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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015



After a year of traveling to Germany I have an idea about what could I saw or may impresions of this country, but specially about Berlin.
Two separated for decades by a wall trying to be today the capital of present-day Germany cities, because throughout history was one city state for centuries throughout its existence.

Only after the Second World War the city, Germany and the world was divided / do two  halves, separated the city, the rest of Germany, Europe and the world by a wall that still makes the difference of two cities very different now they are trying to be one, which was once the capital and two ways of understanding life, politics, and daily life.

One released, the other under a communist dictatorship that did not restore anything that Esquiline everything the war had not destroyed a regime that finally divided the city into a barrier trying to prevent the escape of tens, hundreds of thousands of Berliners who aspired to a different world than sobrellevaban in East Berlin. 

That barrier, that wall, guarded day and night by the army with orders to shoot to kill anyone who tried to cross, divided Germany for decades divided Berlin. 

He divided the world also that of the Cold War between the two blocs the communist and the capitalist West.

And if the differences are evident between those two cities called Berlin that show the contrasts between a way of understanding life and quite another.

Communism and Capitalism, both wild, but quite different.

The Germans, the inhabitants of Berlin today do not try to forget the past, do not forget the two Germanys items and divided by an absolute shower of bombs that devastated completely the old Berlin and the rest of the Germany ruled by a mad dictator, elected in democracy for his people blinded by promises of a mad murderer dreamer Mass.

It is not the only history is full of them, but this along with Stalin surpassed in cruelty and blind evil any statistics of genocide in history has been.

The German people want to preserve some remnants of the destruction and the past  is there, in sight, with buildings that are characteristic of the old communist world. 

Proletarians ugly story hives and hives luxurious alleged socialist mind hierarchy.

Solares, infirm ruins, abandoned factories, the remains of buildings that were bombed and that remain as reminders of what was the great destruction of a unique and huge city.

Personally my impression was puzzled at the big difference I have noticed between the two absolutely different cities that combine what is now the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

It is not a city, are two or probably more, and feel to observe the landscape, houses, small towns, or great, is that there are still two different worlds, two Germanys that struggle to unify their structures and different worlds and forged over decades of repression and injustice continued mentalities.


Visiting Dresden one observes that the ruin remains still, cranes everywhere, incredibly luxurious, baroque, beautiful buildings are next to lots where are built and restored architectural gems destroyed tens of thousands of tons of incendiary bombs that caused the total destruction of a jewel of Western culture and hundreds of thousands dead, burned, crushed by the massive, absurd, incomprehensible Allied aircraft pounded again and again a jewel and pride of the city historical culture of human bombardment.

The war was won against the Nazis and the bombing of Dresden was mercilessly destroying a unique city and killing most of its inhabitants.

And the funny or shocking was that during the First World War the city remained intact, with the end of  World War II when the coup was destructive and absurd. 

In February  1945 , just twelve weeks before the capitulation of Nazi Germany, Dresden was the subject of a series of bombings that triggered a  firestorm  that reduced to rubble the  historic center .

The Allied air raid on Dresden remains one of the most contentious and controversial episodes of the Second World War.

Df ps Fotothek 0000010 Blick vom Rathausturm.jpg

My journey has continued for other cities in Germany, but that's another story to tell in the next installment.

the gatufo

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