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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017


Will you go or not go to jail Mr. Puigdemont ?. It takes an hour to think about it , is between the sword and the wall, delays and deadly bitter pill that the same has been prepared. 

He will drink the potion direct that leads him to its end or delay the end betraying all those who he has cheated?.

Thousands of fans waiting expectantly at the door of the outstanding place  words of the protagonist of this semitragedia that has kept us  for days walk from the news. 
Not only them, it seems that there are hundreds of media half a world quick to report the tragedy and announced. Even that rarely follow the news, so boring and sadforever, I have not taken off nearly earrings newscasts.

The Russian roulette that is driving many Catalans Catalonia and 
the most painful situations and their ruins. The crux of the custión is that many, like myself, wish that dares to declare independence ephemeral that will take him and  all his henchmen maddened directly to court to then go straight to jail. 

Doing straight to the slammer, if it does it will be betrayed himself and all who followed him blind and blinded bya disastrous chimera, ruinous for Catalonia and the Spanish step for us. Dozens of companies putting out of Catalonia "heels" or as we said in the neighborhood children "bastard the last" to exit sprinting because we did not want to be just that, you bastard, that neither  thought we knew what it meant nothing but good of course. 

I feel very deeply that so many Catalans who even remotely want this "fictitious independence" what are going so bad for the words and deeds of these unpresentable maddened. So much concern, so much uneasiness, to much lost with the massive flight of companies that unemployment and poverty will bring tens of thousands of Catalans who want to be Spanish-Catalan and never supported the megalómenas ideas of these unworthy politicians.

I do not understand as before have not put a stop to them the Spanish Catalans, I do not understand as I said Borrel how are you companies did not notice very clearly that would go to the first symptoms of 
We should have noticed before and we have saved on all the Catalans, many dislikes and what is already looming. Soon we will leave doubts, what will ?, the rope around the neck or resign from their ideas causing great disappointment of his followers that soon will hate him with all his strength will. In any case sr. Puigdemont you are already amortized.


At the end a "yes indepedencia but is suspended at the moment ......" then  
"it HAS CRACKED" totally and absolutely, and What is this ?. Monda, great ridicule or who no longer know where to go .... yes but no / no but if and cubs Cup feel "betrayed" ...Menudo tragicomico circus in Catalonia, it's pathetic, ridiculous , unpresentable. 

They have made and are making fools of themselves. 

The country right now: What you said? Are we or are not independent? Interrogations delimit the confusion that has occurred in his own flock  independence with reverse of Puigdemont and describe the unbelief of the proud crowd that had gathered to celebrate the proclamation of the Catalan Republic in the likeness of an orgy. 

Chimeric proclaimed proclaimed with formulas, but crionizó almost simultaneously, so that the Indepe muchachada could not enjoy or experience orgasm wet dream of the homeland seeking compensation.


el gatufo

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