Estamos a principios de 1968 un año crucial que cambiará el estilo de entender la vida, la libertad, y que movilizará millones de personas ansiosas de cambiar un mundo de postguerra que ya no gusta a la mayor parte de las nuevas generaciónes nacidas tras la segunda guerra mundial.
En Madrid el ansia de libertad, de democracia y el fin de una interminable dictadura que duraba treinta años se respira en el ambiente. Nuestros jovenes protagonistas no son ajenos a los nuevos cambios que se propician desde Inglaterra, Francia o Estados Unidos.
Los situamos en una academia de estudios mercantiles donde se preparan para pasar unas oposiciones en el lugar de su trabajo, el Banco Hispano Americano, donde ocupan el puesto de auxiliares administrativos.
El curso ha empezado en Enero y nuestra joven M.J. acude regularmente a las clases con su novio J.L., están deseosos de obtener una plaza de oficial primero que les permitirá progresar en su trabajo e incrementar su sueldo mensual.
A primeros de febrero M.J., nuestra protagonista, llega al Instituto y entra en la clase de contabilidad acompañada de su novio, ocupan su sitio habitual y durante casi una hora atienden las explicaciones que el profesor imparte en ese momento.
Acaba la clase y J.L. le comenta a su chica que sale a fumar un cigarrillo y estirar las piernas.
Ella prefiere quedarse y girando la cabeza observa que detrás justo de ella hay un nuevo alumno en la clase.
Movida por una curiosidad inusual en ella apoya su espalda contra la pared y se dirige al nuevo alumno en su afán de dar la bienvenida a ese desconocido que se apunta tardiamente a las clases.
M.J. es una muchacha amable, risueña, confiada, sumamente cordial pero de una timidez extrema que trata de disimular con una amplia sonrisa y una empatia natural que transmite tranquilidad a sus interlocutores.
Hola, eres nuevo, verdad?
E.A., gratamente sorprendido le responde.
Si, es mi segundo día aquí, pero ayer no te vi aunque por tu observación
imagino que ya eres veterana en la clase.
Empecé en Enero, y ayer no puede venir porque me encontraba indispuesta, no me gusta faltar pero realmente no estaba en condiciones.
Está ya restablecida?
Si, gracias, me encuentro perfectamente recuperada.
Por cierto, ayer te perdiste la lectura de algunas redacciones y veo que el profesor te ha entregado la que considero la mejor, es imaginativa, original, y me encantó la forma en que tratas una huelga de basuras en la ciudad de New York. El humor que destila tu estilo de escribir me resultó divertido, agradable y muy ingenioso.
Que amable eres, gracias, disculpa no me has dicho tu nombre.
Emiliano, encantado de conocerte, y el tuyo?
Maria Jose, es un placer.
No, el placer es mio absolutamente.
Disculpa Emiliano, como es que empiezas tan tarde las clases, te has perdido mucha materia que ya hemos estudiado, y perdona mi intromisión.
No, nada que perdonar, y puedo explicarte que estoy haciendo el servicio militar y hasta febrero no me he visto libre para empezar las clases.
Confío en recuperar las materias a las que no he podido asistir y si necesito algunos apuntes estoy seguro que algun compañero o compañera me los podrá proporcionar.
No te quepa duda Emiliano, yo misma te puedo dejar los apuntes que necesites y no dudes en pedirme todo aquello que pueda ayudarte para ponerte al día.
Gracias, muchas gracias Maria Jose, eres sumamente amable y te agradezco en gran medida tu cálido recibimiento.
Solo conozco en esta clase a Jesus el chico que ha salido fuera hace un momento, parece que vosotros le conceis tambien.
Si, cierto, es un compañero de Jose Luis y suelen salir los dos juntos cuando hay un descanso entre clases. Yo prefiero quedarme aquí sentada y repasar los problemas de la siguiente clase.
Haces bién Maria José, tener la mente ocupada y preparar los problemas que va a explicar el profesor es una actitud muy razonada. No sabes lo que me alegro pues he tenido la oportunidad de charlar contigo cosa que me encanta.
Gracias de nuevo Emiliano, eres muy amable.
Las gracias a ti por tus amables palabras y tu presencia encantadora que es un regalo para mis ojos.
Cuarenta y cinco años transcurridos desde este historia que comienza de una forma casual y que hasta hoy continua.
Se pregunta Emiliano el objeto de recordarla, que sentido tiene hacerlo y a quien puede interesarle una sencilla historia de convivencia entre dos personas de distinto sexo que se conocen en una academia sentados uno detras de la que será su compañera para el resto de su vida.
Ejercicio de memoria, ganas de revivir tiempos felices que ya pasaron, entretenimiento de un jubilado que se pasa los dias encerrado en casa, sin interes en lo que sucede fuera, acompañando permanentemente a quien fué y sigue siendo todo en su vida.
El no sabe el motivo, quien puede saber la fuerza que mueve unos dedos que teclean una historia, lo que motiva que una pluma se sujete y surjan letras, miles de frases imaginadas por mentes que huyen de su realidad inventando cuentos, leyendas, ficción o realidad vivida.
En nuestros personajes lo que antaño fue una vida activa, ilusionada, llena de proyectos, hoy se ha ido transformando en inmovilidad sosegada, no hay futuro, no hay proyectos, no hay planes, ni tan siquiera viajes o paseos cotidianos.
Viven el hoy, el ahora mísmo, sin futuras perspectivas sobre nada pues la enfermedad ha hecho presa en ellos y les impide llevar una vida "normal".
Para ellos si es "normal", es lo que hay y lo aceptan tratando de ser felices, para el resto nada en sus vidas puede considerarse como cotidianamente aceptable.
Para el recluso que lleva años en prisión privado de libertad, sus dias se adaptan a la rutina carcelaria, lo que en principio es horrible puede llegar a ser aceptable y llega un momento que la prisión es su casa, su ambiente, su refugio, su vida.
Cuando salga de prisión al cabo de muchos años todo le resultará extraño, inaceptable a veces, incomprensible, y muchos vuelven a delinquir esperando ser recluidos nuevamente en su casa.
Maria Jose no sale de casa, pasan meses o años sin salir al exterior pues fuera ya no hay nada que realmente le interese en su condición de incapacitada de por vida. Su mundo se vino abajo cuando en el año 2000 le diagnosticaron esclerosis multiple progresiva, sin cura, sin tratamiento, sin esperanza, cada dia que fuera pasando mayor inmovilidad.
En su condición de prejubilado Emiliano albergaba esperanzas de una nueva vida en libertad, de viajes y proyectos futuros en compañía de su muy amada compañera.
Nada de esto se iba a cumplir, la enfermedad comenzó a condicionar sus vidas como solo quien recibe una noticia semejante puede entender.
Han pasado quince años ricos en nuevas experiencias vividad día a día, la vida toma un cariz diferente y todo vuelve a plantearse.
Hay que llenar un gran vacio, Maria Jose no puede ocuparse de todo lo que antes llenaba su vida.
Emiliano deja atras sueños de futuro y comienza una nueva etapa en su vida que le cambiará profundamente como ser humano.
Toda una serie de tareas, obligaciones, proyectos vuelven a replantearse para enfrentar dia tras día una situación que ira marcando sus vidas hacia unos nuevos intereses, aficiones, cotidianas tareas que impidan pensar en un futuro absolutamente incierto, desolador, triste para la mayoria que recibe una noticia semejante.
Que mejor pasatiempo, piensa Emiliano que escribir , dicho y hecho. Tímidamente primero, en un blog de Inglés, posteriormente en uno propio en el que vierte ideas, críticas, sentimientos y cierta insatifacción hacia los tiempos que le va tocando vivir.
Empieza a ser un anciano, o un hombre en la tercera edad como ahora se les llama a los viejos, e infinidad de las cosas que escucha en la radio o lee en los periódicos le cabrean, finalmente para variar los temas comienza a recordar su vida pasada y lo que mas feliz le hizo, cuando conoció a su compañera de siempre, Maria Jose, su compañera a la que ahora cuida, quien le da ganas de seguir viviendo pues sin ella no le mereciera la pena seguir viviendo.
Escribir sobre los años en que ambos se conocieron, como sucedio, lo que sentian, como era la vida en aquellos tiempos es justo lo que ahora mas le atrae y le hace dejar de pensar en el mañana.
Tiempos actuales que comentar, tiempos pasados, su vida actual enclaustrada, sus vivencias de joven, despreocupación y alegría de estar enamorados, responsabilidades adquiridas siendo padres, aceptación del hecho de estar enfermos, incapacitados para vivir una vida de actividad, de paseos, de viajes, de proyectos.
Vida al fin y al cabo, común, corriente, cotidiana, con problemas y sufrimiento, alegrias muchas, nunca aburrida, vida que sigue hoy, mañana ya será otra historia.
Maria Jose is conscious of
the new comer Emiliano, she wants to be kind with the new student, so relax her
body on the wall and turning her head to the right said to the new who is
Pasado el tiempo es dificil de imaginar como una muchacha tímida, educada y carente de atrevimiento como es Maria José puede girar su cuerpo, apoyar su espalda en la pared y mirando directamente dirigirse a un joven recien llegado y preguntarle directamente si es nuevo en la clase.
No solamente eso, sino posteriormente enlazar una conversacion de diez minutos con el joven desconocido que acaba de saludar.
Tiene veintiun años, es fina de cuerpo y facciones, ojos claros indefinidos en su color dependiendo de la luz, y una sonrisa encantadora que exibe como algo natural a su caracter.
Un comportamiento como este inusitado en ella puede ser un presagio de lo que está por suceder. No es creible que algo así pueda suceder, al menos para la mayoria de los escepticos, pero siendo una situación inusual en ella y sabiendo la historia de estos dos jóvenes muchos nos atreveriamos a pensar que algo o alguien especial estaba presente en aquellos momentos.
Emiliano está sumamente complacido con la situación, una chica insuperable a sus ojos le saluda, le pregunta si es nuevo y entabla una conversación con el la primera vez que se encuentran.
Un buen comienzo de clases, piensa el, a partir de hoy será un autentico placer acudir a esta clase y contenplar estas facciones tan atractivas para mi, y en su cabeza inconscientemente un sentimiento de amor empieza a gestarse sin que el mismo se de cuenta.
Pronto Jesus y J.L. están de vuelta en la clase y la conversación de ambos jóvenes queda interrumpida sin más.
La siguiente clase de cálculo pasa sin sentir, en la cabeza de Emiliano bullen otras ideas que le impiden prestar la atención debida a los aburridos problemas de cálculo mercantil.
Quien es esta chica tan atractiva a la que nunca antes he visto, y el que le acompaña será su novio, tendré que enterarme por medio de Jesus, si lo es que lo es, su novio, que habrá visto en el un chico tan vulgar como para dejarle sola en un descanso de clase, podremos tener alguna conversación más, estaría realmente bien pues me resulta muy agradable.
Pensamientos que van y vienen por su cabeza de forma inconsciente y que le distraen de la realidad que representa una monótona clase de problemas imaginarios suficientemente estupidos para sus conocimientos.
Emiliano ha estudiado hasta los veintiun años, dejó la carrera de Ingeniero Industrial a medias porque no le gustaba y todo esto relativo a los cálculos mercantiles o la contabilidad comercial le resultan temas extremadamente fáciles. Tiene costumbre de asimilar sin tomar apuntes, presta atención y es suficiente, pero su primer día de clase no es para prestar atención, otros sentimiento ocupan por completo su mente y su corazón.
El espera el final de la clase y confía en intercambiar algunas palabras con Maria José al tiempo de despedirse.
u Objetivo, una palábra es el antonimo de la otra y pareciera que no
pueden darse ambas valoraciones a un mismo objeto, pensamiento, opinión o
cualquier otra idea que se nos ocurra.
Es prácticamente imposible ser una cosa y la contraria simultaneamente, pero es siempre así?.
Un si puede ser un no?. O de hecho un no puede interpretarse como un si?.
depende del contexto de la frase o la intención con la que se diga. Y
de hecho en nuestro idioma castellano se usan ambas expresiones juntas,
simultaneamente, en diferentes frases.
Ejemplos hay infinidad y uno viene al dedo:
+ Si no tuviera teclado no podría escribir esta frase.
Y a una pregunta sencilla invertimos el orden:
+ Me apetece ir al cine, estas cansado?
+ No si tu quieres ir.
Son ejemplos referidos al lenguaje, nada tan dispar como un SI o un NO, pero se combinan.
nos fijamos en lo que llamamos "tiempo" no hay nada mas objetivo y
subjetivo que ese concepto tan medible objetivamente o tan poco medible
Diez minutos esperando que acabe un partido se nos hacen interminables si vamos ganando el encuentro, cada minuto parece eterno.
En el equipo contrario, que pierde, esos diez minutos pasarian en un flash y
los minutos parecian correr desenfrenados.
El tiempo se mide, objetivamente, no puede medirse subjetivamente. El dolor parece eterno, el gozo siempre se hace breve.
Que tiene que ver el tiempo de un anciano con el de un niño?.
Pueden medirlo igual?
años transcurridos de un adulto, con una vida rutinaria de trabajo,
casa, fin de semana, trabajo, casa y un nuevo fin de semana. Un año, y
otro más, cinco, diez, quince, veinte años de rutina, que dejan en el
recuerdo cuando ese adulto se hace anciano?.
pasado sin sentir, igual veinte que cuarenta, solo los cambios en el
entorno, en nosotros, en nuestros hijos, en los modos de vida nos
indican que el tiempo ha pasado. Objetivamente medimos el paso del
tiempo por lo que nos rodea, por nuestro propio aspecto. Subjetivamente
parece que fue ayer cuando eramos niños o tuvimos nuestro primer amor.
hacia atras y vivo periodos de tiempo que en mis recuerdos parecen
deliciosamente largos por la felicidad que me reportan o por lo
intensamente que fueron vividos.
viaje, unas vacaciones al lado de la persona amada, en su momento se
hicieron cortos y en los recuerdos que tenemos años despues se agrandan
y ocupan espacios significativos en nuestro tiempo ya vivido.
y años de vivida rutina no dejan huella, solo el sufrimiento, una
pérdida, un accidente, unas vacaciones, rompe el montón de años vividos
sin ninguna huella.
tiempo vivido se nos acorta cuando tenemos poco interesante que
recordar y aunque dicen que todo queda registrado lo único que nos queda
de una larga vida son pequeños retazos de lo que llamamos tiempo.
años quedan reducidos a unos cuantos meses, o incluso días, en los que
en nuestra vida sudeció algo siginificativo, bueno o malo, y es en
realidad lo que al final cuenta de una sucesión milenaria de horas.
recuerda un año y cuatro meses vividos con intensidad de enamorado. No
se borran, tienen dias y horas, momentos felices que permanecen grabados
en su memoria.
infinidad de años han pasado a formar un monton informe de meses o años
en los que fue haciéndose adulto, mayor, y por que no ya viejo, aunque
en su mente el no quiera admitirlo.
Con la mente no cumplimos años, no hay tiempo medible, podemos seguir siendo jóvenes hasta el mismo dia de la muerte.
pasado unos días, el ritmo de clase es siempre el mísmo ya que Emiliano
procura situarse siempre tras la pareja que forman J.L. y Maria José.
tras J.L., y así puede observar a Maria José desde atras y de perfil,
no se pierde ninguno de sus gestos, de sus sonrisas, llega su voz cuando
le comenta algo a su acompañante.
disfruta escuchando su voz aún cuando no hable con el, y entre clase y
clase aprovecha que J.L. sale con Jesus para poder charlar con ella. Ya
es un momento mágico para ambos que tanto ella como el aprovechan al
máximo siempre que están solos.
ideas sobre ellos mísmo, que está haciendo el, en que sección del Banco
trabaja ella, hablan de la actualidad, de las redacciones que les
ponen, a veces de los problemas de cálculo que les han puesto y que a
veces Maria Jose no ha solucionado por falta de tiempo. Los copia y
Emiliano procura explicarle la solución antes de que llegue el profesor y
los explique en la pizarra.
veces sucede que algún alumno sale a la pizarra y tiene que escribir y
explicar la solución del problema. Maria José desea siempre enterarse de
la ejecución de los problemas o presentarlos siempre solucionados.
Para Emiliano siempre es una opción agradable poder explicarle a Maria Jose estos problemas y charlar con ella un rato.
sensación que el tiene con ella es de flotar, se siente atraido por
ella sin poder hacer nada al respecto. Sabe que tiene novio, siempre la
ha visto acompañada, y no se explica que atractivo puede tener J.L. para
sentimientos humanos son un misterio, piensa, y no me explico que hace
una chica tan atractiva y duce como esta con un muchacho como J.L., que
aprovecha los descansos en clase para dejarle sola.
mediados de Febrero una noche, acabada la clase, Jesus y J.L. van
charlando cuando bajan las escaleras y salen a la calle, da la sensación
que Jesus acompañara a la pareja y le comenta a Emiliano que se va con
ellos y no puede acercarle a casa en su Vespa a no ser que el se apunte a
de acompañaros comenta Emiliano, y los cuatro enfilan la calle subiendo
hacia la confluencia de Goya, Alcalá y Conde de Peñalver.
Luis y Jesus van delante charlado de futbol, es su tema preferido,
mientras Maria Jose y Emiliano les siguen detras charlando de sus cosas.
el trabajo de escritura del instituto trataba del movimiento "Hippie"
en California y el
resto de los EE.UU., Maria Jose le comenta a Emiliano que no entiende a
los hippies
ni comprende bien que es lo que reivindican y el se apresura a decirle
que el si los entiende, sabe cual es el motivo de la protesta
hippie así como su ruptura con la sociedad americana.
mas importante, están en contra de la Guerra de Vietnam, se niegan a
colaborar con una sociedad capitalista, consumista, que lleva a sus
jovenes a luchar y morir a un pais lejano invadido por sus militares. No
están de acuerdo y escapan de esa sociedad hacia el desierto viviendo
en comunas donde comparten todo.
está en una nube charlando con ella, su chica piensa, aunque en
realidad no lo sea. El imagina que lo es, lo bien que se siente a su
lado caminando tan próximos el uno del otro sin saber con certeza hacia
donde se dirigen. Le ha parecido entender que Jesus, y el mísmo, les
acompañan hasta casa de Maria Jose que se encuentra a unos veinte
minutos andando desde la academia. Parece ser que la pareja siempre regresan a casa de ella andando si no llueve.
A Emiliano no le importa llegar tarde a su casa, estaría andando
con ella hasta el fin del mundo por toda la eternidad, se siente en la
gloria caminando al lado de ella y este primer paseo a su lado, tras los
otros, quedará grabado en su mente para siempre.
Mirando a estas cuatro personas que caminan subiendo la calle Jorge Juan, cualquier observador podría notar algo muy extraño.
Luis, novio de Maria Jose, va charlando con Jesus de futbol y otros
deportes. Dos metros por detras van Maria Jose, novia de J.L., y
Emiliano comentando diversos aspectos de sus vidas o inquietudes.
que ambos se conocieran desde hace mucho tiempo cuando solo han pasado
dos semanas, exponen sus ideas u opiniones con naturalidad a pesar de
que son dispares. No coinciden en sus opiniones aunque si en sus gustos.
A ambos les gusta la música, moderna o clásica, tambien les apasiona la
lectura y el cine.
mas que pasear va flotando al lado de esta muchacha y poco a poco sus
sentimientos hacia ella van profundizando sin darse cuenta. Se está
enamorando de esta chica y no es consciente de que ya está emparejada.
vive el momento actual sin plantearse nada, no es consciente,
simplemente disfruta con su compañía, con su charla, con sentirla
próxima a el paseando por las calle de esa maravillosa ciudad que es
Madrid cuando acaba el invierno.
que nada existe para el salvo esta chica, no hay coches, no hay gente,
solo está pendiente de ella y todo lo demás no cuenta, ha desaparecido
de sus percepciones.
Donde has estado hasta ahora, se pregunta Emiliano, que no te he visto antes.
Ideas similares cruzan por su cabeza mientras se deleita con su presencia y con su charla.
pronto llegan próximos a la casa donde vive ella y ya la pareja de
amigos que camina delante de ellos les está esperando para despedirse.
cruza por la cabeza de ella?, nadie lo sabe, parece disfrutar el
momento con este chico nuevo que acaba casi de llegar a clase y le
agrada su compañía y su conversación, pero hay algo más?.
Jose o Emiliano no se plantean nada respecto a ellos, están a gusto el
uno con el otro cuando tienen ocasión de compartir su compañía y eso les
despiden los cuatro hasta mañana, y ambas parejas se separan. Los dos
amigos hacia donde está aparcada la Vespa de Jesus, la pareja de novios
hacia la casa de ella.
novios formales piensa Emiliano, el ya entra en casa de ella y eso
significa que la familia lo acepta y lo conoce. Lástima, se dice a si
mísmo, que tendrán en común esta pareja?. No lo entiendo.
bueno, Emiliano, a ti que te importa semejante cuestión se dice a si
mísmo, pero no puede evitar seguir pensando en ella y seguir
enamorándose absoluta y totalmente de esta encantadora y sencilla chica
que es Maria José.
What is this?
How a girl like Maria Jose so shy and
respectful as she is, could turn her body to the right and start to talk with a
young man she doesn´t know before?
Incredible could think everyone who
knows Maria Jose by those time, even now knowing the story and thinking how
this shy girl was it seems like odd such a behavior.
Maria Jose was only twenty one and her
character was sweet and shy, she is slender nice girl with an incredible smile
that Emiliano likes so much, her eyes are clear without a definitive color, it
depends of the light.
Is there something special about this
first meeting with Emiliano? It was like a first feeling of what is going to
happen years after?
Nobody knows what is life and why these
events happens but it was really extraordinary that the girl turned her body
right, relaxed on the wall behind and started to talk to the boy that was
behind her.
Emiliano is really pleased
with that attitude and the only thought he has on his mind is about how much
appealing girl she is, how nice and beautiful girl was talking with him the
first time they meet and what a pity that this girl he likes a lot is with a
boy that now is out.
Keep out as much as possible unknown young
man because I want to continue this conversation with this sweet heart for hours.
Being on this thoughts Emiliano is
smiling to her and having not sense of time.
But time go on and another class starts
too soon for his taste, she turn back to her position, looking to the front and
everything is over to him. The unknown boy is again to her right side and there
is not any conversation till the end that they said each other bye, see you
Something happens after that moment it is
that Jesus who is with Emiliano, a boy
he know just a little, said hello to the couple that is leaving the class as he
knew them, that´s good, they start to talk together as leaving the academy and
going down the stairs to the street.
Of course, Emiliano changes his mind
and thoughts in going on with them till the end of the world if it is necessary
as he wants to continue his talk
with that incredible nice girl that is Maria Jose.
He have finished his
studies of designer in the high school and wanted to work on this profession
instead of a Bank which was really boring and difficult if you don´t know the
language perfectly.
Looking at him we could
say he was a young with a fix idea in his mind and he was working to realize
it, nothing about girls, romance and so on. The way was clear for this boy and
there was a long time he didn´t think in other things.
Just going out from this
his world that he doesn´t like at all. So it was a long time he like a girl, it
is a subject really difficult as there is not one that really like to him. A
problem as year were passing and real love was out from his life.
Suddenly, without
noticing it, a new feeling was growing up inside his heart or his soul, a
feeling it was going to change his life for ever and ever.
All his projects were
going to be off and he will remain in Madrid for all his life.
That´s life after all, we
have our dreams that frequently can be real because something happens, it could
be for good or not, who knows but somehow we are not owners of our destiny
despite we think we are.
Great mistake, we don´t
know anything about future. What about the girl?
Just a good question, as
this two persons were absolutely different in their thought of their own world,
the city were they were living, and their idea of future.
But this is another story
to talk next episode.
Who was Cuca?.
What was this girl doing in a place like Jorge Juan´s Academy and even more
important, why she was dating this young man Jose Luis who was a so different
type of the other boy emiliano.
Now emiliano has enough information to
look inside Cuca’s soul, her life and her reasons and as a puzzle everything
match with this lovely young lovely girl.
What is clear now and years later is that this girl was the only one who could
change Emiliano’s mind to stay in Madrid and change all his ideas of going off
Not knowing what it was happening he
fall in love with her, and love change everything, love changed which ever
previous idea a man or a woman could have or think in doing, before the Cupid’s
arrow was inserted inside their hearts.
Once the arrow is shot everything
started to change and brilliant colors are round the young eyes, all is magic
and things seems so wonderful.
Who was this girl and what did she have
to shock that way Emiliano’s soul and mind? Bright, own light that illuminates
the life of him just since the first sight at her?
Looking at her, listening her voice
everything was bright, he felt himself peaceful, relaxed, cheerful, brilliant,
everything disappeared less her, time doesn´t count any more as he felt as
having in heaven when he was close to this girl.Emiliano knew nothing of her in
those time and it was not necessary for him, he liked Maria Jose so much that
he didn´t need anything more, there is time later for everything, but we need
to know just a little about this young girl who was studying to improve her
position in the same bank like him.
Now everything is known of Cuca life
and it is easy to tell how she was by the time she was studying, close near the
person who was going to be her love, friend, and husband for life.
First of all this anticipated
considerations, she was grateful with the boy called Jose Luis, just so
grateful as to give him hopes about getting married in a short period of time.
Why?. Well it is a long story that afterward was clear for emiliano but not at
the moment as he can not explained himself what she was doing with that Jose
Luis boy.
Maria Jose was working in the bank at
the age of 19 years old. She came from another company “Deutz Ag” a German
company that
was established in Spain too.
This large Company make “truck
tractors” and other kind of machines to work in the country fields.
She need to work soon, despite she was a smart girl who could go the university
if that could be possible, but it wasn´t.
Her father had died when she was 13 years old and instead of going to the
university she went to work at the age of 17 in the large German Company
established in Madrid.
After a year working in Deutz she
started to study to get a job in Hispano Americano Bank, and got it.
With eighteen years old she was working in the Head Office of this mentioned bank.
This Head Office was placed in Pza. Canalejas 1 of Madrid and it was a large
building where there were more than two thousand employees inside. One of them
was Cuca, other was the boy, Jose Luis, she was dating when she first met
Emiliano, so the three of them were working in the same place.
Never Emiliano have seen Cuca before,
neither her saw him till the moment they were in the academy on the first days
of February.
With eighteen years old our
dear girl was working inside the Banco Hispano Americano, at first she was not
happy with the change.
She was happy working in Deutz, the
German Company, even she started to learn German as inside her mind was the
possibility of going to Germany to work over there.
She was young, she was less of twenty
one years old, and her mother had the last word if she wanted to go out home.
Yes, that was the real state of a
woman, or a girl with less than 21 years, she was on charge of her parents, her
mother, or her husband.
A woman can´t go to a country of
Europe like Germany if she was less than 21 years and her mother, in the case
of Cuca, said NO.
Her mother instead thought it could be
better that this girl get a job in the Banco Hispano where his brother was
working already. So, her mind will be out of the idea or going out and trying
to work in Germany.
Cuca wa a nice good daughter, and said
“yes mom” and started to learn Bank´s business to get a seat in this Bank.
On the year 1964 with eighteen years
Cuca was working in the Bank instead of Deuth, her studies of German was over,
and she began to study French instead.
Inside the Bank offices there were
hundreds of young people working. Lots of young girls and some boys too.
Work was easy those years and there was
the option of getting a job in the Bank Offices nearly every year, Banesto,
Central, Hispano, Bilbao Vizcaya, Santander, were banks than usually have lot
of places to these young of the sixties.
Nothing was necessary to get the job,
not any high studies, only make a hard exam and get the place.
If a young have high studies it was
better for her/him as the Company gave some points to add to their exam.
Cuca was a good student, in fact she
have liked to go to the university if that could have been possible, but
without a father and with a widow mother without any pension it was necessary
that this girl works very soon.
Working in a bank was good, nice people
inside, a seat to be resting the full day while you work, not having to be up
so many time as other kind of works, and lot of young people like you that make
a fuss frequently, talking aloud in the dinner room when they spent the half an
hour free time to lunch.
Soon this girl make some friends inside
the Bank Office, and started to have something similar like a club of girls and
boys that goes to the mountains in winter or to the swimming pool in summer.
Life was easy and funny for all these
people of similar age and time enough when they get out from the Bank office.
Madrid was a nice big city to live and
to go every place without any danger.
You could walk along the streets
without not any problems, not thief or bad people, the dictator was strong and
the police were looking to have peace on the streets.
Tourists were coming to Spain those
years and life seems beauty and very easy of living.
Cuca with some money of her own bought a pair
of skis, (long slender runners made of wood, plastic or metal used in gliding
over the snow) and started to go to the mountains near Madrid.
She wanted to learn how to ski and have
fun every weekend of winter.
Life was easy on those years for the young people in Spain.
They have work in several big companies that were growing up on the sixties and
even Beatles have been in Madrid on the second of July 1965 and it was like a
earthquake for the life of millions of young people.
Why not going to learn how to ski on the weekends?.
Just said and done. Cuca started to go to the mountains near the capital
because she wanted to ski like other thousands of locals who went to Navacerrada
and try to slide down the snow more harm than good.
Yes, Cuca had a nice funny life as a young of 19 years old in the Spanish life
of 1965, with a good work, leaving the Bank office at a good hour and going in
winter weekends to ski the Madrid´s mountains close near the big city.
By those time also emiliano was going to the mountains in winter, but he didn´t
want learn how to ski at it seems difficult and dangerous for him.
Yes, it was dangerous, poor Cuca broke
a hip instead of learn to ski and everything changed for her.
life started to be different as everything seems to go wrong with her broken
hip, it needed a surgical operation delayed by a strong cold that complicated
the surgical result of the operation.
After some time of been operated she was bad, the poor girl have pain in her
leg and she couldn´t walk properly and have to be in plaster for about a year,
still without power out to the street, reading, listening to music, receiving
many visits at the beginning and not so many after a few months.
After all life continue for her friends that after going to see her frequently,
started to recover their youth and they went again to dance and to the swimming
pool in summer.
Meanwhile cuca remained at home still hoping to recover from a very bad
But not all her friends went to the swimming pool with the other, there was one
whose name was José Luis that being in love with Cuca take this opportunity to
visit her frequently.
What happened after a year of entering the House, talk to the mother, the
brother of the girl, these visits? Well, it is easy to imagine, both ended up
being boyfriends and later fiancé
Cuca felt that their wings were cut forever and she had a lot of time to think
First goal for her was to be o.k., but this new situation was going to take a
long time for this young girl.
Day after day she received the visit of this young man who were in love with
He was a boy with a past mind, old mind respect everything about
relationship between girls and boys, wife and husband, the paper of a wife at
home and the different paper of the husband.
Soon this will be so evident that the the girl had to reconsider the
situation which was doomed if continued relationship with this young man too
old ideas about marriage and lot of subjects.
It has to wait a sometime yet to change everything in the life of our dear
Cuca who knew nothing about her life in future.
First she thought about her life together with this young man Jose Luis who was
going every day to see her at home.
After some months of coming to see her he requested her to be his girlfriend,
what to say? What to do, being so grateful to him?.
Evidently, yes, Cuca will be his girlfriend till the moment they will
promised each other what could be a complete disaster for ever.
After all this not happened as future keeps some surprises for this girl,
either for Jose Luis and Emiliano, the boy who was out her life for the
This would be not for long, future has a paper for this boy who was outside of
these events.
What to say when a nice boy who is coming to see you every day? When you are
going through difficult days? and this boy ask you to be his girlfriend?, may
be to go into your house easily, without any comments?.
Now it could be seen as natural, a friend goes to see another friend but we are
talking about what happened in Spain more than forty years and this kind of
relationship was unusual.
I don´t know really but it is necessary to be in the body of a girl that has to
be a year with a plaster from just below her breasts down to the right foot and
this person has to remain at home without going any place.
She was so rigid that she can´t even take anything up from the floor or going
to bath because she can´t bend and seat on a chair or upon the close toilet.
Her vital functions have to be done on the bed upon a wedge along a year and
she was really tired of being so.
Yes, it was very hard for her, after her hip was broken everything goes wrong
with the surgery and it was necessary to plast nearly all her body as I said
What the girl says it is easy of imagine if she is a grateful girl that have a
sense of gratitude and justice for this boy.
So, little by little Cuca started to date Jose Luis, first in her house when he
comes to see her, but once a year past when she was better and Cuca could walk
the situation of being engaged with the boy was official, settle with an
engagement ring.
Nearly a year was necessary for Cuca to be better and coming back to work
despite rehabilitation was necessary and not everything was o.k. with her hip.
It is possible that a feeling of gratitude could be confused with love?. No, of
course, when you first fall in love you know this is quite different, gratitude
is not love and you need to love to see what this feeling is.
This will happen soon to this girl whose name was Cuca, and she has to break
with her engagement to get off from a confused situation that was carrying her
to the abysm of a bad marriage, an anticipated
disaster that was necessary to stop if she wanted to be happy in her life.
Difficult, just difficult to stop her feelings with her fiancé, how and why
when gratitude are inside her heart and she didn´t want to hurt her boyfriend?.
Good questions about what human feelings are but we are anticipating the story
and we like to stand at the point of Cuca being engaged to this boy, Jose
Luis, and returning back to her work after a year of standby at home.
It has been very hard for this young girl who was living her youth among other
girls and boys of her same age. Stop to her trips to the mountains, stop with
her funny life of twenty, daily pain was in her body that would change her life
for long.
Poor Cuca, it was hard for her to stay home so long with such a lot of
difficulties and after a year returning to daily life limping with great pain
in her hip. It was so painful that she had to do six months or more of
rehabilitation to walk more or less properly while she was returning back to
the bank.
Everything was different to this young girl and her world changed so fast that
she was an adult of great character instead of a young girl of only twenty
years old.
Yes, It has been like a nightmare but it will be real for this young girl who
was living her youth among other girls and boys of her same age. Stop to her
trips to the mountains, stop with her funny life of twenty, daily pain was in
her body for long and she would change her life some way stopping her funny
cheerful way of living.
Life was different, pain, responsibilities and suffering was inside her soul
and she was looking life with new eyes.
How long was going her to support this situation of not loving date with a
Well this is left to next episode.....
Again in the academy we have
two young persons, a girl called Maria Jose and a boy called Emiliano. None of
them knew nothing about the other, but the shy girl started to talk with
He, you are a new comer she
Yes I am, my name is
Mine is Maria Jose, is it
your first day here?
No, I came yesterday but you
were not here.
Yes, I was at home just a
little sick.
Are you well now?
Yes, of course, it was
something very common.
Then, the professor gives a
paper to the girl and say her that her exercise of rubbish strake in N.Y., was
o.k., but he thinks she could do a better redaction next.
Emiliano look at her with a
smile on his face and says; so the exercise was of yours, I liked it very much
when Mr. Pelegrín read it yesterday aloud, I thought it was funny and was
looking for the person who writes it, so now I have found the person, you,
congratulations it is a nice very good exercise.
Oh, thank you
emiliano, you are really kind.
No, I am not, that´s the
truth Maria José.
Thank you again.
Talking that way they remain
for ten minutes, suddenly the boy who was out (the boyfriend of her thought
emiliano) returned and the conversation was over.
What a pity, thought
emiliano, what a nice beautiful girl is this one Maria Jose, I would like to
talk more with her.... emiliano thoughts were very fast always, and without
knowing nothing about the girl he thought she was really very nice and
What are she doing
with this boy?, what different they are, thought by himself this boy in his
second day at Jorge Juan academy, and he was right without knowing anything
about the girl and her boyfriend.
They were absolutely
different and soon these differences will be so evidently that their life will
turn and will separate one from the other forever.
No one of the three young’s
know anything about this premise, future is always ahead our life and we know
nothing about tomorrow.
With this feelings and
thoughts the end of the class was soon and he find himself walking beside Cuca,
talking with her vividly, how has been so?, no matter, he was cheerful and
happy to be at her side going up Jorge Juan street.
Till where?, it doesn´t
matter to him, it was just a pleasure to be close this nice beautiful girl who
was absolutely new for him.
Yes, this situation was
repeated sometimes along February, March and even April, till a day in this
last month when Maria Jose came to the class without her boyfriend Jose Luis.
This day was crucial in the
life of them both, it was a day to remember always for them in future as being
alone for nearly one hour inside the class they could talk for long feeling
themselves very close.
They were so comfortable
talking one with the other that without knowing what was happening it was clear
for emiliano that he likes Maria Jose and she started to think what was she
doing dating with a boy with she could not talk as well as she was doing with
this one?, for her emiliano was a nice boy to talk with and she feel very
comfortable being at his side.
With eighteen years old our dear girl was working inside the Banco Hispano
Americano, at first she was not happy with the change.
She was happy working in Deuth, the German Company, even she started to learn
German as inside her mind was the possibility of going to Germany to work over
She was young, she was less of twenty years old, and her mother had the last
word if she wanted to go out home or to another country.
Yes, that was the real state of a woman, or a girl with less than 21 years, she
was on charge of her parents, her mother, or her husband.
A woman can not go to a country of Europe like Germany if she was less than 21
years and her mother, in the case of Cuca, said NO.
Her mother instead thought it could be better that this girl get a job in the
Banco Hispano Americano where his brother was working already.
So, doing that Cuca´s thoughts will be out of the idea or going out and trying
to work in Germany.
Cuca was a nice good daughter, and said “yes mom” and started to learn Bank´s
business to get a seat in this Hispano Americano Bank.
On the year 1964 being eighteen years old, Cuca was working in the Bank instead
of Deuth, her studies of German was over, and she began to study French
Inside the Bank´s offices there were hundreds of young people working. Lots of
young girls and some boys too with similar age of Cuca´s.
By those years the Bank would be like a marriage agency, couples were formed
very fast but years after the Bank should be like a divorce site where hundreds
of persons were divorced, life if so and nobody knows anything about future.
Divorce was not allowed by these years in Spain, it has to come democracy and
new laws to allow divorces, secular marriages, and other kind of free customs
not so well. Drugs were ahead on the eighty years but even worse Side should be
a plague among the young people.
But this is another story, just the story of a country that went from a
dictator to a democracy in a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.
Work was easy those years and there was the option of getting a job in several
Banks in Madrid city, nearly every year, Banesto, Central, Hispano, Bilbao
Vizcaya, Santander, were banks than usually have lot of places to these young
that were living on the sixties years in this country called Spain.
Not everything was bad living in this dictatorial society that was ruling
everything in the nation.
There was not political freedom, not
freedom to opposite the Franco´s dictator regimen, not freedom to get a
divorce, not sex freedom at all, not news freedom who said what was happening
in the world, censure was making extra hours with the movies, the books, the
newspaper and so forth, but
some good forms of easy way of living was up those years. Soon the May´s 1968 Paris Revolution was
going to happen and everything will be changing soon, for good? for bad?
Who knows?
There are opinions of all kind as humans are quite complicated......sorry,
again "this is other story".
Let us continue with our girl....Nothing was necessary to get the job, not any
high studies, only make a hard exam and get the place.
If a young have high studies it was better for her/him as the Company gave some
points to add to their exam.
Cuca was a good student, in fact she have liked to go to the university if that
could have been possible, but without a father and with a widow mother without
any pension it was necessary that this girl works very soon.
Working in a bank was good, nice people inside, a seat to be resting the full
day while you work, not having to be up so many time as other kind of works,
and lot of young people like you that make a fuss frequently, talking aloud in
the dinner room when they spent the half an hour free time to lunch.
Soon this girl make some friends inside the Bank Office, and started to have
something similar like a club of girls and boys that goes to the mountains in
winter or to the swimming pool in summer.
Life was easy and funny for all these people of similar age and time enough
when they get out from the Bank office.
Madrid was a nice big city to live and to go every place without any
You could walk along the streets without not any problems, not any thief or bad
people, the dictator was strong and the police were looking to have peace on
the streets.
Tourists were coming to Spain those years and life seems beauty and very easy
of living.
Cuca with some money of her own bought a pair of skis, (long slender runners
made of wood, plastic or metal used in gliding over the snow) and started to go
to the mountains near Madrid.
She wanted to learn how to ski and have fun every weekend of winter.
Life was easy on those years for the young people in Spain, of course if they
don´t go in trouble about political ideas.
There wasn´t liberty to think or to have a public opinion about what was
happening out the world or inside the country.
Strikes were forbidden, political parties were not allowed and even
manifestations on the street were also forbidden.
The Regimen was always on the TV giving the people, bullfights, football, and
music festivals, nothing about free speech or free opinion on the papers.
Even so young people have work in several big companies that were growing up on
the sixties and even Beatles have been in Madrid on the second of July 1965 and
it was like a earthquake for the life of millions of young people.
Why not going to learn how to ski on the weekends?.
Just said and done. Cuca started to go to the mountains near the capital
because she wanted to ski like other thousands of locals who went to
Navacerrada and try to slide down the snow more harm than good.
Yes, Cuca had a nice funny life as a young of 19 years old in the Spanish life
of 1965, with a good work, leaving the Bank office at a good hour and going in
winter weekends to ski the Madrid´s mountains close near the big city.
By those time also emiliano was going to the mountains in winter, but he didn´t
want learn how to ski at it seems difficult and dangerous for him.
Yes, it was dangerous, poor Cuca broke a hip instead of learn to ski and
everything changed for her.
life started to be different as everything seems to go wrong with her broken
hip, it needed a surgical operation delayed by a strong cold that complicated
the surgical result of the operation.
After some time of been operated she was bad, the poor girl have pain in her
leg and she couldn´t walk properly and have to be in plaster for about a year,
still without power out to the street, reading, listening to music, receiving
many visits at the beginning and not so many after a few months.
After all life continue for her friends that after going to see her frequently,
started to recover their youth and they went again to dance and to the swimming
pool in summer.
Meanwhile Cuca remained at home still hoping to recover from a very bad
But not all her friends went to the swimming pool with the other, there was one
whose name was José Luis that being in love with Cuca take this opportunity to
visit her frequently.
What happened after a year of entering the Cuca´s house, talk to the mother,
the brother of the girl, these visits?. Well, it is easy to imagine, both ended
up being boyfriends and later fiancé.
Cuca felt that their wings were cut forever and she had a lot of time to think
First goal for her was to be o.k., but this new situation was going to take a
long time for this young girl.
Day after day she received the visit of this young man who were in love with
He was a boy with a past mind, old mind respect everything about relationship
between girls and boys, wife and husband, the paper of a wife at home and the
different paper of the husband.
Soon this will be so evident that the girl had to reconsider the situation
which was doomed if continued relationship with this young man too old ideas
about marriage and lot of subjects.
It has to wait a sometime yet to change everything in the life of our dear Cuca
who knew nothing about her life in future.
First she thought about her life together with this young man Jose Luis who was
going every day to see her at home.
After some months of coming to see her he requested her to be his girlfriend,
what to say? what to do, being so grateful to him?.
Evidently, yes, Cuca will be his girlfriend till the moment they will promised
each other what could be a complete disaster for ever.
After all this not happened as future keeps some surprises for this girl,
either for Jose Luis and Emiliano, the boy who was out her life for the moment.
This would be not for long, future has a paper for this boy who was outside of
these events.
Again in the academy we have
two young persons, a girl called Maria Jose and a boy called Emiliano. None of
them knew nothing about the other, but the shy girl started to talk with
- He, you are a new comer
she said.
Yes I am, my name is
Mine is Maria Jose, is it your
first day here?
No, I came yesterday but you
were not here.
Yes, I was at home just a
little sick.
Are you well now?
Yes, of course, it was
something very common.
Then, the professor gives a
paper to the girl and say her that her:
Exercise of rubbish strake
in N.Y., was o.k., but he thinks she could do a better redaction next.
Emiliano look at her with a
smile on his face and says; so the exercise was of yours, I liked it very much
when Mr. Pelegrín read it yesterday aloud, I thought it was funny and was
looking for the person who writes it, so now I have found the person, you,
congratulations it is a nice very good exercise.
Oh, thank you
emiliano, you are really kind.
No, I am not, that´s the
truth Maria José.
Thank you again.
Talking that way they remain
for ten minutes, suddenly the boy who was out (the boyfriend of her thought
emiliano) returned and the conversation was over.
What a pity, thought
emiliano, what a nice beautiful girl is this one Maria Jose, I would like to
talk more with her.... emiliano thoughts were very fast always, and without
knowing nothing about the girl he thought she was really very nice and
What are she doing
with this boy?, what different they are, thought by himself this boy in his
second day at Jorge Juan academy, and he was right without knowing anything
about the girl and her boyfriend.
They were absolutely
different and soon these differences will be so evidently that their life will
turn and will separate one from the other forever.
No one of the three young’s
know anything about this premise, future is always ahead our life and we know
nothing about tomorrow.
With this feelings and
thoughts the end of the class was soon and he find himself walking beside Cuca,
talking with her vividly, how has been so?, no matter, he was cheerful and
happy to be at her side going up Jorge Juan street.
Till where?, it doesn´t
matter to him, it was just a pleasure to be close this nice beautiful girl who
was absolutely new for him.
Yes, this situation was
repeated sometimes along February, March and even April, till a day in this
last month when Maria Jose came to the class without her boyfriend Jose Luis.
This day was crucial in the
life of them both, it was a day to remember always for them in future as being
alone for nearly one hour inside the class they could talk for long feeling
themselves very close.
They were so comfortable
talking one with the other that without knowing what was happening it was clear
for emiliano that he likes Maria Jose and she started to think what was she
doing dating with a boy with she could not talk as well as she was doing with
this one?, for her emiliano was a nice boy to talk with and she feel very
comfortable being at his side.
There we are, Jorge Juan Institute and
a new pupil sitting in a desk. It
is Emiliano on his first day of class. To him all is new, there is a long time
since the last time he was sitting on a desk watching round him all the people
who will be his partners, even the professor it is a new face. He doesn´t know anybody, no that´s no true,
there is a known face he knew from the mountains trips, yes Jesus, a nice boy
who shared the bed room
sometimes when they go to the Hispano Club.
That´s good, it is better to have a known face if you are a new comer that goes
late, when the course has opened since a month o two ago.
Shake hands, how are you? And they sit together, that´s right.
How long is he going to be here?, till
June more or less, when first test at the Bank Office will be, if he pass the
first it will be another test may be in September, close near to get his
license from the army that will be in December.
Emiliano´s mind was thinking all these
subjects while the professor was reading some writing works about a
rubbish strike in New York.
A rubbish strike in New York?, funny,
here in Spain strikes are forbidden by the law and it is difficult to imagine
something like a rubbish strike, at least we are in winter he thinks.
Pelegrin, the professor, started to
read another work and the new comer emiliano stop thinking and put some
attention to the new reading. Nice,
a nice work with humor and very good written he thinks, let see who is the
author. No author, the girl who
writes it has not come today, who could be? He say to him, I would like to
Next day Emiliano was again in the
class and take a sit just behind a couple, a young boy and a very young nice
girl, really nice he thinks.
He has arrived with Jesus who seems to
know the boy and the girl, emiliano was sitting silence watching everything
with his eyes looking at the nice girl who was also silence watching the two
boys talk.
When the class was over, Jesus and the
other boy, Jose Luis, left the class and the girl was alone, just the same like
Suddenly she turn her body, relax on
the wall, look at him and said:
He, you are a new comer, aren´t you?.
Yes, of course, it is my second day
After a while of some talk the new
professor comes to the class and gives a paper to her saying it is a good work.
So, it is from you, emiliano says, it
is very good, funny and very good written, I like it very much.
How do you know, says her. Well, yesterday Pelegrín read it and I think
it was the best of all.
Thank you very much, uhm, your name
please? Emiliano, and yours?
Maria Jose but friends call me
Nice to meet you Cuca, just a pleasure.
about this story started so, Cuca turning her body to the right, relaxing her back on the wall and greeting emiliano with her
word, he, you are a new comer, aren´t
Why she do such a thing? There is not any explanation as Cuca was a shy girl
that doesn´t speak with people she doesn´t know. Why for she does such step?. Along years this couple has been for long thinking what happened to
her to do such a thing so odd in her
way of doing.
She has done this gesture for the best, as the story of these two young persons started just from this moment.
In Spanish could be, Hola, tu eres nuevo, no?. She knows perfectly well emiliano is a new
comer so the real motive for her
could be she wants to talk with this boy.
Is this a mutual crush? A Cupid’s arrow?.
It could be, but we have to wait some months to see it.
Yes, of course, some moths because Cuca is dating with Jose Luis (in fact she
was engaged with him) and emiliano is a serious boy that doesn´t want to
interfere in a love relation, which ever kind of relation it could be.
That´s not the way of emiliano actions
and for him, a serious person, that kind of behavior could be not ethic.
Silly boy after all, as in love of war
there are not rules.
Evidently, he likes the girl, very much ended, but she was dating another boy,
such a problem, but to talk with her or going out with both it is nice for him
and he doesn´t think in other subject that following their talking outside the
Jorge Juan Institute.
In future he could repeat these actions some times, not very frequently as he would like to do, but it wasn´t in his
will as he doesn´t know the boy or the girl enough to ask them for a walk. It
was always the other boy Jesus who likes to talk with Jose Luis about football
and emiliano has his chance when the two boy where talking ahead walking up
till Cuca, yes Cuca, house.
After two months everything will be finished as Cuca and the boy will
change their desks in the class, and emiliano has less opportunities of talking
with the girl. Having this in
mind, he goes back the class and watched the couple curiously asking by himself
"what have seen this incredible nice girl in a boy like Jose Luis", it is a mystery for emiliano and he thinks
that the boy is handsome, good
looking, and physical attraction was the only motive for her. Other reasons are unthinkable for emiliano as
this boy Jose Luis seems very simple minded for him, but who knows girls?. What
is in the soul of a girl?, what is the choice of a girl like this one, Cuca?,
only physical attraction?.
I don´t think so, were the thoughts of
emiliano, it have to be something more as the girl is intelligent, nice,
beautiful, well she has everything I like in a girl and it is sure I WILL BE
HAPPY WITH HER FOR EVER, if she choose me and love me as I want, just a pity
she is dating already. I don´t
like to suffer it is better to put some distance, was his feelings without
being alert about them.
Poor boy Emiliano, he is hard inside his heart about falling in love with the
first o second girl he could meet, or the hundred or thousand that is his way
of feeling. Difficult to
find a girl who could like him specially and the one he meets is engaged?. There is not a reason for that,
so many time alone without a loving one, and now.....nothing?
Be in you boy, don´t lament anything, you are going to the bank soon and
afterward you´ll be out of Spain and could know a blonde girl in Canada that
make you happy.
They would like to talk for ever, at
least emiliano, but it was complicated for this couple.
After two months Cuca and Jose Luis
take their seat at the first row of the class, why?. Nobody knows, but emiliano
are not behind them anymore. There
are not more opportunities for Cuca and emiliano to talk one with the other
when there is a short between two classes. Finally Emiliano take his seat at the end of the class room in the last
row. From this situation
he could watch everything round him and frequently his sight was fix on the
back of Maria Jose. He are
thinking nothing, nothing at all as this girl has her boyfriend at her side and
there some things it is not possible to change. Not hoping anything he frequently thinks on her, he thinks that with this
girl he could be happy for ever. She is the one, the one he likes absolutely
and it is out hand, or out his heart already as this by doesn´t like to suffer.
Why for suffering or thinking
impossible goals?.
Little by little things settle down, feelings start to be cold and every one of
the boys attend their lessons of countability, composition and commercial
mathematics. It is necessary to do this if they want to pass the exams at the
There will be two exams at the Bank, the two will be written exams. First one
of count ability, language, mathematics with two or three problems,
composition, and even some other tests of general culture.
Once the first exam will be pass for some of the students will be a second one
about Bank´s Office themes, and this will be very difficult as it is necessary
to learn lot of commercial terms of the own Bank.
First exam will be taken on first days of June, and the other will be on
October in other to give some time to study the Bank´s subjects.
All the candidates that approve the final exam of October will take a place in
the Bank offices as first official inside the Bank organization. That will attached a significant increase of
the month salary but even a
reward of money for the time this charge of official could be free without
being covered. It could be
a lot of money by the difference between the salary of an auxiliary and the
official´s salary obliged in that site since a long time.
Emiliano and every one of the
candidates want a good exam result and consequently a good number to take the
older official sites, as much time without being covered the official place
more money to earn. So, it was
not enough to pass the exam, Emiliano wants a good number to get a nice sum of
What for Emiliano wants the money?,
just to save it and get enough savings to go soon to Canada. It could be twisted but he wants to be
official not to work in the Bank in a better place, no, that was not the point.
He wants the money to be off from the Bank and from the country.
So, in a short period of time he was
thinking all these subjects and fix his attention on the studies, just a good
help to keep away his mind from the nice girl who has taken his heart so
Meanwhile this boy was doing his
military service at the mornings with different people and an absolute strictly
atmosphere. Where is Emiliano
doing his service?, that´s good question an it is secret by the moment as he is
in the Secret Military Service trying to be invisible over there. Invisible and without thought, just doing his
duty that is typing secret documents with the typewriter. His mouth is shut,
his eyes don´t see anything and his mind is empty.
Being inside his thoughts are on the
left side, so it is funny that he is in the Secret State sharing secrets of the
moment. Listening to the police radio station, taking notes about what is
happening in the State, and afterward typing them to the colonel who is in
charge of the secret Service. Emiliano
doesn´t wear his soldier uniform anymore and he is happy about the
subject. Type the
documents every morning, give them to the official in charge and he doesn´t
think any more. He is just
awaiting to next December to be off from the army forever. Nothing to be with this people as in fact they
are nice and good educated. Not any problem disturb him in the office, so days pass fluently and
happy thoughts were always in his mind.
Meanwhile what is doing Cuca?. Well,
she is working in the head office of the Bank and doing some rehabilitation to
her leg. Never she talk about this question with Emiliano the same as he
neither talk of his morning work to her or to anybody, it is just secret inside
his mind and he likes not to remember anything once he is out the Office.
Difficult to tell what you don’t
remember, that is Emiliano´s attitude.
Time is passing on and everything
reminds the same in the life of this two young people.
Both of them were studying, working in the mornings and going to the academy at
They don´t speak to much now, being separate in class it is difficult to talk,
beside inside Emiliano´s mind there is something similar as being on guard
against his inner feelings about the girl. He likes her a lot, but better not to think too much just the same as he
does with his morning work. He types thinking another subjects and Emiliano is
at the class room looking at her thinking on his future projects. Lessons are very easy for him so it not
requires a big effort to get everything in his mind.
Emiliano had been a student till the age of 21 years old, he is designer, and
before getting his work at Bank he was studying to be an engineer, so this kind
of Bank´s studies are really easy for him.
Not and extra effort is necessary to him so his mind is free to be thinking in
his future far away from Spain with his eyes looking to that girl who is
seating at the first row of the class room.
Without knowing what he does he looks at the girl with pleasure and he is alert
to all her movements.
Day after day the class room is full of young people that wanted the same goal
that our friends, Cuca, Emiliano, Jose Luis and Jesus.
Nothing remains calm for long and this
situation is going to break quite soon.
Spring has come, Emiliano’s blood is
hotter in this beautiful season in
Madrid city.
Something good is going to happens that could change the life of these young
persons. Cuca and Emiliano
are not aware of what destiny has reserved them, may be "God ways are
inscrutable" and it was not said the last word about the relationship of
A day of April the girl has come alone to the class room and she is waiting the
teacher siting on her desk in the firs row as always, even Emiliano is sitting
on his desk looking at her.
When she looks to him it was like a flash, Emiliano gets up and goes ahead to where she is alone, and greets her
How are you Cuca?
Well, I am very well.
Are you alone?
Yes, Jose Luis can´t today and I have come alone.
Great, it is good not to lose a single lesson.
Yes, I think the same.
They start to talk about the lessons and how the weather was, it is always easy
to talk about the weather when it is a long time without having a conversation. Nevertheless they soon started to have their
friendly talk of ever but this time more frankly.
The teacher is delayed and they take
their sit one in front the other close
enough to talk low, only for them, as a point they forget where they were and everything disappear round
them. For him there is
only her and for the girl there is only him, so calm, so easy to talk with that she started to tell
him her story. She tell Emiliano
her fall on the snow, how bad it was as to break her hip, the long time she has been without
moving, and all the subjects about
her life that Emiliano doesn´t know.
The air is magic for them, spring is
outdoors and the time pass without being perceived by these girl and boy. Nearly an hour and half they were talking without any hurry, and the
teacher doesn´t appear. They
were nearly alone as lot of other young has leaving already. Finally another teacher appears and say to
the few people who still were in the class that the professor couldn´t come so
they could left and go out if
they want. So Cuca and Emiliano,
goes to take their things and left the class room with great pain. It has last so brief than
now they are in the street again and Emiliano said good by to Cuca as they are
taken different ways.
Something has been removed inside them,
in their souls, but it has been
like a flash and it is finished again.
What incredible nice girl thinks
Emiliano when he is going home by the underground, she is so beautiful and our
conversation is quieted, soft, amusing we laugh as we know each other for a
long time. It seem we are
very good friends after all and we feel very comfortable together, it seems for
me she is the in the same form like me, thinks the boy but could he be sure
about this?. Why is dating this incredible girl with that boy?. It has been
great that he hasn´t come today, thinks Emiliano, reviving their conversation once and again.
What is thinking Cuca when she is going
home? Well, the girl thinks
about the different talk she has with that boy Emiliano than with Jose Luis,
her fiancé, it is different. With the boy who has been in the class room till now she could talk about
everything, even she has told him her life along the last two years and he
seems really interested. Little
by little the old idea she has that her situation is not good with Jose Luis
take shape in her mind, she can´t talk with her boyfriend the same way she
talks with Emiliano, is it natural?, no it is not a good life for future, just
to be the wife of a man that she can´t talk with.
has not confidence to speak with him the way she has done with Emiliano and
this is absolutely fundamental to Cuca.
To have confidence with your couple is
essential to her, talk with him, relax on him, stand by him too, and nothing of
these are happening now. Even a boy that she doesn´t know well awake inside her
a nice unknown feeling of pleasure and friendship.
This is unusual she was thinking, what
I know about Emiliano?. Where is he going now? May be, is he going to see
his girlfriend?, Who knows?. He is always in a hurry, as he has to go another
place after here, beside it is a nice looking boy and sure he is dating
already. But, what I am thinking, I don´t care about his life, what I care is
that I can talk with him too much better than with Jose Luis, even I have been
telling him lot of things that usually I didn´t like to say anybody, but with
Emiliano it seems so easy to say him what happened to me in Navacerrada
mountains, my year being at home without moving and so may things, it is
absolutely surprising to me this incredible behavior with a boy so serious like
Emiliano. But he is soft
for me, I think we could talk for hours without being tired of this long talk,
eve he is so attentive to my story.
Every moment I am thinking that was a mistake to say Jose Luis I was going to
be his girlfriend, he is nice and a good boy, his behavior with me was really
good when I need friendship but I can´t be married only because I am so
grateful with him, I think it is necessary to feel he is my boy forever, the
one with I like to be every moment, who listen to me the way this other boy,
Emiliano, has been. I
think it is not Jose Luis, he is good, it is me that I am not so confident to
talk with him, I really can´t it is a feeling that he doesn´t understand me at
Maria Jose´s mind was full of ideas about her boyfriend, herself, their
relation, and even about the boy she has been talking so well, creating round
them an atmosphere so nice, pleasant, soft, so much confidence and the feeling
of been understood for Emiliano was present for her, now and then, in fact
always they have been talking.
Coming home she stopped her thoughts, but they are going to remind for
long, it has been like this night being along with that boy a veil had fallen
from her eyes and mind forever, and the ideas she was thinking months before
now there were clearer.
At last she said for herself, this
relation has little future, it is better to cut it as soon as possible without
hurting Jose Luis that has been so good friend to me.
MAY OF 1968
Emiliano is coming home like in a
cloud, he was happy, he was thinking in Cuca all the way back, how nice girl
she was, how much has she suffering with her broken hip, how good conversation
they had, it is such a pity she is dating already.
Why when he find a girl like Cuca, so
unique, she is dating already?. Are
he going to do anything?, well it is not my style, if she is dating it has to
be because she likes Jose Luis, it can not be other reason and he, Emiliano, am
not going to do anything.
has all my respect he was thinking, there is no way to do nothing different
with this girl, she is fair and good, she is not going to change one boy for
other, it is clear for Emiliano, beside why do you think Emiliano, she could
like you?.
Awake boy, don´t dream any more, Cuca is engaged already, she is not for
you boy.
Despite this alert Emiliano was happy, he has been so delighted with her that
nothing matter, he has to live the moment and don´t think in future.
Once he is at home, he likes to tell his sister Esther something about the girl
and her story, but even he is talking with his mother about the nice girl who
fall in Guadarrama mountains and has to be in bed nearly a year. Yes, that girl of the bank that we listened
about her accident, don´t you remember mom?, yes said his father, yes said his
other sister Paquita, I remember her very well, it was commented for weeks
among the friends in the Bank.
It is funny that Emiliano´s father and his older sister Paquita are working in
Banco Hispano Americano too, the same like him. May be is it a family tradition to work in
the same Bank?.
Something was in the air that propitiate lot of changes, young’s at the
universities were all days in strike, they were against the dictator shipment,
against the lack of liberty, they all want a new society to express themselves
with more freedom.
Vietnam´s war was a let motive to be against all kind of weapons, all kind of
wars, to against the army of all countries, against the society of that time
that was so constricted to the old rules.
After more than twenty years since the end of the second war the new generation
want to change everything. Spain
was one of the countries were the protests were increasing day after day.
In EE.UU., happens the same, in West
Germany and all west European countries were happening the same. The world have been at the edge of be
destroyed by the missiles crisis in Cuba. A red telephone was created between Moscow and Washington to elude
another crisis like that. Even Hollywood has made a film by Stanley
Kubrick where this nuclear crisis was parodied in one of his great movies.
The world has taken off its breath
waiting for the bombs, but thanks God nothing happened in this called:
The Cuban missile crisis—known as the October crisis or The Missile Scare
(Spanish: Crisis de October) in Cuba and the Caribbean
crisis (Russian: Карибский кризис, tr. Karibskiy krizis) in the former USSR—was a
13-day confrontation in October 1962 between the Soviet
Union and
Cuba on
one side and the United States on the other side. The
crisis is generally regarded as the moment in which the Cold War
came closest to turning into a nuclear
conflict[1] and
is also the first documented instance of mutual assured destruction
(MAD) being discussed as a determining factor in a major international arms
To avoid another similar situation the two
presidents, Khrushchev and Kennedy, created "the red telephone"
between its nations, as I said above, doing so it seems we were more
secured.Even the Kubrick´s movie was like a nuclear joke destruction of the
world, but it was very realist after all.
Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and
Love the Bomb"
An insane general triggers a
path to nuclear holocaust that a war room full of politicians and generals
frantically try to stop.
some years Kennedy was assassinated, and Khrushchev on October 14, 1964, the
Presidium and the Central Committee each voted to accept Khrushchev's
"voluntary" retirement from his offices for reasons of "advanced
age and ill health."
so the world is more or less the same, the Vietnam´s war follows and young
people are really tired of their Governments.
first and second of May 1968 all this anger explodes on the streets of Parish.
May of 1968 has been initiated and things are going to change for
barricades, coctails Molotov, soldiers, fights, were again on Paris and
millions of workers and students started to move all over France and its
strikes were incessant, all has been stopped, no body works and the French
society is astonished. Rest of Europe and USA were looking these young’s and
workers, this French society that was moving.
on the French Revolution of July 1789 people were again on the streets, and as
they can´t take off the head of the King they propitiate the fall of the
President Charles de Gaulle, and everything started to change in France and the
rest of the Europe and inside the mentality of the new generations.
Charles de Gaulle resigned the presidency at noon, 28 April 1969, following the
rejection of his proposed reform of the Senate and local governments in a nationwide referendum. De Gaulle vowed that if the referendum failed, he
would resign his office. Despite an eight-minute-long speech by de Gaulle, the
referendum failed and he duly resigned. Two months later Georges Pompidou was elected as his successor.
Changes will be seen quite soon in Spain too,
and the two boys could see the changes of their life with the seventy years
coming to enlighten a new decade. Their life will turn a way that they can´t
imagine on May of 1968.
these young people, Cuca and Emiliano, were doing on May 1968 while Paris
streets were burning?
similar to that, Spain was out of that movements because the dictatorship was
absolutely strong an police were in the Complutense University were the
students were the only democratic force at the moment.
have taken her holidays at the work and she has gone to a city in the Malaga´s
coast, Torreblanca it is the name of the beach little city and Cuca is in a
little hotel with her mother for the first fifteen days of May.
wants to relax from everything, and the best form of be relaxed it is to go to
the beach.
talked with Emiliano some other days after their talk in April, and she is
feeling that with this boy she is pleased, she likes to be with him and touch
different subjects that with her boyfriend it is not possible.
nice conversation is one of the things in life she likes more, and being with
this boy it is easy, he is a good listener and carry the conversation the way
she likes.
has been thinking a lot after the day both of them were alone in the class
room. She thinks Emiliano has a girlfriend waiting for him when he is coming
home just because he seems to be in a hurry when they go out from the
Institute. Now the four young are not going walking to her house any more,
Emiliano says till tomorrow and disappear immediately from the class room.
that she is going to the beach, emiliano has said to her that is not a prudent
attitude to go to the beach now if she wants to pass her exam in the
she needs the beach, so here is she with her mother going to take Sun´s baths
every day close near the sea side.
she is in Torreblanca, the world out Spain seems to burst, in France and
other countries of Europe strikes and students fights were the rule day after
day, France was stopped by so many strikes and the police hits thousand o
people that was in the streets of Paris and other France big cities, but these
news does not come where Cuca is resting.
the contrary Emiliano is up to all these news, working as a soldier who has to
write events of this nature, he has a lot of work. News come to Spain every
moment and the dictatorship was alert, Secret Service where there was the
soldier Emiliano was taking notes of everything, listening to the police
radio stations (this was another work to the soldier Emiliano) and having all
the police agents inside the universities of Madrid and other Spanish capitals.
the Spanish country it seems that nothing was happening, dictatorship try to no
inform about these events, and the Spanish life was going on waiting for
summer, holidays, beaches, swimming pools and easy life, nevertheless the world
was changing very fast outside the border of this country.
the end the De Gaulle have to convocate elections in France that he lost,
and things in France for its people start to be different.
Spain there are persons that wants a change, but nothing happens and life seems
to be the same as before May 1968.
has returned from her holidays and the exams in the Bank were ahead to be done
in June.
lessons in the Jorge Juan Institute were finishing and the girl and the boy
Emiliano said each other "be lucky" I hope to see you after the exams
having good news at that moment.
is alone again, without talking with this girl he likes so much but his head is
thinking in Canada, where soon he thinks could be working after less than two
years. His future life was ahead in this cold country where he wants to go, out
his country, out from the dictatorship he dislike so much, out some other rules
in the Spanish society of that time he also dislike.
is with Jose Luis, not very sure about her future and what is she going to do
with the problem she had. She didn´t love this boy but it is difficult to say
him go, I don´t like you any more, what to do?. Just wait some time to no hurt
him?. In fact she doesn´t think in Emiliano as for her this boy has to be
dating another girl as he never has told her loving words or he hadn´t do
nothing in the way of dating her. For her Emiliano is a very nice young boy,
serious and very good talking and listener, she felt at his side incredible
good but what can she do about the subject?, nothing.
IT WAS THE YEAR 1968 ON THE WORLD(first. ...)
- On
October 2, 1968, in Tlatelolco Plaza of the Three Cultures or are nearly
50,000 students gathered . But they did but they ambushed because of all
the converging streets, army forces appeared, surrounding the square. A flare is fired ...
and the killing began.
- In
that now occupies our attention, 1968, was celebrated the 1968
Mexico Olympics , but was growing international concern: is
living the worst days of the Vietnam War , just months before the tragic
Prague Spring had happened.
- When
Soviet tanks rolled into the Czech capital , in Paris, students had risen
(the well-known French May 68), racism in South Africa reached its peak,
and Mexico was a strong internal instability result of poor economic
conditions spanning .
- On
August 27 of that year, more than 200,000 students marched through
downtown Mexico City , and settled in the Zocalo, the central square of
Mexico City. The next day, the
police suppressed the revolt.
- Mexico
was the ideal city for its next staging of the Olympic Games and become a
good advertising focus to show the disagreement not only with the internal
policy of the federal government, but with the global instability. But
Mexico and its government was not willing to become a focus of revolts
precisely some special days.
- The
riots followed, and in September the government sent the army to occupy
the Campus producing dozens of injuries among students. Now, in this
repression, there was talk that there had been dozens of deaths, and that
police had burned to hide the evidence to the world. Still, the protests
continued at an increasing rate, while participants from all over the
world were coming to the capital.
+ + + + + +
Prague Spring
in 1968 he was elected president of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Alexander
Dubcek. This president took action as the proclamation of the freedom of the
press and release of non-communist political organizations, revealing their
intentions to democratize the regime. The new government line was
enthusiastically welcomed by the Czech population. The winds of freedom favored
criticism of Soviet control over the country, against the bureaucratic
dictatorship and against Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe. What Dubcek was
intended to give a new orientation communism, avoiding his radical and
dictatorial ends?
It remains something of that year in which social and student movements seemed
going to change the world?
Ideals were close to the surface, the movements pacifists were multitudinous,
humanity looked like was going to change forever.
And then, what happened?
Pacifists, idealists, to intone where they hid, that positions occupied?
Secretaries of state? Secretaries of NATO? Soldiers who mobilized other
Did the Vietnam War was the last?
After forty-six years of those years 1968/1969 everything looks the same or
worse. The path is bleak, new wars ravaged Europe and the rest of the
+ + + + + +
Now and forever
Thousands of people were
mobilized under the slogan "We're going to find"; attentive to
"actual" violations of human rights organizations.
When he was called
concentration Rivera and Jackson, the rain stopped falling on Montevideo.
Minutes after, and seventeenth time, thousands of people marched silently
through July 18th Avenue to Plaza Libertad, on the date that the killings in
Buenos Aires Zelmar Michelini, Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, Rosario Barredo and
William remembered Whitelaw.
is summer of 1968, Cuca has taken her holidays already, made her exam at the
Bank and now she wants to study the second test to get the goal of being
official at the Banco Hispano Americano.
has approved the first test that seems the most difficult and now she needs to
memorize a lot of themes relative to the Bank´s commercial administration,
will be necessary for her to study two or three hours by day all the commercial
subjects necessary to be in one of the Bank different sites, like cash, foreign
exchange, commercial credits of import and export, commerce, and so forth till
October, that will be the second test.
Luis her boyfriend has failed his exam and for him is very frustrating to see
his girlfriend studying so many hours, he wants to go out and day after day is
telling Cuca he wants to walk, to go to the theatre, to the swimming pool or to
the park. It is so boring for him to be indoors looking at her studying. Cuca
is thinking that this boy doesn´t understand she has to study, to study very
hard as she wants to pass her exam.
is tiresome for her to be fighting with a frustrated boy that have not past his
exam and finally she decided to be in doors that summer studying hard
every day.
is doing the same, every evening of this summer he is studying the same exam
than her, even he is thinking about Cuca, has her past the exam or not?.
He knows nothing about the girl as he is still not working in the Bank and he
doesn´t know anybody who could tell him about the girl.
the morning Emiliano goes to the office where he is doing his service in the
army looking to the end of his time in the Spanish Army Forces that will be
next December if all goes the right way to him.
in Madrid use to be very hot, nobody goes to the streets if it is not necessary
till seven p.m., or even later, as the sun burns. It is better to have a
nap indoors after lunch and await till late to go for a walk.
will be July, the hottest month, it take a big effort to study so many items
that soon, once next exam in October will be over, shall be forgotten by the
majority of these candidates.
of the army officials that are working in the S.S. are taken their holidays, so
Emiliano has in mind to ask for fifteen days of liberty to be with his sister
in the mountains near Madrid. He has the idea that the colonel could give him
these days if there is a good reason for that. To look after his sister in her
holidays could be a good reason for this official and surprised it happens and
he has fifteen days of holidays to rest in the mountains close to Madrid but
also to study full day the Bank´s themes.
holidays indeed, he has lot of ideas inside his mind without being aware that
none of them will be accomplish in future.
the summer is going on and October will be soon ahead announcing some changes
in the life of Cuca and Emiliano.
is the best season in Madrid, hot is finished and people likes to walk through
Retiro´s Park where there is a symphony of colors everywhere. It is a nice
place to take a seat in the middle of the park and start to read one again the
themes it is necessary to remember for at least another week, just enough to
take the exam and be free to forget which ever subject you don´t need to
is not going to happens that Cuca and Emiliano meet each other in the exam, too
many candidates have passed first exam and it will be a good chance for them to
meet each other doing their exams.
results will be in November and finishing the proof Cuca and Emiliano were
happy of doing a good test.
It seemed that the Western world was
changing for the better this year, 1968, nothing was further from reality. The
seventies were responsible with their terrifying facts back to the repressor
actually less than ten years was a dream of freedom.
( General Videla acclaimed
B.Aires) ......?
military dictatorship in Argentina.
From 1976 to 1983 Argentina seizes power in one Coup military junta which
suppresses almost human rights consistently proceeding to physical elimination
of all class opposition or criticism to their heinous acts. It is considered
one of the bloodiest dictatorships in history
military dictatorship in Chile. Between
1973 and 1981 in Chile took power General Augusto Pinochet, establishing a
similar process would be established in Argentina. disappear human
rights, freedom of association, any opposition is removed and the begin years
of so-called "disappeared" suspected opponents mercilessly out of a
company governed and oppressed with the support and consent of other empires that
consider themselves democratic.
And in Latin America military
dictatorships arise as all the bad condition of :
Bolivia - Hugo Banzer 1971-1978
Uruguay - 1973/1984
Paraguay - Alfredo Stroessner 1954/1989
Peru - Juan Velasco Alvarado 1968/1975
addition to Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba and some Nations who joined more
repression and annihilation of opponent.
Dictatorships in Africa continued as if nothing had happened, and the worst was
that the former colonies run by European countries became dictatorships
occidentals orchestrated by the same countries with economic and military
interests in the region.
Asia was death camp systematic whole civilian populations swelled annals of
Nations in Cambodia and other Southeast Asian left by the death throes of the
Vietnam War led to the establishment of dictatorships annihilating its
population in nearly ten countries these latitudes. Cambodia's Khmer
Rouge dictator Pol Pot and massacred half million countrymen. Suma y sigue,
Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia ... and stop counting and then the list is
A libertarian movement Europe and
America led to suffering and destruction to millions of human beings in later
The generation that lived through those
years, among whom I count myself, was quite disappointed with any similar
movement of a kind or another whether he was not accompanied by a economic
stability that guarantees work, health and freedom.
crisis that began in 1973, called 1973 oil began in August of that year and
affected countries of Western Europe and the United States who were punished by
OPEC for their support to Israel in their war of Yom Kippur, then extending to
virtually the entire planet.
Rising prices coupled with the heavy
dependence had the industrialized world oil caused a strong inflationary effect
and a reduction in economic activity globally?
Liberation movements of the late
sixties frustrated aspirations to one crisis to the seventies, and repression
worldwide was the point and followed daily. freedom and economic crisis are not
usually accompanied, see the present time, so there would to wait until the
late eighties when other levels of political and economic expediency in
different stratum of power, the Berlin Wall was torn down, but these events
were another History.
is going on in the city and news are so good for the girl, she has approved,
that now Cuca is happy thinking in her next future. A future being alone, as
she is breaking inside her mind with her boyfriend and she wants to make it
soon and without hurt for him or for her.
has been over there and Cuca knows already that this boy is not for her, she
likes to have a good friend at her side, a friend to talk, a friend to love, a
friend to live together for long and this boy is not appropriate for her
feelings. There is not any confidence or solidarity inside him with the fact
she needs time to study and can´t go outside as he lately has requested her.
No, Jose Luis is not her boy or her love any more, so the best is to cut soon,
in fact she is doing that little by little without hurting his feelings.
approved her exams means more money, also more consideration at work office
among her partners and this is even more important for her. She likes her work
at the Bank and she wants to give the best of her doing her task at the office.
for the boy too, he has approved and Emiliano was happy. It means just what he
wanted, more money to save for his final trip to get his site in the world, working
in Canada?, it is possible, but he doesn´t care where if he goes out this
vulgar world he lives in.
it would happened with the girl?, he was thinking, and the image of her was
inside his mind frequently. Is it was in July the last chance he has to see
her?, yes, it was, he was going to the Bank to get his month´s salary and Cuca
was in Sol Square with that boy of hers, they were chatting each other ten
meters from Emiliano that cross Alcala street fast, going short of time
and seeing that the girl was with her boy friend he preferred not to go and
meet them as by chance.
was not easy to him just to see Cuca that way with her boy close to her
and never Emiliano has talked with that boy Jose Luis, it was not his type to
talk with, less to be friendly. There was something he dislike about him, but
of course this was natural knowing what his feelings to the girl were.
that´s the last time Emiliano saw Maria Jose and was not possible to him just
to know if she has passed the first exam and if so, what have happened with the
second?, not any news about that.
already in the first days of December winter was ahead, soon Christmas will be
in the air and everything will be going to change about the lights, the shops,
and of course the feelings of people who lives in this big city of Madrid.
Emiliano it was the time to get his freedom of the military army service that
was so troublesome for him. At that moments the boy is going to an English
Academy where he attends two hours by day of conversation and English grammar.
His intention of going to the British Columbia in Canada remains inoculated in
his mind and it seems nothing will be enough to change his will. That´s what he
is thinking now when he is going to learn more English and have to pay a lot of
money for the two hours of class.
are good classes with very few people inside them, so the boy could talk a lot
and even sometimes he is alone with the teacher, and Australian girl with a
very good English accent.
he thinks, my first will was going to Australia so in accordance with these
thought he have lots of question to the girl and their conversation is always
vividly and nice. His improvement is going fast with so many chats. English
grammar class is good enough to prepare the Lower Certificate of English a
subject that is also in Emiliano´s mind.
Emiliano is not aware that relationship between Cuca and her boyfriend is going
to its end. The girl has realized that there is not any future for her with
this boy, she can´t married him only by gratitude that will be sure as hell for
him and for her.
that in mind for a long time, may be Emiliano has something to do about her
feelings, she has talked with Jose Luis asking him for a period to think, she
needs to think if their relation is good and she needs time, the same as him,
she told. Just we need to take some time to think about our future, if it is a
good idea to continue or it is better to cut our relationship amicably before
it advance more.
now Cuca has done her first step to finish her relationship with her boyfriend,
that is her idea absolutely but she prefer to cut with him in the right way,
not hurting his feelings after all.
has passed the Bank´s exams and now she is aware that is going to be a meeting
in the Jorge Juan academy, among the guys that have succeeded in their exams.
It will be on 20th of December and it will be a good occasion to see which one
has approved after all. May be that boy Emiliano has approved? It is sure she
said for her, he seem smart to pass, sure he did a good exam.
be he in the meeting? She asked herself, may be and we´ll have a good talk
together if ihere is time enough she is thinking.
is December already, a nice month to Emiliano as he is going to be free from
his army service and soon will be doing his life not being a soldier any more.
perspective for this month he is thinking; "just I have to return the
uniform, the boots, everything I have from the army and I will be a person not
a soldier who has to obey the orders of the first official I could
he said, I will be a person again and soon will get my passport and could go
which ever country I like to.
studies of English continue every day and he is thinking that knowing English
will be the real subject to have in mind now, it will very good for him in
future if he wants to get a good job.
going to work, not going to the academy, not being in touch with any of his
partners at the Bank, Emiliano knows nothing about who has passed the exams,
nothing about Cuca, and nothing about the meeting it was going to be celebrated
in the academy.
goes to the military office in the mornings, at the English academy in the
evenings and that is all along the first days of December.
the fifteen of this month he goes to Alcalá de Henares to return his uniform in
the CIR, the camp where he was first designated, he says good bye to their guys
in the secret service office, good people after all, despite he doesn´t like
army, soldiers, or police inspector. The concept is different, he could not
like policemen or inspectors in general, or the officials of the army because
they are soldiers who are armed forces with weapons in their hands, but when
you are working with them and have good experiences with these persons, you
start to see the people, the persons, and how are they with you, if they are
good or bad people, and not what they could represent.
experience has been good and he will have good memories of this year he was in
the military secret service office, treating with secret police, officials, and
so forth. One of the guys who is inspector already, despite he is very
young, has been like a friend to Emiliano and he feel sorry to say him good
it is the twentieth of December and Emiliano is leaving his class in the
English academy, he is stepping down the stairs of the subway, before entering
in the station and buying the ticket he thinks in going to the Hispano branch
which it is close to the metro entrance. He knows that Jesus, the boy who was
going with him to the academy probably is working inside the office,
moon-lighting work in fact, and he wants to know who passed the exams and even
if Jesus passed it.
on that subjects he returns his way back, goes up the stairs and at the Bank´s
door ring for a while. A person comes and Emiliano asked if Jesus is in the
he is not now, he has leaved five minutes ago because he wants to go the Jorge
Juan Institute.
you, but do you know why is going Jesus to the Institute?
I can tell you, the people that have passed their exams are going to celebrate
a little feast in the academy, they want to see each other and see what of them
have approved the exams and have a drink to celebrate their exit.
is there a feast in the academy? Thanks I know nothing about that, thanks
a lot.
today, sure they are going to have a good time together.
you very much, again, bye.
there is a meeting in the academy thinks Emiliano, it would be a good idea to
go and see which one have passed the exams. "Why don´t you go
Emiliano", he thinks for himself, "just a while would be enough and
you have time enough to go there before going home".
that he turn up when he is going down to the subway and goes up the stairs
again to the street.
once again he is in Goya´s street searching his way to the Jorge Juan
institute. "That will be nice" he thinks crossing the street and
stepping down fast.
was a short walk for him and he moves faster every moment as being anxious to
be again in the place he felt something new some months before. In fact he was
not thinking on anything now, he has made up his mind to be an hour or more
with the approved guys and there is all for the evening, nothing more is ahead
his life in that moment.
it is, Jorge Juan Institute, a long time without being here he is thinking, and
suddenly a clear lovely voice reach him, he Emiliano, and again even
louder, ¡¡¡¡¡Emiliano ¡¡¡¡¡, he turn his head to the left and yes, there
is her, Cuca calling for him three meters behind. He, Emiliano, are you, after
all you approved, doesn´t you?.
my Good, good, very good indeed, the boy is thinking at the same time he is
greeting the girl eagerly, how are you, Maria Jose?, it is such a pleasure to
see you here, that means you passed the exam too, like me, do you?.
I do, It has been a summer studying but here we are to celebrate we are free of
having to study it again, aren´t we?
course, it is very nice that you passed it, I am very happy for you. What about
Jose Luis, where is he? Have you come alone?
I am alone now, it was a matter of time that my relation with Jose Luis has to
be over, he is a good boy but not for me. In fact we have breaking already, and
it will be certain in a short time, we have given us a while to think, but it
is so clear to me that I don´t need any time, it is just courtesy to let him
change his mind forever. So, now I am relaxed about a complicate subject that
take me worried for some time.
words sounds like heaven music for Emiliano, the girl is free, absolutely free
and she is here alone, it is his chance and he is not going to lost it. No,
that´s for sure, he is not going to spoil the opportunity fate has given both
of them this evening.
have to be very careful with this nice girl I like so much and just touch her
feelings about me very slowly. May be she doesn´t want anything about love
affairs so soon? So be careful Emiliano, don´t afraid her with you
propositions, he said to his mind.
go up the stair of the academy and ring twice, nobody comes to open the door
and for a moment they were in silence. Another ring, but nothing happens.
do you think? Says Cuca, we could come again later if you agree and you are not
in a hurry. Yes, of course Cuca, just a walk to make time? Nice, in ten minutes
we could come again. That´s right for me, says Emiliano.
two goes for a short walk and talk about their exams and some other things
making time to return. After a time again in front the door, ringing and nobody
comes, it is so odd, says Cuca.
that´s could be good says Emiliano, what about going for a walk Cuca?, o.k.,
that´s good, I like to talk with you, do you want to see the Christmas lights
in Castellana street, Emiliano?. Right, sure it would be nice to see them, it
is a lovely weather outside despite we are close near Christmas, don´t you
think so?
it is, so let´s go to see the lights, sure you´ll like them. Be sure about
that, Cuca, I will like them very much walking with you at my side and having
that so nice talks we had before.
that´s could be good says Emiliano, what about going for a walk Cuca?, o.k.,
that´s good, I like to talk with you, do you want to see the Christmas lights
in Castellana street, Emiliano?. Right, sure it would be nice to see them, it
is a lovely weather outside despite we are close near Christmas, don´t you
think so?.
it is, so let´s go to see the lights, sure you´ll like them. Be sure about
that, Cuca, I will like them very much walking with you at my side and having
that so nice talks we had before".
what Emiliano is thinking, but say nothing to her as it is necessary to go
slowly with the girl. He says, yes, it would be so nice to go for a walk
and have a chat together like other we had before.
that they are stepping down the street and going to Castellana promenade, where
the lights have been displayed for Christmas. It is a beautiful nice show and
Cuca likes it very much.
it is not a cheerful time for Emiliano and he is telling the girl accordingly
with his feelings.
the Promenade they go up the street and reach Cibeles Circus that was the top
of the lights exhibition in the city. Left up it is Alcala street till Sol
Square, and right up it is Gran Via street till España Square. By the right
follows Castellana Promenade till Atocha Square, and behind there is
Alcala Street till the Alcala Door Square where the lights were splendors. It
was really a wonderful sight by all means, the air was full of Christmas songs
and just the moment seems magic for the couple.
a while walking Emiliano is telling her if she likes to have something like a
coffee or a cup of tea in a nice tea shop close near them. Cuca agrees and they
go into the nice tea/coffee shop ant take a seat beside a little table, they
ask for a cup of tea and continue talking eagerly giving information about
their life in the last months.
told her problems and feelings about breaking his relationship with Jose Luis
while Emiliano is listening to her without losing a word from her lips. He says
nothing that could disturb the girl but inside him happiness it is his inner
feelings. "This relation is over, he thinks, good, very good indeed, I am
going to care her as she can´t imagine". He says to her that soon he is
returning to the Bank as his army service it is over too and he is happy now
looking at future with hopes.
talk also about the exams and the people who have passed them, also the number
they have gotten in the list it is important because it means how the exams
were made and the money they could get by occupying the site for long or short
time, just since the time this site has being free without being occupied once
again for a new official. To be clear, all the time the site has to be occupied
without being so it will be the difference of month’s salary between auxiliary
and official multiplied by the months since that date of the lack sit till the
date they are going to work like officials instead auxiliary.
could be a lot of money, but it depends of the list´s number. There are 150
sites to be occupied by the candidates and both of them, Cuca and Emiliano,
have got a good approved number at the list.
has been among the first ten, either Emiliano has been among the first twenty
by his exams, but for him it has been a not good report from his boss or even
the fact of being out from the Bank now, doing his army service, has been
something wrong to get a nice good report. That inform has motivated he has
been situated far from the first hundreds of the definitive list of approved
people. He is disappointed but nothing about the subject it could be
by the contrary has received a very good report from her boss and she has been
situated even in a better number of the list that the one she got by her
in the tea-shop the two youngs were happy, talking about their life, their late
months, the time goes up and soon they have to leave going up to Cuca´s house.
It was Emiliano´s chance to date her again and he is asking her if the could
see each other another time.
thinks and says, yes, our talk is really nice and I enjoy walking with you
Emiliano. What do you think of seeing us again next Saturday, Cuca?. But next
Saturday is tomorrow, says Cuca.
it is tomorrow, so do you like to see me tomorrow about seven p.m., close to
you street, Cuca? it suit you well dear?, Yes, it would be nice, just in the
corner of the Hermosilla street with Alcala, do you know where?, emiliano?.
Yes, I think I know the site, it is less of five minutes from your house, Cuca?
Yes, it is over there, then till seven p.m., tomorrow.
course, I will see you tomorrow at seven p.m. o’clock Cuca, but now we are
going to your house and if you don´t mind we can go together, right?
that is right, so let´s go because it is late, I have to be at home before ten
couple leaf the tea shop and go up Goya street till they reach a site close to
the girl house.
you then Emiliano.
you Cuca, tomorrow just here, right.
is dreaming when he is going home, what has happened this afternoon, he ask
himself, is it real, sure? I am not dreaming? I am going to see her tomorrow?
How? Nobody was in the academy? Why? Dozens of questions were in his mind till
the moment he is at home and talk with his mother and sisters.
has any importance now, only the fact he is going to see this nice girl Maria
José that seems pleases with the thought they are going to see each other.
Emiliano is nerves thinking what to do, were to go with Cuca, and what is going
to happens tomorrow.
he is happy, it is so incredible to meet her that way, suddenly, without
advise, and what is even the best “she is free of that inappropriate boy” that
was with her. This is the incredible dream of today, free land to be together,
to walk, to talk, to go which ever place they like, and to let his feelings
free to see and love her every moment. Now it is clear to Emiliano he loves
Cuca just from the first moment he saw her in the class room and she said to
him, “he, are you new, aren´t you?” and he said, “yes it is my second day
at first sight that is what happened to me, is thinking Emiliano as he is going
home. Afterward, alone in his bed he follows thinking in the girl and all the
circumstances of today, finding her alone, in the academy. What has happened
with the feast, where were the other people?, she and me alone in the building
and not anybody inside it?, it was a mistake of Cuca and me to be there
thinking there was a feast?, it is sure that feast will be another day, but I
don´t care anymore, I have find what I was looking for, just her.
is nearly a year since the first time he has seen her and Maria Jose has been
always in his heart and mind without allowing that his feelings to her were
out, clear, understandable for him. Now everything is different, the miracle
has been done and the treasure it is at his hand, waiting for him, so his feelings
are outside at last and it is like a dream for this boy.
incredible nice beautiful girl has been talking with him all the evening,
sitting close to him like old friends that have a long time they have not seen
each other. Air was magic in the atmosphere that surrounds them inside this
little house tee when they were for nearly two hours talking. How incredible
nice she is, how relaxed he feels beside Maria Jose, how marvelous looks the
world when they are together, it is clear that loves make miracles and this
sceptic boy is funny, amusing, cheerful when he is with the girl he likes so
much. He doesn´t think on anything, just let the time goes on enjoying the
moment, every second, looking her face and listening to every word the girl
says. Is it love? Yes, it must be as any other idea it is incompressible for
him. He has fallen in love since a long time but now it is even more without
any kind of subjection to his feelings.
seems so beautiful to this boy now that the idea of returning back to the bank
the second day of next January it is far away from his thoughts. Today is
twenty of December, so there is some days to be with Maria Jose before he is
again at work free from the army service for ever. It is over, he could do
which ever thing they like with his life, and now what he wants is being with
Maria Jose and don´t spoil anything with her, she needs to feel herself free
and relaxed after her breaking with that boy, don´t press her Emiliano, just
give Cuca time enough to change her mind to your favor. Let her to love you
little by little and don´t go too fast with this sensible girl.
about the changes of his life Emiliano fall asleep with nice marvelous hopes to
the following days of Christmas.
José doesn´t think the same as the boy, she was just living the moment, without
expecting anything about future or considering nothing about the new chance.
No, her mind is far away all this subjects.
breaking with Jose Luis, a relation that has been prolonging for more than a
year, she doesn´t like to think about a new love affair. No, this is not her
way now. She feels herself free to be inside a new compromise.
boy Emiliano is really nice, she likes him but she knows nothing about the boy.
He has appeared so unexpected in the empty site that she has not time to think
what has happened or just consider anything more.
likes the talk, she feels wellbeing at his side, he is calm, reflexive, and
serious, and he has a good culture conversation about different subjects.
pass without sense at his side, so why not going with him tomorrow. Sure it
will be a nice evening going for a walk under the Christmas lights.
fact has this boy Emiliano something to do with her decision of breaking with
Jose Luis? Somehow was Emiliano responsible, when they were talking so
peacefully, of her thoughts or her real feelings about her boyfriend? Well, who
knows? May be so, she thinks that she was really good at Emiliano´s side,
walking the two by the street or even the last day they were talking alone in
the class room and she, so shy, told him everything about her pass life, her
accident, her pain being at home nearly a year and so forth.
she could remember now that her feelings were to remain more time talking with him
and even she felt pain, or disappointed when just their talk was finished and
he had to go home. Even more, she thought he was dating a girl because went out
so fast from the class room with a bye,
see you tomorrow and he did not accompanied her to the subway to continue their
that wasn´t her way of acting at the moment at it seems it wasn´t the way of
now, what happens with this boy, is he dating a girl or not? It seems that not,
but is he interested in me? Or he wants to be kind with a girl he has talked
before when he has known the break with her boyfriend.
don´t care, says Maria Jose to her, I don’t care, I hope nothing, only to have
a nice talk, a nice time being together free at last without any remorse as
everything about my previous relations is over.
is not going to expect nothing and she is not going to say anything to anybody,
in her family or at work, her walks or talks with Emiliano would be for her own
only, that´s clear to Maria Jose when she goes to the bed.
first of December 1968 could be a day like another day for millions but it is
not so for Cuca and Emiliano, because this singular day it is going to be the
first of new relationship that is going to long for decades.
is supposed that in the morning Cuca is doing her work as she done it usually.
She works in the head office of Banco Hispano Americano of Madrid. The Bank has
many different offices inside the head office building but Cuca works in
“Informs”, an office where commercial customer´s informs are made to be
references of the companies or people who ask for credits, money, avails, and
all kind of commercial subjects to the Bank.
years she has been working in this little site of the head office situated in
Plaza de Canalejas, 1 of Madrid. She works from nine a.m. till five p.m. except
in summer than her work´s hour will be since nine a.m. till three p.m., but in
December she has to work till five in the evening.
is free of going to the secret service office as his army service is over. He
has some days of holidays waiting for the second of January of the next year
that he has to return to the same Bank than Cuca but also the same site of
Plaza de Canalejas , 1 of Madrid.
a large building with thousands of employers it would be nearly impossible to
meet each other inside it. Now things are going to be different as in future
they will meet near de Head Bank´s door to say “good morning” one to the other.
will be in a month, not now that they have not enough confidence and Emiliano
is not working yet.
the evening the two young persons are going to meet close near to Maria Jose
house. It is seven p.m. and Emiliano is awaiting for the girl in the corner of
Alcala street with Hermosilla street, he look once again his watch because he
is waiting since ten minutes before the hour of their meeting. Should be she
late? Thinks the boy watching again his watch. No, she is not late, five
minutes after seven she appears at the middle of the street coming out from her
house. Emiliano could see her and his heart is beating inside his chest. How
nice gracile figure she has, the boy thinks, but being slender with a long hair
that falls over her back her beauty face with clear eyes it is what Emiliano
loves to see now. Her face and her lovely smile takes the will of this young
man for ever and ever. He doesn´t know
anything about what is happening in future but this girl, her smile, her clear
eyes, and her soul, it is going to held him here in Madrid for the rest of his
Cuca, how are you?
well, Emiliano, thank you
you find the corner soon, Emiliano?
you wait for me very long?
don´t mind, it is a nice place to wait for you and I have been here only for ten
minutes as I was before the hour. It has been easy to find the place following
your instructions of the shop that is just in the corner. Niza, you said me, a
shop of dresses for babies, it is nice to look through the glass of shop the
little children´s dresses and the baby’s things to play and eat, it is a very
nice sight.
now Cuca, where do you like to go?
you don´t mind Emiliano, I would like to go to the mail office as I want to
send some Christmas Cards, do you?
good Cuca, let us go then to the mail first as we have all the evening for us.
a nice evening has been the last for Emiliano, even for Cuca has been good, and
accordingly to their real feelings they have dated again for the next day that
is Sunday, today, and all day Emiliano is thinking where to go with the girl.
He wants to please her and is thinking what to do or where to go with Maria
could be the best site to talk, thinks Emiliano this Sunday morning, we are in
winter, it is cold, it is raining, so it must be a site indoors, near Maria
Jose´s house, as far as a short walk, so look for a place or ask you sister
that knows a lot about nice sites in Madrid.
last a place is in his mind, the California 47 Cafeteria that is situated in
Goya Street, it is at ten minutes from Cuca´s house and sure it could be a nice
beautiful place to talk.
seven o´clock Emiliano is waiting for Cuca at Niza´s corner like he was
yesterday. Soon Cuca is out from her house and steps up Hermosilla Street where
Emiliano is watching her as she comes to where he is.
beautiful smart girl he thinks, how much I like her face and her cheerful
again they are talking like old friends, easy, cheerfully, and with empathy
between them. Empathy is the rule all the time Maria Jose and Emiliano are
together talking, something special are between them as if there is a kind of
mental connection that makes everything so easy all the time that Cuca and
Emiliano are close near one from the other.
is like a world exclusively for them, nothing more counts when they are
together, things, noises, people disappear and for Emiliano only Maria Jose
exists, just the same as for the girl that feels Emiliano is close to her
feelings. It is so easy to talk with this boy, thinks Cuca, what a big
difference between him and the other boy I was months before.
talking they are going down Goya Street till the California 47 cafeteria.
Previously Emiliano has said Cuca if she likes to go in this nice place and she
said, yes, that could be very nice for them.
one in front the other with a little table between the two young are talking
about their own life. Emiliano is so absorbed with Cuca´s talk than suddenly he
has hit the glass with his drink and then gin tonic is on his trousers and on
the floor, so clumsy he said, sorry dear I was out of reality listening to you.
Immediately a nice girl carry another drink and dry the trousers of the boy
with some napkin papers.
a while they are laughing remembering the incident and the wet trousers of
Emiliano. It is cold he said, very cold indeed, he laughs as touching his upper
two hours they were talking is one of the best time they could remember always.
second date, so incredible nice and with a special air round them, has been
perfect and the two future lovers go up Goya Street absolutely happy. Once they
are again in Niza coners close to Maria Jose house they agree to see each other
the following days. Emiliano asks the girl if she likes to go to see a movie that
is now in Madrid, a famous story about a Russian Pope, and Cuca says yes, I
would like to see it as I have read the book already, it is a novel of Morris
West and I like the book very much.
well Cuca, I will get the tickets to go on Christmas, just the 25th at
seven o´clock, so we need to date sooner.
Emiliano, nice, see you then on 25th to go to the theatre, that is
right? Yes of course, I will phone you once I have get the tickets, o.k.? Good, very good says the girl, I will be looking
forward Christmas, sure the movie has to be beautiful and we can enjoy it.
be pleased seeing you Cuca, it is always a great pleasure to me having the
opportunity of being together seeing a movie or going for a walk, see you soon
how two persons that know nothing about each other could be so pleased being
together, walking, talking or going to a cafeteria. It doesn´t matter what they
do or where they go, it is only the fact of being close, one from the other,
just looking at the eyes, smiling, listening the voice of that person, it is
enough to be happy. Just this is what feels Emiliano being at side of Maria
Jose, but now same feeling is going through the soul of the girl. Who is this
boy to give me so peaceful feelings, why I am so sure being at his side, he has
something that soft my soul and I can open my heart to him, telling lot of
things I don´t tell anybody before. He seems to understand which ever subject I
could tell him, that is new for me, I am so pleased with him that it is better
to enjoy his presence day after day without thinking anything about future.
This are the thoughts of Maria Jose once she is at home and goes to her bed
that night of 23rd of December. The evening at the California 47 has
been perfect to her, nothing to be with the feelings she felt before with Jose
Luis, this is different, and now she is in peace with herself. Nothing to think
about future, only live the moment is her purpose and be relaxed about this new
situation with Emiliano.
day I am going to see him will be Christmas, it is funny that after a year of
talking so short with him now we have full afternoon to be close one from the
other, talking and watching a nice film. He hasn´t take my hand yet, he is so
serious and kind that is a pleasure to be at his side, I feel myself sure being
close to Emiliano, why? I don´t know but it the reality of my feelings, I think
this boy it is just different of the boys I have met before.
doesn´t think, he only feels, he feels what happiness is, he doesn´t feel alone
now. At last he has found a girl that please him all the ways, the one that he
feels could be for him absolutely, the one to respect, to love, to be his/her
friend for long, it is so clear that this boy doesn´t need to think about it. His
feelings are up his skin as soon as he is beside Cuca, even if he could imagine
her so close as to touch her face, her lips, her eyes, her nice little ears,
her small hands. Everything about Maria Jose likes to this boy, not now it has
been always so but he has not allowed himself to dream with her. Now he is
dreaming awake the full day.
The Shoes of the Fisherman
again Emiliano is going to meet Maria Jose by the subway, it takes forty
minutes to go from his house till his girl house. But who care, he not of
course, time goes fast being in the high spirit form he is now. He has taken
the tickets yesterday morning after an hour in the row as this movie is the one
now in Madrid´s theaters. Everybody wants to see “The Shoes of the Fisherman”
with Anthony Quinn in the body of the Pope Kiril who is going to make an
important role in the “Cold War” that in those times the world is suffering.
is fiction by it is taken from the reality fights of The URSS and The EE.UU.,
this cold war could finally conduct to a nuclear war and The Pope Kiril has to
go to Russia to talk with the Russian President Kamenev searching for an
is telling Emiliano the plot while they are walking to the subway station of
Goya, after a while inside the train the get off in Bilbao Station. Close to
this subway station there is the Paz Cinema where the film is exhibited. It is
a long film, near to 170 minutes, so it is necessary to be early at the
Jose is absolute interested in the movie, it is a spectacular film where you
may see The Vatican city, the incredible Basilica of St. Peters, the Pope
rooms, and all the cardinals with their purple garments.
is enjoying the film, even more than Emiliano that is watching her by the
corner of his eye sighs. She is at his right and the boy could see his face so
gorgeous and quiet. She is really nice thinks Emiliano looking at her and he is
conscious of her ears adorned with two earrings hanging two or three
earrings are beautiful and fix with splendor Cuca face, so without thinking
they are in the Cinema he says Maria Jose that she looks beauty with that
earrings so brilliant and nice hanging from her ears.
is all but enough to the girl to realize that she likes to emiliano, now is
clear for her only with this phrase of him she knows that Emiliano is not only
a friend, he wants to be something more for her.
she is pleased with the idea, so he has been so silence all this time when in
fact he looks me with loving eyes, that´s very good indeed, this boy is like a
box of secrets to me, he is not boring, what could be inside his soul so
serious, quiet, calm and attend with me. Yes, nice, he is really nice with me
and to me, I am looking him with good eyes from this moment.
that day everything between Maria Jose and Emiliano starts to change. There is
another feeling coming beside friendship little by little love is opening his
way inside their minds a hearts. In less than two months they are really in
love one with the other, being also like the best friends to talk with every
day, at mornings and at evenings.
stop the story in this Christmas day of 1968 as events since now between Maria
Jose and Emiliano nill be going very fast.
is the second of January, Emiliano comes back to his work in the Bank. Now he
is first official and get more money in his salary.
first and second part of his plans are going on, he has done the army service,
he can get his passport, he is getting more money and can save to make true his
dreams of going out from the country and establish himself in Canada. In a year
and a half he will be five years in the Bank and should be possible for him to
ask for his cessation for three years on
the job.
seems to go on, accordingly with his previous ideas, but now a person is in his
life that was not previously considered in all his thoughts of going out far
away from Madrid.
course, it is very soon to have any idea about what is going to happen but
there is a real new subject in his life that before was not. What is this new
subject? Love, and love changes everything in the life of people. Love is the
force that moves situations or ideas of humans, the force that changes the mind
of people.
having Cuca in his life everything could be possible and she could be his let
motive to stay, to go, to work and to live.
few weeks Cuca and Emiliano are dating every day, there is not any evening that
they don´t see each other. Since the last days of January the two lovers are
seen each other also in the morning. Ten minutes before the hour of being
inside the office they date under the watch of a building in Alcala Street.
They have time enough to a kiss, to a short walk till the door of the Bank and
says bye my dear, see you soon.
the evenings they use to go for a long walk in Retiro Park, it is a nice winter
to walk and to be alone despite the cold days of Madrid. They don´t feel the
rain, the cold, or even the snow that this winter is falling in Madrid. Nothing
disturb their walks through the Park or their long talks together. At nigh they
could go into a cafeteria or little bar to drink a coffee or a tea, but before
10 p.m. Cuca has to be at home because her mother is firm about the hour a
single girl has to be at home, and it is ten o´clock at night, not a minute
Emiliano´s life and projects are in stand bye, he don´t think anything about
what is going to do in future. All depends of this incredible girl who which he
is falling in love day after day.
on earth, that is the world of Maria Jose and Emiliano when they walk together
through The Retiro´s Park in Madrid, spring is coming and the park is full of
roses, there is specially a site called “La Rosaleda” where hundreds or roses
of different colors are opening every day filling the air with their nice odor
brighten by the sunset.
love to walk and taking a seat they could be talking for hours, time pass
without sense of anything more that their presence and voices. Cuca is a shy
girl than doesn´t want any physical care outside as some body could be
watching, she says, so Emiliano is quiet with his hand holding hers being
really close to his girl.
has changed in their life and them can´t see future without being together.
Retiro´s Park is their site, it is close to Cuca´s house and they could be
hours walking or sitting among the large trees of the park.
could be a time of social movements in Spain but the dictatorship doesn´t
allowed anything like strikes, meetings, political parties, and so forth.
the Bank they were asking for salary increase but the Banks Corporation offers
very few benefits and a low salary increase. Workers would like to be in strike
but it was not possible as strikes in Spain were forbidden by law. So, instead
of strikes workers do which ever other thing they could done. Some days close
the office´s door and not customers were allowed to enter as there is not any
kind of work inside. Other time workers start to shout or to make noise with
their hands clapping them or hitting the table strongly at the same time they
shout “Collective Agreement” once and again.
the Head Office there were two thousands of workers, may be more, and they all
go to courtyard of Bank operations and make as much noise as possible shouting
and clapping their hands too.
make the noise for ten minutes, three of five times along the morning, and
afterward they go to work very slowly. Strikes were forbidden but the results
of doing these movements and manifestations were nearly the same. People
joining together to fight against the Bank Corporations looking for a better
Jose and Emiliano participates also in these turmoil that give them lot of
excitement. Even some day the little turmoil’s have been in Alcalá Street and
the police have begun to hit the people and detain them for doing that.
time for the dictatorship after last May of 1968.
follows with his English class, his mind is not in going to Canada now, but he
like to learn English as much as possible, first because he likes the language
and second because in could be interesting to learn a language in the site he
is working in the Bank. Cuca likes French instead, so the two young are going
to their class every evening.
The two
academies are closed one from the other, five or seven minutes walking and now
the two have only an hour of lessons. Emiliano thinks in getting the “Lower
Certificate of Cambridge” and he has to go to the University to make the
necessary test.
will be also and exam in the Bank where he is working, passing the exam he
could also get an increase in his month salary using the English language in
his work. He does he thinks now of going to Canada? Nothing in fact, he is in
stand bye, he has told Cuca about his idea thinking she could go with him but
this is really difficult, Cuca mother is a widow and Maria Jose thinks that her
responsibility is taking care of her mom and she can´t now go away from Spain
leaving her mom alone.
having this in mind Emiliano doesn´t think any more in going out for the
moment. No, his place is to be with his loved girl and other subjects are out
of consideration now. Loves changes everything inside the soul of humans, and
this boy is human after all.
he feels like a lover now, and the most important thing in the world is Cuca
now, thinking in losing her it is insupportable for him already. Everything has
changed round the boy, there is not any project without his dear loving Cuca,
and such is life that is love in the life of a young man.
is pouring, rain has been falling since early in the morning but Cuca hasn´t
get an umbrella when she went out home. Emiliano is waiting for her and her
mind is not thinking about anything more, he is out waiting, come on girl she
says to herself. Now she is in the French class and is finishing it already, in
a hurry she goes out through the entrance and steps fast up the street to meet
his loved boy as soon as possible. It has not any sense to wait for him and
losing some precious minutes of their time together, so for her doesn´t matter
some drops of water on her hair or overcoat, go fast and see him girl, she says
in her mind.
the same time Emiliano is still in the class room, the teacher looks through
the window and she is not anxious to finish her class. It is pouring furiously,
who cares to prolong five or six minutes more the teaching and wait some
minutes to see if the rain is not so heavy. It is waiting in vain as the rain
doesn´t stop a bit and Emiliano is really nerves looking his wring watch and
thinking Cuca has not umbrella to be safe of such a lot of water pouring
is stepping down the stairs thinking in the girl, but once Emiliano is in the
street just in front the academy door is Maria Jose looking at him, smiling and
absolutely soaked by the rain.
my dear, you are soaked, why don´t you have been waiting for me at your
academy´s door, my girl? It has been my fault not to be there to cover my love
with the umbrella.
worry my dear, I was looking forward seeing you immediately, I don´t care to be
soaked it is only water and don´t want to delay a second the sight of my loved Emiliano,
just a bit of water is not going to stop me of seeing you as soon as possible.
has not words, that is so incredible from a girl like this, so nice and
beautiful, being so modest as declaring her love for him this way. He can´t say
anything, only try to dry her hair with his handkerchief and cover her with his
umbrella hoping she don´t get a cold doing such a crazy thing. But what can he
says to her, she has gone under the heavy rain because she doesn´t want to lose
a second waiting for him, this is a real proof of her love for him, thinks
Emiliano and he is really happy.
in Madrid it is a beautiful month, everybody is waiting for the heart of the
spring with its colors and long days to walk through the parks.
couple walks and walks through Retiro Park and they are really happy closely
taken one from the arm of the other walking under the trees till the night.
are so long that Cuca and Emiliano have lot of hours to talk and to know each
other in a short period of time. Every day they are together since five or six
o´clock till ten p.m., the hour Cuca has to be at home.Feeling themselves so
closed they know what the other thinks or feel without words. Sometimes they
are going to say just the same word simultaneously and that subject gives them
a lot of funny situations. It seems one reads the mind of the other and it
happens frequently, they are so symptomized that it could be true.
Retiro Park is splendid in May, the couple enjoy the park absolutely, it is one
of their sites.
Emiliano wants to know how Cuca is feeling about her pain in the hip, yes,
because he is now conscious the girl is not as good as it could seems. The rule
is that when they have been for a long time sitting in the armchair of the
theatre her can´t get up herself without a great effort.
leg is not strong as to impulse her up from the chair fast enough to be
immediately prepared to go. Usually she
feels pain along her leg and she can´t walk properly yet. May be in future she thinks
could have problems with her hip and she has told Emiliano about the subject,
even Cuca is afraid that could have some difficult to her in the moment of
giving life to a baby as she can´t opened her legs completely to let him or her
their way in the world that his waiting for the new recent born baby.
no problem says Emiliano, everything is possible now and if there is a problem
there are other methods of giving birth to a baby, we are not in middle ages.
much she could suffer as much Emiliano love the girl being always alert to help
her every moment.
is beautiful in Madrid´s spring, the weather is nice, the days are long, the
blood is running fast inside Cuca and Emiliano hearts, love is under their skin
all the moments they are living and they would want to be completely together
soon, why they have to wait?, asks Emiliano to himself, why don´t you come with
me Cuca and run away from Spain just in this moment. We can go to everyplace
you like, Canada, England, France, or even here in Spain far away your house,
mine, and everybody. You and me alone the one for the other for life. These ideas are running inside Emiliano´s
mind but he says nothing yet.
they are watching to a film called “The Graduate” with Dustin Hoffman and Anne
Bancroft, the songs are from Paul Simon, and it is one of the first movies
where Cuca and Emiliano find the good actor Dustin Hoffman.
plot is about a Graduate young, Dustin Hoffman, that start loving affairs with
a married woman, Anne Bancroft, when he returns home and are looking for an
University to study or to work. Mrs. Robinson, the woman is the wife of his
father´s law partner, and try to seduce Bejamin once he drives her home.
invites Benjamin inside and removes her clothes to seduce him and says she
finds him attractive and wants him to know that she is available to him anytime
he wants.
the film is over Cuca and Emiliano walks up Gran Via Street and talks about the
movie’s plot as they have time enough till tenth hours at nigh, today they have
gone on the first hour to the theater to enjoy the film and a walk later.
doesn´t like to movie, doesn´t like the plot, doesn´t like Benjamin attitude
even less Mrs. Robinson’s behavior but Emiliano likes the movie and he says he
understand Benjamin´s behavior if he is not engaged with any girl, afterward
when he starts to date Mrs. Robinson´s daughter he stops his sexual relations
with the woman and that is right. Even so Cuca doesn´t agree and after a while
it seems to Emiliano that Cuca´s mind is not as free as him self’s mind. That
phrase is enough to have their first argument after four months dating. Just a
silly argument, but before getting Cuca´s house they are again more in love
than before their argument.
is so beautiful to have a loving soul beside you that the two lovers are happy
and life seems their own heaven in that moments they are going up Gran Via
Street towers Cuca´s home.
will be another good day for them.
coming May and Maria Jose has her holidays in her work. She is thinking in
going to the beach with her mom, she thinks in going to Salou, a little village
in the Mediterranean coast. At the end of April the two lovers want to say each
other good bye and have long walks through the Retiro Park, but today they are
waking down Castellana Promenade in Madrid, one of the most beautiful
promenades of downtown the Spanish capital. After a long walk they seat in an
open bar in the middle of the promenade, it is hot and they take a seat under
the promenade´s trees and talk peacefully.
are very close touching one to the other with their sights. Emiliano asks Maria
Jose how is she feeling close to him, how has ben these four months going with
him and what does she thinks of their relationship?, in fact three questions in
one that more or less he knows her answer but he wants to listen it from her
dear lips.
says to him, I feel really very good close to you, in fact I would like to be
closer, the four months have been like a dream for her, and she thinks their
relation is going absolutely well.
do you ask me so, Emiliano? Easy to reply you my dear, because I want to ask
you if you like to marry me.
Emiliano, I do, I´ll will be with you for the time you want. But let us live
the present because I feel myself happy, very happy. I love you so much that I
want to be with you for the rest of my life.
you so much my love, I love you as you cannot imagine Cuca, it is such an
incredible dream what I am living that it seems like impossible to me. Yes, my
dreams come to be reality, I will love you forever, I will care you till my
last breath of life my dear love. Thanks so much, never will you regret saying
me you love me so.
we have nothing, no house, no furniture, our family doesn´t know anything, it
is so fast that result like incredible to me.
the same to me dear, but it doesn´t matter, the way is ahead of us, we have all
our life to walk for it, always together and never will we be in a hurry for
you return from your holidays, next summer we will look for our house and all
what we need will come after the house. Enough to live together without
luxuries as to me the luxury will be to have you close me every day, every
night, all the time my dear love.
is so good, we have promised and nobody knows anything, not your family, not my
mother, not my sister or brother.
that is true Cuca, but we have time enough to let them know about our love, my
family has confidence on me and they know I am dating a nice, very nice girl,
so it will be not a big surprise for them.
sure Emiliano that for my mother and brothers will be a great surprise, never
they ask me anything about you my love. I don´t know why, but it doesn´t matter
for me. I love you my dear.
love you too, so much, you can´t imagine how great it has been my love just
from the first moment I saw you in the academy sitting in front of me. Do you
of course, I do perfectly well Emiliano. Never I could forget how brave I was
asking you so.
so, the couple spend the evening, close one to the other, thinking on their
life together just from this day of the end of April 1969 in Madrid.
Jose is in the beach with her mom, every day she writes to her boy at the same
time she received a letter for him. It is the first time they are writing each
other so it is a new aspect of their relation.
of them like to write putting their feelings on the paper. Writing to a fried,
a relative or to your love is something very special.
time you are moving your hand making letters that could express your feeling it
is time you are with that person.
you and the loving one, your thoughts are full of energy thinking previously
the subjects that there will be send to your fingers to be finally on the
paper. After a while, an hour, less or more it depends of the subjects you want
to say, the white paper is full of confidences, thoughts, desires, or
descriptions, being in fact a good way to know a person, just for the subjects
written on the paper by this person and the way of doing it.
could be more private that a love letter, it is a secret between the two lovers
where everything could be said, without limits, with the soul and heart on the phrases
of love that the two lovers says each other.
receives a letter or two every day, she likes them as the first love letters
she is receiving in her life. Emiliano is a loving writer and he can express
his love for her in a good nice way. She likes to read his letters once and
the other side Emiliano is alone in Madrid, he miss her absolutely, and it is
so incredible that last year he had not Maria Jose at his side and now he can´t
live without her close near him. How it is possible to change his feeling so
fast, he always thinks he could be or live alone for years, that he doesn´t
need so much a young woman close to him to be happy. Now life without Maria
Jose means nothing to him and it is clear every day he is alone.
it will be only fifteen days, on the sixteen of May Maria Jose is again in
Madrid and again they are together thinking in be very soon even closer. When?
That is the question now for this couple.
is summer in Madrid once again and Maria Jose and Emiliano are thinking on be
together soon. They have nothing yet, not a flat, not money enough, and their
families knowing nothing. She has not seen Emiliano´s parents yet, not his
sister, but Emiliano is in the same situation. He doesn´t know Cuca´s mother
neither her brother nor her sister. All this time the couple has been by their
own without giving too much information of their feelings to anybody, but it is
necessary to let know something to the family of Emiliano and of Maria Jose, so
accordingly nothing is better than a casual encounter of the girl with the
parents of Emiliano in the Banco Hispano House in the mountains.
and Emiliano need to ask for a weekend holiday in the Banco Hipano´s House in
Navacerrada but even the family of him is going to ask this week end in order
to meet the girl. Yes, it is funny that the meeting is going to be in a different
place that home, in a neutral field as it could be a hotel. So the couple are
somehow interested that the subjects of this day need to be o.k. with
Emiliano´s family, his parents, his sister and his brother in law.
is a nice hot day of July in the city, but in the mountain the day is splendid
and it seems everything is going right for the couple. They go down to the
little river near the big Bank´s House and they take a lot of photos. Afterward
all the adults are sitting in the table for lunch. They are Emiliano and
Paquita (the parents), Paquita and Paco (sister and brother in law), Maria José
and Emiliano (the loving couple) and the air is funny and nice.
step is taken, Emiliano´s family knows now Maria Jose, and it seems they likes
her very much.
It could be the end, but it is not, this story follows just now after of more than forty years already.
el gatufo