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Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017


El Español, el segundo idioma en el mundo sin contar el Chino, el idioma que mas número de paises utilizan para expresar sus ideas mediante palabras y frases, tiene un diccionario muy util para consultar dudas sobre el uso del lenguaje y la definición de las palabras.

Veamos lo que dice sobre:


(Del lat. regio, -onis.)
1s. f. GEOGRAFÍA Territorio determinado por unas mismas condiciones físicas o humanas es una región rica en yacimientos de oro. comarca
2POLÍTICA, SOCIOLOGÍA División territorial de una nación con unas característicasgeográficas, étnicas o histórico-sociales propias.

f. Porción de territorio determinada por caracteres étnicos o circunstancias especiales declima, producción, topografía, gobierno, etc.
Estado que, según la filosofía ant., ocupaba cada uno de los cuatro elementos.
fig.Espacio que se imagina ser de mucha capacidad.
Meta a la que se llega en el estudio de una ciencia.
anat. y zool. Cada una de las partes en que se considera dividido al exterior el cuerpo de losanimales, con el fin de determinar la situación y extensión de los diferentes órganos.
biol. Cada una de las divisiones geográficas donde habitan o se dan las mismas especiesanimales o vegetales.



1s. f. SOCIOLOGÍA Agrupación de personas que tienen ciertos intereses en comúncomunidad de vecinos.
2Grupo o congregación de personas que viven juntas y bajo ciertas reglas vive en unacomunidad religiosa.
3Conjunto de los vecinos de un pueblo, ciudad, provincia o estado el estado recauda losimpuestos de la comunidad.
4Circunstancia de lo que no es privativo de uno sino que pertenece a varios por igualentre ellos existe una arraigada comunidad de opiniones políticas.

1. sociología conjunto de personas que viven bajo reglas o intereses comunes comunidadde vecinos
2. grupo de personas pertenecientes a un pueblo o región comunidad indígena
3. conjunto de seres vivos con idénticas características la comunidad de los mamíferos
4. grupo de personas con características comunes la comunidad hispanohablante
5. congregación de personas que viven bajo ciertas constituciones y reglas comunidadreligiosa



  1. f. Entidad jurídica y política formada por el conjunto de los habitantes de un país regido por el mismo gobierno


Del fr. pays.
1. m. Territorio constituido en Estado soberano.
2. m. Territoriocon características geográficas y culturales propiasquepuede constituir una entidad política dentro de un Estado


Queda muy bien definido en nuestro idioma Español, no se en otros, lo que es una región, una comunidad, una nación y un país.


El único pais o nación que constituye el lugar en el que habito es España.

El resto son regiones o recientemente "comunidades" que forman parte del país o la nación Española.

Mal utilizado o perversamente usado el idioma cada vez que en las noticias nos hacen "comulgar con ruedas de molino" sobre otros lugares/regiones, a los que llaman de diferentes formas.
Solo una nacion/país  España.

el gatufo


No entiendo al Gobierno de esta Nación, no entiendo el motivo para delegar funciones fundamentales, enseñanza, sanidad, orden público, policia, a las comunidades autónomas, no entiendo que no se tomen medidas enérgicas cuando un señor gobernante  se pasa la Justicia por el arco de triunfo y todos en su región le corean como si fuera el heroe de la película.

No entiendo tibieza, indecisión, permisividad extrema cuando ya hace no mucho se permitio algo que en su momento llamaron referendum.

De esos lodos vienen estos barros.

No entiendo que estos funcionarios públicos, mossos o como quieran llamarlos, decidan por encima de la Guardia Civil, la Policía e incluso de los jueces o la Fiscalia.
No entiendo nada de lo que está pasando en España.

Tampoco entiendo que nos pasemos meses hablando de lo mísmo, aburre, soberanamente aburre.

Corten de una vez por lo sano, cesen a quien deben, disuelvan el cuerpo entero
de mossos si se obstinan en no obedecer, hagan igual con el palamento de la comunidad rebelde o con quien sea que no acate la Ley o la Constitución.

Gobiernen coño, ya vale, tomen nota de lo que hizo el "actor" Reagan siendo recien nombrado presidente de EE.UU., cuando los controladores aereos lo 
desafiaron con una huelga que paralizaba a la Nación.
Todos a la calle si en un plazo de 48 horas no ocupaban sus puestos de trabajo y cumplió su advertencia.

11.000 funcionarios públicos, controladores aereos fueron a la calle y jamas volvieron a ser contratados.
Soluciono la papeleta de otra forma, el tráfico aereo volvió a funcionar, y el Presidente Reagan comenzó a ser respetado.

Aquí, ¿que?.

Ya veremos, de momento un "cachondeo" cansino y super aburrido, no se habla de otra cosa en las noticias.
Y va siendo hora de que nos demos cuenta de que nunca debiera haberse hecho lo que se hizo.
Enseñanza, Sanidad, Policia........Estatal
Nuca delegarla en las llamada comunidades autónomas.

Va siendo hora de meter la marcha atrás y rectificar.
Acaben de una vez de contentar al revoltoso, nuca quedará satisfecho ni saciado.

Tiene mucha gracia "convivencia" si se hace lo que yo o nosotros queremos, si no ..........no hay convivencia.

Mire No, convivencia si se respetan las leyes y si no a callar o a chirona si es preciso.
"Haz lo que yo quiero y nos llevaremos bien", parece algo similar al maltrato de algunos energúmenos mal nacidos cuando imponen su
inaguantable dictadura a quien sea, pueblo, mujeres, trabajadores, en incluso la represion o el maltrato físico.

Esa no es la ley, respete y será respetado, además la convivencia se logra acatando las leyes o haciéndolas respetar no a base de tolerancia
floja o incluso jaleando a la masa cuando por ejemplo silban el Himno Nacional, al Jefe de la Nación o queman la Bandera de España.
¿A eso le llama Vd. convivencia?. Pero que cara mas dura o desverguenza absoluta.

Eso solo tiene un nombre que todos ya sabemos.
Saquen Vds. sus conclusiones.  

el gatufo

miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017


Se va sin avisarme por lo que al día siguiente en que desapareció emiliano, yo les deje un regalo en mitad del cuarto de estar. No fué grande pero mas que suficiente para manifestar mi enfado.

Podeis imaginar el que, sencillo, no fuí a mi caja y  las deje una pequeña porción de materia orgánica, como hablo, en mitad de la habitación.

Se cabrearon mucho cuando vieron mis restos, me chillaron, y yo escapé rápido por si se le iba la mano a alguien.

Ya no lo he hecho más, con una basta, y así les manifiesto mi descontento por una ausencia absurda e incomprensible. ¿Por que se va?, no entiendo nada.

Luego, cuando vino el hablaba con todos menos conmigo, y transcurrido un rato una caricia y poco más.
Por que es quien es, mi todo, si no le mandaría otra vez a Amsterdam, a Alemania o donde fuera que haya ido.
Su lugar está aquí conmigo y con Cuca no viajando, eso dicen que ha hecho yendose fuera de la casa ahí fuera. ¿Que se le habrá perdido?.
Su sitio es este conmigo y con su vida.

El deshacia paquetes, sacaba cosas que entregaba a Cuca y a los amigos, para el gato que soy yo gatufo, nada de nada.

Harto me tienen, no obstante despues de varios días se me va pasando el enfado y es que necesito sus caricias, su voz, sus atenciones, su presencia que me alegra mi vida gatuna.


Espero que tarde en marcharse de nuevo o al menos me informe por anticipado, y es que son tan tontos que piensan que los gatos no nos enteramos de casi nada, somos como un mueble que de vez en cuando se mueve, salta, corre, y duerme.
No es así, yo necesito saber con anticipación si me van a dejar solo, me hago a la idea y me lo tomo mejor.

Humanos despues de todo, que puede esperarse.

yo mismo el gatufo


from before........

Again in the academy we have two young persons, a girl called Maria Jose and a boy called Emiliano. None of them knew nothing about the other, but the shy girl started to talk with emiliano.
- He, you are a new comer she said.
Yes I am, my name is emiliano.
Mine is Maria Jose, is it your first day here?
No, I came yesterday but you were not here.
Yes, I was at home just a little sick.
Are you well now?
Yes, of course, it was something very common.
Then, the professor gives a paper to the girl and say her that her
exercise of rubbish strake in N.Y., was o.k., but he thinks she could do a better redaction next.

Emiliano look at her with a smile on his face and says; so the exercise was of yours, I liked it very much when Mr. Pelegrín read it yesterday aloud, I thought it was funny and was looking for the person who writes it, so now I have found the person, you, congratulations it is a nice very good exercise.

 - Oh, thank you emiliano, you are really kind.
No, I am not, that´s the truth M.José.
Thank you again.

Talking that way they remain for ten minutes, suddenly the boy who was out (the boyfriend of her thought emiliano) returned and the conversation was over.

What a pity, thought emiliano, what a nice beautiful girl is this one Maria Jose, I would like to talk more with her.... emiliano thoughts were very fast always, and without knowing nothing about the girl he thought she was really very nice and cheerful. 
What are she doing  with this boy?, what different they are, thought by himself this boy in his second day at Jorge Juan academy, and he was right without knowing anything about the girl and her boyfriend. 
They were absolutely different and soon these differences will be so evidently that their life will turn and will separate one from the other for ever.
No one of the three youngs know anything about this premise, future is always ahead our life and we know nothing about tomorrow. 

With this feelings and thoughts the end of the class was soon and he find himself walking beside Cuca, talking with her vividly, how has been so?, no matter, he was cheerful and happy to be at her side going up Jorge Juan street.
Till where?, it doesn´t matter to him, it was just a pleasure to be close this nice beautiful girl who was absolutely new for him.

Yes, this situation was repeated some times along February, March and even April, till a day in this last month when Maria Jose came to the class without her boyfriend Jose Luis.
This day was crucial in the life of them both, it was a day to remember always for them in future as being alone for nearly one hour inside the class they could talk for long feeling themselves ver close.
They were so confortable talking one with the other that without knowing what was happening it was clear for emiliano that he likes M.Jose and she started to think what was she doing dating with a boy with she could not talk as well as she was doing with this one?, for her emiliano was a nice boy to talk with and she feel very confortable being at his side.

There we are, Jorge Juan Institute and a new pupil sitting in a desk.
It is Emiliano on his first day of class. To him all is new, there is a long time since the last time he was sitting on a desk watching round him all the people who will be his partners, even the professor it is a new face.
He doesn´t know anybody, no that´s no true, there is a known face he knew from the mountains trips, yes Jesus, a nice boy who shared the
bed room sometimes when they go to the Hispano Club. 

That´s good, it is better to have a known face if you are a new comer that goes late, when the course has opened since a month o two ago.

Shake hands, how are you? and they sit together, that´s right.  

How long is he going to be here?, till june more or less, when first test at the Bank Office will be, if he pas the first it will be another test may be in September, close near to get his licence from the army that will be in December.

Emiliano´s mind was thinking all these subjects  while the professor was reading some writing works about a rubbish strike in New York.

A rubbish strike in New York?, funny, here in Spain strikes are forbidden by the law and it is difficult to imagine something like a rubbish strike, at least we are in winter he thinks.

Pelegrin, the professor, started to read another work and the new comer emiliano stop thinking and put some attention to the new reading.
Nice, a nice work with humor and very good written he thinks, let see who is the author.
No author, the girl who writes it has not come today, who could be? he say to him, I would like to know.

Next day Emiliano was again in the class and take a sit just behind a couple, a young boy and a very young nice girl, really nice he thinks.

He has arrived with Jesus who seems to know the boy and the girl, emiliano was sitting silence watching everything with his eyes looking at the nice girl who was also silence watching the two boys talk.

When the class was over, Jesus and the other boy, Jose Luis, left the class and the girl was alone, just the same like emiliano.

Suddenly she turn her body, relax on the wall, look at him and said:

He, you are a new comer, aren´t you?.
Yes, of course, it is my second day here.

After a while of some talk the new professor comes to the class and gives a paper to her saying it is a good work.

So, it is from you, emiliano says, it is very good, funny and very good written, I like it very much.

How do you know, says her.
Well, yesterday Pelegrín read it and I think it was the best of all.

Thank you very much, ....uhm, your name please?
Emiliano, and yours?
Maria Jose but friends call me Cuca. 

Nice to meet you Cuca, just a pleasure.


Everything about this story started so, Cuca turning her body to the
right, relaxing her back on the wall and greeting emiliano with her
word, he, you are a new comer, aren´t you?.

Why she do such a thing?, there is not any explanation as Cuca was a shy girl that doesn´t speak with people she doesn´t know.

Why for she does such step?. 
Along years this couple has been for long thinking what happened to
her to do such a thing so odd in her way of doing.

She has done this gesture for the best, as the story of these two young

persons started just from this moment.

In Spanish could be,  He are you a new pupil?

She knows perfectly well emiliano is a new comer so the real motive for
her could be she wants to talk with this boy.

Is this a mutual crush? a Cupido´s arrow?.

It could be, but we have to wait some months to see it.

Yes, of course, some moths because Cuca is dating with Jose Luis (in fact she was engaged with him) and emiliano is a serious boy that doesn´t want to interfere in a love relation, which ever kind of relation it could be. 

That´s not the way of emiliano actions and for him, a serious person, that kind of behaviour could be not ethic. 
Silly boy after all, as in love of war there are not rules. 

Evidently, he likes the girl, very much endeed, but she was dating another boy, such a problem, but to talk with her or going out with both it is nice for him and he doesn´t think in other subject that following their talking outside the Jorge Juan Institute.

In future he could repeat these actions some times, not very frequently

as he would like to do, but it wasn´t in his will as he doesn´t know the boy or the girl enough to ask them for a walk. It was always the other boy Jesus who likes to talk with Jose Luis about futbol and emiliano has his chance when the two boy where talking ahead walking up till Cuca, yes Cuca, house.

After two months everthing will be  finished as Cuca and the boy will change their desks in the class, and emiliano has less opportunities of talking with the girl.

Having this in mind, he goes back the class and watched the couple curiously asking by himself "what have seen this incredible nice girl
in a boy like Jose Luis", it is a mistery for emiliano and he thinks that
the boy is handsome, good looking, and physical attraction was the only motive for her.
Other reasons are unthinkable for emiliano as this boy Jose Luis seems very simple minded for him, but who knows girls?. What is in the soul of a girl?, what is the choice of a girl like this one, Cuca?, only physical attraction?.

I don´t think so, were the thoughts of emiliano, it have to be something more as the girl is inteligent, nice, beautiful, well she has everything I like in a girl and it is sure I WILL BE HAPPY WITH HER FOR EVER, if she choose me and love me as I want, just a pity she is dating already.

I don´t like to suffer it is better to put some distance, was his feelings without being alert about them.

Poor boy Emiliano, he is hard inside his heart about falling in love with the first o second girl he could meet, or the hundred or thousan, that is his way of feeling. 

Difficult to find a girl who could like him specially and the one he meets
is engaged?. There is not a reason for that, so many time alone without a loving one, and now.....nothing?.

Be in you boy, don´t lament anything, you are going to the bank soon and afterward you´ll be out of Spain and could know a blonde girl in Canada that make you happy.

of course it will continue.......

el gatufo