Datos personales

Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013



(She writes in Spanish about nearly everything who was in her
life and her mind)


Yo feliz caminaba en la carrera de la vida que sin sentir nos lleva a la meta.
Tan solo el recordarlo me produce entre dolores de cabeza sensaciones intensas de tristeza.

Yo quería a mi padre, le ......¡ no encuentro palabras en el caudal inmenso del idioma, de la palabras llanas que desbordan nuestra lengua castellana.

No era padre tan solo, era amigo y hermano -todo era- y en casa también era todo -cualquiera que lo conociera lo diría- con una existencia plena y verdadera.

Y de pronto la dicha se esfumaba..., la muerte para si le arrebato de nuestro lado.
Yo no quiero que muera -suspiraba de miedo con terror- mientras el, en silencio sin quejas de este mundo se alejó.

Al verle frio y yerto de sufrimiento casi no sentía, no respiraba, ensimismada no pensaba, y mirando a mi padre muerto pasaba yo aquel día las horas mas amargas de mi vida.

Y ya no puedo llorar, llorar no puedo, mas me suben de pena y de dolor a la garganta congojas de amargura y desconsuelo por AQUEL MI PADRE, AMIGO, HERMANO, que me falta.

No hallo fiel consuelo a mi desgracia, para siempre estará en sueño eterno ya sumido.
Y en este mundo cruel, injusto, yo tan solo espero vivir, salir, de este penoso infierno que me angustia día tras día.

(Conchita, marzo de 1960)



Albricias recibirás en mi soneto.
Mandándote con el mucha alegría.
Inmensa dicha y el gozo completo.
Que te mereces siempre madre mía.
Únicamente quiero que mi verso.
Exprese el homenaje en este día.
Realmente en grandeza por lo inmenso.
Íntimamente te hago madre mía.
Doy gracias diariamente al Ser Supremo.
Al haberme cedido aún sin valía.
Merito alguno o sacrificio pleno.
A la que es el origen de mi vida.
Mil dichas es lo que hoy para ti deseo.
Asiéndome yo también a ellas madre mía.

(día de la madre)



Estaba el oleaje contemplando
sentada en mi roca pensativa
y me pareció oír iba mandando
en su dulce trajín una misiva.

Tu voz creí oír iba sonando
a través de la enorme comitiva
de olas ir y venir rompiendo
y decías quererme, que tu vida sin
mi.......no era atractiva.

Alcancé a tomar agua en mis manos
muy deprisa, cual si fuera tu amor
en poder ya mío, ligero sutil, evanescente
desvanecido entre el murmullo suave de la brisa.

Viendo las rocas yo sonrío
como queriéndote decir con mi sonrisa
que yo también te entrego el mío
sutil, evanescente, pero firme como
esas rocas golpeadas una y otra
vez por olas de la vida.



De nuevo......
Ya ha pasado otro año, aquí vengo a saludarte
mis vacaciones sin ti ya no son nada.

Recorreré tus calles, tus plazas, avenidas
y todo lo demás.
Tus cines, tus teatros, tus ferias, tus jardines
y tu MAR.

Tus playas rebosantes de casetas, de toldos
de gentes por doquier que viene y va.
Pronto formaré en mi mente tu recuerdo
cierto, seguro, completo, como siempre.

Es sentimiento que mi estancia por tus calles,
tus playas, tus gentes, tu mar, Santander,
ciudad de mi feliz niñez y adolescencia
igual que siempre.... muy breve se me hará.


My dear Conchita, Cuca´s sister and friend
we all miss you too much, day after day
your memory is always with us.


miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013



Cuando voy o vengo acompañado de mi ser estoy
nunca solo me encuentro.
No, yo no me fui presentado ni tampoco me elegí
de repente encontré el ser que soy.
En el que sin querer me he convertido tras largos
años conviviendo conmigo.

¿Quien soy yo?. ¿Quién es ese que siento?, quisiera
saberlo pues con gusto o sin el  siempre viviendo
con mi ser estoy.
Donde quiera que vaya sin elegirme como amigo
allá estará el. ¿Quién es? ¿A quien siento? ¿Alguna
vez lo sabré?.

Soy yo mismo y no me conozco, ni tan siquiera se
si me plazco. ¿Disfruto de mi compañía o no me
El ser que soy en constante cambio, confuso a veces
me desconcierta tanto que....cuando el equilibrio con
migo hallo, si , entonces al fin descanso.



El agua en el desierto, la tabla para el naufrago, el Sol en la playa, la brisa del mar,
el azul en el cielo, para mi eres eso y mucho más.

El te quiero en los labios, el color en el campo, la sombra de un árbol, el susurro
del viento, en mi vida serás eso y mucho más.

El papel para un libro, las cuerdas para una guitarra, el sonido en la voz, el aire
que respiro, el agua para mi vida.

Te necesito tanto y mucho más.



Dime que no estoy solo pues tengo miedo.
Dime que nunca lo estaré pues de mi no te irás.
Dime que dormirás a mi lado y descansaré.
Dime que tu me amas y seré feliz.



Ternura hecha persona, amistad es tu carisma, siempre
fiel al sentimiento.
Amor desbordante, comprensión y cariño, afecto al
encontrarte ayer.
Sentimiento de bondad en tu mirada, fiel amiga, se
siempre como hoy.
Día de una nueva despedida.

(para Camila)



Tristeza por años vividos en mentiras, sin perdón para
tan antiguas ofensas.
Pena por horas gastadas inútilmente con banal palabrería
sobre asuntos olvidados.
Cierto que la cruel memoria trae a los labios de quien
ni vivir sabe en el presente.
Olvidar trataré en el futuro incierto y repetir no espero
la amistad baldía.
En estos días grises de culpa y desengaño, a nada
condujo nuestra relación perdida.



Me pides no sufrir con tu dolor de hoy, pues incremento tu
angustia cuando en mi la ves.

Alegría tendré aunque yo no la sienta pues se bien mi amor
que aligerar yo puedo.

La pena profunda que embarga tu ser, o el dolor constante
que siento en tu mirada.


gatufo´s poems...

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013


(this was written a year ago, more or less, but in Spanish)


Yes, we are more or less the same as every other day, only something it is a bit different Isabel, the friend who is coming once a week to help me with the chores of the house is now in her country that is Peru.

She came to Spain, without papers, as millions before her just to work and to have some money to send to her family as much as she could save..
To come here she left her home, her city Lima, her family, her mother, friends and  everything.
Sincé seven or eight years she has been working here in Spain and sending euros to her country, a month after another, saving for her nearly nothing.
So, another young woman has came to help me. From where?. Bolivia.
This Bolivian person has more or less the same story than my friend Isabel.

Chari, is her name came to Spain the same form, without any papers just to work and earn more money than in her country.

What is happening in South America now?.
I do not really know. These persons works fast and well, why it is necessary for them to come here so far from their countries?. Well may be despite here we are going now through bad times, this our European´s world after all has nothing to do with their world in South America.


Talking about our world, our Spanish world what can I say now?.
It is easy, more soon that later we will be again fighting against adversity, that is for sure.
Nothing good is coming for the year 2013-14 or even the 2015.
The wealthy countries of Europe are going to be poor once more.
The south is being left to their own luck, as a ship that is going deep to the sea, and north European ´s politics are looking to another side, not listening the shouts of help, help, of millions from the south.

Why? Who knows.
The building buble, the banks, the politicians, we, the people spending too much money than money that we could afford?. It could be just a Little of all, we thought the time of being not so rich were over but reality is coming faster every day.
Here, in my country politicians said continously that it is necessary to follow in the "State of good being"...."El estado del bien estar"  but what is that?.
What is good being?. To have money to spend, to much money than we have? the subject than we have only rights but not any obligations? The rule of the less effort? Just that everything were for free?.

It seems  to me that all these last years we have been living up our real situation. Listening so many lies we thought we were rich and spent too much euros that the amount we have.
But now we have to pay them.
Ir is impossible such amount, and we could pay only the interest of the loans,
what to do, just
to ask for more loans to pay the interest....and so on, year after year.....till when?.
Who knows, the debts are increasing and the saving decrease too much faster.

This past year of 2012 has been so bad, but I think the year we are living now it could be even worst till the point no body knows.

I could not understand how so many young people have to be off from here, it is happening now in Spain the same situation than in South America some years before?.

More than 45 per cent of young people have not work, that is impossible of support for a country where are so many retired persons.

They need to go out from here, year after year, the same that I would do if I could be in the same situation.
But mine now it is completely different, not grandsons, or granddaughters, so the future of my
family stop with my daughters..., and fortunately till the momment they could work.

Well, it is too much for today, I am going to bed and I prefer not to think in future.

Tomorrow will be another day to live, and that is enough for the momento.....just to be alive.


gatufo    http://gatufo.blogspot.com.es/


domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013



Friendship? yes that is a difficult subject to write about, indeed, that is.

To me is one of the most important experiences a person may have, but not all people thinks the same, of course, for some the best subject to have is Love, Money, be succesfull in your work or in your life, health or course, but even sex or have a lot of everything.
Other are more simple persons that need nearly nothing to be happy, no friends, no money, no things at all, only a nice quiete life it is enough for them.
Recently I have known a person like this, a new friend from Italy, that scarcely needs their house, their work, and some cats....and what is the best...he is a happy man that need nothing to live as his own work and silence space.
Congratulation dear......if your read this you know I am appointing to you.

More or less my dear Cuca is so. She now needs really nothing to be just a bit happy.
Being without posibilities of going out from home, to a theatre, a trip, for shopping, and so forth....she is happy with her life, a P.C., time to write, to see power points, a movie, to care her cat gatufo, and to care her husband, me.

I am just a Little different, odd?, may be but all my life I have needed friends.
To me friendship has been one of my priorities in life.
I have some friends since more than fourty years, and we see ach other with pleasure despite every one of us have their life, their problems, and it is not necessary to see us every day or frequently.

Friendship is it a difficult subject to talk to?

Well I do think so, every one understand this matter in a different way.
To meit  is clear, one of the best things a man/woman could have it is only to have at least ONE real friend.....some times it is enough.
At least it is what my dea Cuca said to me.

Fortunately for me I have more than......? five?   it could be.

My first, of course, it is my dear Cuca-friend-lover-mother of my daughters-wife and now sharing our life together, being happy with Little things.
She is indoors along moths, without going out home, she has multiple esclerosis, but I think she is happy with her life, having me close near to her it is the most treasure thing she could wish....well I think so.
Another quite good friends are three woman, and two man.....that I could see frequently, despite, as I said before, have their own life.

Finally I have one of my best ...far away....thousand of kilometers from here, Madrid, my house. but to me is absolutely important to have him like one of the best.
It is a pity we can´t see each other, different life, task, age, sittuation and so forth.
But he is one of the best friends I ever had.., life is so strange.
Who knows what is happening in future?.


Other people I have met along my life reminds in my mind absolutely as incredible good friends also. An English woman, a Greek woman, their husbands. and so forth.
Even when I was working I do have good friends at work, but that was in my other life several years ago.

Recently I thought I had a new friend, a young woman, who lives close near  home.
I thought she was a friend of us, mine and my dear Cuca, it was a great mistake by my part.
After some time of be mistaken, and along the last, I could see that friendship for her means really nothing...........so it is possible that for her a successfully life or work it is the only thing she prefers, and that is obove every other things.

Why I could say that?.
It has been quite easy for me........there was not any kind of frienship in our relation as I could see last year.
For her their work, a good interesting work, was first of all and it was so evidently to me and to my wife that what first seems like a favour she was doing giving me a new expensive, very expensive, treatment for a disease I had for long nearly cost me the life.
Even this wasn´t the worst, as I have to stop it because it was too hard of being supporting, in all my life i have felt myself so bad, I was feeling close to die, and doing that it was my big mistake for proud herself.

After that I didn´t understand her reaction, not any interest about my healthy state, not much more visits, silence, and so forth.
Evidently, I was not good informed about what kind of treatment I was going to have but she, knowing our kind of life she could consider if this treatment was good or it wasn´t  and also could be first of all a friend, it was my big mistake, just considering her like a friend, not a doctor.

Evidently, not always we could choose or know previously how kind of friend a person could be of us.
What is the most important thing for this new person is in his/her life.
Evidently for her, the new supposed friend, first was her profession.

Now I have met new friends that have helped me a lot to go out from the deep hole I have been for nearly a year. Thank s a lot dear I. and C.

Even worst now,  one of my first friends it  is also very bad because a new disease has appeared in her life life and now I am very worried and sad about her health condition. Be strong dear friend I hope you´ll be out from the hospital very soon, and could be together remembering this last year of 2012 for a long time together. 

My best wishes to all of you. Have a good friend it could be the best for us, with only a good one could be enough.....as a wise woman close to me told me so frequently.

Thanks Cuca.

el gatufo.

this is also my friend, gatufo, always with me at my side
for the good and for the bad.........

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013


 In last july (1912) being absolutely in bad humor and depressed I wrote in Spanish more or less something like the words below, nothing has changed from this last month of summer, so now I rewrite it again making some little corrections may be because my humor is better and my depress it seems to be over, thats to my God


It is just a pity but it is the truth, what can I talk about?. My head is blocked and being so bad I am absolutely fed up with so much talking about the euro. loans, public deficit, prime risk, and what is even worst european´s politicians who do nothing or past away from the problems of the European´s south countries.

Politicians from the European North countries are against any help to Greek, Spain, Portugal or Italy.
These countries make a lot of electronic machines, gadgets or high technology but what about food?.
What about fruits, vegetables, jamon, wine, good oil and so fort?.

Evidently they can´t eat a celular as a Nokia, a car as Mercedes or a high design furniture as human beings need food, to be feed.

South Europeans countries as Italy, Greek, Spain or Portugal do have a lot of food to feed  their people and to export north countries that have so bad wether, but also need money to buy the high technology products from the North or to pay the social necessities of the citizens.

My country, Spain, has all these kind of good food that North Europeans like so much.
So please, don´t be so proud about your money....if you don´t sell to us you are not going to be feed with nice oranges, strawberries, olive oil, and all kind of fruits or vegetables out of time.

B.C.E., Brussels, don´t be so much serious about strict rules, don´t have your hands so closed to let currency fluency.
We need loans, of course, but you need to sell your productions and also to recover your loans to Mediterraneas countries. 

Here in my country there is a saying that says:

"If your debt is a thousand you have a problem but if your debt it is of some thousand millions it is just the problem of the other"....Be careful about this subject.

So if countries like Greek, Spain or Portugal decides to go out from the euro.........not conceivable by now......the problem should be a global one not only a problem for us.

Be alert countries like Finland, Denmark, Netherland or Germany as the fall should be general.... to what countries are you going to sell your technology? how are you going to recover your loans?. Think about it, please, and don´t be so slow in taking resolutions, not be so strict and not impose so much hard rules to be accomplished
by us. With your actitude you are making too much suffering to our south people.

Have also in mind that countries from south Europe are the cradle of modern culture as law, theatre, art, numbers, calendar, religion, medicine, mathematics and so forth.
The best ancient thinkers are from Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomie....
Think about the seven Athem´s wise men: Tales de Mileto, Bias de Priene, Solom of Athens, Quilon of the Cedemonia (Esparta), Periandro de Corinto, Cleobulo de Lindos, and Pitaco of Mitileno.
Also think in Averroes, (Cordoba), Avicena (Cordoba), Seneca, Adriano, Trajano, all  of them were born in Spain.
Sócrates, Platón, and Aristóteles. Arquimides, Pitagoras,  from Greek.
Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Gioto, Vivaldi, ...Leonardo di Medici, Italian Renaissance, The Roman Law....the list could be endless.
The Western culture comes from these ancient civilizations, do not forget that.

It is sure that if Greek goes out from euro, followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy, .......the world crack would be unthinkable.
Think and please stop your threats and your impositions that are unenforceable for us the poor people of south.

Our countries have millenniums of culture to be afraid now, just do another thing instead and it will be sure that Europe could be good for every all people and all the countries of Europe, the same from the south and for the north.

It is enough, people are killing themselves all ove the south due for the hard circunstances of these years.
They can´t pay their house mortages because they have lost their works, their hopes, their self-steem and at the end some are killing themselves too.
Do you know about that or you don´t know anything about what is happening along the last two or three years?.
Your politicians are so bad as to do nothing to find a good solution to these problems.

This is a world´s crisis that could affect to every body here, there, and it could longs for too many years.

My best to all of us.



Something similar to be out of this world, nearly to be in coma, it is the experience I have lived along the months of last year. From April to December has been one of the worst period of life I have lived as far as could remember.

Nothing was of my concern or interest, despite my wealthy situation was not so bad as the situation of millions out of my own world.

Thousands and thousands of them have lost their work, their houses, their hopes and even some of them their life.
I didn´t want even to know about what was happening outdoors, what for?. It was always de same, bad news, even worst to someone like me who was going through a bad period of his own life.

At the end, just to not let dying this "Gatufo Blog" I have to make an effort and have taken my writing style once more time.
But the problem for me it is: what to write about? sad news once and again?. No, to much bad news reading the paper or listening to the TV. or Radio.
It was as a challenge to write about different topics, something to make us smile, poems, amusing events, or curiosities of history. Human history that some time a bit change or a humans un trascendent domestic decision diverts the course of history and the lives of millions of people.

By the way, I admire the loyalty of my cat Gatufo as once he gives us his loyalty or love it is always kind, affective, never ungry or spiteful with us.
Gatufo wanted alwyas to play with me despite I was out, without any will to play with him.

Despite that Gatufo was kind, affective and wanted always to be on my lap.
Yes, I look at him and I could see he is a happy creature day after day, without asking anything about his world or never thinking about his future.
I would like to change for him several times, and even more along this past last year that I was feeling myself so bad, so depressive for such a long time.
Today that I am writing this lines all is different inside my mind. It seems depression is out from me....Thanks God, and I am in good disposition to write about funny things.
About odd news, about poesy, politician jokes, and from time to time about quotidian's problems here in this so poor country and other places.

Yes, I know people are suffering just a lot.....as ever every where round the world. Nothing new as humans are predators to human beinns always. That´s the sad rule through history.
Now things are going really too bad for people here, in Europe or other places, just after we all think we were rich and have enough money to spend.

The State of good living is over, once again, after several persons started to think this State was for long, or even for ever.

I need to look for some funny news, interesting topics and so forth to make this gatufo blog more amusing for you and for me.

Thanks a lot and the best for this year that is in fact begining.


el gatufo 

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013



Today I am reading in the paper that the increase of Taxes (IVA) here in Spain affects to our best friends who humans may have at home, their pets.
The prices of veterinaries have increase so much that a lot of persons, old people mostly, can´t carry their pets to these professionals but also to buy the medicines for the animals have encreased a lot.

But not only veterinaries or medicines for the pets have increased, also pets food now it is now very expensive.
Too much expensive for people that have not enough even to buy food for themselves and retired people use to have pets and their money has decrease absolutely.
Last year more than 100.000 dogs have been taken off from their houses only in Spain and it is for sure that even more are going to be abandonee, what is evidently a tragedy for the pets and for their owners.
I can´t imagine doing that with Gatufo, I prefer to be hungry before doing such a thing, of course.

Also it is said that euthanasy of the pets has encrease just a lot, the same with poor cats (nearly 30.000), just because for some more decent people it is imposible to mantaing their pets and they prefer that the poor animal doesn´t suffer being abandoned.

For retired old people it is good to have a nice pet at their home, they feel better taken care of their friend and frequently it is the only reason to go out from home to walk.
Healthy and good not to be so alone in doors. Going out from home is good for all these old people that frequently I could see if I go to the park or going for a walk near home.

I am really concern about these news that affects me just a lot.

Cats don´t need to walk but they need a lot o care, just playing with them is good and they give us their love againts so little from our part.
That is just what Gatufo needs from me and the cat gives me all his love and nice company.
This misery situation that we are going through has these kind of situations and it is really too sad.
Old or poor families can´t have their pets at home because prices have encrease so much or their pesonal situation has gone from bad to worst.
So bad for the animals, but even worst for us that can´t have our best friends at home because it is absolutely imposible now.

Thanks God it is not my situation for the moment, and I prefer to avoid all kind of things before taken off muy dear Gatufo out home.
This will be the last, unthinkable by all means. He gives me so much love that now I can not understand our life without our dear cat.
He has changed our life for good, that is sure.

I think it is another great mistake of this goverment, just to encrease the price of this little subjects that make our life better.
This goverment forget all the promises they made about not encreasing prices, IVA, and so forth. They are transpasing the red line month after month, and even not encreasing the pension of pensioners has been their great mistake. I could be just the drop that fills the glass and sure we are going to see it next elections.

They say, the goverment, that the instructions come from Brussels. the European Bank, the
rich countries from Europe that give us the loans and so forth.

May be we could dispense the Government of ruling our country, the same with Greek, Italy, Ireland or Portugal and doing what Brussels or the European Bank order all of our poor countries.
Doing this way we could save a lot of money that is being paid to our politicians, mayors, parliamentarians, community Presidents, senators, and plugged people.
Just doing what Brussels said, Germany or other rich countries from the North of Europe said it should be sufficient to save our money not encreasing life in the way it is happening now.

Evidently who gives the money gives the orders, and now it is not our time.

But what come be done?. What about our pets? old people? un-employers?.
I do think it is a REAL SHAME for us already but time is changing and being so proud about our past gives us really no any loans to survive.

No body knows, but I am really piss off with all of this events.

"el gatufo"

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


del Genial Compositor Giacomo Rossini.

Gioacchino Rossini
La calunnia è un venticello,
un'auretta assai gentile
che insensibile, sottile,
leggermente, dolcemente
incomincia a sussurrar
Piano piano, terra terra,
sottovoce, sibilando,
va scorrendo, va scorrendo
va ronzando, va ronzando;
nell'orecchie della gente
s'introduce destramente,
e le teste ed i cervelli,
e le teste ed i cervelli fa stordire,
fa stordire e fa gonfiar.
Dalla bocca fuori uscendo
lo schiamazzo va crescendo
prende forza a poco a poco,
vola già di loco in loco;
sembra il tuono, la tempesta
che nel sen della foresta
va fischiando,
brontolando, e ti fa d'orror gelar.
Alla fin trabocca e scoppia,
si propaga, si raddoppia
e produce un'esplosione
come un colpo di cannone,
come un colpo di cannone.
Un tremuoto, un temporale,
Un tumulto generale
che fa l'aria rimbombar!
E il meschino calunniato,
avvilito, calpestato,
sotto il pubblico flagello
per gran sorte ha crepar.
E il meschino calunniato,
avvilito, calpestato,
sotto il pubblico flagello
per gran sorte ha crepar.
La calumnia es un vientecillo,
una brisita muy gentil,
que imperceptible, sutil,
ligeramente, suavemente,
comienza a susurrar.
Bajo, bajo, a ras de tierra,
en voz baja, sibilante,
va corriendo, va corriendo,
va zumbando, va zumbando;
en las orejas de la gente
se introduce,
se introduce hábilmente
y las cabezas y los cerebros,
y las cabezas y los cerebros
hace aturdir y hace hinchar.
Una vez fuera de la boca
el alboroto va creciendo,
toma fuerza poco a poco
vuela ya de un lugar a otro;
parece un trueno, una tempestad
que en medio del bosque
va silbando,
atronando, y te hace de horror helar.
Al final se desborda y estalla,
se propaga, se redobla
y produce una explosión,
¡como un disparo de cañón!
¡como un disparo de cañón!
Un terremoto, un temporal,
un tumulto general
que hace agitar el aire.
Y el infeliz calumniado,
envilecido, aplastado,
bajo el azote público podrá
considerarse afortunado si muere.
Y el infeliz calumniado,
envilecido, aplastado,
bajo el azote público podrá
considerarse afortunado si muere.


El genial compositor G. Rossini ayudado en la letra por Cesare Sterbini hace ya mucho tiempo nos recordó en su Opera "El Barbero de Sevilla"
lo que significa calumniar....

Muy apropiado para los momentos que nos toca vivir dia a dia en este país en el que la calumnia se practica de continuo por algunos medios y ciertos periodistas bien entrenados.

Y no digamos cuando la calumnia y la insidia hacia el "que no piensa igual que nosotros" llega a justificar o aplaudir un asesinato como el que ayer se produjo en Leon.

No todas las personas somos iguales, no todos los médicos son iguales, no todos los profesores son iguales, no todos los maridos o los amantes son iguales y por supuesto no todos los "políticos son iguales" pero nadie merece una condena injustificada y repugnante cuando sus ideas, que no su comportamiento, no coincide con las nuestras.
Mis condolencias y mi pésame a la familia de la asesinada ayer Isabel Carrasco, mi rechazo absoluto a los comentarios indignos, calumniosos hechos por algunos en las redes sociales. Como el odio puede llegar a estos extremos, no puede ni debe comprenderese.

el gatufo