Datos personales
- emiliano
- Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.
jueves, 30 de enero de 2014
12 월오고있다 .... cuca / Emilliano의 이야기
November is going on in the city and news are so good for the girl, she has approved, that now Cuca is happy thinking in her next future. A future being alone, as she is breaking inside her mind with her boyfriend and she wants to make it soon and without hurt for him or for her.
Reality has been over there and Cuca knows already that this boy is not for her, she likes to have a good friend at her side, a friend to talk, a friend to love, a friend to live together for long and this boy is not appropriate for her feelings. There is not any confidence or solidarity inside him with the fact she needs time to study and can´t go outside as he lately has requested her. No, Jose Luis is not her boy or her love any more, so the best is to cut soon, in fact she is doing that little by little without hurting his feelings.
Being approved her exams means more money, also more consideration at work office among her partners and this is even more important for her. She likes her work at the Bank and she wants to give the best of her doing her task at the office.
Good for the boy too, he has approved and Emiliano was happy. It means just what he wanted, more money to save for his final trip to get his site in the world, working in Canada?, it is possible, but he doesn´t care where if he goes out this vulgar world he lives in.
What it would happened with the girl?, he was thinking, and the image of her was inside his mind frequently. Is it was in July the last chance he has to see her?, yes, it was, he was going to the Bank to get his month´s salary and Cuca was in Sol Square with that boy of hers, they were chatting each other ten meters from Emiliano that cross Alcala street fast, going short of time and seeing that the girl was with her boy friend he preferred not to go and meet them as by chance.
It was not easy to him just to see Cuca thay way with her boy close to her and never Emilano has talked with that boy Jose Luis, it was not his type to talk with, less to be friendly. There was something he dislike about him, but of course this was natural knowing what his feelings to the girl were.
So, that´s the last time Emiliano saw Maria Jose and was not possible to him just to know if she has passed the first exam and if so, what have happened with the second?, not any news about that.
Being already in the first days of December winter was ahead, soon Christmas will be in the air and everything will be going to change about the lights, the shops, and of course the feelings of people who lives in this big city of Madrid.
For Emiliano it was the time to get his freedom of the military army service that was so troublesome for him. At that moments the boy is going to an English Academy where he attends two hours by day of conversation and English grammar. His intention of going to the British Columbia in Canada remains inoculated in his mind and it seems nothing will be enough to change his will. That´s what he is thinking now when he is going to learn more English and have to pay a lot of money for the two hours of class.
They are good classes with very few people inside them, so the boy could talk a lot and even sometimes he is alone with the teacher, and Australian girl with a very good English accent.
Curious, he thinks, my first will was going to Australia so in accordance with these thought he have lots of question to the girl and their conversation is always vividly and nice. His improvement is going fast with so many chats. English grammar class is good enough to prepare the Lower Certificate of English a subject that is alos in Emiliano´s mind.
is not aware that relationship between Cuca and her boy friend is going
to its end. The girl has realized that there is not any future for her
with this boy, she can´t married him only by gratitude, that will be
sure a hell for him and for her.
Having that in mind for a long time, may be Emiliano has something to do about her feelings, she has talked with Jose Luis asking him for a period to think, she needs to think if their relation is good and she needs time, the same as him, she told. Just we need to take some time to think about our future, if it is a good idea to continue or it is better to cut our relationship amicably before it advance more.
So now Cuca has done her first step to finish her relationship with her boy friend, that is her idea absolutely but she prefer to cut wih him in the right way, not hurting his feelings after all.
She has passed the Bank´s exams and now she is aware that is going to be a meeting in the Jorge Juan academy, among the guys that have succeeded in their exams. It will be on 20th of December and it will be a good ocasion to see which one has approved after all. May be that boy Emiliano has approved?, it is sure she said for her, he seem smart to pass, sure he did a good exam.
Will be he in the meeting? she asked herself, may be and we´ll have a good talk together if there is time enough she is thinking.
to be continued...
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014
1968, QUE SIGUIO? (second)
Pareció que el mundo occidental estaba cambiando para mejor ese año de 1968 y nada fue mas lejos de la realidad.
Los años setenta se encargaron con sus terrorificos hechos de volver a la realidad represora lo que menos de diez años fué un sueño de libertad.
(Gral. Videla aclamado en B.Aires)......?
Dictadura militar en Argentina.
De 1976 a 1983 toma el poder en Argentina una Junta Militar Golpista que suprime prácticamente los derechos humanos procediendo sistemáticamente a la eliminición física de cualquir clase de oposición o crítica ante sus aberrantes hechos.
Es considerada una de las dictaduras mas sangrientas de la historia de Argentina.
Dictadura militar en Chile.
De 1973 a 1981 en Chile toma el poder el general Augusto Pinochet, instaurando un proceso similar al que se establecería en Argentina.
Desaparecen los derechos humanos, la libertad de asociación, se elimina cualquier oposición, y empiezan los años de los llamados "desaparecidos", supuestos opositores eliminados sin piedad de una sociedad sujeta y oprimida con el apoyo y consentimiento de otros imperios que se consideran democráticos a si mísmos.
Y así en Latino America surgen dictaduras militares de toda pésima condición como las de:
Bolivia - Hugo Banzer 1971/78
Uruguay - 1973 / 1984
Paraguay - Alfredo Stroessner 1954 /1989
Peru - Juan Velasco Alvarado 1968 / 1975
Además de Panamá, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba y algunas Naciones más que se sumaron a la represión y aniquilamiento del oponente.
Las dictaduras en Africa continuaron como si nada hubiera ocurrido, y lo peor fué que las antiguas colonias manejadas por paises europeos pasaron a ser dictaduras militares orquestadas por los mismos paises occidentales con intereses económicos o militares en la zona.
Asia fué campo de exterminio sistemático de poblaciones enteras de civiles que pasaron a engrosar los anales del exterminio o el genocidio.
En Camboya y otras Naciones del Sureste Asiatico los coletazos dejados por la Guerra de Vietnam condujeron a la implantación de dictaduras aniquiladoras de su población en casi decenas de paises de esas latitudes.
En Camboya los jemeres rojos y el dictador Pol Pot, masacraron millón y medio de compatriotas.
Suma y sigue, Laos, Thailandia, Vietnam, Indonesia...y ya paro de contar pues la lista sería interminable.
Un movimiento libertario en Europa y America se tradujo en sufrimiento y aniquilación para millones de seres humanos en los años posteriores.
La generación que vivió esos años, entre los que me cuento, quedó absolutamente desencantada con cualquier movimiento similar de una índole u otra si no venía acompañado de una estabilidad económica que garantice trabajo, salud y libertad.
La crisis que empezó en el año 1973, llamada del petróleo de 1973 comenzó en agosto del mencionado año y afectó a paises de Europa Occidental y los Estados Unidos que fueron castigados por la OPEP por su apoyo a Isral en su guerra del Yom Kipur, extendiendose luego a prácticamente todo el planeta.
El aumento del precio unido a la gran dependencia que tenía el mundo industrializado del petróleo, provocó un fuerte efecto inflacionista y una reducción de la actividad económica a nivel global.
Movimientos libertarios de finales de los sesenta vieron frustradas sus aspiraciones ante las crisis sucesivas a los años setenta, y la represión
a escala mundial fué el punto y seguido cotidiano.
Libertad y Crisis económica no suelen estar acompañados, veanse los momentos actuales, asi que habría que esperar a finales de los ochenta cuando a otros niveles de conveniencia política y ecónomica en distintas estamento de poder, el Muro de Berlín fué derribado.
Pero esos sucesos constituyen otra historia.
el gatufo
zoEl gol
It is summer of 1968, Cuca has taken her holidays has, made her exam at the Bank and now she wants to study the second test to get the goal of bein official at the Banco Hispano Americano.
She has aproved the first test that seems the most difficult and now she needs to memorize a lot of themes relative to the Bank´s commercial administration,
It will be necessary for her to study two or three hours by day all the commercial subjets necessary to be in one of the Bank different sites, like cash, foreign exchange, commercial credits of import and export, contability, and so forth till October, that will be the second test.
Jose Luis her boy friend has failed his exam and for him is very frustrating to see his girl friend studing so many hours, he wants to go out and day after day is telling Cuca he wants to walk, to go to the theatre, to the swiming pool or to the park. It is so boring for him to be indoors looking at her studing. Cuca is thinking that this boy doesn´t understand she has to study, to study very hard as she wants to pass her exam.
It is tiresom for her to be fighting with a frustrated boy that have not past his exam and finaly she decided to be in doors that summer studing hard every day.
Emiliano is doing the same, every evening of this summer he is studing the same exam than her, even he is thinking about Cuca, has her past the exam or not?. He knows nothing about the girl as he is still not working in the Bank and he doesn´t know anybody who could tell him about the girl.
At the morning Emiliano goes to the office where he is doing his service in the army looking to the end of his time in the Spanish Army Forces that will be next December if all goes the right way to him.
Summer in Madrid use to be very hot, no body goes to the streets if it is not necessary till seven p.m., or even later, as the sun burns. It is better to have a nap indoors after lunch and await till late to go for a walk.
it is a month that take a big effort to study so many items that soon, once next exam in October will be over, shall be forgotten by the majority of these candidates.
Some of the army officials that are working in the S.S. are taken their holidays, so Emiliano has in mind to ask for fifteen days of liberty to be with his sister in the mountains near Madrid. He has the idea that the colonel could give him these days if there is a good reason for that. To loof after his sister in her holidays could be a good reason for this official and surprisedly it happens and he has fifteen days of holidays to rest in the mountains close to Madrid but also to study full day the Bank´s themes.
Nice holidays indeed, he has lot of ideas inside his mind without beind aware that none of them will be accomplish in future.
Softly the summer is going on and October will be soon ahead anouncing some changes in the life of Cuca and Emiliano.
Autumn is the best season in Madrid, hot is finished and people likes to walk through Retiro´s Park where there is a sinfony of colours every where. It is a nice place to take a seat in the middle of the park and start to read one again the themes it is necessary to remember for at least another week, just enough to take the exam and be free to forget whic ever subject you don´t need to remember.
It is not going to happens that Cuca and Emiliano meet each other in the exam, too many candidates have passed first exam and it will be a good chance for them to meet each other doing their exams.
The results will be in November and finishing the proof Cuca and Emiliano were happy of doing a good test.
to be continued........
martes, 28 de enero de 2014
프라하의 봄은
학생들은 세 문화의 광장, 멕시코 DF 1968 년 recogida
- 1968년 10월 2일에서 세 문화의 틀 라텔 롤코 광장 또는 약 50,000 학생들이 recogida 있습니다. 하지만 그들은 매복 공격했지만이 때문에 모든 수렴 거리의, 군대의 힘은 광장 주변, 등장. 플레어가 발생합니다 ... 그리고 살인이 시작되었다.
- 즉, 지금 우리의주의를 점유에서 1968 경축되었다 1968 멕시코 올림픽 비극적 인 프라하의 봄이 일어난 몇 달 전에, 베트남 전쟁의 최악의 일을 살고있다 :하지만, 국제적인 우려를 증가했다.
- 소련 탱크 파리에서 체코의 수도로 압연 할 때, 학생들이 (잘 알려진 프랑스어 월 68) 증가했다, 남아프리카 공화국의 인종 차별주의의 절정에 도달하고, 멕시코에 걸쳐 가난한 경제 상황의 강한 내부 불안정성의 결과였다.
- 그 해 8 월 27 일, 20 만 명 이상의 학생들이 시내 멕시코 시티를 행진하고, 소칼로, 멕시코 시티의 메인 광장 안으로 정착했다. 다음날, 경찰은 반란을 억제.
- 멕시코는 올림픽 게임의 다음 무대를위한 완벽한 도시이고 연방 정부의 내부 정책에 불일치뿐만 아니라 보여 좋은 광고의 초점이되고 있지만, 전반적으로 불안정. 그러나 멕시코의 정부는 어떤 특별한 일의 반란 정확하게 초점이 기꺼이하지 않았다.
- 폭동은 이어, 9 월에 정부는 학생들의 부상 수십 생산 캠퍼스를 차지하기 위해 군대를 보냈다. 자,이 억압에서,이 죽음이 수십 있었다면 이야기가, 그리고 그 경찰이 세계에 증거를 숨기기 위해 불었다. 전 세계에서 온 참가자가 자본에 오는 동안 정지, 항의, 증가 증가 속도로 계속했다.
+ + + + + +
1968은 .... 프라하
프라하의 봄은
1968 년에 나는 체코 슬로바키아 공산당 알렉산더 Dubcek의 대통령으로 선출되었다. 이 대통령은 북한 정권을 민주화하는 의도를 공개, 언론의 자유와 비 공산주의 정치 organizaciones의 릴리스의 선포로 작용했다. 새 정부의 라인은 열정적으로 체코 인구에 의해 환영을 받았다. 자유의 바람이 관료 독재에 대해 유럽과 동유럽에있는 소련의 개입에 대해, 전국 소련 제어 비판 호의를 보였다. Dubcek 그의 급진적이고 독재 끝을 방지, 새로운 방향 공산주의를 제공하기위한 것 무슨.
그것은 그 어떤 유적 사회 운동과 학생이 세상을 바꿀 것 같았다?.에서 어떤 년
이상이 표면에 가까웠 운동이 평화 주의자 있었
다수의 , 인류가 영원히 바꿀 것. 것처럼 보 였죠
.? 무슨 일이 있었는지, 다음과
위치를 차지하는 것을 그들은 숨을 곳 음송하는 평화 주의자, 이상 주의자, buenistas?, 국가의 비서?, NATO의 비서?, 군인을 동원 다른 군인?.
베트남 전쟁이 마지막으로 했습니까?.
그 년의 사십육년 후 1,969분의 1,968 모든 보이는
동일하거나 더 나쁜.
경로가 유럽과 세계의 나머지 황폐 황폐 한, 새로운 전쟁입니다.
+ + + + + +
이제와 영원히
인권 단체의 배려에 "현재"위반, 수천명의 사람들이 구호 "우리는 찾을거야"에 동원되었다.
I이 농도 리베라 잭슨 호출 될 때, 비는 몬테비데오에 떨어지는 중지. 분
에 열일곱 번째 시간, 수천의 사람들이 부에노스 아이레스 Zelmar Michelini, 헥터 루이즈 구티에레스, 로사리오
Barredo 윌리엄 이틀에 살해 기억 날짜에, 플라자 리베르 타드에 7월 18일 길을 통해 자동으로 행진했다. gatufo
Students gathered in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, MEXICO DF 1968
- On October 2, 1968, in Tlatelolco Plaza of the Three Cultures or are nearly 50,000 students gathered . But they did but they ambushed because of all the converging streets, army forces appeared, surrounding the square. A flare is fired ... and the killing began.
- In that now occupies our attention, 1968, was celebrated the 1968 Mexico Olympics , but was growing international concern: is living the worst days of the Vietnam War , just months before the tragic Prague Spring had happened.
- When Soviet tanks rolled into the Czech capital , in Paris, students had risen (the well-known French May 68), racism in South Africa reached its peak, and Mexico was a strong internal instability result of poor economic conditions spanning .
- On August 27 of that year, more than 200,000 students marched through downtown Mexico City , and settled in the Zocalo, the central square of Mexico City. The next day, the police suppressed the revolt.
- Mexico was the ideal city for its next staging of the Olympic Games and become a good advertising focus to show the disagreement not only with the internal policy of the federal government, but with the global instability. But Mexico and its government was not willing to become a focus of revolts precisely some special days.
- The riots followed, and in September the government sent the army to occupy the Campus producing dozens of injuries among students. Now, in this repression, there was talk that there had been dozens of deaths, and that police had burned to hide the evidence to the world. Still, the protests continued at an increasing rate, while participants from all over the world were coming to the capital.
Prague Spring
in 1968 he was elected president of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Alexander Dubcek. This president took action as the proclamation of the freedom of the press and release of non-communist political organizations, revealing their intentions to democratize the regime. The new government line was enthusiastically welcomed by the Czech population. The winds of freedom favored criticism of Soviet control over the country, against the bureaucratic dictatorship and against Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe. What Dubcek was intended to give a new orientation communism, avoiding his radical and dictatorial
It remains something of that year in which social and student movements seemed going to change the world?.
ideals were close to the surface, the movements pacifists were
multitudinous, humanity looked like was going to change forever.
And then, what happened?.
pacifists, idealists, buenistas to intone where they hid, that positions occupied?, secretaries of state?, secretaries of NATO?, soldiers who mobilized other soldiers?.
Did the Vietnam War was the last?.
After forty-six years of those years 1968/1969 everything looks
the same or worse.
The path is bleak, new wars ravaged Europe and the rest of the world.
+ + + + + +
Now and forever
Thousands of people were mobilized under the slogan "We're going to
find"; attentive to "actual" violations of human rights organizations.
When he was called concentration Rivera and Jackson, the rain stopped falling on Montevideo. Minutes
after, and seventeenth time, thousands of people marched silently
through July 18th Avenue to Plaza Libertad, on the date that the
killings in Buenos Aires Zelmar Michelini, Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz,
Rosario Barredo and William remembered Whitelaw.the gatufo
Estudiantes reunidos en la Plaza de las Tres Culturas, MEXICO D.F. 1968
- El 2 de Octubre de 1968, en la Plaza de Tlatelolco o de las Tres Culturas se congregaron casi 50.000 estudiantes. Pero no hicieron sino caer en una emboscada, pues de todas las calles convergentes, aparecieron las fuerzas del ejército, rodeando la plaza. Se disparó una bengala… y la matanza comenzó.
- En el año que hoy ocupa nuestra atención, 1968, se celebraba la Olimpiada de México 1968, pero la inquietud internacional iba en aumento: se vivían los peores momentos de la Guerra de Vietnam, pocos meses antes había ocurrido la trágica Primavera de Praga.
- Cuando los tanques soviéticos entraron en la capital checa; en París, los estudiantes se habían levantado (el conocidísimo Mayo del 68 francés), el racismo en Sudáfrica alcanzaba su apogeo, y México vivía una fuerte inestabilidad interna producto de las malas condiciones económicas que atravesaban.
- El 27 de agosto de aquel año, más de 200.000 estudiantes marchaban por el centro de Ciudad de México, y se instalaron en el Zócalo, una plaza central del Distrito Federal. Al día siguiente, la policía local reprimió la revuelta.
- México era la ciudad ideal, por su próxima organización de los Juegos Olímpicos y convertirse así en un buen foco publicitario, para mostrar los desacuerdos, no sólo con la política interna del gobierno federal, sino con la inestabilidad mundial. Pero México y su Gobierno no estaba dispuesto a convertirse en un foco de revueltas precisamente en unas fechas tan señaladas.
- Las revueltas se sucedieron, y en Septiembre, el gobierno mandó al ejército ocupar el Campus Universitario
produciendo decenas de heridos entre los estudiantes. Ya, en esa
represión, se habló de que había habido decenas de muertos, y que la
policía los había incinerado para ocultar las pruebas al Mundo. Aún así,
las protestas continuaban a ritmo creciente, mientras los participantes
de todos los países del mundo iban llegando a la capital.
Primavera de Praga
En 1968 fue elegido primer mandatario del partido comunista checoslovaco Alexander Dubcek. Este mandatario tomó medidas como la proclamación de la libertad de prensa y la autorización de organizaciones políticas no comunistas, poniendo de manifiesto sus intenciones de democratización del régimen. La nueva línea del gobierno fue acogida con entusiasmo por la población checa. Los vientos de libertad favorecían las críticas contra el control soviético sobre el país, contra la dictadura burocrática y contra la intervención soviética en los países del Este. Lo que Dubcek pretendía era dar al comunismo una nueva orientación, evitando sus extremos radicales y dictatoriales.
Nos queda algo de aquel año en que los movimientos sociales y estudiantiles parecieron iban a cambiar el mundo?.
Los ideales estaban a flor de piel, los movimientos pacifistas eran
multitudinarios, la humanidad parecia iba a cambiar para siempre.
Y despues, que ha sucedido?.
Los pacifistas, idealistas, buenistas de entones donde se escondieron, que puestos ocuparon?, secretarios de Estado?, secretarios de la Otán?, soldados que movilizaron otros soldados?.
Acaso la Guerra de Vietnam fué la última?.
Tras cuarenta y seis años de aquellos años 1968 / 1969 todo parece
igual o peor.
El camino recorrido es desolador, nuevas guerras asolaron Europa y todo el resto del mundo.
Ahora y siempre
Miles de personas se
movilizaron bajo la consigna “Los vamos a encontrar”; organizaciones
atentas a violaciones “actuales” de los derechos humanos.
la hora que estaba convocada la concentración en Rivera y Jackson, la
lluvia dejó de caer sobre Montevideo. Minutos después, y por
décimoséptima vez, miles de personas marcharon en silencio por la
avenida 18 de julio hasta la Plaza Libertad, en la fecha en la que se
recuerdan los asesinatos en Buenos Aires de Zelmar Michelini, Héctor
Gutiérrez Ruiz, Rosario Barredo y William Whitelaw.el gatufo
MAY 1968
What these young people, Cuca and Emiliano, were doing on may 1968 while Paris street´s were burning?.
Nothing similar to that, Spain was out of that movements because the dictatoship was absolutely strong an police were in the Complutense University were the students were the only democratic force at the moment.
Cuca have taken her holidays at the work and she has gone to a city in the Malaga´s coast, Torreblanca it is the name of the beach little city and Cuca is in a little hotel with her mather for the first fifteen days of May.
She wants to relax from everything, and the best form of be relaxed it is to go to the beach.
Cuca talked with Emiliano some other days after their talk in April, and she is feeling that with this boy she is pleased, she likes to be with him and touch different subjects that with her boyfriend it is not possible.
A nice conversation is one of the things in life she likes more, and being with this boy it is easy, he is a good listener and carrys the conversation the way she likes.
Cuca has been thinking a lot after the day both of them were alone in the class room. She thinks Emiliano has a girl friend waiting for him when he is coming home just because he seems to be in a hurry when they go out from the Institute. Now the four youngs are not going walking to her house any more, Emiliano says till tomorrow and disapear immediately from the class room.
Now that she is going to the beach, emiliano has said to her that is not a prudent actitude to go to the beach now if she wants to pass her exam in the bank.
But she needs the beach, so here is she with her mother going to take Sun´s baths every day close near the sea side.
While she is in Torreblanca, the world out Spain seems to burst, in France and other countries of Europe strikes and students fights were the rule day after day, France was stoped by so many strikes and the police hits thousand o people that was in the streets of Paris and other France big cities, but these news does not come where Cuca is resting.
By the contrary Emiliano is up to all these news, working as a soldier who has to write events of this nature, he has a lot of work. News come to Spain every moment and the dictatorship was alert, Secret Service where there was the soldier Emiliano was taking notes of everything, listening to the police radio stations (this was another work to the soldier Emiliano) and having all the police agents inside the universities of Madrid and other Spanish capitals.
In the Spanish country it seems that nothing was happening, dictatorship try to no inform about these events, and the Spanish life was going on waiting for summer, holidays, beaches, swiming pools and easy life, nevertheless the world was changing very fast outside the border of this country.
At the end the De Gaulle have to convocate elections in France that he lost, and things in France for its people start to be different.
In Spain there are persons that wants a change, but nothing hapens and life seems to be the same as before May 1968.
Cuca has returned from her holidays and the exams in the Bank were ahead to be done in June.
The lessons in the Jorge Juan Institute were finishing and the girl and the boy Emiliano sead each other "be lucky" I hope to see you after the exams having good news at that moment.
Emiliano is alone again, without talking with this girl he likes so much but his head is thinking in Canada, where soon he thinks could be working after less than two years. His future life was ahead in this cold country where he wants to go, out his country, out from the dictatorship he dislike so much, out some other rules in the Spanish societe of that time he also dislike.
Cuca is with Jose Luis, not very sure about her future and what is she going to do with the problem she had. She didn´t love this boy but it is difficult to say him go, I don´t like you any more, what to do?. Just wait some time to no hurt him?. In fact she doesn´t think in Emiliano as for her this boy has to be dating another girl as he never has told her loving words or he hadn´t do nothing in the way of dating her. For her Emiliano is a very nice young boy, serious and very good talking and listener, she felt at his side incredible good but what can she do about the subject?, nothing.
She is a serious girl that have already a boyfriend and being dating with him it is inimaginable to date another boy, Emiliano or which ever one who wanted to date her, that´s certain in her mid while she is with Jose Luis. She has felt herself very confortable talking with the boy, Emiliano, that she is not going to see more as they never has done anything inappropriate. Good for him and for her, their friendship has ben clear and absolutely fair, that´s good and gives her a nice feeling to think about it.
to be continued....
el gatufo
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