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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014






  It is summer of 1968, Cuca has taken her holidays has, made her exam at the Bank and now she wants to study the second test to get the goal of bein official at the Banco Hispano Americano.

She has aproved the first test that seems the most difficult and now she needs to memorize a lot of themes relative to the Bank´s commercial administration,

It will be necessary for her to study two or three hours by day all the commercial subjets necessary to be in one of the Bank different sites, like cash, foreign exchange, commercial credits of import and export, contability, and so forth till October, that will be the second test.

Jose Luis her boy friend has failed his exam and for him is very frustrating to see his girl friend studing so many hours, he wants to go out and day after day is telling Cuca he wants to walk, to go to the theatre, to the swiming pool or to the park. It is so boring for him to be indoors looking at her studing. Cuca is thinking that this boy doesn´t understand she has to study, to study very hard as she wants to pass her exam.


It is tiresom for her to be fighting with a frustrated boy that have not past his exam and finaly she decided to be in doors that summer  studing hard every day.

Emiliano is doing the same, every evening of this summer he is studing the same exam than her, even he is thinking about Cuca, has her past  the exam or not?. He knows nothing about the girl as he is still not working in the Bank and he doesn´t know anybody who could tell him about the girl. 

At the morning Emiliano goes to the office where he is doing his service in the army looking to the end of his time in the Spanish Army Forces that will be next December if all goes the right way to him.

Summer in Madrid use to be very hot, no body goes to the streets if it is not necessary till seven  p.m., or even later, as the sun burns. It is better to have a nap indoors after lunch and await till late to go for a walk.


it is a month that take a big effort to study so many items that soon, once next exam in October will be over, shall be forgotten by the majority of these candidates.

Some of the army officials that are working in the S.S. are taken their holidays, so Emiliano has in mind to ask for fifteen days of liberty to be with his sister in the mountains near Madrid. He has the idea that the colonel could give him these days if there is a good reason for that. To loof after his sister in her holidays could be a good reason for this official and surprisedly it happens and he has fifteen days of holidays to rest in the mountains close to Madrid but also to study full day the Bank´s themes. 

Nice holidays indeed, he has lot of ideas inside his mind without beind aware that none of them will be accomplish in future.

Softly the summer is going on and October will be soon ahead anouncing some changes in the life of Cuca and Emiliano. 

Autumn is the best season in Madrid, hot is finished and people likes to walk through Retiro´s Park where there is a sinfony of colours every where. It is a nice place to take a seat in the middle of the park and start to read one again the themes it is necessary to remember for at least another week, just enough to take the exam and be free to forget whic ever subject you don´t need to remember.

It is not going to happens that Cuca and Emiliano meet each other in the exam, too many candidates have passed first exam and it will be a good chance for them to meet each other doing their exams.

The results will be in November and finishing the proof Cuca and Emiliano were happy of doing a good test.

to be continued........

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