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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014





November is going on in the city and news are so good for the girl, she has approved, that now Cuca is happy thinking in her next future. A future being alone, as she is breaking inside her mind with her boyfriend and she wants to make it soon and without hurt for him or for her.

Reality has been over there and Cuca knows already that this boy is not for her, she likes to have a good friend at her side, a friend to talk, a friend to love, a friend to live together for long and this boy is not appropriate for her feelings. There is not any confidence or solidarity inside him with the fact she needs time to study and can´t go outside as he lately has requested her. No, Jose Luis is not her boy or her love any more, so the best is to cut soon, in fact she is doing that little by little without hurting his feelings.


Being approved her exams means more money, also more consideration at work office among her partners and this is even more important for her. She likes her work at the Bank and she wants to give the best of her doing her task at the office.

Good for the boy too, he has approved and Emiliano was happy. It means just what he wanted, more money to save for his final trip to get his site in the world, working in Canada?, it is possible, but he doesn´t care where if he goes out this vulgar world he lives in.

What it would happened with the girl?, he was thinking, and the image of her was inside his mind frequently. Is it was in July the last chance he has to see her?, yes, it was, he was going to the Bank to get his month´s salary and Cuca was in Sol Square with that boy of hers, they were chatting each other ten meters from Emiliano that cross Alcala street fast,  going short of time and seeing that the girl was with her boy friend he preferred not to go and meet them as by chance. 

It was not easy to him just to see Cuca thay way with her boy  close to her and never Emilano has talked with that boy Jose Luis, it was not his type to talk with, less to be friendly. There was something he dislike about him, but of course this was natural knowing what his feelings to the girl were.

So, that´s the last time Emiliano saw Maria Jose and was not possible to him just to know if she has passed the first exam and if so, what have happened with the second?, not any news about that.




Being already in the first days of December winter was ahead, soon Christmas will be in the air and everything will be going to change about the lights, the shops, and of course the feelings of people who lives in this big city of Madrid.

For Emiliano it was the time to get his freedom of the military army service that was so troublesome for him. At that moments the boy is going to an English Academy where he attends two hours by day of conversation and English grammar. His intention of going to the British Columbia in Canada remains inoculated in his mind and it seems nothing will be enough to change his will. That´s what he is thinking now when he is going to learn more English and have to pay a lot of money for the two hours of class.

They are good classes with very few people inside them, so the boy could talk a lot and even sometimes he is alone with the teacher, and Australian girl with a very good English accent. 

Curious, he thinks, my first will was going to Australia so in accordance with these thought he have lots of question to the girl and their conversation is always vividly and nice. His improvement is going fast with so many chats. English grammar class is good enough to prepare the Lower Certificate of English a subject that is alos in Emiliano´s mind.

Emiliano is not aware that relationship between Cuca and her boy friend is going to its end. The girl has realized that there is not any future for her with this boy, she can´t married him only by gratitude, that will be sure a hell for him and for her. 

Having that in mind for a long time, may be Emiliano has something to do about her feelings, she has talked with Jose Luis asking him for a period to think, she needs to think if their relation is good and she needs time, the same as him, she told. Just we need to take some time to think about our future, if it is a good idea to continue or it is better to cut our relationship amicably before it advance more. 

So now Cuca has done her first step to finish her relationship with her boy friend, that is her idea absolutely but she prefer to cut wih him in the right way, not hurting his feelings after all.

She has passed  the Bank´s exams and now she is aware that is going to be a meeting in the Jorge Juan academy, among the guys that have succeeded in their exams. It will be on 20th of December and it will be a good ocasion to see which one has approved after all. May be that boy Emiliano has approved?, it is sure she said for her, he seem smart to pass, sure he did a good exam.

Will be he in the meeting? she asked herself, may be and we´ll have a good talk together if there is time enough she is thinking.


to be continued...

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