Datos personales

Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

GIRL (5 개) cuca / 에밀리아 안에 그냥 LOOK


(계속) ..... (5 개)

소녀 안에 그냥보고


이 여자는 호르헤 후안의 아카데미 같은 장소에서 더욱 중요한 이유는 그녀가 호세 루이스가이 젊은 남자와 데이트했다 뭐 않습니다 다른 소년 에밀리 너무 다른 유형.

. 그녀의 영혼이 그녀의 삶과 그녀의 이유 내부를 들여다 보면 그녀와 퍼즐 등 모든 것을 일치 이제 충분한 정보를 에밀리아

년이 지난 지금 명확하고 어떤이 여자가 하나의 것을 누구 에밀리아 수의 마드리드에서 숙박을 마음이 바뀌 스페인을가는 그의 모든 생각을 changed.

(화폐 Segarra)가 그녀와 사랑에 빠지게 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알고하지, 사랑 변화의 모든 것, 사랑 양 느릅 나무도 변경 이전의 생각 남자 또는 이전을 가진 여자. 큐피드의 화살이 그들의 마음 안에 삽입이 수 이 여자이고 그녀가 그런 식으로 에밀리의 영혼과 마음을 충격을 무엇을 했습니까 누가? 밝고, 자신의 빛 점등이 그 이후 단지 생활의 에밀리 그녀의 첫 번째 광경. 그녀의 목소리의 모든 것이 밝고 듣고, 그녀를보고, 나는 자신이 평화로운 편안, 쾌활한, 화려한, 모든 것이 나는 그가 가까이하면 하늘에있는 것으로 느꼈다으로 시간이 더 이상 계산하지 않습니다, 적은 그녀의 사라진 느낌이 이 여자에. 에밀리는 그녀의 시간을 아무것도 알지 못했다 필요한 사람 없음이 그에게 있었다, 나는 마리아 호세에게 내가 필요하지 않았다 너무 ​​많이 좋아 더 아무것도, 나중에 모두를위한 시간이,하지만 우리는 조금 알 필요가 그와 같이 동일한 은행에서 그녀의 위치를 개선하기 위해 공부하는이 어린 소녀에 대해. 지금 알려진 모든 삶의 Cuca이며 그녀가 그 시간에 의해 얼마나 쉽게 알 수 있습니다. a에 마드리드) 우선 그녀는, 호세 루이스라는 소년과 함께 감사했다 그 시간의 짧은 기간에 결혼 about 희망 줄로 너무 감사합니다. 왜?. 잘 나가. 그녀가 호세 루이스 소년으로 자신을 무엇을하고 있었는지 설명 할 수 없기 때문에 순간 에밀리아에 대한 분명하지만하지 않았다 이후 긴 이야기 마리아 호세 19 세의 나이에 은행에서 근무했다. 그녀는 "있는 Deutz AG에"그건 너무 스페인에서 설립 된 독일 회사였다. 다른 회사에서 온 이 큰 회사는 "트럭 트랙터"과 국가의 분야에서 작동하는 기계의 다른 종류를 확인합니다. 그녀는 곧 작업 할 필요가, 그녀가 스마트 라도요했다 이 방법을 사용할 수있을 수 있다면 대학을 가야하지만, 그것은 아니었다. 수 여자 그녀가 13 세 대신에 그녀가 큰 독일 회사에 17 세의 나이에 일을하러 갔지 대학에가는 때 그녀의 아버지가 죽었다 마드리드에 설립.


올해의 Deutz에서 작업 후 그녀는 히스패닉 미국 은행에서 일자리를 얻기 위해 공부를 시작하고,. 그것을 얻었다

. 그녀가 언급 은행의 본사에서 일하는 18 살으로

의 PZA 카나레 자스 1에 있던이 본사를 배치 마드리드는 2000 개 이상의 직원이 내부에 있었 큰 건물이었다. 그 중 하나는 그녀가 처음 에밀리를 만났을 때 그녀는 데이트를하고,이 다른 소년 Cuca이었다, 그래서 동일한에서 일하는 그들 중 세 곳이었다.

계속 될 ... 

A LOOK INSIDE THE GIRL (five) cuca/emiliano


Just a look inside the girl

Who was Cuca?. 
What was this girl doing in a place like Jorge Juan´s Academy and even more important, why she was dating this young man Jose Luis who was a so different type of the other boy emiliano.

Now emiliano has enough information to look inside Cuca´s soul, her life and her reasons and as a puzle everything match with this lovely young lovely girl.

What is clear now and years later is that this girl was the only one who could changed emiliano´s mind to stay in Madrid and chaged all his ideas of going off Spain.

Not knowing what it was happening he fall in love with her, and love change every thing, love changed wich ever previous idea a man or a woman could have or think in doing, before the Cupido´s arrow was inserted inside their hearts.

Once the arrow is shot everything started to change and brilliant colours are round the young eyes, all is magic and things seems so wonderful.

Who was this girl and what did she have to shock that way emiliano´s soul and mind?. Bright, own light that illuminates emiliano´s life just since the first sight of her?.

Looking at her, listening her voice everything was bright, he felt himself peaceful, relaxed, cheerful, brilliant, everything dissapeared less her, time doesn´t count any more as he felt as having in heaven when he was close to this girl.
Emiliano knew nothing of her in those time and it was not necessary for him, he liked Maria Jose so much that he didn´t need anything more, there is time later for everything, but we need to know just a little about this young girl who was studing to improve her position in the same bank like him.

Now everything is known of Cuca life and it is easy to tell how she was by the time she was studing, close near the person who was going to be her love, friend, and husband for life.

First of all this anticipated considerations,  she was grateful with the boy called Jose Luis, just so grateful as to give him hopes about getting married in a short period of time.

Why?. Well it is a long story that afterward was clear for emiliano but not at the moment as he can not explained himself what she was
doing with that Jose Luis boy.

Maria Jose was working in the bank at the age of 19 years old. She came from another company “Deutz Ag” a German company that
was established in Spain too.

This large Company make “truck tractors” and other kind of machines to work in the country fields.

She need to work soon, despite she was a smart girl who could go the the university if that could be possible, but it wasn´t.
Her father had died when she was 13 years old and instead of going to the university she went to work at the age of 17 in the large German Company established in Madrid.

After a year working in Deutz she started to study to get a job in Hispano Americano Bank, and got it. 
With eighteen years old she was working in the Head Office of this mentioned bank.
This Head Office was placed in Pza. Canalejas 1 of Madrid and it was a large building where there were more than two thousand employees inside. One of them was Cuca, other was the boy, Jose Luis,  she was dating when she first met Emiliano, so the three of them were working in the same place.

Never Emiliano have seen Cuca before, neither her saw him till the moment they were in the academy on the first days of Februay.

to be continue...

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

꿈 ... cuca / 에밀리아 (계속).

꿈 ... cuca / 에밀리아 (계속).

(계속) ...

그것은,이 세계는 농담 보인다이 소년 어려운 한 에밀리아했다, 다른 소년이 취향은하지 않았습니다.

그는 축구 또는 황소 싸움을 좋아하지 않는다, 내가 좋아하는 또는 다른 스페인어 플라멩코 음악을하지 않습니다, 나는 고전 좋아합니까 음악, 록, 포크, 음악의 다른 종류가 하나가 그 둘레에 알고 있지, 내가 그 년 동안 스페인에서 공부 한 언어였다 대신 프랑스어 잉글 레스를 공부하기 좋아하는,
내가 아는 시체는 잉글 레스 그러니까되지 않았다, 그러나 나는 대부분을 가지고있는 그냥 휴식이 있었다 짧은 시간에, 버스에서, 지하철에서, 항상 자신의 팔에 책을 읽는 읽기, 등, 내가 있던 세계에서 자신의 위치를 찾을 수없는 좋아했다 내가 그것에서 가고 싶었던 그래서 생활. 다만 가능한 한 빨리 그 자신의 내면의 욕망이었다 해제합니다.

사실 나는 군대에서 자신의 군 복무를 마무리 기다리고 있었다, 그것은 그 시간 보충하면되고 그렇게되면서이 서비스를하지 않고 나는 외국인에 갈 수 없었다 불가능 여권이 떨어져 자신의 나라로 얻을 수 있습니다. 먼저 군대는 거의 2 년 그들은 스물 세 된 모든 소년 의무가 군대에 한 것.
누구도이 주제를 빠져 나가지 수와 에밀리아 군인처럼 군대에있을 필요가 정말 화가났다.

그래서 그래, 에밀리가 있었 몇 가지 방법 이상한 심각한는, 그 시간에 의해 잉글 레스 공부, 멀리 자신의 땅에서 예정에 생각 즉시 나는 군대에서 끝난 이전 오년이 회사 내부에서 작업의 그의 부재 열한 기간을 확보 할 수있는 은행 업무로 복귀 fulfilled.

나는 최대한 빨리 자신의 일할 수있는 그리고 내가 반환하는 경우 보장함에을 위해 직장에서 2 년 부재 물어가는 2 년간 다시. 그 필요는이 위의 말대로 5 년 동안 회사에서 일을했고 그것은 시간의 짧은 기간에 자신의 목표였다.

다만, 자신의 잉글의 지식을 향상 회사에서 더 많은 돈을 얻고, 어디로 가야, 가야 .... 그의 부재에 대해 물어?, 쉬운 긴 시간에 대한 가능성 때문에 생각으로 그를 위해.

그의 마음은 스페인에 대한 반환의 생각,하지 아니었지만, 누가 about 미래를 알고있는 내부, 그것은 상황이 나쁘게 될 수 없습니다. 가면 그냥 캐나다에서 여기 파악하는 일을하는 것이 더 있었다

캐나다 자신의 의지, 그리고 만약 브리티시 컬럼비아 밴쿠버 할 수도 있습니다.

나는 고등학교에서 디자이너의 자신의 연구를 완료하고 대신 완벽하게 언어를 모른다면 정말 지루하고 어려웠다 은행이 ​​직업에 종사하고 싶어했다.

그를보고 우리는 내가 가진 젊은했다 말할 수 자신의 마음에 생각 수정하고 나는 그것을 실현하기 위해 노력하고, 아무것도 등등 소녀, 로맨스와를 about 없습니다. 방법은이 소년에 대한 명확하고 있었고, 난 다른 것들을 생각하지 않았다 오랜 시간이 있었다.

그냥 내가 전혀 좋아하지 않는 한이 자신의 세계에서 외출. 그래서 내가 여자를 좋아하는 긴 시간이었다 정말 그와 같은 하나는 타르가없는 한, 어려운 될 수 있습니다. 같은 문제는 올해를 전달하고, 진정한 사랑은 밖으로 그의 인생에서였다.

갑자기 경고없이, 새로운 느낌이 그의 마음이나 그의 영혼은 영원히 자신의 인생을 바꿀려고 마음 안에 성장했다.

그의 모든 해제 될 프로젝트 였는데 난 그의 모든 삶을 위해 마드리드에 남아 있습니다.

즉, 자주 묻는 질문 ​​자주 어떤 일이 발생하기 때문에 우리가 우리의 꿈을 가지고 그 정보가 진짜 일 수있다, 결국 인생, 그것은 좋은 여부, 누가 알고 있지만, 몇 가지 방법이 될 수 있습니다 우리는 우리가 생각 라도요 우리는 우리의 운명의 주인이 아닙니다.

중대한 실수로, 우리는 미래 about 아무것도 몰라. 어떤 여자에 대해서?

그냥 좋은 질문,이 두 사람은 자신의 자신의 생각의 세계에서 절대적으로 달랐다으로, 그들은 한 도시 생활, 미래의 자신의 개념이었다.

하지만이 다음 에피소드를 이야기하는 또 다른 이야기이다.

의 gatufo

DREAMS... cuca/emiliano cont.


It seems this world is a joke, this boy emiliano was a difficult one, he has tastes that not other boys have.

He doesn´t like futbol or bull fights, he doesn´t like flamenco or other Spanish music, he does like classical music, rock, folk, and other kind of music not one knows round him, he likes to study English instead of French that was the language that was studied in Spain for those years,
no body he knew was studing English, but what he most likes it was just to read, always reading with a book under his arm, in the subway, in the bus, in the short times when there was a rest, and so forth, he doesn´t find his place in the world he was living so he wanted to go out from it. Just to be off as soon as possible that was his inner desire.

In fact he was waiting to finish his military service in the army, it was obliged for that time and without doing this service he couldn´t go to the foreigner as it was impossible to get the passport to be off from his country. First military service, being in the army nearly two years was an obligation to all the boys when they were twenty years old.
No one could elude this subject and Emiliano was really angry of having to be in the army like a soldier.

So yes, emiliano was some how odd, serious, studing English by those time, thinking in going far away from his land immediately he finished in the army and return to the bank work previously to obtain his absence once a period of five year working inside the company were fullfilled.

He was going to ask for and absence of two years at work as soon as he could and have his work assured if he return back after the two years. For that it was necessary to work in the company for five years as it is said above and it was his goal in a short period of time.

Just improve his knowledge of English, get more money in the company, and ask for his absence to go...., where to go?, easy for him as he was thinking the possibility since a long time.

Inside his mind wasn´t the idea of any return to Spain, not, but who knows about future, it was better just to have something to grasp here if things in Canada could be go badly.

Canada was his will, Columbia Britanica and if could be possible to Vancouver.

He have finished his studies of designer in the high school and wanted to work on this profession instead of a Bank which was really boring and difficult if you don´t know the language perfectly.

Looking at him we could say he was a young with a fix idea in his mind and he was working to realize it, nothing about girls, romance and so on. The way was clear for this boy and there was a long time he didn´t think in other things.

Just going out from this his world that he doesn´t like at all. So it was a long time he like a girl, it is a subject really difficult as there is not one thar really like to him. A problem as year were passing and real love was out from his life.

Suddenly, without noticing it, a new feeling was growing up inside his heart or his soul, a feeling it was going to change his life for ever and ever.

All his projects were going to be off and he will remain in Madrid for all his life.

That´s life after all, we have our dreams that frequently can be real because something happens, it could be for good or not, who knows but some how we are not owners of our destiny despite we think we are.

Great mistake, we don´t know anything about future.What about the girl?

Just a good question, as this two persons were absolutely different in their thought of their own world, the city were they were living, and their idea of future.

But this is another story to talk next episode.

el gatufo

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014



Leaving the class and steeping down the stairs to the street, emiliano´s
mind was out of reality.

He likes the girl and nothing more was important at the moment, so he lets the other three free to go where they wanted to go and he didn´t ask anything about where they were going to.

It was cold and the academy was far from his house, he needs to take the subway to return home and have nearly an hour's subway ride to be his parent´s house, but he doesn´t care about all this,  that wasn´t important as it could be in other circunstances.
He likes to return home early as getting up at 7 a.m. to go to the army office it was necessary to sleep well at night.
Nothing about this subjects were in emiliano´s mind now, he only wanted to be close her talking and looking at her face as long as possible, it was like being in heaven.

Maria Jose´s boy friend was going ahead with the other young man, they were talking about futbol, nearly the subject every man talks about but that wasn´t the theme emiliano likes very much.

The other two young, Maria Jose and emiliano, were walking behind the other two and talking vividly between them.
What were they talking about this couple?, let me see....., yes it is easy to remember because they were talking frequently about the same items that they were interested.
Music, books, freedom movements like hippies, and so forth.

This walk was not going to be repeated frequently as Emiliano can´t say anything about going on or repeat the walk when he wanted. He was at the will of his friend Jesus, and the will of  the couple, so what can he done to be more time close to the girl? nothing in fact, along several days he had to wait to repeat the same walk and of course doing the same thing,

Soon these nice walks were going to finish and Emiliano return home as usual, taking the subway in time to be in his bed soneer than later.


Looking to these four people walking up the Jorge Juan street it was something very strange.
Jose Luis, that´s the name of Cuca´s boy friend, was talking with Jesús, the friend of emiliano. But Cuca, it was her familiar nick name, and emiliano were behind them, two meters aprox., talking peacifuly about different subjects.

The first one was about her work of the New York´s garbage strike.
He said to her New York was his dream city, that he would like to go overthere and be familiar with all aspects of this incredible city.

It seems they know each other for a long time when in fact it was the first time they were walking together, close enough to listen clearly what one of the other were talking about.

In fact this situation was peculiar, we could say, Cuca´s boyfriend talking about futbol with Angel two or three meter ahead and the other couple, Cuca/emiliano together talking about which ever other subject they were willing to talk about, and of course for them there were a lot of good subjects instead of futbol.

Emiliano  more that walking was floating  over the street,  talking close near this incredible nice girl as it was Cuca.

Where have you been till now?, my dear, he was thinking simultaneously to his chat with her.
For him everything was changing inside his mind and heart and he was brilliant as he wasn´t other times that he has to talk.
With her all was different, easy, nice, cool, warm, exited, just falling in love without having sense of it. Poor boy, soon he was going to see that things were not so easy and it was difficult to repeat this kind of feelings.

There wasn´t anything round him, no people, no cars, no time, nothing, only this nice beautiful girl whos name was Maria Jose or Cuca as she was called by who?, ah, yes that boy who is at her side and goes out from the class every rest time.

The time for emiliano to talk with her briefly just waiting for their walk till the house where Cuca lives.

Yes, that was the end point of the walk, Cuca´s home in Hermosilla street, ten minutes or even something more from the class till the dear Cuca´s house.

Short walk, very short if we have in mind he would go walking for hours of full life with that girl called Maria José.

These feelings were inside him, being not conciously known by this young man who was son fascinated by the girl walking at his side. What could happened if this man, emiliano, could be fully aware he was falling in love?.

No body knows as love wounds are very painful and hurts a lot in the heart of a young boy or girl by those or always ever time round the world.

to be continued

martes, 7 de enero de 2014


What is this?.

How a girl like this, so shy and respectful as she is, could turn her body to the right and just start to talk with a boy she doesn´t know before?.

Incredible could think every one who knows Cuca by those times, even now knowing the story and thinking how this shy girl was it seems like imposible such a thing.

Cuca was only tweenty one but her carácter was sweet and shy as she has been always before and after that occasion.

Was there something special about this first meeting?. It was like a first watch about what going to happen year after?.

No body knows what is life and why these kind of events happens but it was really extraordinary that the girl turned her body right, relaxed on the wall behind and started to talk to the boy that form.

He was really pleased with that actitude and the only thought he had on his mind was about how much appealing girl she was, how nice and beautiful girl was talking with him the first time they meet and what a pity that this girl he likes a lot were with a boy that now was out.

Keep out as much as possible unknown boy because I want to continue this conversation with this sweet heart for years.

Being on this thoughts emiliano was smiling to her and having not sense of time.

But time went on and another class started too soon for his taste, she turn back to her position, looking to the front and everything was over to him.
The unknown boy was again to her right side and there was not any conversation till the end that they said each other bye, see you tomorrow.
Something happened after that second and it was that the person who was with emiliano, a boy he know just a little, said hello to the boy and the girl that were leaving the class as he knew them, and that´s good, they started to talk together as leaving the academy and going down the stairs to the street.

Of course, emiliano changed his mind and thought in going on with them till the end of the world if necessary as he wanted to continue

his talk with that incredible nice girl that was Cuca.

el gatufo

sábado, 4 de enero de 2014


The story of a girl and a boy....called C.... and E..... too many years ago in Madrid....

Imagine a girl and a boy attending a class to improve their knowledge about Bank´s operative.
For the boy was the first time he went to the class but for the girl wasn´t as she was going for three months already.

The boy was alone just sitting behind the young beautiful girl that was beside a youn boy who seems like his boy friend as they were talking together and have come to the class also close together.

When the class is finished and there is a brief relax till the other lesson the boy beside he nice girl left and she reminds alone, turn her body, relax it one the wall and turning her head said to the new boy.
He, you are a newcomer, aren´t you?,

Yes, I am, it is my second day here, but yesterday you haven´t come haven´t you?.
Yes, I was with flu and I was in bed resting.

So sorry, are you o.k. Already?
More or less, thank you.

So the work is yours?
What do you mean?
The writing about the garbage´s strike in New York is yours?
Yes, it is, why do you say that?.

Because I listened to it yesterday and I like it, I like your style of writing so
funny, it is a good work.

Thank you very much, by the way what is your name?
My name is e....., and yours?
Mine is M. J., but friends call me C......

It is a pleasure C....., don´t you mind if I call you so, do you?.
Of course, not, you may call me so.
But, sorry emiliano, you have started very late, we are attending the lessons for
three months alreadyl, why are you coming so late?.

Just, because I am in the army, I am doing my duty as a soldier now and it will be till next december more or less that I am going to be a soldier, afterward I´ll return to the bank.
So, being a soldier you want now to increase your knowledge about the Bank and get a better job inside?.

Yes I would like to do so, the same as you I suppose but not being a soldier, ja,ja, it is enough to be so inteligent and writing so well as you do.
Thank you e........, you are really nice.

No, please, you are the nicest one in this class.......

To be continued......

el gatufo

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013


So, what about you Cuca?

Well I have to think about asking Cuca for her own feelings, way of life, point of views and so forth....Let´s go and see how are they now.

Are these people quiete or not?  just a good question to ask for.

Might be a little upset, enervating heat and tempers are something on the floor.

Yes, on the floor, like gatufo-cat who spends the day sleeping, night sleeping, and the rest of the time lying on the floor looking to play, to be scratched on the neck or waiting that you pass the brush to remove his hairs.
That´s good for the cat,  that gives pleasure, in a word he wants to take notice, as all of us.
Cuca is in her evil twin, because this gatufa has two good Gemini personalities as it is. A good twin, quiet, polite, careful, tender, sweet and other ironic, critical, something lapilli, and some vitriolic when makes a comment about something, someone, or politics in general.
A Cuca emi kick loves to walk her "evil twin" and lately on account of what you she hear on the radio, Cuca takes quite frequently.

I want her to take the word here, as did emi, gatufo and finally Isabel. But it is difficult, as she says she is shy, she can not think of anything, and who does not like to have their stuff out.

Also she said the her life doesn´t interest to any one as it is boring

and without any subject to talk about.

Let us see if she is right or not, I do think she is not right as her life and fight could be of great interest.

She is not a vulgar person and have a smart mind as you may see son or later.

See if I can convince her, and sure It woud like you too as she is the great unknown of Gatufo´s bunch.

Cuca touched you, write something for those who read this serial in which nothing ever happens, see if you encourage them a little.


Let´s go.
Okay, I'm Cuca, I am part of the gatufos group, I do not think of anything to say you, sorry.
My life is very scheduled in relation to my leisure activities and necessary to scroll through the days.

My normal activity stood about fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with a disease that has no cure, multiple sclerosis, and I thought I would not last long time in this world. This has not happened, I was stopping my activities as a"normal person" who takes care of almost everything, look after emi, my daughters, house, shopping, pick up the phone, to receive friends, to go out and search medicines, to put joy and activity in the house, another house where we lived before, in order

I am and always have been an active, vital person which is acustomed to never ask for anything if I can do it, and being too quiet and never stopped.

This condition hit me in my true personality because I had to stay still, sitting for hours every day, it takes me an eternity to get up and go to the bathroom, and evil is what I have to constantly ask help for this or that. Although emi tells me, in his way of saying things "I would not ask drowning help so as not to disturb", as it looks like it's worth, I think I'm asking ever for too much. 
Spent a year, another, another and I had to organize my life of leisure required. Complete 24 hours a day of activity without barely move. It's hard, you have to give much mind to make a program. I did it and take it down to the letter just till now.

Yeah, I'm scheduled to go spending hours, days, months, years and live aim of making the best possible times, not embitter my life, not life miserable for those who love you, ask as little as possible, do not complain nearly for nothing , trying to fix my life needs no help, do my physical and mental exercises every day of the year without missing one.
For that I developed and memorized a program for each day of the month, every hour of the day and even every hour of the night when I'm in bed and can not sleep. Ja, ja, yes I use to tell me my stories to be alert and not thinking about my life or my health condition.

And it works, it comes complete running almost thirteen years, who would say, no one knows if I am, badly or worse, if it hurts more than the usual discomfort that continues. Stop do not think, live every second plan and not think about achieving the next hour or the next day and fewer still will, we will do next month.
The future does not exist for me. Live today, now, this moment, and so I try to be happy in spite of this disease that is slowly getting worse.
I don´t need to go out, for what?, I do not need to be out home. It can take months and months without my chair rolling on sidewalks and so emi and Isabel do not have to push it.
I'm fine at home and not craved any change in my routine, this routine keeps me safe and kept safe the people I love in Gatufolandia.
To me the most important subject it is my loved one, Emiliano and my daughters. Don´t give them any thing to be worried about, but it is difficult. Emi is always alert watching me, trying to see what I nedd and asking every moment if I am good or not.
What can I do to reléase him?. Even to reléase Isabel?.
With my daughters there is not any problema as they use not to come here and see me. I do think that they suffer a lot seeing their mother in this condition and that´s the reason the two younger not come home for months or years.
Yes, I may understan them, but emi doesn´t I know that and it gives me some hurt to see him suffering this role.

Well that´s all for the moment, it is clear to me that  activities help me not tu think, help me to live every day, having my mind on other subjects, it help me also to find peace.

Greetings, cuca

Ya, has finally released to write a little more than I thought and that's fine.
Any other day we will know a little more of what SHE does or thinks about this gatufa, will have to catch her in a good position because I said she is really shy and does not like to share anything with people she does not know.
Congratulations cuca, you speak well and clear.

For now we leave here, we will continue ....

el gatufo

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013


Con que tranquilidad hablas y explicas en que consiste la enfermedad que sufres Cuca, la Esclerosis Múltiple piensas que es fácil de explicar o asimilar?.

No digas tonterías, es muy difícil o casi imposible de explicar o asimilar, todos los días amanece y sigues igual o peor, no sabes como será ese día, si podrás incorporarte o no, cuanta ayuda vas a necesitar en todo momento, hay veces que logras incorporarte por ti misma, otras no y tienen que levantarte como un saco de patatas, piensas que las personas o persona que amas tienen que estar hartos de ti, cansados ya de que seas un estorbo en sus vidas, pero no te mueres, bueno algunos si logran morir pronto pero la mayoría, y entre los que me cuento no, tienes que despertarte trescientos sesenta y cinco días al año sabiendo que eres una cosa inútil, que cada semana que pasa lo serás un poco más, cada año mucho más, y al final serás un ser casi inmóvil necesitado de toda clase de ayuda para las funciones mas vitales.
¿Tu crees que eso es fácil de asimilar?.

La verdad es que pensándolo como tu lo cuentas no, no puede ser fácil de asimilar para nadie, pero yo te veo tan tranquila, no pierdes el humor, juegas con el ordenador, te ríes, disfrutas viendo un película o charlando con los amigos, parece a veces que no te pasara nada.
Además aparentas mucha menos edad de la que tienes, pensaba que lo tenías muy asumido o muy asimilado y que la enfermedad ya no estaba tan presente en tu cabeza.

Lo está cada día del año, y tengo que esforzarme en todo momento, todos y cada uno de los días de mi actual vida, cada hora del día en que no se note en mi carácter, en que no ocupe mi vida por completo, en que no acapare la vida de los que me rodean, o de la persona que me cuida, Emiliano por cierto, disimulo, finjo, me entretengo pensando miles de cosas que repaso una y otra vez, un día tras otro en una especie de rueda sin fin que no para, día tres del mes me toca pensar en esto y el seis en lo otro, así repito historias, países, hechos, y multitud de cosas que me absorben para no pensar en mi futuro, no lo tengo, en mi enfermedad, en si mañana me podré incorporar, en la carga que represento día tras día, y ese esfuerzo de estar ocupada cada minuto del día, de no pensar en nada relativo a todo esto que te cuento, es lo que me mantiene así, aparentemente no se nota. Parezco de buen humor, dichosa, feliz, y a veces logro olvidarme y lo soy, he sido y soy dichosa a lo largo de muchos ratos que estoy con mis amigos o con la gente que viene a verme, que me quiere, amigas o familia y sobre todo pasando las horas al lado de la persona que amo, que ya imaginas quien es.
En esto nuestro querido gato ha sido y es una ayuda fundamental.

Y esa es la realidad del día a día, para mi no hay nada más, hoy, mañana cuando voy a la cama y no pienso en como será ni un solo día mas que mañana, no pienso en si podré, si me dolerá mas, si podré pasar la jornada medio bien, nada de eso pasa por mi mente cuando me acuesto, logro aislar esas cuestiones dentro de una gran caja y pienso en los Oscar, Pasajes de la Historia, Capitales de Naciones de África, o voy enumerando los Estados Unidos de Norte América, situándolos en el mapa mental que tengo de todos los continentes del Globo.

Llevo haciendo esto muchos años desde que comprobé que esto seguía, que no iba a morir pronto como era mi deseo y sobre todo cuando decidí no amargar la vida de los que me quieren, de mis hijas, de mis amigos y sobre todo a mi compañero de por vida Emiliano.

Asombroso Cuca, y eso ayuda?, de verdad que te ayuda a pasar los días sin acordarte de tu estado de incapacidad, de la enfermedad tan extraña que para muchos padeces, me lo aseguras?. Se lo aseguras a todo aquel que pueda leer estas líneas y este en una situación parecida a la tuya con esta enfermedad Esclerosis Múltiple u otra similar?.

A mi me ayuda enormemente, me da alientos para seguir al lado de emililano  día tras día, se que me quiere y por el hago todas las noches mi recuperación en la cama, quiero alargar lo mas posible el momento de mi incapacidad absoluta y por ello trabajo física y mentalmente un día tras otro.
Al menos hago algo útil pienso ya que no puedo ayudar en otros aspectos de nuestra vida retrasaré lo mas posible los efectos de la enfermedad, por el y por mi.

Quiero absolutamente a mis hijas, desearía ahorrarles el sufrimiento de verme así, entiendo que vengan poco pues es difícil de sobrellevar el hecho de ver a una madre en este estado, una madre que debería haberles ayudado, estas a su lado para todo lo que desearan, y no en este estado absolutamente penoso de ver o vivir.

Las entiendo y nunca les pido que vengan con mas frecuencia, para que, para que sufran?. No, mejor que no, pienso en que tengan vida propia y sufran lo menos posible bastante lo hace su padre.

Bravo por ti Cuca, eres una persona de una entereza que me asombra. Nadie, o casi nadie pensaría así como tu piensas respecto a su familia o amigos. El enfermo pide atención, que le quieran, que le comprendan, que le visiten, se vuelve egoísta, no es tu caso y te admiro profundamente por ello.

Te felicito por ello, de corazón, y creo que puedes sentirte orgullosa de lo que haces y de tu actitud ante la vida.

Gracias, gatufo?, si es el nombre que te has puesto.

Gracias también de corazón si has entendido lo que te cuento es que eres mas inteligente de lo que yo creía, que gracia tienes poniendo esa cara.

Es fácil de entender o explicar, deseo que los que me quieren sufran lo menos posible, si desean verme, venir o estar a mi lado hago los posibles para que su estancia sea agradable, no penosa, y si no desean verme porque les resulta muy duro, lo entiendo perfectamente pues les amo demasiado para ser egoísta.

Hasta otro día Cuca.

el gatufo

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013


Quería preguntarte algo Cuca, si no te importa, y me gustaría que fueras  sincera y me contestaras con claridad si es que deseas complacerme.

Bueno, veremos, espero que no seas demasiado indiscreto.

Nuca hablas de tu enfermedad, cual puede ser el motivo para que ese tema apenas lo toques, te quejes, o simplemente nos digas como te encuentras un día concreto que pudiera ser hoy por ejemplo.

Siempre estoy con dolor, unas veces fuerte otras no tanto, es decir que nunca estoy bien sin que me duela o moleste algo.
Si no es fuerte puedo lograr olvidarme del dolor continuado si estoy haciendo algo que me entretenga, y es justo estar entretenida lo que procuro hacer siempre.
La mente siempre activa, ocupada, viendo una película, escribiendo en el pc., jugando con la Tablet, leyendo, en definitiva siempre ocupada para no pensar y sentir el menor dolor posible.

Satisfecha tu curiosidad?.

No, en absoluto, tengo muchas preguntas para hacerte y que pienso pueden ser de utilidad para informar sobre esta enfermedad que padeces o para el interés de personas que puedan estar en tu situación.

No es fácil estar en la situación de un enfermo en general, menos de uno que padece esclerosis múltiple, cada enfermedad se siente de forma diferente y se comporta de distintas maneras dependiendo de las personas, su evolución, e incluso nuestra propia mente.
No hay una enfermedad igual a otra, lo mismo que no hay un parto igual a otro pues incluso una mujer que alumbre cinco hijos cada uno habrá venido al mundo con distintas sensaciones por parte de la madre, la enfermedad es igual, rige con distintos patrones siempre.

Veo que estas muy bien informada Cuca.

He tenido tiempo de sobra para ello, he parido tres hijas, se de que hablo y llevo catorce años soportando la esclerosis múltiple.
Que opinas de ello?.

Pues que si, eres una experta en ambas materias, disculpa mis observaciones pero hay que precisar, creo, si es que deseamos informar bien.

Vale, vale, sin disculpas, tu sigue preguntando lo que quieras si piensas  que todo esto puede ser útil para alguien, aunque lo dudo.

Cuca, no dudes y sigue relatando aspectos de tu vida y tu enfermedad si es que puedes afrontar hablar de este tema.

Empecemos con anatomía en lugar de historia e imaginemos que nos vamos a una clase donde la profe de ciencias nos explica como funciona nuestro cuerpo, vamos allá.

El cerebro es el amo de la empresa que llamamos cuerpo humano, es quien dicta las ordenes de haz esto o haz lo otro, eso lo tenemos claro. 
Por las mañanas estamos en la cama pensando "hay que levantarse" y hasta que el cerebro no ordena para arriba nuestras piernas, brazos, cuerpo, músculos en general no se ponen en movimiento para incorporarnos y dirigirnos al baño una vez en pié.

 Las piernas pareciera se mueven por si solas, pero NO es el cerebro quien coordina todos los movimientos y quien lanza los impulsos, o las ordenes, a los músculos para que nuestro cuerpo camine, las piernas se muevan, y permanezcamos en equilibrio.

Esos nervios que comunican los músculos de las piernas con el amo, con el cerebro, son hilos finos recubiertos de una substancia todos ellos, todo lo largo, que llaman mielina.

Igual que un hilo de cobre necesita ser protegido con una capa de plástico o goma que lo protege del exterior, de contactos indeseados, hasta que llega a su destino y suelta la corriente para que se encienda la luz o funcione la lavadora, los nervios que comunican el cerebro con todos los órganos, articulaciones, músculos, etc. del cuerpo, esos nervios necesitar ir protegidos con una capa que llamamos mielina.
Hasta aquí queda claro? Si, muy claro Cuca, creo que todo el mundo lo entiende.

Bien, entonces lo dejamos en este punto, te parece entrevistador sin nombre?.
O.K., lo que tu digas, estoy a tus deseos Cuca.

Gracias, hasta pronto entonces.

el gatufo