As of today this blog has reached more than 201,000-visits, something absolutely unthinkable when I started writing it.
My sincere thanks to each and everyone who have read at least a paragraph of written here.
I wish I could write many more languages, Korean, Russian, Japanese, German, and so a countless number of them, but not just a little bit of Spanish and less English. The rest are translations which google provides me and not know what can be written.
I think hopefully be able to touch hundreds of hearts a little writing from here, my house in Madrid, Spain, have always tried to be warm, funny (if the topic was ripe for it) critical, very critical at times, and many have been occasions to thank this interest so a stranger can write thanks to modern means at our disposal.
There would have never imagined I could write like you can now do, and I am very satisfied with it.
The world is a complicated world that humans inhabit, complex, troublesome, aggressive, gentle, able to love and kill.
Very difficult to understand by the word, worse still speaking hundreds of languages.
Millions of people try to be a little better every day and that's enough to be worth inhabiting this planet called Earth.
Never, ever, thought to be read by so many people in countless countries. I only speak my native language, Castilian, I defend myself well in English, and some French and Italian. , nothing more.
The rest are translations within the own blog that I have been very sloppy. I apologize for them.
Thanks to Blogger, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Wikipedia, and some more that have allowed me to work very quiet and well for almost two years.

If I have upset someone, I apologize for my words, yet always have tried to be critical reasoning and not get carried away by feelings about some actions that might dislike too much.
No mission of this blog is to judge anyone nor is it reasonable to do so, only present ideas and opinions which of course often be wrong.
Thanks and see you tomorrow.
the gatufo
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