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Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018



No es una pesadilla ni un mal sueño, estoy en la calle caminando en una agonía, me dirijo a la casa de mi joven amigo sin esperanzas de encontrarlo.

El hedor es espantoso, según salgo a la  calle la putrefacción me rodea por doquier. 
Miles de toneladas de basuras se amontonan hacia cualquier parte que mires. 
Los arboles caídos se están deshaciendo pasto de la destrucción sistemática de toda la madera que constituía el tronco y las ramas.
Las hojas han desaparecido, se han convertido en polvo negruzco que lo invade todo.

La visión resulta obscena,  millones de pequeñas larvas, gusanos y otro microorganismos pululan por los troncos y ramas desgajadas que a su vez se van deshaciendo en informes montones grises y malolientes que siguen estorbando el paso.
El proceso final parece ser pura descomposición e inmundo polvo acumulado por miles de toneladas.

Todo resulta gris, opaco, no hay transparencia en el ambiente. 
La visión está limitada por unas decenas de metros sin que parezca que la luz del sol logre traspasar la barrera de polvo suspendido.

Montones de formas informes yacen acumuladas sobre el suelo. 
Me acerco a observar lo que son y un horrible olor me echa para atrás. 
No deseo retroceder, tengo que ver que no es lo que estoy imaginando, y vuelvo a acercarme a una de ellas.

Lo peor se confirma. Son cuerpos amontonados de personas fallecidas en mitad de la calle. El ejercito los ha ido recogiendo y amontonando, para que?. 

Lo estoy viendo pues diversas fogatas se perciben en la gris luz del tremendo amanecer.
Están quemando los cuerpos cuando los montones son ingentes. Por la extensión del fuego algunos edificios que circundan las fogatas están ennegrecidos e incluso algunos quemados. ¿Y las gentes que los habitaban, donde están?. 
Desalojados o muertos también, está claro, aunque doy por hecho que cientos de miles han ido abandonando la ciudad o han muerto abatidos cuando trataban de escapar al amparo de la noche.
Muchos de ellos engrosan los montones que voy divisando, a este paso no será necesario que la asfixia de cuenta de todos nosotros.

Lo harán los soldados que incesantemente circulan equipados con máscaras y armados de fusiles con bayonetas, arcos y grandes cuchillos que penden de sus cinturones.

Ahora me explico la ausencia de disparos que yo atribuía a que ya no había motines o revueltas. 

No, ya no hay disparos, nadie puede correr, administran una muerte silenciosa y efectiva.
Me fijo más y veo que el suelo está pastoso en una mezcla informe de polvo, basura y sangre.

La sangre se mezcla con todo y forma una masa que va resecándose formando caprichosas e informes formas acumuladas con la basura.

Resulta escalofriante imaginar en que se han convertido
las calles de la gran ciudad. 

Al caer la noche el infierno se desata en forma de ejecuciones sumarísimas de todo aquel que circula sin permiso especial de tránsito, o al menos es lo que supongo, aunque puede ser que esos permisos son ya inexistentes.

Si los hubiera, ¿quien los tiene y para que se emiten?, me pregunto.

Informes figuras van apareciendo de los edificios, que en silencio y arrastrando algunas pertenencias caminan en silencio, nadie sabe hacia donde o con que intenciones. 

Las puedo imaginar, huyen arriesgándose a que la noche les pille al descubierto y pasen a formar parte de los montones de muertos que se hacinan por doquier esperando ser incinerados.

No hay compasión alguna pienso, cae la noche y todo aquel sorprendido fuera de las casas es ejecutado sin piedad, cuando no tiene permiso de paso.

Lo estoy imaginando, pero será lo que ocurre cuando veo las decenas de cuerpos que se amontonan cada cien o doscientos metros.

La visión de todo mi entorno es horrible, aunque la peste indescriptible que agrede mis sentidos hace casi imposible imaginar algo que no sea seguir, dar un paso tras otro, no preguntar, no hablar, no pensar.

Un paso más, y otro, no mires, no pienses, continua tu camino hasta que llegues a tu destino y logres entrar en un refugio seguro, si es que ya existe en alguna parte.

Mi casa es segura todavía, pienso, pero ¿por cuanto tiempo?. 

El cansancio me invade, voy a caer de un momento a otro, y será el final de todo.

La idea me tienta, déjate llevar, túmbate en el suelo y espera tu final me digo. Todo será mas fácil así, acabarán tus angustias, pondrás fin a esta pesadilla interminable que no lleva a ningún sitio.
Me dejo caer, me dejo caer, la idea es atractiva y estoy a punto de apoyarme en una pared y deslizarme hasta el suelo cuando una forma minúscula que camina agarrada a la mano de otra forma mas grande invade mi vista.
Es un pequeño arrastrado casi por la mano de su madre o su padre, no hay forma de saberlo.

El recuerdo del pequeño que vive en casa llena mi mente y me impide caer allí mismo. Debes de seguir, me digo, no abandones, sería imperdonable que lo hicieras. Ellos tienen alguna posibilidad aún, tu no. Ya te dejarás morir cuando llegue el momento y estés en casa. 

La idea de casa, de mi cama, de tumbarme y esperar el final me llega como bálsamo que alivia el cansancio. Mas aún la esperanza de proporcionar una oportunidad de salvación para Gloria y su pequeño me hace mover los pies, uno tras otro, otro paso más, y así poco a poco tras horas de caminar diviso la casa que busco.

Habrá alguien en ella o todo este esfuerzo no ha servido para nada.


THE END... third

episode .. 3

I'm on the street, outside the supermarket, my head abuzz with projects to do once I left home. 
I doubt going to save the supplies and back out, opt for this option as the safest and most rushing came to my street. 
I go up, I open the door and hear the voice of my wife greets me with joy, it always does, I will see it and well, I confirmed. I explain that I come back out and try to find a friend who can give me a device shortwave.  
He has collected and surely some will leave me. 
Internet is dead, no line and only reactive moments without Before you can use the browser stably. 
The same has happened with the so-called "social networking" or international communications. 
No work, Facebook or Twitter, have disappeared and so none of the old networks more modest. Nor does the mail, or google, everything has passed into history. 
The mobile signal comes and goes and only allows local or national calls.  
You can hardly speak more than two minutes as it is cut and leaves you halfway. 
The government administers phone lines as they do with the supplies. 
I need a shortwave radio to be informed of what is happening out there. 
I kiss my wife and I return to go out.  
I called my friend and me waiting at home as well that I turn quickly to the downtown area, Atocha, where he lives. 
I have an opportunity to see what happens in other districts of Madrid. 
Impossible to catch a taxi as almost not circulate, and the few that there are in great demand.  
They must detours constantly to avoid fallen trees and circulation is almost impossible, besides people prefer to save fuel if just or rationed even more.  
They have taken up cycling as a precious commodity to scroll through the city while avoiding obstacles and seeking alternative routes that never had trees or large bushes. 
Way faster, I'm setting in everything around me and try not to get depressed at the sight of the poor people who wander without direction. 
The worst are the elderly who seem quite bewildered and lost. 
The groups are dissolved away by the police or the army, no more than four, "circulating please" is the phrase repeated over and over again. 
In silence, unwilling, the groups disband and no one knows where run, go dodging fallen trees, crushed cars, and huge piles of garbage that barely collected. 
My friend told me that has a lot to tell, but not by phone for certainly are tapped, also is cut immediately communication within two or three minutes. 
I'm looking forward and hear what he has to say.  
He has prepared a good set for me and assures me that I can hear foreign radio stations with news of what is happening in other countries outside Europe. 
The eagerly consumes me, hard to be without Internet, connected've lived the last ten years and now have to get used to the total isolation if this continues. 
As you have cut the web and that ?, I asked constantly.  
They want to suppress communicated between people avoiding assemblies, news, conflicts and they say the restrictions of a police state are again booming ?. 
whole picture is very discouraging and show me the slightest threat to the worst of this technological society comes up. 
A young woman with a small hand approaches me, is contorted with terror reflected in his face, sir tell me, you know you. what's going on ?, roughly lady, I say. 
And that is it ?. 
Ojala Mrs. knew, but all is clear is that trees and shrubs are collapsing all over the place, have blocked communications across Europe, not circulating trains, trucks or only by air transport is possible, and worse is that it is running out of fuel. 
Broadly speaking it is what is happening, I think, but should not be alarmed because it seems that European governments have taken control as will the soldiers, civil guard and police, are in the streets. 
And I'm going to do ?, she laments, I have to go. 
How come you do not have to go ?, perhaps lived in the street with your child ?. 
No, sir, I had a house chalet I left my parents work in the house as it was a dressmaker-designer, but everything has been destroyed when two large trees that were in the small garden have collapsed. 
He started a fire in my house and had to leave my son and I with nothing, nothing, we have spent nearly a week in the street eating garbage and nobody is responsible for anything. 
The girl looks like and her son is sad, dirty, hungry, frightened and dying of cold. 
In the Cool nights and if they have slept in the open miracle will not have caught pneumonia. 
Come with me I say without thinking, I go here close to a friend's house to pick one thing and then go to my house. For now until things are solutions able to be with us, my wife and I Gagufo. 

But sir, is not to say it will be much trouble for you. 
Do not call you, please call me my name is Emiliano. 
And yours and which are small? 
I am Glória, Pedrito and my son is. 
Encantado Gloria, it's a pleasure to meet Peter, how old are you? 
Has completed four, but since the house burned does not speak. It does not say anything, he just clings tightly to me and sobbing. 
My friend is waiting outside, stuck to its website, he comes forward when he sees me putting a face of great surprise. 
Do not dare ask anything, but soon introduced him to Gloria and little, I explain briefly what has happened to them. 

Then he tells us that we enter and open way home, we, Gloria and child are seen visibly tired. 

Inside your house does sit Gloria and small , will take some refreshments and snacks. Best if you have a few snacks, I tell him, are hungry. 

When they are served, Juan put a soft music and takes me to his bedroom. 
Silently tells me what he knows listening to shortwave radio.  
Speaks English and French fluently and understands what is said outside the continent stations over the world.
The situation is very bad in all places that I could access the radio.  

The disaster is general, and in the northern countries where forests were the tone of the landscape there is almost no standing. 
It's such chaos follows, by road or rail does not get anywhere. They communicate by air or boat, but they run out of fuel and do not know what to do. 

If you want to clear roads just with reservations and no guarantee that can restore the vital routes for supplying fuel from refineries. Nor that they can bring food from stores, harvesters can not collect anything or sow, everything is impracticable. 

He continues telling what you have heard, and still, will gather experts worldwide in undisclosed location, their greatest fear is that the atmosphere is deteriorating and will come a time when you can not breathe. 

They talk about sacrifice almost all live cattle as it consumes too much oxygen necessary for humans, and then we'll no meat, which is not a viable solution. 
What to do then expect? and in the end it is all over ?. Neither does it seem right, but who decides what is feasible or not, not knowing whether what happens and what is the reason.
You'll hear for yourself, he says, in the apparatus of shortwave have prepared.
And with those two poor you brought, you're going to do ?. 

I brought them home, I can not let them back in the street, my conscience is above do such a thing. 
I've already decided. 

It uncle, whatever you say, but you get into a major conflict. Already know that rationed food, and soon rationed many other things that we have no idea.
Okay, John, soon I'll see what I do, now come home with me.
Take the appliance shortwave Take care and have much luck. 

Thanks John, you're a friend, I look after and I'm going.  
I do not want to end up in your pantry, they are hungry. 

Shortly after we left the house, Gloria and her son washed thoroughly have, have brushed their clothes and their faces are not so pale. The color returned to her cheeks. 

A good step not headed toward home, we have an hour and a half away and do not want to worry more for my wife. 

We have to take the child in turn, the poor can no longer and there is no way if not reach on foot. 

The small case where I have the radio is practically welded to my hand. Do not let them take him away if not dragging me with, I trust not. 

Desire as never arrive and be next to Maria, and my cat, sure hope and with real anguish. 

walk, we walk without stop. I go before pointing the way and try not to walk too fast for Gloria when you bring your child up. 

I'm surprised the force that they have when it comes to taking your child. 
To my weighs me a lot, I suppose she would have to Although much more, do not complain, I'll have to almost start arms to replace the weight of poor kid. 
From time to time we put on the floor and the child walks for a while without saying a word. It says nothing, is silent no matter what. Almost reaching my street witnessed a horrible event.  
There is a group of people staring at the floor, police kept them away from what look like two rickety dolls on the floor.  

I Fixed better as we get closer and see with horror that two elderly espachurrados the ground. As discussed have been thrown from one of the balconies holding hands, and there are like broken puppets, surrounded by bright red all over the place. 

Do not look tell Gloria too late, she is distraught and cover the face of his son . 

el gatufo

THE END second

Episode 2

I decide to go out, it's been a week since my last break and barely stocks are in the house, my cat is running out of their food and continually laments. 

The poor do not understand anything that happens. My wife begs me not to leave, have much fear of what might happen to me, and prefers to be consumed without food before losing me.
She can not move, you are in a wheelchair and needs someone to push, help you join if you want sit elsewhere and can barely stand up.
We have rationed the food to the absolute limits but runs out.
There is no catastrophic speculations in the media.  

They have been controlled by the Government and the army takes care to follow the necessary guidelines do not panic. 

We control everything, supermarkets, communications, some roads cleaned by removing thousands of trees to prevent the passage of trucks with supplies. 

There are cabinets crisis everywhere who strive to tackle the environmental catastrophe involving the loss of forests. 

They do not tell us what will happen in the jungles of the Amazon and the like that are the lungs of the planet.
Terror is generally the army circulates through the streets of Madrid and tries to control that no looting or riots . 

I'm in the street and the view is bleak. Nowhere is a tree not be down having crushed cars, structures, roofs and causing countless casualties among unsuspecting pedestrians. 

No bodies, have been withdrawing in the absence of physical danger of landslides, I am not standing tree, and there more than danger of epidemics.  
Nothing is said the number of casualties among the population they do not want to panic even greater than it already is.
Where do I go ?, I think the best approach to any known supermarkets.  

The first is open in police custody, an endless line of people throng to go coming in.  
The line of people goes around the entire block, and large posters announcing that must be the ID of the relatives or units who live in one floor to deliver foods that are logically and rationed. 

The order exists, at least for now, and that reassures me. 

I call my wife on the phone and tell him what I've seen, I tell him to stay quiet, I'll take a long because I have to wait in line, and that all is well as take the DNI yours and mine.  

He tells me not to worry about it, it's OK, and wait all it takes. 

With patience I get in the row, pull my kindle and start reading trying to calm my spirits. 

No whether to buy food Gatufo have to carry a document proving their identity and living with us. 
If I can not have to share with ours, not there will be a problem.
In the row I notice that there are all kinds of people, seniors, young men and women sometimes in pairs, almost everyone is silent or try to hear news on the radio. 

The police and army have imposed a great respect, the order is saved and there is, to my knowledge any kind of tumult. 

When panic started if there was, then European governments were taking joint actions and order was recovered in the streets.
Now people quiet and whispers whispered the latest news that usually never be true. 

Come filtered by governments and actually say nothing about what is happening. 

How far the plague of "áboles and bushes fallen" comes?. It is not said, they have found a remedy or explanation ?. It also discussed. 

Only regional or national news is given, what happens in European countries who suffer the same consequences and take similar measures as us.
There is a large cabinet crisis in Brussels, which dictates the rules of what needs to be done in different EU countries. 

Nothing is said or says, secrecy is total. 

It is quite possible that a general attempt to stampede does not occur, fleeing the devastated areas of the European continent and marching by air or any other means of transport to areas that have been spared the tragedy of trees.
There will be no ?, I wonder, or this is absolutely global.
I do not know, no one around me knows that, but imagine or desire think not, the consequences would be too horrible at short notice. 

We do not see anyone come out, they will at the other door, that way we do not know what they take.
Presumably as they pass 

the first row supplies are They are ending. No one can control stocks if they do not know how many people will go to buy them.
I've a list of what we need, always have been before and now with more reason.  

The review mentally to not think about anything else.  
I try not to talk with anyone and hear what others comment. 

Fear is what let understand all conversations. There is no possible explanation for what is happening, and the spectacle of all the trees that were in the walk, lying on the ground is not a reassuring image. 

Han section which was in the driveway but almost no cars. People begin to save fuel for fear of what is to come. And that's the big question we all ask, when will this stop ?, we will see in a month or even next week ?. It will all like, controlled, or we'll be in chaos ?. 

I prefer not to speculate in my head but it's inevitable. When under Guadia apocalyptic thoughts come to my mind and drew up plans to deal with the catastrophe.  

I can not think of anything, I have no car, my wife is almost incapacitated, can not walk, barely sit up, where I or I do if all gets worse?. Again I say to myself, better not think about it, lives today faces today what you have to do tomorrow is another day with other problems that have to be solved.
That's it, no more, many plans you want to do forever another reality is different from what has been thought or expected. 

The entrance door is still closer, I look at the clock, the time has passed ?. Two hours, has not been too and I even thought it would be more. 

It's a bad sign, I think again helplessly, is a clear proof that the food run out and people take less because hardly can be anything. 

Hush, do not think me tell you, you've begun again to assume the worst. 

But it is true, check it as I enter, the shelves are almost empty, and as I get to where they collect notes of what we want to take van crossing more half of what I had written.
I bring rice, some milk, beans, pasta, soap, eggs, and little else. 

No vegetables, no fruit, no fish, no meat, no cheese, barely oil or sugar, I get a bottle and a kilo only, nor are potatoes, total not know how we will arrange for a week.
It's what they tell me, I sealed a role in specifying what I wear, date, and my next supply can do it in a week. He is recorded in the computer and say clearly "do not try to go to another supermarket" as it is forbidden by a recent law.  

If I try to do so they can stop and no longer give me more supplies. I'm overwhelmed, this is much worse than I thought it is not surprising that we leave for another heavily guarded door and tell us that not we comment anything to anyone about everything we've been told. 
The people waiting outside could mutiny and could cause an uproar, but it's there and thanks to the ration to reach the most people. 

I also begin to feel fear, fear of what is to come and a cold sweat starts streaming from my forehead.   

I am going to give Gatufo, rice ?, some sausage, cooked ham that he likes, but is a product expires, then ?. 

Before I head out to one of the managers to distribute what they have adjusted and ask if they have food cat. 

I feel relieved when I said yes to teach primer pussycat, the look, the seals, and leaves.  
It comes with a bag of food, not too big, and some cans. 
For a week, I said before can not come so ration the cat everything I can. 

Gatufo is saved, relief and I calm, at least the cat will eat and good news. 

In silence I leave the supermarket and trying to almost hide the products will watching either side fearful that can steal me. 

What can I do if that happens?
The fear is chewed between those who hope to enter the supermarket, talking softly we do not want to unnerve the soldiers or police watching us with perverse face and guard the line. 

We do not see anyone come out, they will at the other door, that way we do not know what they take.
It is assumed that as they pass 

the first row supplies will running out. No one can control stocks if they do not know how many people will go to buy them.
I've a list of what we need, always have been before and now with more reason.  

The review mentally to not think about anything else.  
I try not to talk with anyone and hear what others comment. 

Fear is what let understand all conversations. There is no possible explanation for what is happening, and the spectacle of all the trees that were in the walk, lying on the ground is not a reassuring image. 

Han section which was in the driveway but almost no cars. People begin to save fuel for fear of what is to come. And that's the big question we all ask, when will this stop ?, we will see in a month or even next week ?. It will all like, controlled, or we'll be in chaos ?. I prefer not to speculate in my head but it's inevitable. When under guard apocalyptic thoughts come to my mind and drew up plans to deal with the catastrophe.  
I can not think of anything, I have no car, my wife is almost incapacitated, can not walk, barely sit up, where I'm going or I do if all gets worse?. Again I say to myself, better not think about it, lives today faces today what you have to do tomorrow is another day with other problems that have to be solved.

That's it, no more, many plans you want to do forever another reality is different from what has been thought or expected. 

The entrance door is still closer, I look at the clock, the time has passed ?. Two hours, has not been too and I even thought it would be more. 

It's a bad sign, I think again helplessly, is a clear proof that the food run out and people take less because hardly can be anything.
Hush, do not think me tell you, you've begun again to assume the worst. 

But it is true, check it as I enter, the shelves are almost empty, and as I get to where they collect notes of what we want to take van crossing more half of what I had written. 

I bring rice, some milk, beans, pasta, soap, eggs, and little else. 

No vegetables, no fruit, no fish, no meat, no cheese, barely oil or sugar, I get a bottle and a kilo only, nor are potatoes, total not know how we will arrange for a week.
It's what they tell me, I sealed a role in specifying what I wear, date, and my next supply can do it in a week. He is recorded in the computer and say clearly "do not try to go to another supermarket" as it is forbidden by a recent law.  

If I try to do so they can stop and no longer give me more supplies. I'm overwhelmed, this is much worse than I thought it is not surprising that we leave for another heavily guarded door and tell us that not we comment anything to anyone about everything we've been told. 

The people waiting outside could mutiny and could cause an uproar, but it's there and thanks to the ration to reach the most people. 

I also begin to feel fear, fear of what is to come and a cold sweat starts streaming from my forehead.   

I am going to give Gatufo, rice ?, some sausage, cooked ham that he likes, but is a product expires, then ?. 

Before I head out to one of the managers to distribute what they have adjusted and ask if they have food cat. 

I feel relieved when I said yes to teach primer pussycat, the look, the seals, and leaves.  
It comes with a bag of food, not too big, and some cans. 
For a week, I said before can not come so ration the cat everything I can. 

Gatufo is saved, relief and I calm, at least the cat will eat and good news.
In silence I leave the supermarket and trying to almost hide the products will watching either side fearing that they may rob me. 

What I can do if that happens.

el gatufo

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

THE END first

Still falling branches of old trees and young, killing people walking below, and have even begun to fall suddenly whole trees, without any explanation to this phenomenon as disturbing. 

No one knows why, unexplained collapse as if it were a heart attack, but the trees have no heart.

Huge pines fall endlessly here, there, and the noise is continuous, overwhelmed, is going ask the people who witness these tremendous facts of Nature it destroys itself.
It is a prelude to what is to come ?. Could it be that our world will end well, first falling trees, a few others there, and each passing day the pandemic consuming arboreal environment extends here.
In cities and towns the mayors do not know what to do, they try to reassure its neighbors They are saying that they have reviewed the fallen and are apparently healthy, which still is much more disturbing. 

Healthy? ask everyone, as they will be healthy if they fall fulminated down and kill everyone who caught underneath. 

Sheep, cows, people, chickens, everything is crushed under its weight. 

No one can avoid looking up when it is below the trees will fall over my ?, we ask everyone. 

I do not usually leave home often and the two trees he had against the viewpoint of felled two years ago caused me sad to see how the sawed and left the stump ground. 

Today almost glad I not see them, would fear to fall against the glass and produce one mess. 
Just as well, wait, do not go, no explanation will I tell myself.
The wait in vain because they do not have and can not give it, and the phenomenon of falling trees is spreading outside the cities, it spreads to the countryside, to other countries and the terror of such a global and inexplicable tragedy begins to spread throughout all regions of the world. 

This arborea slaughter is warning us a catastrophe near where the land protest by human intrusion ?. unnatural  
overcrowding in the cities, the annihilation of millions of plants by the inhuman and unnatural asphalt highways, roads and streets with massive populations that do not respect the land or the animals, and natural grass is even eliminated and replaced by a mass green report imitating the inimitable nature. 
widespread alarm is what is occurring in the absence of a reasonable explanation.
It's not natural, it is a disease that attacks the whole the forest in the world and is decimating the forest stand ?, is the question being asked in the media, talk shows, and even within families.
As old trees can fall leaving exposed roots, raised land and dread anyone who sees or hears rumblings by the great unexplained collapse for the country people and the city.
It is announced with these facts ?.

try to reassure saying stop, which is transient, there is no evidence of such a fact and in the absence of criteria or scientific evidence to support the theory of a tree disease people speculate, they speculate media, and terror spreads like a wildfire that is flooding the earth as they fall centennial giant that nothing had affected them before. 

Some announces the end of the world and proclaim that we prepare for total disaster, extinction of life on Earth. 

They invent nonexistent sentences of scripture, prophets and we go out anywhere.
"They will come evils that ravage the earth "and  

announced Armageddon in the Bible is what comes to everyone's mind.
Constantly theories or threats will evolve as this natural disaster are heard. They ask us to imagine a falling trees because they no longer find the right environment for their development. They will fall steadily, first to an area of the world, as is the case, then in all other places, no region or country is exempt and finally not be a single tree in the entire globe. 

The life of beings will need those trees are dying with them.
We ourselves need the trees to purify the atmosphere, breathing, and experts on call ask, how long would the necessary oxygen for millions of human beings who inhabit this planet ?.
Impossible to conceive life for birds, squirrels, humans and all kinds of animals that need forest cover to survive, to breathe, to hedge against the relentless rays of the sun, for rain, for regenerating the water go.
Who would be in the world? Hard to imagine. 

No rain, no plants, no animals, how long would have to go to the absolute and utter desolation from seizing the whole earth.
Not really very little, and those who were surviving devour their own by not having to eat. 

The drying would swamps, rivers would stop flowing, and the burning thirst would be implacable. 
Finally death for almost all living things that depend on the forest, rain, water, and oxygen. 

Possibly cockroaches or other insects could survive? 

Who knows, but it is likely that these beings also need the trees to eat their leaves, lay eggs, away from the cold or extreme heat, especially breathing. 

They seek alternative to survive and be the only living things in a withered and desolate land ?. 

In the absence of insectivorous birds, insects by the millions would propagate at least for now, making it impossible to end up with all different kind of existence. 

And so the speculation continue of so-called experts that we are already putting the willies. 

Fear spreads everything starts to be chaotic, everyone tries to dig in their homes, ensure their lives, to procure what is necessary and little else. 

deaths Crush are counted as thousands.  

At first they succored the wounded, collected the dead beneath the branches, and is not given to rough and no one dares to go deep into a wooded area. 
The bodies of animals and humans are rotting under the branches and the smell is irresistible. 
Like land mines scattered, exploding when stepped on, the trees fall without warning crushing everything around them.

Some flee to open, clear, even desert terrain, but foods become scarce, the roads are impassable with thousands, millions of fallen trees is preventing step for them.

Just circularcampo through possible scarce supplies to keep poorly stocked populations, and no one thinks anything other than survival of the unknown and wait, wait it all happen.
They have finished the contests for whoever cares to make war when everything seems to be destroyed. 

All this is mere speculation to something that is happening in my city. 

Dozens of branches have fallen this summer, they have been killed two or three people, trees that suddenly they collapse without knowing why and City Hall promises to review the hundreds of thousands of trees growing in Madrid.
Someone may believe that this revision can be done ?. 

I doubt it, and I think we cherish much our environment or other generations will live situations impossible to conceive. 

Sleep well, without nightmares, and look up when riding under the trees.

Still falling branches of old trees and young, killing people walking below, and have even begun to fall suddenly whole trees, without any explanation to this phenomenon as disturbing.
No one knows why, unexplained collapse as if it were a heart attack, but the trees have no heart, you ?.
Huge pines fall endlessly here, there, and the noise is continuous, overwhelmed, is going ask the people who witness these tremendous facts of Nature it destroys itself.
It is a prelude to what is to come ?. Could it be that our world will end well, first falling trees, a few others there, and each passing day the pandemic consuming arboreal environment extends here.
In cities and towns the mayors do not know what to do, they try to reassure its neighbors They are saying that they have reviewed the fallen and are apparently healthy, which still is much more disturbing. 

Healthy? ask everyone, as they will be healthy if they fall fulminated down and kill everyone who caught underneath. 
Sheep, cows, people, chickens, everything is crushed under its weight. 
No one can avoid looking up when it is below the trees will fall over my ?, we ask everyone. 

I do not usually leave home often and the two trees he had against the viewpoint of felled two years ago caused me sad to see how the sawed and left the stump ground. 

Today almost glad I not see them, would fear to fall against the glass and produce one mess. 
Just as well, wait, do not go, no explanation will I tell myself.
The wait in vain because they do not have and can not give it, and the phenomenon of falling trees is spreading outside the cities, it spreads to the countryside, to other countries and the terror of such a global and inexplicable tragedy begins to spread throughout all regions of the world. 

This arborea slaughter is warning us a catastrophe near where the land protest by human intrusion ?. unnatural  
overcrowding in the cities, the annihilation of millions of plants by the inhuman and unnatural asphalt highways, roads and streets with massive populations that do not respect the land or the animals, and natural grass is even eliminated and replaced by a mass green report imitating the inimitable nature. 
widespread alarm is what is occurring in the absence of a reasonable explanation.
It's not natural, it is a disease that attacks the whole the forest in the world and is decimating the forest stand ?, is the question being asked in the media, talk shows, and even within families.
As old trees can fall leaving exposed roots, raised land and dread anyone who sees or hears rumblings by the great unexplained collapse for the country people and the city.
It is announced with these facts ?.
try to reassure saying stop, which is transient, there is no evidence of such a fact and in the absence of criteria or scientific evidence to support the theory of a tree disease people speculate, they speculate media, and terror spreads like a wildfire that is flooding the earth as they fall centennial giant that nothing had affected them before. 

Some announces the end of the world and proclaim that we prepare for total disaster, extinction of life on Earth. 

They invent nonexistent sentences of scripture, prophets and we go out anywhere.
"They will come evils that ravage the earth "and  

announced Armageddon in the Bible is what comes to everyone's mind.
Constantly theories or threats will evolve as this natural disaster are heard. They ask us to imagine a falling trees because they no longer find the right environment for their development. They will fall steadily, first to an area of the world, as is the case, then in all other places, no region or country is exempt and finally not be a single tree in the entire globe. 

The life of beings will need those trees are dying with them.
We ourselves need the trees to purify the atmosphere, breathing, and experts on call ask, how long would the necessary oxygen for millions of human beings who inhabit this planet ?.
Impossible to conceive life for birds, squirrels, humans and all kinds of animals that need forest cover to survive, to breathe, to hedge against the relentless rays of the sun, for rain, for regenerating the water go.
Who would be in the world? Hard to imagine. 

No rain, no plants, no animals, how long would have to go to the absolute and utter desolation from seizing the whole earth.
Not really very little, and those who were surviving devour their own by not having to eat. 

The drying would swamps, rivers would stop flowing, and the burning thirst would be implacable. 
Finally death for almost all living things that depend on the forest, rain, water, and oxygen. 

Possibly cockroaches or other insects could survive? 

Who knows, but it is likely that these beings also need the trees to eat their leaves, lay eggs, away from the cold or extreme heat, especially breathing. 

They seek alternative to survive and be the only living things in a withered and desolate land ?. 

In the absence of insectivorous birds, insects by the millions would propagate at least for now, making it impossible to end up with all different kind of existence. 

And so the speculation continue of so-called experts that we are already putting the willies. 

Fear spreads everything starts to be chaotic, everyone tries to dig in their homes, ensure their lives, to procure what is necessary and little else. 

deaths Crush are counted as thousands.  

At first they succored the wounded, collected the dead beneath the branches, and is not given to rough and no one dares to go deep into a wooded area. 
The bodies of animals and humans are rotting under the branches and the smell is irresistible. 
Like land mines scattered, exploding when stepped on, the trees fall without warning crushing everything around them.

Some flee to open, clear, even desert terrain, but foods become scarce, the roads are impassable with thousands, millions of fallen trees is preventing step for them.

Just circularcampo through possible scarce supplies to keep poorly stocked populations, and no one thinks anything other than survival of the unknown and wait, wait it all happen.
They have finished the contests for whoever cares to make war when everything seems to be destroyed. 


All this is mere speculation to something that is happening in my city. 
Dozens of branches have fallen this summer, they have been killed two or three people, trees that suddenly they collapse without knowing why and City Hall promises to review the hundreds of thousands of trees growing in Madrid.
Someone may believe that this revision can be done ?. 

I doubt it, and I think we cherish much our environment or other generations will live situations impossible to conceive. 

Sleep well, without nightmares, and look up when riding under the trees.

el gatufo



Soy un estúpido, me repito una y otra vez, como has podido cometer un error de ésta índole.
¿No piensas?
Es indudable que estás sobrepasado por los acontecimientos, te impiden pensar, parece mentira que hace años fueras un buen jugador de ajedrez.

No es para menos. Llevo dos horas acechando la puerta de los apartamentos de mi amigo, esperando que alguien entre o salga para colarme dentro, y nadie ha aparecido en ella o ha intentado abrirla desde fuera.
El edificio parece estar muerto, no hay movimiento, no hay luz, ¿como iba haber luz, estúpido?, nadie entra o sale y yo idiota como pensaba contactar con Miguel. ¿Llamando a un timbre que no suena?. No hay linea de teléfono, no hay electricidad, no puedo llamar a su puerta pues dos cancelas de hierro impiden el acceso. Alguien tiene que abrirte o utilizar la llave para acceder al edificio. Llevo aquí dos horas, está casi anocheciendo, no se si mi amigo o su familia están en la casa o se han marchado, se hace casi de noche y muy pronto el toque de queda impedirá estar en la calle.
¿Que hago?.
Morirte, estúpido, me llamo nuevamente. 
Vas a perder la vida inútilmente, has cometido un error de bulto, ¿como sales de tu casa sin haber avisado de que vas?, que estén alerta para franquearte el paso. 
Pensabas que ibas a llegar, llamabas con el portero automático, te abrirían o no dependiendo si estaban en la casa o ya se habían marchado.
¿Y la electricidad?, majadero, ¿donde dejas la electricidad para que funcione el portero?.

Cálmate y piensa, me digo, no consigues nada insultándote. 
Piensa, piensa, en que puedes hacer para salvar tu vida.

Busca un refugio antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Te quedas en el, sin moverte ni rechistar, y esperas a que pase la noche.
Mañana ya verás lo que haces.

Un refugio, ¿donde?, piensa, piensa.

Se me hace la luz en un flash, busca una salida del metro. 
Hay una cerca, y aunque los trenes ya no funcionan desde hace tiempo, quizás puedas entrar en el túnel y guarecerte en el. 

Dicho y hecho, me incorporo, voy sorteando obstáculos y pisando toda clase de bichos e inmundicias. No atiendo a los sonidos que hacen mis botas en el suelo, mejor no ver lo que mis pies pisotean. 
Procuro no escurrirme pues si caigo ya no me levanto. Hay montones de cuerpos calcinados aquí y allá, el olor es una barrera física que me impide andar o respirar. Tengo un dolor horrible en la garganta y pulmones. Estoy tragando el humo, el polvo, las inmundicias que hay en el aire, y a penas asimilo el oxígeno suficiente para poder moverme.
Cada paso que doy requiere una firme voluntad de no tirarme al suelo y dejarme morir sobre el, tragando inmundicias o asfixiarme directamente con el lodo indescriptible que inunda las calles.

Estoy frente a la boca del metro.

Gracias Dios mío, pienso, está abierta aunque un montón de cuerpos  semi tronchados impiden casi el acceso. 
Debo pisotearlos y trepar sobre ellos para poder entrar.

Están podridos y llenos de gusanos que corren por mis manos y brazos cuando me agarro a algún cuerpo. Pero debo contener las nauseas y el asco que revuelve mis tripas. El miedo a permanecer fuera hace que trepe la montaña de cuerpos y baje reptando por ella.

Cuando estoy abajo sacudo mis ropas, manos y pies procurando que todos los bichos asquerosos caigan al suelo.
Está muy oscuro, la luz de fuera va menguando y los cuerpos que obstruyen la entrada impiden que entre el menor atisbo de claridad.

Ando unos diez metros agarrándome a las paredes como un ciego, tropezando con cuerpos y objetos que no veo, hasta que al final doblo a la derecha por otro pasillo. Tropiezo y caigo de bruces contra una masa blanda que parece moverse ante mi peso.

Ten cuidado joder, me dice una voz ronca que sale de la obscuridad, te has caído encima de mi.
Lo siento, lo siento, no veo nada.

Ya te acostumbrarás a la obscuridad y podrás distinguir las formas y los obstáculos.

¿Quien eres?. ¿Por que has venido a este infierno de muerte?. 

Tengo que pasar la noche fuera de mi casa, he venido a buscar a un amigo y no puedo entrar en el edificio. No se si está o no, pues lógicamente el portero automático no
funciona y nadie entra o sale por el portal.

Estás loco saliendo de tu casa, la calle es un lugar de muerte, robos, dolor y asesinatos. Te lo digo yo que llevo sobreviviendo varios días y he visto de todo. 
Mi casa se incendió cuando hicieron una gran hoguera con cientos de cuerpos putrefactos y tuve que salir a escape.
Vivía solo, estaba estudiando en Madrid cuando todo esto empezó, mi familia vive al sur de los Pirineos y no tengo medios para irme con ellos.
Estoy atrapado en esta ciudad maldita y no se me ocurre la forma de escapar. 
Por el día voy atravesando la ciudad hacia el norte, cuando se acerca la noche busco una boca de metro y me atrinchero en ella esperando otra vez la luz para seguir andando. 
Quiero escapar de aquí como sea.

Mi nombre el Luís, tengo veintitrés años, y tu como te llamas.
Soy Emiliano, ya paso de los sesenta y cinco, estoy retirado y me gustaba escribir en un blog.

¿En un blog?, que original, no conozco a nadie que lo hiciera.

Aquí tienes uno, llevo casi tres años haciéndolo.

¿Y de que trata tu blog si puede saberse?

De todo un poco, de mis pensamientos, experiencias, mi familia, mi gato "Gatufo", a veces de política o historia, y así voy de tema en tema, escribo lo primero que se me ocurre y desembucho fuera de mi cuerpo y de mi mente, las preocupaciones o sentimientos que pasan por mi cabeza.

Majo, pues si sobrevives a esta y las cosas vuelven a su normalidad vas a tener un montón de experiencias que relatar.

Ja, ja, va a ser bueno leerte una vez que pase todo este caos.

Luis, me encanta que pienses así, que digas "cuando pase todo esto", ¿de verdad crees que pasará?.

Si, lo creo, el ser humano se ha visto en peores circunstancias. ¿Has oido hablar de la peste bubónica?.

Si claro, quien no, liquidó casi a la mitad de la población en Europa y Asia.

Toma nota, esto pasará y quedarán vivos los mas fuertes o los mas preparados. 
Dos tercios o más de la población desaparecerá, es una limpieza necesaria a toda la podredumbre en la que se habían convertido los hombres. 

La naturaleza, la tierra se defiende así, y está bien que lo haga. 

Antes o después tenía que pasar algo parecido.
