Today I am reading in the paper that the increase of Taxes (IVA) here in Spain affects to our best friends who humans may have at home, their pets.
The prices of veterinaries have increase so much that a lot of persons, old people mostly, can´t carry their pets to these professionals but also to buy the medicines for the animals have encreased a lot.
But not only veterinaries or medicines for the pets have increased, also pets food now it is now very expensive.
Too much expensive for people that have not enough even to buy food for themselves and retired people use to have pets and their money has decrease absolutely.
Last year more than 100.000 dogs have been taken off from their houses only in Spain and it is for sure that even more are going to be abandonee, what is evidently a tragedy for the pets and for their owners.
I can´t imagine doing that with Gatufo, I prefer to be hungry before doing such a thing, of course.
Also it is said that euthanasy of the pets has encrease just a lot, the same with poor cats (nearly 30.000), just because for some more decent people it is imposible to mantaing their pets and they prefer that the poor animal doesn´t suffer being abandoned.
For retired old people it is good to have a nice pet at their home, they feel better taken care of their friend and frequently it is the only reason to go out from home to walk.
Healthy and good not to be so alone in doors. Going out from home is good for all these old people that frequently I could see if I go to the park or going for a walk near home.
I am really concern about these news that affects me just a lot.
Cats don´t need to walk but they need a lot o care, just playing with them is good and they give us their love againts so little from our part.
That is just what Gatufo needs from me and the cat gives me all his love and nice company.
This misery situation that we are going through has these kind of situations and it is really too sad.
Old or poor families can´t have their pets at home because prices have encrease so much or their pesonal situation has gone from bad to worst.
So bad for the animals, but even worst for us that can´t have our best friends at home because it is absolutely imposible now.
Thanks God it is not my situation for the moment, and I prefer to avoid all kind of things before taken off muy dear Gatufo out home.
This will be the last, unthinkable by all means. He gives me so much love that now I can not understand our life without our dear cat.
He has changed our life for good, that is sure.
I think it is another great mistake of this goverment, just to encrease the price of this little subjects that make our life better.
This goverment forget all the promises they made about not encreasing prices, IVA, and so forth. They are transpasing the red line month after month, and even not encreasing the pension of pensioners has been their great mistake. I could be just the drop that fills the glass and sure we are going to see it next elections.
They say, the goverment, that the instructions come from Brussels. the European Bank, the
rich countries from Europe that give us the loans and so forth.
May be we could dispense the Government of ruling our country, the same with Greek, Italy, Ireland or Portugal and doing what Brussels or the European Bank order all of our poor countries.
Doing this way we could save a lot of money that is being paid to our politicians, mayors, parliamentarians, community Presidents, senators, and plugged people.
Just doing what Brussels said, Germany or other rich countries from the North of Europe said it should be sufficient to save our money not encreasing life in the way it is happening now.
Evidently who gives the money gives the orders, and now it is not our time.
But what come be done?. What about our pets? old people? un-employers?.
I do think it is a REAL SHAME for us already but time is changing and being so proud about our past gives us really no any loans to survive.
No body knows, but I am really piss off with all of this events.
Evidently who gives the money gives the orders, and now it is not our time.
But what come be done?. What about our pets? old people? un-employers?.
I do think it is a REAL SHAME for us already but time is changing and being so proud about our past gives us really no any loans to survive.
No body knows, but I am really piss off with all of this events.
"el gatufo"
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