Datos personales

Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

domingo, 1 de enero de 2017

GATUFO (first)

I'm a cat, they call me Gatufo and I don´t know the reason.
We cats do not put names to anything because everything has its unique and unrepeatable essence.
I'm not an ordinary cat, I can tell you things and even I could remember some things about my first life and it's just what I am doing now and although it is not exactly me who does it, it is emiliano, for the case it is the same as I put in his mind what I want to say.
Yes I always do that and emiliano writes accordingly with my ideas.

What can I say about the begining of gatufo?. Here it is:
"I was born in Madrid, in the month of December 2010, more or less, at least that is what I have listened several times, but I have not clear wich place I was born, Madrid?....I don´t know what such a Word means but I think there is some place after all, therefore hardly I could remember anything of that time. Gatufo was very small and I had not spent two months with my mother when I was left in a very large space full of trees called "Casa de Campo", there were thousands of abandoned cats and dogs of all ages and sizes, many of them were sick and very sad because they did not understand why they were in such a  place and even they whay they never saw their loved humans.
Humans?. More or less I know what are they, but when I was such a large place I can´t understand these poor animals that were claiming all day with great pain.
So many of them died, yes that´s true, of hunger, or cold and sadness.
I almost died too, as I was very tiny and I was also very afraid of all that herd of hapless report. Then, after some time, I found out we were in the midst of "crisis" don´t know  not exactly what is it or even the consequences of that thing over the poor people of Casa de Campo left over there by humans.
One consequence that thing, "crisis" was that cats, dogs and other species were out of the homes of humans because they can not, or do not have humor, to keep them at home.
As I said I almost died of hunger and specially of cold, yes it was really very cold.
Shivering, even shrunk I found no way to get warm, so I climbed a tree and started to meow, as hard as I could but I realized right away I would miss the voice to keep doing it for long....miau...miauuuu
was my only Word.
It did not lost the forces after all as after a while it passed a human and looked startled by my meows upward and saw me perched on a branch of the tree.
Luckily it was not very high, my strength did not allow me to climb  more, so easily he grabbed, stroked me and I felt very hot after a while.
Then I found myself in other enclosed and warm place, in a smaller enclosure still call box.There was a soft, pleasant heat that gave me, and so I could rest and eat for much. 
Cats do not have time to measure, that does not exist for us. Never in a hurry for anything, try to sleep and eat whenever we want and if we are awake to enjoy, hunt and play. Always ready to have fun and live memory even taking the present moment intensely.
I do not know how but I had something very good to eat and water to drink, how good it was to be there. I felt happy, a warm, affection around me.

Unfortunately it was for a short time, it had been two days and I again felt caught, moved and moved to another new site that I found most enjoyable yet.

But it take a long trip inside something that moves a make noise.
I found a place that there was not so much noise, the two humans that had brought me there not long before leave the place and I was alone, with two new humans, no other cat or dogs nearby, but with the two humans with a very pleasant smell that tried to calmed me down.
Of course once I started to explore the new site that was going to be my home, I could know  I was not going to be moved or abandoned anymore. 

Yes at least I was home. 

el gatufo

sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016


La reflexión podría ser, ¿acaso hay un año bueno?, y es casi seguro que la respuesta sería no, a nivel global no hay casi ninguno bueno.

Podríamos recordar el año en que acabó la Segunda Guerra Mundial con la rendición de Alemania, pero luego siguieron la Guerra en Pacífico, la explosión Nuclear, la guerra en Corea, y así sucesivamente hasta este año que ha finalizado esta noche con unas cifras de pavor.

Al menos 3.800 personas ahogadas en el Mediterraneo huyendo de la Guerra, el hambre y la miseria.
Unos 70 millones de refugiados mal viven fuera de sus paises, siendo tres paises los que expulsan a la mitad de la población huida, Siria con cinco millones, Afganistan con casi tres millones y Somalia con mas de un millón.

Son paises de recursos limitados los que dan cobijo a esta ingente masa de personas huidas de la guerra, matanzas, bombardeos, calamidades, y toda clase de males que el ser humano infringe a sus semejantes.

Jesus dijo "amaros los unos a los otros" como yo os he amado y no parece que sigamos sus sabias palabras.

Podría seguir haciendo una recopilación de males, pero las explosiones de bombas, cohetes, y toda la parafernalia que recibe el año nuevo me lo impide.
No creo que 2017 solucione nada, es posible que incluso empeore la situación de todas estas personas que sufren sin que los paises "ricos" muevan un dedo para remediarlo.

Menos será ahora teniendo en cuenta al personaje elegido en la Yanquilandia, D.T., increible pero cierto.
Nadie podía preveer cuando 2016 comenzó que algo así pudiera suceder, y sucedió, ¿que nos deparará el nuevo inquilino de la Casa Blanca?.

Mejor no pensarlo.

Leí hace meses las declaraciones de algún famoso que vaticinaba que D.T. podría traer la tercera guerra mundial, ¿pero acaso no se han dado cuenta de que ya está aquí desde hace tiempo?.
Lo que ha sucedido en las ciudades del mundo occidental, las medidas que se toman para celebrar ¿yo no se el que?, no son signo de que estamos en una guerra y sinceramente creo no podemos celebrar nada de nada o quizás el simple hecho de seguir vivos en este mundo de sufrimientos y calamidades por lo que:
Sumerjamos la cabeza en la fiesta, tapemosnos los ojos y los oidos, veamos los miles de colonias y perfumes que anuncian en la tv., y viva el consumismo, el bailoteo, el no pensar en nuestro prójimo y que venga detrás que arree.

Lo que si podríamos celebrar es el Nacimiento de Jesus, pero muy pocos recordamos el hecho en vista de lo que ahora mísmo está pasando aquí mismo, en Madrid, donde el estruendo de petardos, cohetes y bombas ni tan siquiera me dejan escribir.
Señor, cuanta majaderia o dejarnos llevar por la absurda corriente que impide pensar en nada que no sea nosotros mismos, nuestra mas íntima familia o amigos, y al resto............que les den.

No entiendo ni comparto esta alegria hipócrita y falsa por el hecho de que comienza un nuevo año.
¿Y que si comienza?, ¿acaso va a cambiar algo?, que me lo expliquen.

Para esta solemne idiotez conmigo que no cuenten, lógicamente la tv. está apagada pues ya no soporto tantísima memez.

Saludos, y "Feliz Año 2017"(es lo que siempre se dice) para el que pueda no pensar en lo que sucede día tras día.
Hoy por ejemplo dos nuevas mujerese han sido asesinadas en Madrid por los bestias que tenian como pareja. ¿Cesará la espantosa sangria de mujeres maltratadas y asesinadas porque un nuevo año empieza?. No lo parece pues ya se estrena con dos nuevas víctimas.


Mi apenado recuerdo para los que faltan, los vilmente asesinados por terroristas sin alma y mis condolendias para sus amigos y familiares.
Menudo año siniestro y terrible el que se va. 
2016 vete y no vuelvas, su espantosas noticias han amenizado las vidas de todos los que seguimos teniendo sentimientos y nos espanta lo que escuchamos en otros lugares.
Niza, París, Berlín, Estambul, Bruselas, Londres y alguna más que olvido han sido visitadas por este que escribe y su dolor es el mio también.

Solo termino recordando a los músicos y compositores que nos han dejado en este 2016

Las grandes personalidades de la música que murieron este 2016

Recordemoslos escuchando su música.

el gatufo

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2016


.......Not a Person

It is difficult not to have a chronic medical condition once we are old enough 
and we have lived several years, the body is tired, the heart is tired too and
little by little everything inside us is going down.
To doctors it is easy to say we are old and its natural the body is starting to be declined to treatments, once we have a chronic diseace.
But they insists once and again to apply which ever thing they thought it could be good or not....just to prove what can be effective in our body...sometime without thinking the side effects of a hard treatment. 

It makes me think what is happening now with the echonomy? Our system it is also old?. Have we to invent a new procedure for our nations?. Is it possible?, without side effects in the life of people?. 

I don´t think so.
Echonomists use a vocabulary that common people, like me, do not understand.
More or less like doctors, but it is applied to the sickness of society.
Last year have been a very bad year for my body, nearly I was close to die just because some doctor thought it was necessary a strong treatment to prevent future problems.
It is funny that to prevent future problems I was so bad, so incredible bad close to the end. Without any force or will to do anything.
Litle by little I am apparently better, or at least I feel myself so, but in future?. Who knows what is going to happen in future.
Sorry, but it is a is a temptation to make a parallel between a person's health and the economy.
Till now in Europe all have been strong treatments to avoid the disaster and every moment the feeling of disaster is bigger.
It seems the euro is goingto die more or less as I was last year. 
So many strong medicines to heal the economy of certain countries approaching us day after day to the disaster.

Today, the 24th march 2013 the economy is even worst and the sickness is more or less the same.
Treatments to the crisis have been a fake for thousand of people that have lost everything, salary, work, houses and health.

About my sickness, a fake also, the treatment was so strong that at the end I have to leave it.....
Why not to leave these strong treatments in Europe that are going to kill the euro and all the people kind of life they knew before.

I have to choose, life or dead.....and I prefer to be sick but alive.
Evidently there is some similar circunstances between my health and the economy, who could imagine.

I think it is better to be sick and alive that to have now something not any body could imagine a year or six month before........."un corralito en europa" ...... a playpen for the euro in Europe, a country where the citizens can´t have their money from their accounts, only 100 euro by day?. 
Why not 50 euros?, or less.

Beside just to lost a part of their shavings.....from a day to the follow day just without any kind of good reason...
Is it the strong treatment that at the end is going to kill our system?. Our social body as it happening now with thousand, millions of families or persons?.

A sick body it is always better than a dead body, and here in Europe they are going to kill the sick....the sick social system the same as they are killed thousand of people already.

Take care may friends, this body can´t support more strong treatments...

el gatufo

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016


Just today Blog.....
Love the sunshine of the meadow,
Love the shadow of the forest,
Love the wind among the branches,
And the rain-shower and the snow-storm,
And the rushing of great rivers.
The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.


Love the smile on your face
Love the softness of your voice
Love the nights of Winter together
Love the touch of your fingers on my skin
Love the noise of your breath sleeping
Love the sound of your heart against mine.

Thanks dear poet, may be you inspire me with
your kind words.

CAN YUCEL a Turkish Poet

I like very much his poems, and these friends discover a new poet
for me. Thanks dear  friends, let me put here your translations
from Turkish to English, I do think your work has to be here in
gatufo´s blog.
Thanks dear Nermin and Hulya, you are great.
Sorry if you don´t like to be here.....but I can´t pass from your work.
It´s absolutely new for me, and I like to share the new poet with
other friends of this site.

Don’t become attached
You don’t attach to one thing blindly
You don’t say ‘I cant live without her’
Don’t say it
Because you can.
It is not necessary to use such cliched words
Don’t love too much for example. If she loves you less, your heart will break
And usually, she loves you less than you love her anyway
If you don’t love too much, you won’t get hurt a great deal
If you don’t possess much, you won’t be possessed either..
You don’t possess the building you work in, the table, the telephone, your cards
Don’t even own your hands and your legs
You behave as if they are not yours.
Then if you don’t have anything, you won’t be afraid of losing.
You act as if you could live without them
For example, don’t have much furniture in your home
So you could walk clumsily around.
If you insist on having something
You will have the places where rooftops join the skies
You have the sky
Or the sun, the moon or even the stars
For example the northern star, it will be yours
You should say ‘It is mine’
If you insist on possessing something
Rainbows will be yours for example
If you want to belong to something, belong to the colours
For example to orange or to pink
Or you will belong to paradise
You have to live not possessing much
And not belonging to a great deal
You will live as if life will slip from your palms at anytime
And at the same time, it is yours forever.
You will live attached to life
By its edge
This is another wise comment from another bloger of ESL Podcast
Now about happiness.I like VERY MUCH TONY ROBBINS article:
I want to share one part of this article with you.....

“The Answer"
And therein lies the answer. If you aren’t growing, you are dying.
It turns out that happiness that is true and lasting is quite simply this: progress.
Progress = Happiness! If you are growing, and giving, you will be happy.
If you are moving forward in your life, if you are progressing personally,
professionally, emotionally, spiritually—you will be happy. It is only in stagnation
that we wilt like a flower.

el gatufo


Without you one more day
endure hell every morning
in my eternal and loneliness.

I thought you'd be with me always
And you go, you're gone and
Saying goodbye you left me
not a word more.

Today I woke up without you
where you are
This world was not for you
so young you left
not knowing that I do not live any more.

Your absence can not face
wherever you are soon I be
again traveling together
another new path for walk.

Hand in hand forever
happy to be together again
to run a life, another life and endless
that is my hope that leads me
to spend the rest of my life without you.

You never look at me, don´t you love me more?
you are never willing to talk
what do you think about?
whom are you thinking all time
that you are so still 

Long time waiting
such a bliss
and so fleeting was that I
it did not good to be true
faithful to whom, an idea
I never thought that the illusion
was so short, that without your
as soon awaken love would be
a daily pain instead of love
Living without you it is an impossible
I never thought I could bear

LIKE I loved you no one will love
When you wake up you´ll don´t find me
I´ll be missing from you.

My lonly heart you´ll never feel again
Unrequite lover not one day more
without your love iI will live my love.

Your time will be pass

No love like mine would you ever find
never so beloved your life would be.

My absence in hearbreak.

Soon after you´ll suffer
and my today´s pain I´ll not desire
you my dear heart broken heart.

What do you feel when without me you are?
Perhaps you perceive that I am not
Or are you still absoved in your living?

el gatufo


Sixty and more I wonder if will be worth reaching this age and have lived what I have lived.

Difficult to cope with that idea, it was worth, spoke my will on something, someone asked me if I wanted to be here, I asked my daughters if they wanted to come to this world, I decided something on my own throughout these more than sixty or they have been deceptive circumstances that mask our decisions.

As to you I ask anyone your disposal to come to populate this world as another drop in the ocean that is the human world but each with its own and nontransferable ME. 
Who I am I and pussy because I feel different, individual, unique sometimes. 
Because I was born now, and why not a thousand years ago, and I was born in this city, and not that other, of these parents and not others very different. 
Rich? ?, Poor in misery or in affluence. 
Who have made children who die before reaching one month for being born in the wrong place. 
Everything is confusing, we are in the river that is life without knowing how ?, why ?, and the not even the meaning of all this.

And it has some meaning ?. We are so significant as to mean something in the cosmos ?.And as individuals among billions like you truncheons is what we mean ?. 
All this makes any sense to me, around us, self, your, my life that is short, the life of those who came before and are no longer .... 
Many, too many questions. 
The meaning of all this for me is nothing. 
I see no meaning or relevance, or significance whatsoever.

The fear of being nothing short accompanies us on our way to relief when we suffer or despair when we look in the mirror and see the years have passed and how little we have already theoretically live.

But I guess just happens to everyone. My daughter is safe, and guess sometimes see me as solely responsible, not for good, its existence. 
and rightly so , that certainly there, as my parents are responsible for bringing me into the world, or not ?.

We were already predestined to be born ?, another mystery with no answer, because I and no other seeds in the paternal or maternal egg ?. 
It 's all so anarchic ?. 
Life itself is the result of absolute anarchy and chance? or there is a similar to an analyst who has already planned your birth program, mine, what we do or not, the live or not, etc. etc. etc. 
That would lead us to think that we are responsible for nothing. Our decisions are irrelevant because they are already scheduled. Whatever we do, or whatever we say, it is already planned.

I was scheduled to be here writing all this drivel? and your to read them later ?, wherever you are, and feel that there is some common thought between them ?.

No idea, I approach the seventies and transcendental questions of human beings, still there in my mind without any response following in the minds of anyone who wonders about the meaning of his own existence.

I have lived my life without any prior program at all, I had daughters without programming at the time, assuming a huge responsibility without being aware of it, without knowing what it meant to be a father, I joined the woman wanted to be and that at least it lasts until today, and is much. 
In my life I have been son, brother, husband, father and I think there is nothing before me to push me towards other purposes or endure a little longer.

He lived life, sometimes well, sometimes happy, sometimes bad, sometimes sick, suffering, but the cycle is completed and closed. 
That's my feeling now, today, at this time. 
That's what I've done well ?. Hard to be protagonist and judge simultaneously, that is for others.

However, well, well, well what is said I can actually think anything. Nothing ?, is certainly nothing at all. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong what is said either think or I am not aware of it.

Before birth we are nothing, and certainly not as we return to nonexistence, to nothing, only the memory that occasionally we take some other being who has lived in our company some time, when those beings nobody will remember our brief existence.

Nothing else will, and say, where are we all before us. 
The written memory of their lives may remain on the books, or encyclopedias but do not think they serve them at all. 
Their lives, happy or not they will know, passed and almost nothing remains in the memory.

Like the man and gray are those who were brilliant, as millions of women soldiers thousands of generals, kings like millions of commoners, the history of their deeds actually not sirveya them wherever they are, that's saying something. 
They disappeared period. 

There will be a library somewhere in the course another world, on the other side where the distinguished men and women is mentioned ?. 
No idea, I do not know, not like almost anything because nobody I know has returned from the trip across the river Styx to Hades to tell us a different world than this. 
Short, I suffered, confused, they frightened beings permanently when they think about their own death. 

Being famous or not on this side of the so - called real world, I think it matters very little, in the end all the same, ignored, lost dust on this little universe with millions of stars. 

It is why the belief in another life, in the existence of God is us humans so necessary.

If it were not so, we would find out, but here among us I can say that this IS A MONUMENTAL TEASING HAIR, and hell are we doing here, populating this earth as alleged superior beings. 

To die laughing. 

the gatufo

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016


Uno de los mas geniales poemas del Genio Lope de Vega comienza de esta forma:

A mis soledades voy,
de mis soledades vengo,
porque para andar conmigo
me bastan mis pensamientos.

¡No sé qué tiene la aldea
donde vivo y donde muero,
que con venir de mí mismo
no puedo venir más lejos!

Ni estoy bien ni mal conmigo;
mas dice mi entendimiento
que un hombre que todo es alma
está cautivo en su cuerpo.

Entiendo lo que me basta,
y solamente no entiendo
cómo se sufre a sí mismo
un ignorante soberbio.

De cuantas cosas me cansan,
fácilmente me defiendo;
pero no puedo guardarme
de los peligros de un necio.

El dirá que yo lo soy,
pero con falso argumento,
que humildad y necedad
no caben en un sujeto.

La diferencia conozco,
porque en él y en mí contemplo,
su locura en su arrogancia,
mi humildad en su desprecio.

y de esta guisa continua el mejor representante del Siglo de Oro Español que nadie puede adivinar que le motivó a este ilustre escritor para componer tan magnifico magistral poema atribuido para si mismo.

Mastrich  Netherland

el gatufo


Yes I miss the pen use some years before but 
It seems like a contradiction but I like the keyboard either.
The keyboard has a soft contact too for me, once I rest 
my fingers on it, every single finger to its right place I feel
something very special, sometimes it could be as a sensual
caress that make me feel happy.
Other times it could be like the power of seeing the letters
going fast on the screen thinking that in a short time later
these words would be out from home no body knows 
on which other screen will be reproduced my own thoughts. 

Close to me there is a person that says that my place in the
world is in front of a screen typing fast and searching by 
the web.
Doing that hours seems minutes and I feel happy so 
may be this person has a sharp sight to see inside me
better than me.

Sure it could be so and now it is my chance of saying, yes I like
the keyboard of my computer till the same level than 
my lost pen or even more if I am sincere. 
The keyboard gives me the option of sending this message
as far as never before I could imagine.
It is like a dream science fiction writers never thought before
and I like to read this kind of books being a young boy.

In fact every single person has the magical opportunity of 
being in touch with the rest of our globe.
I could write tipping the softness of my computer thinking
a moment later my words would be out in the cyberspace
something I could never hoped before when I was writing on
a paper being indoors.

Could be that there is something in the way of typing that 
reflex my mood too?.

Who knows?

If I am right everything goes like silk, no mistakes, not missing
words and the mind is clear to write fast and in a short time.
Being just a little nerves or in bad mood I hit the keyboard 
with my fingers and the wrong writing appears for sure.

What I don´t do write it is just reading after what I have written
before, having such a bad rule all king of mistakes go away
out my computer also.

So long friends. 

El Gatufo.