Datos personales

Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

내 노래가 백보다 더욱하지만


내 노래가 백보다 더욱하지만, 내가 듣기 피곤하지 못했지만 특별한 사람이 항상있다, 열한 다시.

그들 중 일부는 다음이 있습니다.

을 즐기세요, 당신은 유튜브에 노래가있다.

사이먼과 가펑클 - 복서 가사

난 그냥 가난한 소년입니다
비록 내 이야기의 거의 얘기하지
내 저항을 낭비했다
그러한 약속입니다 멈블의 전체 주머니를 들어
모든 거짓말과 jests
아직도 사람이 내가 듣고 싶은 것을 듣는다
그리고 나머지 부분을 무시하고

내 집과 내 가족을 떠날 때
나는 소년보다 더 없었다
낯선 사람의 회사에서
무서워 기차역 실행의 조용한에서
가난한 분기 추구, 낮은 누워
비정형 백성을
그들 만이 알 것이다 장소를 찾고

... 라 거짓말을 거짓말

만 요구 노동자의 임금
나는 일을 찾고 와서
하지만 서비스 정보를 얻을
그냥 와서 온 일곱 번째 번가의 창녀에서
내가 이렇게 외로운 때 타임즈가, 선포
내가 거기에 약간의 위안을했다

라 거짓말을 거짓말 ...

그럼 '내 겨울 옷을 누워 있어요
그리고 내가 사라졌다하고자하는
뉴욕시의 겨울은 나 출혈 있지 않습니까 경우
나 출혈, 집에가는

비운 것은 권투 선수 서
자신의 무역에 의해 전투기를
그리고 미리 알림 수행
EV의를 ' 즉, 장갑, 공예가 그 아래 누워
아니면 내가 부르짖까지 그를 잘라
자신의 분노와 자신의 수치에서
"나는 떠나고, 나는 떠납니다"
그러나 전투기는 여전히 남아 

Simon And Garfunkel – The Boxer Lyrics

I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest

When I left my home and my family
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station running scared
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
Where the ragged people go
Looking for the places only they would know

Lie la lie ...

Asking only workman's wages
I come looking for a job
But I get no offers,
Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue
I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there

Lie la lie ...

Then I'm laying out my winter clothes
And wishing I was gone
Going home
Where the New York City winters aren't bleeding me
Bleeding me, going home

In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of ev'ry glove that layed him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains

Lie la lie .

거짓말을 거짓말 ...
 아침은 "고장이

첫 번째 아침처럼 아침, 파손 된
블랙 버드는 첫 번째 조류처럼 말씀
아침의 노래, 찬양 찬양
세계에서 생겨나 신선한 찬양

하늘에서 햇볕에 쬐인, 달콤한 비의 새로운 가을
처음에, 처음 이슬 맺힘이 마음에 드 셨나요 잔디
젖은 정원의 단맛에 대한 칭찬
그의 발을 통과 완성도 꼬셔

내 내 아침입니다, 햇빛입니다
에덴 한 빛으로 태어난 재생 보았다
매일 아침 상쾌, 칭찬과 찬양을
새로운 하루의 하나님의 레크리에이션 
 Morning Has Broken"

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the world

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day 



당신이 외로워 할 때 당신은 무엇을 할 거 야
그리고 아무도 당신의 옆에 기다리고있어?
당신은 실행하고 너무 오래 숨어 있었어요.
당신이 당신의 어리석은 자부심 알아.

레일라, 당신은 내 무릎에 저를 가지고있다.
레일라, 내가 부탁 해요, 사랑하시기 바랍니다.
레일라, 사랑은 내 걱정 마음을 쉽게되지 않습니다.

난 당신이 위안을 제공하기 위해 노력
이전 사람이 당신을 실망했을 때.
, 바보 같이, 나는 당신과 사랑에 빠진
살이 내 온 세상이 거꾸로.

레일라, 당신은 내 무릎에 나를 있어요.
레일라, 나는 사랑하시기 바랍니다., 부탁 해요
레일라, 달링 당신이 내 걱정 마음을 쉽게되지 않습니다.

의 상황의 최고를 만들어 보자
마침내 불러줘 .
내가 방법을 찾을 수 없을거야 말을하지 마세요
헛된 그리고 내 사랑의 모든 말해.

레일라, 당신은 나의 무릎에 저를 가지고있다.
레일라, 나는, 사랑하십시오 드려요.
레일라, 사랑은 그렇지 않습니다 내 걱정 마음을 쉽게.

레일라, 당신은 내 무릎에 저를 가지고있다.
레일라, 나는 구걸 해요, 사랑하시기 바랍니다.
레일라, 사랑은 내 걱정 마음을 쉽게되지 않습니다. 

What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long.
You know it's just your foolish pride.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

I tried to give you consolation
When your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside down.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

Let's make the best of the situation
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say I'll never find a way
And tell me all my love's in vain.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

+ + + + + + + + + +

즉 ' 모든 오늘이야, 곧 또 다른 내 최고의 노래 모음도.


viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014


Those could be identified as current sapatras are not directly elected by the king, no, it is possible that the post will win by very restricted, difficult, corporate competitions, which very few have access, and once approved and obtained the post life enables them to make any decisions deemed appropriate by the position they hold.

Nobody can doubt his decisions, and even bend the power that the politicians in power are awarded citizens by supposedly democratic free elections.

's satraps were elected directly by King, usually between members of the nobility. 
was exercised judicial and administrative power, collected taxes, were in charge of public order and to recruit and retain military. The Emperor himself was responsible for the supervision and control to prevent exceed their duties.

Administration through satrapies and the title of satrap itself were preserved, even for officials Greek Macedonians, Alexander the Great, who conquered the Persian Empire and even expanded, and their successors, the Diadochi (and their dynasties) who divided it, especially in the Selucida Empire, where the satrap was generally designated as strategos;., but their provinces were much smaller than those that kept the Persians

+ + + + +

To satiety hear repeated phrase that all or almost all the extras on duty, women and men repeat when asked. 
Both consumers and say "respect judicial decisions," so it goes until the next time you are repeating the same.

And why?. 
's equate to a Similar category to which the Pope was granted once?. Decide and resolve ex cathedra the truth always on their side?.

No doubt his honesty, of course, as would not doubt the honesty of anyone and even proving otherwise. 
I no longer trust anything or anyone. And if I stick to this rule, which is mine, I do not trust that their judgment is infallible or always consistent with what we understand to be right, not the law.
laws sometimes they are incorrect or ethical, or even honest, this proven and known that the laws have adapted to the course of history, wars, tyrants in power and political expediency, and now that they do not have to be.
Or is that someone is so naive to think that the law is immutable, always be honest, fair and equitable, that have never covered the tyrants, the absolutist kings, gentlemen, finally to power?.
law is correct that executes him with capital punishment on a prisoner after twenty years of being in death row?.
's more correct law that sets free consummate murderers after even fewer years of being in prison?.

they are current examples, different countries, different criteria to legislate or judge, but these present times.
's right here it is right there?, is ethical to condemn to death and execute an inmate in Europe?, and in USA.
satraps Come gentlemen on duty was not have truth and justice on hand, never have had it done, and therefore I have, have, have to respect judicial decisions?, you do not have to abide by when resources fail only and exclusively ABIDE not respect of what we mean respect for an ethical, honest and correct action. No, that you do not have respect for me, keep my approach consistent with my conscience free man who respect the true justice that dictate ethics, honesty, sense of duty, compassion, charity, solidarity, respect for life, and all the virtues that make the human being a unique specimen, but also what denigrates when none of these ethical standards are met by.

therefore I do not trust that the laws are fair, depends on where and when to apply. 
depends on the human judgment subject to many errors if not the future of the social, political and economic history of the country.

Here in Europe, and in Spain, the feeling that new "satraps" decide almost everything, any bill that I made, in Parliament or by the Government, is trapped in the hands of justice, or of the judges is the same, all at the whim of the opponent turn.  
A draft leya that does not respect life, or if the respects, is challenged and the satraps are the ones who decide. You should go to file and decides whether the satrap going by car, foot, helicopter or as I please get, no, you decide to go you have to walk to be chillen me or throw tomatoes. If it were me dentenido lead police on cell car, but if this "free" will testify as I please, sir, and I think I attended law to do so.

And everything starts to be the same, these modern satraps are that "ultimately" decide on life or freedom "to anyone who has the misfortune to get in his hands.

Constitucinal What I Wear, I take it to the Supreme, took him to the Court of Human Rights, we carry .... .. wherever, provided legislative INITIATIVES stop or projects to solve the problems facing our society.
That it is the mantra of any politician who does not like what his opponent in the government, all the same, recourse to the supreme power of the satraps of turn.

exists overspending in any public or private institution, is about giving rules (right or wrong) to understand who has the power to take them Democr ..... and stop, takes the Supreme, the Police Court, the Prosecutor, the Judge on duty, but those standards are sine die, stalled indefinitely.

these measures by the judge, supreme, constitutional, or whoever were rejected ..... . everything falls apart, and we are back worse than before it is solved or not solved anything. 
sinks, close, stop action, some happy (for a short time sometimes) and others feeling frustrated unable to do anything.

Whatever your take whatever the Supreme or Constitutional, and you'll see. derrogo If that is not good for your laws and put mine instead.

You'll find out when I send. ...... and so once, and another, and another.
And the courts, the judges, the courts enter the cloth whenever they are dating or were carrying a cause for their opinion.

're new satraps of this sociendad in which I no longer understand anything.

And I am asked to respect the "judgments" do like them, apparently sent by shifts?.

going to be no, because I do not have use that phrase because some of their resolutions do not like, and that way I do not have to respect them because in my opinion do not affect me personally or in the sense that I understand as fair.

This is a review, which currently I temos a right to express it, but not for how long.

's gatufo


Nobody knows what happens with music. The sounds has been always together to the humans, may be by wooden drums, skin drums, wind spelled by our lips or through some little wooden tube, or even touching the cords made with the skin of some animal.

Two of the songs I like more and I will love for ever are from
1977, one of them is "Hotel California" of Eagles and the other
is "Dust in the Wind" of Kansas. Both of the songs are famous and
listening to them I could remember my youth, the time when my little
daughter Laura was born. Another time, another life, moments have
passed but reminds inside my mind and soul.

Music are sticked to the soul of people and have some kind of magic
that can not been explained for anybody, that is what I think about
the feelings all kind of good music awake in our mind, souls, and life.


These are two of my songs.

"Hotel California"

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain,
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine"
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

Writer(s): Glenn Lewis Frey, Don Felder, Don Henley


Dust in the Wind

I close my eyes
Only for a moment and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes with curiosity

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind

Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

(Aa aa aa)
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Oh, ho, ho

Now don't hang on
Nothin' lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
(All we are is dust in the wind)

Dust in the wind
(Everything is dust in the wind)
Everything is dust in the wind
(In the wind)


Livgren, Kerry A

These songs are like a piece of my life, they have been always at hand to listen them as much as possible.

It is easy to have them in YouTube sp it is not necessary to have here the

el gatufo

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

꿈을 꾸고 깨어 크리스마스 CUCA emiliano´s story

그는 집에가는 동안 에밀리가 오후에 무슨 일이 있었는지, 꿈, 나는 확실히, 진짜입니다, 자신을 물어? 나는 꿈을 꾸고 있지 않다? 나는 그녀의 내일을 볼 것입니까? 어떻게? 아무도 아카데미 되었나요? 왜? 나는이 순간이 집에 자신의 어머니와 자매와 상담까지 그의 마음에 질문을 수십이었다.
아무것도 내가 가지고있는 유일한 사실은 그들은 서로를 볼하려고하는 생각으로의 기쁨을 것이 좋은 여자 마리아 호세을 볼 것입니다, 지금 어떤 아이디어의 중요성이 없습니다.
신경은 에밀리가 무엇을 생각하고 신경, Cuca 함께 가야하고, 어떤 내일이 발생하는 것입니다.
그렇지 않으면 그는 그녀와 함께 있었다 "그녀가 부적절한 소년의 무료입니다"는 조언없이, 갑자기, 그녀에게 그 방법을 충족하기 위해 그렇게 믿을 수, 행복, 심지어 가장 좋은 것입니다. 
이것은 오늘날의 놀라운 꿈, 무료 땅은 도보로 이야기하는, 이제까지 그들이 좋아 배치하는 이동하고, 매 순간 그녀를보고 사랑을 자신의 감정 무료 수 있도록 함께합니다. 
이제 그는 내가 교실에서 그녀를 처음 본 순간부터 그냥 사랑하고 그녀가 "당신은 새로운 당신은되지 않습니다?, 내가 가지고", 그에게 말했다 내가 네 내 두 번째이다 "고 말했다 에밀리아 Cuca에 분명하다 여기에 하루. " 
그는 집에가는대로 나에게 무슨 일이 있었는지입니다 첫눈에 사랑, 에밀리아 생각입니다. 그 후, 혼자 자신의 침대 생각에 난 아카데미에서 혼자 그녀를 찾아, 오늘의 소녀와 모든 상황에서 다음과 같습니다. 다 른 사람이었다 축제와 무슨 일이 있었는지?, 그녀와 나 단독 건물이 아니라 사람 그 안에?, 그것은 Cuca의 실수 나 잔치가 있었다? 생각하고 거기에, 그것은 확실히 것입니다 축제는 또 다른 날이 될 것입니다,하지만 난 그녀, 내가 찾고 있던 것을 발견 한, 더 이상 걱정하지 않는다. 
내가 그녀를 본 적이 마리아 호세는 그 그를 이해할 수있는 명확한 그녀에게 밖으로 자신의 감정, 있었 허용하지 않고 자신의 마음과 생각에 항상 된 것은 이번이 처음 이후 거의 일년이다. 지금은 모든것을, 다른 기적 - 한 수행하고 그를 기다리고, 그의 손에 보물, 그래서 자신의 감정이 마침내 밖에 그리고이 소년의 꿈과 같다.


그 놀라운 좋은 아름다운 소녀 - 한 옛 친구는 서로를 볼 수없는 것을 오랜 시간이처럼 가까이 다가 앉아, 그와 함께 모든 저녁을 말하기. 에어 그들은 거의 두 시간 동안 얘기를했을 때이 작은 하우스 티 안쪽을 둘러싸고있는 분위기에서 마법이었다. 그 녀는 그들은 함께있을 때 세상을 어떻게 보이는지 놀라운, 난 마리아 호세 옆 기분을 편안하게, 얼마나 믿을 수없는 좋은, 그것은 기적을 사랑하는 것이 분명하다 그리고 요 그는 내가 너무 좋아하는 여자와 함께있을 때이 의심 소년, 재미 재미, 건강한 감사합니다. 난 그냥 시간이 초마다 순간을 즐기는 그녀의 얼굴을보고 여자라고 모든 단어를 듣고 간다하자, 아무것도 생각하지 않습니다. 그것은 사랑인가? 예, 그것은 그를 위해 다른대로 비압축성 생각해야합니다. 나는 긴 시간 이후 사랑에 빠졌어요하지만 지금은 자신의 감정에 복종없이 모든 종류의 더 많은입니다.
인생은 다시 은행 1 월의 둘째 날을 반환하는 생각이 옆에 멀리 자신의 생각에서입니다 이제이 소년 너무 아름다운 것 같다. 오늘은 12 월 스물, 그래서 그 사람이 일하는 육군 서비스에서 무료로 다시 전에 마리아 호세 함께 몇 가지 일이있다. 그 것은, 나는 그들이 자신의 생명와 마찬가지로 지금까지 일을 할 수있는, 이상, 그리고 지금 내가 무엇을해야하는 마리아 호세와되고 그녀와 무엇을 해치지 않는, 그녀가 부담해야하고 그 소년과 함께 그녀를 파괴 한 후 자신을 편안 원 에밀리아는 Cuca 당신의 호의에 그녀의 마음을 바꿀 제공하기 위해 충분한 시간을 그녀를 누르지 마십시오. 그녀는 조금씩 당신을 사랑하자이 분별있는 여자와 너무 빨리 가지 마세요.

에밀리는 크리스마스 다음 일에 좋은 놀라운 hopes 에 잠이 자신의 삶의 변화에​​ 대한 생각.
계속하려면 ....

el gatufo

DREAMING AWAKE cuca/emiliano´s story

Emiliano is dreaming while he is going home, what has happened this afternoon, he ask himself, is it real, sure? I am not dreaming? I am going to see her tomorrow? How? Nobody was in the academy? Why? Dozens of questions were in his mind till the moment he is at home and talk with his mother and sisters.
Nothing has any importance now, only the fact he is going to see this nice girl Maria José that seems pleases with the thought they are going to see each other.
Nerves, Emiliano is nerves thinking what to do, were to go with Cuca, and what is going to happens tomorrow.
Otherwise he is happy, it is so incredible to meet her that way, suddenly, without advise, and what is even the best “she is free of that inappropriate boy” that was with her. 
This is the incredible dream of today, free land to be together, to walk, to talk, to go which ever place they like, and to let his feelings free to see and love her every moment. 
Now it is clear to Emiliano he loves Cuca just from the first moment he saw her in the class room and she said to him, “he, are you new, aren´t you?” and he said, “yes it is my second day here”. 

Love at first sight that is what happened to me, is thinking Emiliano as he is going home. Afterward, alone in his bed he follows thinking in the girl and all the circumstances of today, finding her alone, in the academy. What has happened with the feast, where were the other people?, she and me alone in the building and not anybody inside it?, it was a mistake of Cuca and me to be there thinking there was a feast?, it is sure that feast will be another day, but I don´t care anymore, I have find what I was looking for, just her. 

It is nearly a year since the first time he has seen her and Maria Jose has been always in his heart and mind without allowing that his feelings to her were out, clear, understandable for him. Now everything is different, the miracle has been done and the treasure it is at his hand, waiting for him, so his feelings are outside at last and it is like a dream for this boy.

 That incredible nice beautiful girl has been talking with him all the evening, sitting close to him like old friends that have a long time they have not seen each other. 

Air was magic in the atmosphere that surrounds them inside this little house tee when they were for nearly two hours talking. How incredible nice she is, how relaxed he feels beside Maria Jose, how marvelous looks the world when they are together, it is clear that loves make miracles and this sceptic boy is funny, amusing, cheerful when he is with the girl he likes so much. 

He doesn´t think on anything, just let the time goes on enjoying the moment, every second, looking her face and listening to every word the girl says. Is it love? Yes, it must be as any other idea it is incompressible for him. He has fallen in love since a long time but now it is even more without any kind of subjection to his feelings.

Life seems so beautiful to this boy now that the idea of returning back to the bank the second day of next January it is far away from his thoughts. Today is twenty of December, so there is some days to be with Maria Jose before he is again at work free from the army service for ever. It is over, he could do which ever thing they like with his life, and now what he wants is being with Maria Jose and don´t spoil anything with her, she needs to feel herself free and relaxed after her breaking with that boy, don´t press her Emiliano, just give Cuca time enough to change her mind to your favor. Let her to love you little by little and don´t go too fast with this sensible girl.

Thinking about the changes of his life Emiliano fall asleep with nice marvelous expectative to the following days of Christmas.

To be continued….

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014


Los que podrimos identificar como sapatras actuales no son elegidos directamente por el rey, no, es posible que se ganen el puesto mediante oposiciones muy restringidas, difíciles, corporativas, a las que muy pocos tienen acceso, y que una vez aprobadas y obtenido el puesto vitalicio les faculta para tomar cualquier decisión que consideren adecuada por el cargo que ostentan.

Nadie puede dudar de sus decisiones, e incluso doblegan el poder que a los políticos de turno les otorgan los ciudadanos mediante elecciones libres supuestamente democráticas.

Los sátrapas eran elegidos directamente por el rey, generalmente entre miembros de la nobleza. 
Ejercían el poder judicial y administrativo, cobraban los impuestos , se encargaban del orden público y de reclutar y mantener el ejército. El propio Emperador se encargaba de su supervisión y control para evitar que se excedieran en sus funciones.

La administración por medio de satrapías y el título de sátrapa en sí fueron preservados, incluso para funcionarios greco-macedonios, por Alejandro Magno, quien conquistó el Imperio persa e incluso lo amplió, y por sus sucesores, los Diadocos (y sus dinastías) quienes lo dividieron, en especial en el Imperio Selucida, donde el sátrapa era generalmente designado como strategos; pero sus provincias eran mucho más pequeñas que las que mantenían los persas.

Hasta la saciedad escucho repetir una frase hecha que todos, o casi todos los figurantes de turno, mujeres y hombres repiten cuando se les pregunta. 
Unos y otras dicen "respetar las decisiones judiciales", suma y sigue hasta la siguiente ocasión que vuelven a repetir lo mísmo.

Y por que?. 
Los equiparamos a una categoria similar a la que antaño se otorgaba al Papa?. Deciden y resuelven ex-catedra con la verdad siempre de su parte?.

No dudo de su honestidad, por supuesto, como no dudaría de la honestidad de nadie e incluso demostrando lo contrario. 
Yo ya no me fío de nada ni de nadie. Y si me atengo a esa norma, que es la mía, yo no me fío de que su criterio sea infalible o siempre acorde con lo que entendemos pueda ser lo correcto, que no la ley.
Las leyes a veces no han sido correctas, ni éticas, ni tan siquiera honestas, esta demostrado y sabido que las leyes se han adaptado al devenir de la historia, de las guerras, de los tiranos de turno y la conveniencia política,  y ahora tampoco tienen por que serlo.
O es que alguien es tan ingenuo de pensar que la ley es inmutable, que siempre será honesta, justa y equitativa, que nunca han cubierto a los tiranos, a los reyes absolutistas, a los señores, en fín al poder?.
Es correcta la ley que ajusticia con la pena capital a un recluso despues de veinte años de permanecer en el corredor de la muerte?.
Es mas correcta la ley que pone en libertad a consumados asesinos despues de incluso menos años de estar en prision?.

Son ejemplos actuales, distintos paises, diferentes criterios para legislar o juzgar, pero los mismos tiempos actuales.
Es lo correcto aquí lo que es correcto allá?, es ético condenar a muerte y ajusticiar a un reo en Europa?, y en USA?.
Vamos señores sátrapas de turno, que no tienen la verdad ni la justicia en la mano, de hecho núnca la han tenido, y por tánto por que tengo, tenemos, que respetar las decisiones judiciales?, no se tienen que acatar cuando fallan los recursos, única y exclusivamente ACATAR que no respetar, de lo que entendemos respeto hacia una acción ética, correcta y honesta. No, ese respeto conmigo que no cuenten, seguiré mi criterio acorde con mi conciencia de hombre libre que respeta la auténtica justicia que dictan la ética, honestidad, sentido del deber, compasión, caridad, solidaridad, respeto hacia la vida, y todo las virtudes que hacen del ser humano un ejemplar único, pero que tambien lo denigran cuando ninguna de estas normas éticas son cumplidas por el.

Por lo tanto no me fío de que las leyes sean justas, depende de donde y cuando se apliquen. 
Depende del criterio humano sujeto a multitud de errores por no decir el devenir de la historia social, política y económica del país en cuestión.

Aquí en Europa, y en España, da la sensación que nuevos "satrapas" deciden ya casi todo, cualquier proyecto de ley que se dicte, en el Parlamento o por el Gobierno, queda atrapado en manos de la Justicia, o de los jueces que es lo mísmo, y todo a capricho del oponente de turno.  
Un proyecto de leya que no respeta la vida, o que si la respeta, es recusado y son los sátrapas los que deciden. Hay que ir a declarar y el sátrapa decide si voy en coche, andando, en helicoptero o como me apetezca llegar, no, que va el decide que tiene que ser a pie para que me chillen o me tiren tomates. Si estuviera dentenido me conduciría la policia en coche celular, pero si esto "LiBRE" voy a declarar como me de la gana, señor, y creo que me asiste derecho para hacerlo.

Y todo empieza a ser lo mísmo, estos sátrapas modernos son los que "en última instancia" deciden sobre la vida o libertad" de cualquiera que tiene la desgracia de ponerse en sus manos.

Lo llevo al Constitucinal, lo llevo al Supremo, lo llevo al Tribunal de Derechos Humanos, lo llevo a ......, donde sea, con tal de parar las inciativas legislativas o los proyectos para solucionar los problemas que sufre esta sociedad nuestra.
Esa es la cantinela de cualquier politico que no le guste lo que hace su oponente en el gobierno, todos igual, a recurrir al poder supremo de los sátrapas de turno.

Existe un exceso de gasto en cualquier institución pública o privada, se trata de dar unas normas (correctas o incorrectas) para quien entiende tiene potestad demócratica para tomarlas.....y se paran, se lleva al Supremo, al Juzgado de Guardia, al Fiscal, al Juez de guardia, pero esas normas quedan sine die, paralizadas por tiempo indefinido.

Se rechazan esas medidas por el juez, supremo, constitucional, o quien sea......todo se deshace, y volvemos a estar peor que al principio pues ya no se soluciona o se resuelve nada. 
Se hunde, se cierra, se detienen las medidas, unos contentos (por muy poco tiempo a veces) y otros frustados con la sensación de no poder hacer nada.

Todo lo que tu hagas lo llevo al Supremo, o al Constitucional, y ya verás. Si no es que derrogo por las buenas tus leyes y pongo las mías en su lugar.

Te vas a enterar cuando yo mande......., y así una vez, y otra, y otra más.
Y los juzgados, los jueces, los tribunales entran al trapo siempre que se les cita o se les lleva una causa para que se pronuncien.

Son los nuevos satrapas de esta sociendad en la que yo no entiendo ya nada de nada.

Y se me pide que respete las "resoluciones judiciales" igual que hacen ellos, los que aparentemente mandan por turnos?.

Va a ser que no, que yo no tengo porque utilizar esa frase ya que algunas de sus resoluciones no me gustan, y siendo así no tengo que respetarlas en mi criterio ya que no me afectan en lo personal o en el sentido que puedo entender como justo.

Todo esto es una opinión, que de momento creo temos algún derecho a expresarla, aunque no se por cuanto tiempo.   

el gatufo