It is not enough to live if quality of life is disastrous and in patients with multiple sclerosis chaos originates much sooner than some assume or expect.
Nobody has any idea "what this disease" not being neurologists, and people who suffer or those who care for the sick.
When she was diagnosed my wife Cuca she had just turned 53 years and all she wanted was just to die soon.
She knew very well what she faced as a very close friend we had left over from what it was disease knowledge.
I understood at the time her feellings but did not admit that she thought to disappear so soon.
My task during the first and second year after being diagnosed was to show that she was vital in my life.
So simple and it was necessary to show her my needed as always, her illness was no obstacle for the great love for her've always felt.
I did not allow any weakness in his presence, alone at first when I was walking alone I allowed myself some typical weakness of "self - pity and infinite anger , "she did not deserve this, but who deserves the misfortune when not knowing how or why a cancer appears, a son is gone forever, or disease preys on us without knowing how or why.
You have been touched the doctor said her, and it is all.
Estupid expect some sort of justice in this world, the best loved their turn sometimes the worst, and she had touched by the multiple sclerosis, that´s all.
After some episodes of weeping and infinite anger, been alone of course, I decided that it's over.
Her diagnosis was in 2000 although before had symptoms, and after the first year of wanting to die succeeded to get out or get her aside this idea of her head.
I was going to be me, just me, who would care ther and that comforted and soothed my wife greatly.
So we have been to before yesterday, lot of years and lot of fun too, but on June 6 by triple advice of the doctor, social worker and who knows the evolution of home care, Cuca has entered a residence for persons engaged care for sick and elderly take care of it professionally.
Common and absolutely agreement between us, there was no other alternative but to agree or disagree the situation is very painful for her first, no doubt, and to me that I had to be away from her at home, but I know the bad side it is for her absolutely.
the gatufo