DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO ILLNESS OF DESOLATION OF OUR TIME.(Go my absolute love for all who suffer in silence or without this modern plague sinks into despair to millions of people worldwide, sick and family who do not understand what is happening)To whom it may concern, is the contrast of hope and despair in the same issue, human suffering, misunderstanding with the pain of others and the merit of those who work in silence to address one of the scourges of our society developed a disease until currently incurable each passing year is becoming more widespread among the young and adult population worldwide.
It was first developed in the Society called first world, but year after year is also extending other less developed societies.
The pharmacological treatment of this disease is very expensive, unthinkably expensive for many patients, families, health care systems of governments that do nothing for global finance the study of remedies that can alleviate suffering and death of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people across the world.Who would win with the discovery of a therapy that would solve the health problem of a significant amount, increasing of mostly young people, women more than men and even percentage in short children / girls who all his life suffer pain, misunderstanding, lack of support or lack of a "normal" life, and finally having to resort to the final solution to request voluntary assisted suicide:The human person would win, they would earn the government, society in general but my question is always the same ...... win pharmacological multinationals are lined at the cost of pain?.However news of hope go and another incomprehension at the free choice about our own life and pain.Let each one of us takes the consequences and make your thoughts.
For my part a long time ago and I've done.
The Supreme Court ruling on asking for a terminally ill assisted suicidelainformacion.comMonday, 29/04/13 - 10:45 .The Irish Supreme Court pronounced today on the appeal filed by a woman who is terminally ill with multiple sclerosis, which was denied the right to get help from her husband in an assisted suicide.
Dublin, April 29. - The Irish Supreme Court pronounced today on the appeal filed by a woman who is terminally ill with multiple sclerosis, which was denied the right to get help from her husband in an assisted suicide.
Marie Fleming, one university exprofesora 59 who have multiple sclerosis, had appealed to the Supreme Court last February, after a lower court refused it Irish law two months before her husband to help him commit suicide.
In Ireland, assisted suicide is forbidden under the "Criminal Law (Suicide)" in 1993, and is punishable by a maximum of 14 years in prison anyone who "aids, abets, counsels or procures" assisted suicide .
The seven judges of the Supreme Court must decide whether, as argued by the patient, the law violates their personal rights and life, according to the principles enshrined in the Irish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.
Fleming has more than 25 years in a wheelchair and his lawyers also want the Justice decides whether the "criminalization" of assisted suicide is justified in cases where it should, according to them, override personal rights of the person who requests a suicide attended.
In this sense, the defense argues that in other countries such as the UK or Canada, their respective Prosecutors have clear guidelines that define the cases in which they can or should act.
Open hope for multiple sclerosis◾ Directory Fernando Castro◾ Molecular Life Science Cellular
MoleculesPhoto: IRIN / JCCM
TOLEDO, 29 Apr. (IRIN) -
The Group-GNDe Developmental Neurobiology, National Paraplegic Hospital, led by Dr. Fernando de Castro, have identified how two new pharmacological agents, called VP1.15 and TC3.6, increase survival and differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursors into myelinating oligodendrocytes. These latter cells are dying in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
The study was conducted with oligodendrocyte precursors isolated from mouse brains (postnatal and adult), and also those who have been isolated from samples of brain neurosurgical adult patients, which makes this study particularly important, informed the hospital in a press release.
After demonstrating that all oligodendrocyte precursors express phosphodiesterase-7, article published in the prestigious journal Cellular and Molecular Life Science, shows how the aforementioned drugs, synthesized by the group of Dr. Ana Martinez (Institute of Medical Chemistry-CSIC, Madrid) inhibit this enzyme, thus increasing the survival of oligodendrocyte precursors and accelerate their differentiation into cells that form myelin.NEW HORIZON
The study published by Eva Medina-Rodriguez, Ana Bribián, Fernando de Castro, researchers from the National Paraplegics Hospital, and colleagues, is particularly relevant in the face of thinking in the development of restorative therapies damage in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, where oligodendrocytes die part of the adult central nervous system demyelinating plaques are formed, the loss of the myelin covering these cells axons and facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses.
To date, multiple sclerosis is not just with immunomodulators that modify the course of the disease, but there is no treatment to replace the damage (dead oligodendrocytes, myelin loss).
This kind of approach are very encouraging because between 3 and 8% of the total cells of the central nervous system are adult oligodendrocyte precursors. These cells react normally to the demyelinating damage and even are able to spontaneously replace it in whole or in part, but for unknown reasons, when the disease is established endogenous reparative capacity is exceeded and damage appears.
Both the Martinez Group, as the Group of Developmental Neurobiology doctor-GNDe Castro, part of the Spanish Network of Multiple Sclerosis (www.reem.es), one of the Re Tics Health Institute Carlos III (currently the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).NORMAL CELL TESTS
The findings of the group led by Dr. De Castro is also of great interest to test physiological cells, normal, those in the brain of patients, the different treatments that may be developed in the future.
Until now, it had raised obtaining the type myelinating oligodendroglial cells from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) technique developed by Yamanaka Dr.Shinya why this researcher won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in its last a shared editing with Prof. Gurdon.
Although very powerful, the use of iPS is not without risks and comparative studies in normal cells, such as those developed by the group led by Dr. de Castro, are essential in order to test the effects of new drugs and accelerate the possible acceptance as therapy for multiple sclerosis sufferers.
This study has the journal Cellular and Molecular Life Science, is the second article that is published worldwide on the physiology of oligodendrocyte precursors isolated from adult human brain unchanged. In the first, published in late 2008, we analyzed the effects of one of the new generation immunomodulatory drugs for multiple sclerosis, fingolimod.
And that's all friends and followers of this blog, or rather not all, anymore it is an issue in which I am involved very directly. I still hope that the news daily actually finally found an effective, inexpensive, to the relief of suffering caused each and every one of the diseases in which myelin disappears covering the nervous system of these patients that increase in the world year after year.
With affection, respect and much love ...
the gatufo
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