Friendship? yes that is a difficult subject to write about, indeed, that is.
To me is one of the most important experiences a person may have, but not all people thinks the same, of course, for some the best subject to have is Love, Money, be succesfull in your work or in your life, health or course, but even sex or have a lot of everything.
Other are more simple persons that need nearly nothing to be happy, no friends, no money, no things at all, only a nice quiete life it is enough for them.
Recently I have known a person like this, a new friend from Italy, that scarcely needs their house, their work, and some cats....and what is the best...he is a happy man that need nothing to live as his own work and silence space.
Congratulation dear......if your read this you know I am appointing to you.
More or less my dear Cuca is so. She now needs really nothing to be just a bit happy.
Being without posibilities of going out from home, to a theatre, a trip, for shopping, and so forth....she is happy with her life, a P.C., time to write, to see power points, a movie, to care her cat gatufo, and to care her husband, me.
I am just a Little different, odd?, may be but all my life I have needed friends.
To me friendship has been one of my priorities in life.
I have some friends since more than fourty years, and we see ach other with pleasure despite every one of us have their life, their problems, and it is not necessary to see us every day or frequently.
Friendship is it a difficult subject to talk to?
Well I do think so, every one understand this matter in a different way.
To meit is clear, one of the best things a man/woman could have it is only to have at least ONE real friend.....some times it is enough.
At least it is what my dea Cuca said to me.
Fortunately for me I have more than......? five? it could be.
My first, of course, it is my dear Cuca-friend-lover-mother of my daughters-wife and now sharing our life together, being happy with Little things.
She is indoors along moths, without going out home, she has multiple esclerosis, but I think she is happy with her life, having me close near to her it is the most treasure thing she could wish....well I think so.
Another quite good friends are three woman, and two man.....that I could see frequently, despite, as I said before, have their own life.
Finally I have one of my best ...far away....thousand of kilometers from here, Madrid, my house. but to me is absolutely important to have him like one of the best.
It is a pity we can´t see each other, different life, task, age, sittuation and so forth.
But he is one of the best friends I ever had.., life is so strange.
Who knows what is happening in future?.
Other people I have met along my life reminds in my mind absolutely as incredible good friends also. An English woman, a Greek woman, their husbands. and so forth.
Even when I was working I do have good friends at work, but that was in my other life several years ago.
Recently I thought I had a new friend, a young woman, who lives close near home.
I thought she was a friend of us, mine and my dear Cuca, it was a great mistake by my part.
After some time of be mistaken, and along the last, I could see that friendship for her means really it is possible that for her a successfully life or work it is the only thing she prefers, and that is obove every other things.
Why I could say that?.
It has been quite easy for me........there was not any kind of frienship in our relation as I could see last year.
For her their work, a good interesting work, was first of all and it was so evidently to me and to my wife that what first seems like a favour she was doing giving me a new expensive, very expensive, treatment for a disease I had for long nearly cost me the life.
Even this wasn´t the worst, as I have to stop it because it was too hard of being supporting, in all my life i have felt myself so bad, I was feeling close to die, and doing that it was my big mistake for proud herself.
After that I didn´t understand her reaction, not any interest about my healthy state, not much more visits, silence, and so forth.
Evidently, I was not good informed about what kind of treatment I was going to have but she, knowing our kind of life she could consider if this treatment was good or it wasn´t and also could be first of all a friend, it was my big mistake, just considering her like a friend, not a doctor.
Evidently, not always we could choose or know previously how kind of friend a person could be of us.
What is the most important thing for this new person is in his/her life.
Evidently for her, the new supposed friend, first was her profession.
Now I have met new friends that have helped me a lot to go out from the deep hole I have been for nearly a year. Thank s a lot dear I. and C.
Even worst now, one of my first friends it is also very bad because a new disease has appeared in her life life and now I am very worried and sad about her health condition. Be strong dear friend I hope you´ll be out from the hospital very soon, and could be together remembering this last year of 2012 for a long time together.
My best wishes to all of you. Have a good friend it could be the best for us, with only a good one could be a wise woman close to me told me so frequently.
Thanks Cuca.
el gatufo.
this is also my friend, gatufo, always with me at my side
for the good and for the bad.........
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