much more for who could have behaved well with that bad situation of her?. For me it is clear that anyone who was not her.
And over 18 years that admiration and tranquility in coexistence with tremendous disease has been growing inside me.
Today is not with me, finally subduing my will on the advice of the doctor and those who have come to see it by the Law Unit requested, according to her absolutely, a residence where they could look after her better.
It has been perfect that she agreed with me in doing that because it is simply smart and mostly because understood that ceased to be a hindrance to her husband, finally giving me freedom that in his opinion it was well deserved and after care for her for the past 18 years.
And she is my wife Cuca, the person I most admired being almost the only one, leaving in an aside to my own mother also always admired by many of his virtues and even some of its shortcomings.
Work colleagues I had for hundreds, teachers, friends, enemies, bosses, and almost thousands of people I have known one way or another.
To not one I could admire absolutely, nor approach to what I feel for her, my wife Cuca.
Being sure beside that I am not the only one who admire her.
el gatufo (emiliano)