Datos personales

Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016



THE STORY OF A GIRL AN A BOY.... cuca/emiliano

The story of a girl and a boy....called Cuca  and Emiliano too many years ago in Madrid on the year 1968

Imagine a girl and a boy attending a class to improve their knowledge about Bank´s operative.
For the boy was the first time he went to the class but for the girl wasn´t as she was going for three months already.

The boy was alone just sitting behind the young beautiful girl that was beside a youn boy who seems like his boy friend as they were talking together and have come to the class also close together.
When the class is finished and there is a brief relax till the other lesson the boy beside he nice girl left and she reminds alone, turn her body, relax it one the wall and turning her head said to the new boy. He, you are a newcomer, aren´t you?,
Yes, I am, it is my second day here, but yesterday you haven´t come haven´t you?.
Yes, I was with flu and I was in bed resting.
So sorry, are you o.k. Already? More or less, thank you.
So the work is yours? What do you mean? The writing about the garbage´s strike in New York is yours? Yes, it is, why do you say that?.
Because I listened to it yesterday and I like it, I like your style of writing so
funny, it is a good work.
Thank you very much, by the way what is your name? My name is Emiliano, and yours? Mine is M. J., but friends call me Cuca
It is a pleasure Cuca, don´t you mind if I call you so, do you?. Of course, not, you may call me so. But, sorry emiliano, you have started very late, we are attending the lessons for
three months alreadyl, why are you coming so late?.

Just, because I am in the army, I am doing my duty as a soldier now and it will be till next december more or less that I am going to be a soldier, afterward I´ll return to the bank. So, being a soldier you want now to increase your knowledge about the Bank and get a better job inside?.
Yes I would like to do so, the same as you I suppose but not being a soldier, ja,ja, it is enough to be so inteligent and writing so well as you do. Thank you Emiliano, you are really nice.
No, please, you are the nicest one in this class.......

HOW A GIRL LIKE THIS....., SO SHY ? cuca/emiliano´s story

What is this?.

How a girl like this, so shy and respectful as she is, could turn her body to the right and just start to talk with a boy she doesn´t know before?.

Incredible could think every one who knows Cuca by those times, even now knowing the story and thinking how this shy girl was it seems like imposible such a thing.

Cuca was only tweenty one but her carácter was sweet and shy as she has been always before and after that occasion.
Was there something special about this first meeting?. It was like a first watch about what going to happen year after?.
No body knows what is life and why these kind of events happens but it was really extraordinary that the girl turned her body right, relaxed on the wall behind and started to talk to the boy that form.
 e was really pleased with that actitude and the only thought he had on his mind was about how much appealing girl she was, how nice and beautiful girl was talking with him the first time they meet and what a pity that this girl he likes a lot were with a boy that now was out.
Keep out as much as possible unknown boy because I want to continue this conversation with this sweet heart for years.
Being on this thoughts emiliano was smiling to her and having not sense of time.
But time went on and another class started too soon for his taste, she turn back to her position, looking to the front and everything was over to him. The unknown boy was again to her right side and there was not any conversation till the end that they said each other bye, see you tomorrow.

Something happened after that second and it was that the person who was with emiliano, a boy he know just a little, said hello to the boy and the girl that were leaving the class as he knew them, and that´s good, they started to talk together as leaving the academy and going down the stairs to the street.

Of course, emiliano changed his mind and thought in going on with them till the end of the world if necessary as he wanted to continue
his talk with that incredible nice girl that was Cuca.


Leaving the class and steeping down the stairs to the street, emiliano´s
mind was out of reality.

He likes the girl and nothing more was important at the moment, so he lets the other three free to go where they wanted to go and he didn´t ask anything about where they were going to.

It was cold and the academy was far from his house, he needs to take the subway to return home and have nearly an hour's subway ride to be his parent´s house, but he doesn´t care about all this,  that wasn´t important as it could be in other circunstances.
He likes to return home early as getting up at 7 a.m. to go to the army office it was necessary to sleep well at night.
Nothing about this subjects were in emiliano´s mind now, he only wanted to be close her talking and looking at her face as long as possible, it was like being in heaven.

Maria Jose´s boy friend was going ahead with the other young man, they were talking about futbol, nearly the subject every man talks about but that wasn´t the theme emiliano likes very much.

The other two young, Maria Jose and emiliano, were walking behind the other two and talking vividly between them.
What were they talking about this couple?, let me see....., yes it is easy to remember because they were talking frequently about the same items that they were interested.
Music, books, freedom movements like hippies, and so forth.

This walk was not going to be repeated frequently as Emiliano can´t say anything about going on or repeat the walk when he wanted. He was at the will of his friend Jesus, and the will of  the couple, so what can he done to be more time close to the girl? nothing in fact, along several days he had to wait to repeat the same walk and of course doing the same thing,

Soon these nice walks were going to finish and Emiliano return home as usual, taking the subway in time to be in his bed soneer than later.


Looking to these four people walking up the Jorge Juan street it was something very strange.
Jose Luis, that´s the name of Cuca´s boy friend, was talking with Jesús, the friend of emiliano. But Cuca, it was her familiar nick name, and emiliano were behind them, two meters aprox., talking peacifuly about different subjects.

The first one was about her work of the New York´s garbage strike.
He said to her New York was his dream city, that he would like to go overthere and be familiar with all aspects of this incredible city.

It seems they know each other for a long time when in fact it was the first time they were walking together, close enough to listen clearly what one of the other were talking about.

In fact this situation was peculiar, we could say, Cuca´s boyfriend talking about futbol with Angel two or three meter ahead and the other couple, Cuca/emiliano together talking about which ever other subject they were willing to talk about, and of course for them there were a lot of good subjects instead of futbol.

(Cuca with three children already, in Madrid)

Emiliano  more that walking was floating  over the street,  talking close near this incredible nice girl as it was Cuca.
Where have you been till now?, my dear, he was thinking simultaneously to his chat with her. For him everything was changing inside his mind and heart and he was brilliant as he wasn´t other times that he has to talk. With her all was different, easy, nice, cool, warm, exited, just falling in love without having sense of it. Poor boy, soon he was going to see that things were not so easy and it was difficult to repeat this kind of feelings.

There wasn´t anything round him, no people, no cars, no time, nothing, only this nice beautiful girl whos name was Maria Jose or Cuca as she was called by who?, ah, yes that boy who is at her side and goes out from the class every rest time.
The time for emiliano to talk with her briefly just waiting for their walk till the house where Cuca lives.

Yes, that was the end point of the walk, Cuca´s home in Hermosilla street, ten minutes or even something more from the class till the dear Cuca´s house.
Short walk, very short if we have in mind he would go walking for hours of full life with that girl called Maria José.

These feelings were inside him, being not conciously known by this young man who was son fascinated by the girl walking at his side. What could happened if this man, emiliano, could be fully aware he was falling in love?.
No body knows as love wounds are very painful and hurts a lot in the heart of a young boy or girl by those or always ever time round the world.

DREAMS... cuca/emiliano

It seems this world is a joke, this boy emiliano was a difficult one, he has tastes that not other boys have.
He doesn´t like futbol or bull fights, he doesn´t like flamenco or other Spanish music, he does like classical music, rock, folk, and other kind of music not one knows round him, he likes to study English instead of French that was the language that was studied in Spain for those years, no body he knew was studing English, but what he most likes it was just to read, always reading with a book under his arm, in the subway, in the bus, in the short times when there was a rest, and so forth, he doesn´t find his place in the world he was living so he wanted to go out from it. Just to be off as soon as possible that was his inner desire.

In fact he was waiting to finish his military service in the army, it was obliged for that time and without doing this service he couldn´t go to the foreigner as it was impossible to get the passport to be off from his country. First military service, being in the army nearly two years was an obligation to all the boys when they were twenty years old. No one could elude this subject and Emiliano was really angry of having to be in the army like a soldier.

So yes, emiliano was some how odd, serious, studing English by those time, thinking in going far away from his land immediately he finished in the army and return to the bank work previously to obtain his absence once a period of five year working inside the company were fullfilled.
He was going to ask for and absence of two years at work as soon as he could and have his work assured if he return back after the two years. For that it was necessary to work in the company for five years as it is said above and it was his goal in a short period of time.
Just improve his knowledge of English, get more money in the company, and ask for his absence to go...., where to go?, easy for him as he was thinking the possibility since a long time.
Inside his mind wasn´t the idea of any return to Spain, not, but who knows about future, it was better just to have something to grasp here if things in Canada could be go badly.
Canada was his will, Columbia Britanica and if could be possible to Vancouver.

He have finished his studies of designer in the high school and wanted to work on this profession instead of a Bank which was really boring and difficult if you don´t know the language perfectly.
Looking at him we could say he was a young with a fix idea in his mind and he was working to realize it, nothing about girls, romance and so on. The way was clear for this boy and there was a long time he didn´t think in other things.
Just going out from this his world that he doesn´t like at all. So it was a long time he like a girl, it is a subject really difficult as there is not one thar really like to him. A problem as year were passing and real love was out from his life.

Suddenly, without noticing it, a new feeling was growing up inside his heart or his soul, a feeling it was going to change his life for ever and ever.
All his projects were going to be off and he will remain in Madrid for all his life.
That´s life after all, we have our dreams that frequently can be real because something happens, it could be for good or not, who knows but some how we are not owners of our destiny despite we think we are.
Great mistake, we don´t know anything about future.What about the girl?
Just a good question, as this two persons were absolutely different in their thought of their own world, the city were they were living, and their idea of future.

But this is another story to talk next episode.

A LOOK INSIDE THE GIRL (five) cuca/emiliano

Just a look inside the girl

Who was Cuca?. 
What was this girl doing in a place like Jorge Juan´s Academy and even more important, why she was dating this young man Jose Luis who was a so different type of the other boy emiliano.

Now emiliano has enough information to look inside Cuca´s soul, her life and her reasons and as a puzle everything match with this lovely young lovely girl.

What is clear now and years later is that this girl was the only one who could changed emiliano´s mind to stay in Madrid and chaged all his ideas of going off Spain.

Not knowing what it was happening he fall in love with her, and love change every thing, love changed wich ever previous idea a man or a woman could have or think in doing, before the Cupido´s arrow was inserted inside their hearts.

Once the arrow is shot everything started to change and brilliant colours are round the young eyes, all is magic and things seems so wonderful.

Who was this girl and what did she have to shock that way emiliano´s soul and mind?. Bright, own light that illuminates emiliano´s life just since the first sight of her?.

Looking at her, listening her voice everything was bright, he felt himself peaceful, relaxed, cheerful, brilliant, everything dissapeared less her, time doesn´t count any more as he felt as having in heaven when he was close to this girl.
Emiliano knew nothing of her in those time and it was not necessary for him, he liked Maria Jose so much that he didn´t need anything more, there is time later for everything, but we need to know just a little about this young girl who was studing to improve her position in the same bank like him.

Now everything is known of Cuca life and it is easy to tell how she was by the time she was studing, close near the person who was going to be her love, friend, and husband for life.
First of all this anticipated considerations,  she was grateful with the boy called Jose Luis, just so grateful as to give him hopes about getting married in a short period of time.

Why?. Well it is a long story that afterward was clear for emiliano but not at the moment as he can not explained himself what she was doing with that Jose Luis boy.

Maria Jose was working in the bank at the age of 19 years old. She came from another company “Deutz Ag” a German company that
was established in Spain too.

This large Company make “truck tractors” and other kind of machines to work in the country fields.

She need to work soon, despite she was a smart girl who could go the the university if that could be possible, but it wasn´t.
Her father had died when she was 13 years old and instead of going to the university she went to work at the age of 17 in the large German Company established in Madrid.

After a year working in Deutz she started to study to get a job in Hispano Americano Bank, and got it. 
With eighteen years old she was working in the Head Office of this mentioned bank.
This Head Office was placed in Pza. Canalejas 1 of Madrid and it was a large building where there were more than two thousand employees inside. One of them was Cuca, other was the boy, Jose Luis,  she was dating when she first met Emiliano, so the three of them were working in the same place.

Never Emiliano have seen Cuca before, neither her saw him till the moment they were in the academy on the first days of Februay.

WORKING ....cuca/emiliano story

With eighteen years old our dear girl was working inside the Banco Hispano Americano, at first she was not happy with the change.
She was happy working in Deutz, the German Company, even she started to learn German as inside her mind was the posibility of going to Germany to work over there.

She was young, she was less of tweenty one years old, and her mother had the last word if she wanted to go out home.
Yes, that was the real state of a woman, or a girl with less than 21 years, she was on charge of her parents, her mother, or her husband.

A woman can´t  go to a country of Europe like Germany if she was less than 21 years and her mother, in the case of Cuca, said NO.

Her mother instead thought it could be better that this girl get a job in the Banco Hispano where his brother was working already. So, her mind will be out of the idea or going out and trying to work in Germany.

Cuca wa a nice good daughter, and said “yes mom” and started to learn Bank´s business to get a seat in this Bank.

On the year 1964 with eighteen years Cuca was working in the Bank instead of Deuta, her studies of German was over, and she began to study French instead.
Inside the Bank offices there were hundred of young people working. Lots of young girls and some boys too.
Work was easy those years and there was the option of getting a job in the Bank Oficces nearly every year, Banesto, Central, Hispano, Bilbao Vizcaya, Santander, were banks than usually have lot of places to these young of the sixties.
Nothing was necessary to get the job, not any high studies, only make a hard exam and get the place.
If a young have high studies it was better for her/him as the Company gave some points to add to their exam.

Cuca was a good student, in fact she have liked to go to the university if that could have been possible, but without a father and with a widow mother without any penssion it was necessary that this girl works very soon.

Working in a bank was good, nice people inside, a seat to be resting the full day while you work, not having to be up so many time as other kind of works, and lot of young people like you that make a fuss frequently, talking aloud in the dinner room when they spent the half an hour free time to lunch.
Soon this girl make some friends inside the Bank Office, and started to have something similar like a club of girls and boys that goes to the mountains in winter or to the swiming pool in summer.
Life was easy and funny for all these people of similar age and time enough when they get out from the Bank office.
Madrid was a nice big city to live and to go every place without any danger.
You could walk along the streets without not any problems, not thiefs or bad people, the dictator was strong and the police were looking to have peace on the streets.
Tourists were coming to Spain those years and life seems beauty and very easy of living.

Cuca with some money of her own bought a pair of skis, (long slender runners made of wood, plastic or metal used in gliding over the snow) and started to go to the mountains near Madrid.
She wanted to learn how to ski and have fun every weekend of winter.

LIFE WAS EASY cuca / emiliano

Life was easy on those years for the young people in Spain.

They have work in several big companies that were growing up on the sixties and even Beatles have been in Madrid on the second of july 1965 and it was like a earthquake for the life of millions of young people.

Why not going to learn how to ski on the week ends?.
Just said and done. Cuca started to go to the mountains near the capital because she wanted to ski like other thousand of locals who went to Navacerrada and try to slide down the snow more harm than good.

Yes, Cuca had a nice funny life as a young of 19 years old in the Spanish life of 1965, with a good work, leaving the Bank office at a good hour and going in winter weekends to ski the Madrid´s mountains close near the big city.
By those time also emiliano was going to the mountains in winter, but he didn´t want lear how to ski at it seems difficult and dangerous for him.
Yes, it was dangerous, poor Cuca broke a hip instead of learn to ski and everything changed for her.Her life started to be different as everything seems to go wrong with her broken hip, it needed a surgical operation delayed by a strong cold that complicated the surgical result of the operation.
After some time of been operated she was bad, the poor girl have pain in her leg and she couldn´t walk properly and have to be in plaster for about a year, still without power out to the street, reading, listening to music, receiving many visits at the beginning and not so many after a few months.

After all life continue for her friends that after going to see her frequently, started to recover their youth and they went again to dance and to the swiming pool in summer.
Meanwhile cuca remained at home still hoping to recover from a very bad surgery.

But not all her friends went to the swiming pool with the other, there was one whose name was José Luis that being in love with Cuca take this opportunity to visit her frequently.

What happened after a year of entering the House, talk to the mother, the brother of the girl, these visits?. Well, it is easy to imagine, both ended up being boyfriends and later fiance...

Cuca felt that their wings were cut for ever and she had a lot of time to think about.
First goal for her was to be o.k., but this new situation was going to take a long time for this young girl.

Day after day she received the visit of this young man who were in love with her.
He was a boy with a past mind, old mind repect everything about relationship between girls and boys, wife and husband, the paper of a wife at home and the different paper of the husband.

Soon this will be so evident that the  the girl had to reconsider the situation which was doomed if continued relationship with this young man too old ideas about marriage and lot of subjects.

It has to wait a some time yet to change everything in the life of our dear Cuca who knew nothing about her life in future.
First she thought about her life together with this young man Jose Luis who was going every day to see her at home.

After some months of coming to see her he requested her to be his girlfriend, what to say? what to do, being so grateful to him?.
Evidently, yes, Cuca will be his girlfriend till the moment they will promised each other what could be a complete disaster for ever.

After all this not happened as future keeps some surprises for this girl, either for Jose Luis and Emiliano, the boy who was out her life for the moment.

This would be not for long, future has a paper for this boy who was outside of these events.

UP AND DOWN .....Cuca / emiliano´s story

from last episode....

(Day after day she received the visit of this young man who were in love with her.
He was a boy with a past mind, old mind repect everything relative to relationship between girls and boys, wife and husband, the paper of a wife at home and the different paper of the husband.

Soon this will be so evident that the  the girl had to reconsider the situation which was doomed if continued relationship with this young man too old ideas for marriage and lot of subjects.

It has to wait a some time yet to change everything in the life of our dear Cuca who knew nothing of her life in future.
First she thought about her life together with this young man Jose Luis who was going every day to see her at home.

After some months of coming to see her he requested her to be his girlfriend, what to say? what to do, being so grateful to him?.
Evidently, yes, Cuca will be his girlfriend till the moment they will promised each other what could be a complete disaster for ever.

After all this not happened as future keeps some surprises for this girl, either for Jose Luis and Emiliano, the boy who was out her life for the moment.
This would be not for long, future has a paper for this boy who was outside of these events)


What to say when a nice boy who is coming to see you every day? when you are going through difficult days? and this boy ask you to be his girl friend?, may be to go into your house easily, without any comments?.

Now it could be seen as natural, a friend goes to see another friend but we are talking about what happened in Spain more than forty years and this kind of relationship was unusual.  

I don´t know really but it is necessary to be in the body of a girl that has to be a year with a plaster from just below her breasts down to the right foot and this person has to remain at home without going any place.

She was so rigid that she can´t even take anything up from the floor or going to bath because she can´t bend and seat on a chair or upon the close toilet.
Her vital functions have to be done on the bed upon a wedge along a year and she was really tired of being so.

Yes, it was very hard for her, after her hip was broken everything goes wrong with the surgery and it was necessary to plast nearly all her body as I said before.

What the girl says it is easy of imagine if she is a grateful girl that have a sense of gratitude and justice for this boy.
So, little by little Cuca started to date Jose Luis, first in her house when he comes to see her, but once a year past when she was better and Cuca could walk the situation of being engaged with the boy was official, settle with an engagement ring.

Nearly a year was necesary for Cuca to be bettar and coming back to work despite rehabilitation was necessary and not everything was o.k. with her hip.

It is possible that a feeling of gratitude could be confused with love?. No, of course, when you first fall in love you know this is quite different, gratitude is not love and you need to love to see what this feeling is.

This will happen soon to this girl whose name was Cuca, and she has to break with her engagement to get off from a confused situation that was carrying her to the abysm of a bad marriage, an anticipated
disaster that was necessary to stop if she wanted to be happy in her life.
Difficult, just difficult to stop her feelings with her fiance, how and why when gratitude are inside her heart and she didn´t want to hurt her boyfriend?.
Good questions about what human feelings are but we are anticipating the story and we like to stand at the point of Cuca being  engaged to this boy, Jose Luis, and returning back to her work after a year of stand by at home.

It has been very hard for this young girl who was living her youth among other girls and boys of her same age. Stop to her trips to the mountains, stop with her funny life of twenty, daily pain was in
her body that would change her life for long.

Poor Cuca, it was hard for her to stay home so long with such a lot of difficulties and after a year returning to daily life limping with great pain in her hip. It was so painful that she had to do six months or more of rehabilitation to walk more or less properly while she was returning back to the bank.
Everything was different to this young girl and her world changed so fast that she was an adult of great character instead of a young girl of only twenty years old.

Yes, It has been like a nightmare but it will be real for this young girl who was living her youth among other girls and boys of her same age. Stop to her trips to the mountains, stop with her funny life of twenty, daily pain was iin her body for long and she would change her life some way stoping her funny cheerful way of living.

Life was different, pain, responsibilities and suffering was inside her soul and she was looking life with new eyes.
How long was going her to support this situation of not loving date with a boy?.

Well this is left to next episode.....

TOGETHER? NOT YET cuca/emiliano´s story 

Again in the academy we have two young persons, a girl called Maria Jose and a boy called Emiliano. None of them knew nothing about the other, but the shy girl started to talk with emiliano.

- He, you are a new comer she said.

Yes I am, my name is emiliano.

Mine is Maria Jose, is it your first day here?

No, I came yesterday but you were not here.

Yes, I was at home just a little sick.

Are you well now?

Yes, of course, it was something very common.

Then, the professor gives a paper to the girl and say her that her

exercise of rubbish strake in N.Y., was o.k., but he thinks she could do a better redaction next.

Emiliano look at her with a smile on his face and says; so the exercise was of yours, I liked it very much when Mr. Pelegrín read it yesterday aloud, I thought it was funny and was looking for the person who writes it, so now I have found the person, you, congratulations it is a nice very good exercise.

 - Oh, thank you emiliano, you are really kind.

No, I am not, that´s the truth M.José.

Thank you again.

Talking that way they remain for ten minutes, suddenly the boy who was out (the boyfriend of her thought emiliano) returned and the conversation was over.

What a pity, thought emiliano, what a nice beautiful girl is this one Maria Jose, I would like to talk more with her.... emiliano thoughts were very fast always, and without knowing nothing about the girl he thought she was really very nice and cheerful. 


What are she doing  with this boy?, what different they are, thought by himself this boy in his second day at Jorge Juan academy, and he was right without knowing anything about the girl and her boyfriend. 

They were absolutely different and soon these differences will be so evidently that their life will turn and will separate one from the other for ever.

No one of the three youngs know anything about this premise, future is always ahead our life and we know nothing about tomorrow.


With this feelings and thoughts the end of the class was soon and he find himself walking beside Cuca, talking with her vividly, how has been so?, no matter, he was cheerful and happy to be at her side going up Jorge Juan street.

Till where?, it doesn´t matter to him, it was just a pleasure to be close this nice beautiful girl who was absolutely new for him.

Yes, this situation was repeated some times along February, March and even April, till a day in this last month when Maria Jose came to the class without her boyfriend Jose Luis.

This day was crucial in the life of them both, it was a day to remember always for them in future as being alone for nearly one hour inside the class they could talk for long feeling themselves ver close.

They were so confortable talking one with the other that without knowing what was happening it was clear for emiliano that he likes M.Jose and she started to think what was she doing dating with a boy with she could not talk as well as she was doing with this one?, for her emiliano was a nice boy to talk with and she feel very confortable being at his side.

WORKING AND LIVING EASY...cuca´s story/emiliano 5/6


With eighteen years old our dear girl was working inside the Banco Hispano Americano, at first she was not happy with the change. 
She was happy working in Deutz, the German Company, even she started to learn German as inside her mind was the posibility of going to Germany to work over there.

She was young, she was less of tweenty years old, and her mother had the last word if she wanted to go out home or to another country.
Yes, that was the real state of a woman, or a girl with less than 21 years, she was on charge of her parents, her mother, or her husband.
A woman can not go to a country of Europe like Germany if she was less than 21 years and her mother, in the case of Cuca, said NO.

Her mother instead thought it could be better that this girl get a job in the Banco Hispano Americano where his brother was working already.
So, doing that  Cuca´s thoughts will be out of the idea or going out and trying to work in Germany.

Cuca wa a nice good daughter, and said “yes mom” and started to learn Bank´s business to get a seat in this Hispano Americano Bank.
On the year 1964 being eighteen years old  Cuca was working in the Bank instead of Deuth, her studies of German was over, and she began to study French instead.

Inside the Bank´s offices there were hundred of young people working. Lots of young girls and some boys too with similar age of Cuca´s.
By those years the Bank would be like a marriage agency, couples were formed very fast but years after the Bank should be like a divorce site where hundred of persons were divorced, life if so and nobody knows anything about future.
Divorce was not allowed by these years in Spain, it has to come democracy and new laws to allow divorces, secular marriages, and other kind of free customs not so well. Drugs were ahead on the eighty years but even wors Sida should be a plague among the young people.

But this is another story, just the story of a country that went from a dictator to a democracy in a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.


Work was easy those years and there was the option of getting a job in several Banks in Madrid city, nearly every year, Banesto, Central, Hispano, Bilbao Vizcaya, Santander, were banks than usually have lot of places to these young that were living on the sixties years in this country called Spain.
Not everything was bad living in this dictatorial society that was ruling everything in the nation. 

There was not political freedom, not freedom to opposit the Franco´s dictator regimen, not freedom to get a divorce, not sex freedom at all, not news freedom who said what was happening in the world, censure was making extra hours with the movies, the books, the newspaper and so forth, bue
some good forms of easy way of living was up those years.
Soon the May´s 1968 Paris Revolution was going to happen and everything will be changing soon, for good? for bad?  Who knows?
There are opinios of all kind as humans are quite complicated......sorry, again "this is other story".

Let us continue with our girl....

Nothing was necessary to get the job, not any high studies, only make a hard exam and get the place.
If a young have high studies it was better for her/him as the Company gave some points to add to their exam.

Cuca was a good student, in fact she have liked to go to the university if that could have been possible, but without a father and with a widow mother without any penssion it was necessary that this girl works very soon.

Working in a bank was good, nice people inside, a seat to be resting the full day while you work, not having to be up so many time as other kind of works, and lot of young people like you that make a fuss frequently, talking aloud in the dinner room when they spent the half an hour free time to lunch.

Soon this girl make some friends inside the Bank Office, and started to have something similar like a club of girls and boys that goes to the mountains in winter or to the swiming pool in summer. 

Life was easy and funny for all these people of similar age and time enough when they get out from the Bank office.

Madrid was a nice big city to live and to go every place without any danger. 

You could walk along the streets without not any problems, not thiefs or bad people, the dictator was strong and the police were looking to have peace on the streets.
Tourists were coming to Spain those years and life seems beauty and very easy of living.

Cuca with some money of her own bought a pair of skis, (long slender runners made of wood, plastic or metal used in gliding over the snow) and started to go to the mountains near Madrid.

She wanted to learn how to ski and have fun every weekend of winter.

To be continued....


 LIFE WAS EASY cuca / emiliano´s story

Life was easy on those years for the young people in Spain, of course if they don´t go in trouble about
political ideas.
There wasn´t liberty to think or to have a public opinion about what was happening out the world or inside the country.
Strikes were forbiden, political parties were not allowed and even manifestations on the street were also forbiden.
The Regimen was always on the TV giving the people, bullfights, futbol, and music festivals, nothing about free spech or free opinion on the papers.

Even so young people have work in several big companies that were growing up on the sixties and even Beatles have been in Madrid on the second of july 1965 and it was like a earthquake for the life of millions of young people.

Why not going to learn how to ski on the week ends?.

Just said and done. Cuca started to go to the mountains near the capital because she wanted to ski like other thousand  of locals who went to Navacerrada and try to slide down the snow more harm than good.

Yes, Cuca had a nice funny life as a young of 19 years old in the Spanish life of 1965, with a good work, leaving the Bank office at a good hour and going in winter weekends to ski the Madrid´s mountains close near the big city.
By those time also emiliano was going to the mountains in winter, but he didn´t want lear how to ski at it seems difficult and dangerous for him.

Yes, it was dangerous, poor Cuca broke a hip instead of learn to ski and everything changed for her.Her life started to be different as everything seems to go wrong with her broken hip, it needed a surgical operation delayed by a strong cold that complicated the surgical result of the operation.

After some time of been operated she was bad, the poor girl have pain in her leg and she couldn´t walk properly and have to be in plaster for about a year, still without power out to the street, reading, listening to music, receiving many visits at the beginning and not so many after a few months.

After all life continue for her friends that after going to see her frequently, started to recover their youth and they went again to dance and to the swiming pool in summer.

Meanwhile cuca remained at home still hoping to recover from a very bad surgery.

But not all her friends went to the swiming pool with the other, there was one whose name was José Luis that being in love with Cuca take this opportunity to visit her frequently.

What happened after a year of entering the Cuca´s house, talk to the mother, the brother of the girl, these visits?. Well, it is easy to imagine, both ended up being boyfriends and later fiance...

Cuca felt that their wings were cut for ever and she had a lot of time to think about.
First goal for her was to be o.k., but this new situation was going to take a long time for this young girl.

Day after day she received the visit of this young man who were in love with her.
He was a boy with a past mind, old mind repect everything about relationship between girls and boys, wife and husband, the paper of a wife at home and the different paper of the husband.

Soon this will be so evident that the  the girl had to reconsider the situation which was doomed if continued relationship with this young man too old ideas about marriage and lot of subjects.

It has to wait a some time yet to change everything in the life of our dear Cuca who knew nothing about her life in future.
First she thought about her life together with this young man Jose Luis who was going every day to see her at home.

After some months of coming to see her he requested her to be his girlfriend, what to say? what to do, being so grateful to him?.
Evidently, yes, Cuca will be his girlfriend till the moment they will promised each other what could be a complete disaster for ever.

After all this not happened as future keeps some surprises for this girl, either for Jose Luis and Emiliano, the boy who was out her life for the moment.

This would be not for long, future has a paper for this boy who was outside of these events.

TOGETHER? NOT YET cuca/emiliano´s story


Again in the academy we have two young persons, a girl called Maria Jose and a boy called Emiliano. None of them knew nothing about the other, but the shy girl started to talk with emiliano.

- He, you are a new comer she said.
Yes I am, my name is emiliano.
Mine is Maria Jose, is it your first day here?
No, I came yesterday but you were not here.
Yes, I was at home just a little sick.
Are you well now?
Yes, of course, it was something very common.
Then, the professor gives a paper to the girl and say her that her
exercise of rubbish strake in N.Y., was o.k., but he thinks she could do a better redaction next.
Emiliano look at her with a smile on his face and says; so the exercise was of yours, I liked it very much when Mr. Pelegrín read it yesterday aloud, I thought it was funny and was looking for the person who writes it, so now I have found the person, you, congratulations it is a nice very good exercise.
 - Oh, thank you emiliano, you are really kind.
No, I am not, that´s the truth M.José.
Thank you again.

Talking that way they remain for ten minutes, suddenly the boy who was out (the boyfriend of her thought emiliano) returned and the conversation was over.
What a pity, thought emiliano, what a nice beautiful girl is this one Maria Jose, I would like to talk more with her.... emiliano thoughts were very fast always, and without knowing nothing about the girl he thought she was really very nice and cheerful. 
What are she doing  with this boy?, what different they are, thought by himself this boy in his second day at Jorge Juan academy, and he was right without knowing anything about the girl and her boyfriend. 
They were absolutely different and soon these differences will be so evidently that their life will turn and will separate one from the other for ever.

No one of the three youngs know anything about this premise, future is always ahead our life and we know nothing about tomorrow. 

With this feelings and thoughts the end of the class was soon and he find himself walking beside Cuca, talking with her vividly, how has been so?, no matter, he was cheerful and happy to be at her side going up Jorge Juan street.
Till where?, it doesn´t matter to him, it was just a pleasure to be close this nice beautiful girl who was absolutely new for him.

Yes, this situation was repeated some times along February, March and even April, till a day in this last month when Maria Jose came to the class without her boyfriend Jose Luis.
This day was crucial in the life of them both, it was a day to remember always for them in future as being alone for nearly one hour inside the class they could talk for long feeling themselves ver close.

They were so confortable talking one with the other that without knowing what was happening it was clear for emiliano that he likes M.Jose and she started to think what was she doing dating with a boy with she could not talk as well as she was doing with this one?, for her emiliano was a nice boy to talk with and she feel very confortable being at his side.

INSIDE THE INSTITUTE´S CLASSROOMS ....second cuca/emiliano´s story

There we are, Jorge Juan Institute and a new pupil sitting in a desk. It is Emiliano on his first day of class. To him all is new, there is a long time since the last time he was sitting on a desk watching round him all the people who will be his partners, even the professor it is a new face. He doesn´t know anybody, no that´s no true, there is a known face he knew from the mountains trips, yes Jesus, a nice boy who shared the bed room sometimes when they go to the Hispano Club. 

That´s good, it is better to have a known face if you are a new comer that goes late, when the course has opened since a month o two ago.
Shake hands, how are you? and they sit together, that´s right.   How long is he going to be here?, till june more or less, when first test at the Bank Office will be, if he pas the first it will be another test may be in September, close near to get his licence from the army that will be in December.
Emiliano´s mind was thinking all these subjects  while the professor was reading some writing works about a rubbish strike in New York.
A rubbish strike in New York?, funny, here in Spain strikes are forbidden by the law and it is difficult to imagine something like a rubbish strike, at least we are in winter he thinks.
Pelegrin, the professor, started to read another work and the new comer emiliano stop thinking and put some attention to the new reading. Nice, a nice work with humor and very good written he thinks, let see who is the author. No author, the girl who writes it has not come today, who could be? he say to him, I would like to know.
Next day Emiliano was again in the class and take a sit just behind a couple, a young boy and a very young nice girl, really nice he thinks.
He has arrived with Jesus who seems to know the boy and the girl, emiliano was sitting silence watching everything with his eyes looking at the nice girl who was also silence watching the two boys talk.
When the class was over, Jesus and the other boy, Jose Luis, left the class and the girl was alone, just the same like emiliano.
Suddenly she turn her body, relax on the wall, look at him and said:
He, you are a new comer, aren´t you?. Yes, of course, it is my second day here.
After a while of some talk the new professor comes to the class and gives a paper to her saying it is a good work.
So, it is from you, emiliano says, it is very good, funny and very good written, I like it very much.
How do you know, says her. Well, yesterday Pelegrín read it and I think it was the best of all.
Thank you very much, ....uhm, your name please? Emiliano, and yours? Maria Jose but friends call me Cuca. 
Nice to meet you Cuca, just a pleasure.

Everything about this story started so, Cuca turning her body to the right, relaxing her back on the wall and greeting emiliano with her word, he, you are a new comer, aren´t you?.
Why she do such a thing?, there is not any explanation as Cuca was a shy girl that doesn´t speak with people she doesn´t know. Why for she does such step?.  Along years this couple has been for long thinking what happened to her to do such a thing so odd in her way of doing.
She has done this gesture for the best, as the story of these two young persons started just from this moment.
In Spanish could be,  Hola, tu eres nuevo, no?. She knows perfectly well emiliano is a new comer so the real motive for her could be she wants to talk with this boy.
Is this a mutual crush? a Cupido´s arrow?.
It could be, but we have to wait some months to see it.
Yes, of course, some moths because Cuca is dating with Jose Luis (in fact she was engaged with him) and emiliano is a serious boy that doesn´t want to interfere in a love relation, which ever kind of relation it could be.  That´s not the way of emiliano actions and for him, a serious person, that kind of behaviour could be not ethic.  Silly boy after all, as in love of war there are not rules. 
Evidently, he likes the girl, very much endeed, but she was dating another boy, such a problem, but to talk with her or going out with both it is nice for him and he doesn´t think in other subject that following their talking outside the Jorge Juan Institute.
In future he could repeat these actions some times, not very frequently as he would like to do, but it wasn´t in his will as he doesn´t know the boy or the girl enough to ask them for a walk. It was always the other boy Jesus who likes to talk with Jose Luis about futbol and emiliano has his chance when the two boy where talking ahead walking up till Cuca, yes Cuca, house.
After two months everthing will be  finished as Cuca and the boy will change their desks in the class, and emiliano has less opportunities of talking with the girl. Having this in mind, he goes back the class and watched the couple curiously asking by himself "what have seen this incredible nice girl in a boy like Jose Luis", it is a mistery for emiliano and he thinks that the boy is handsome, good looking, and physical attraction was the only motive for her. Other reasons are unthinkable for emiliano as this boy Jose Luis seems very simple minded for him, but who knows girls?. What is in the soul of a girl?, what is the choice of a girl like this one, Cuca?, only physical attraction?.
I don´t think so, were the thoughts of emiliano, it have to be something more as the girl is inteligent, nice, beautiful, well she has everything I like in a girl and it is sure I WILL BE HAPPY WITH HER FOR EVER, if she choose me and love me as I want, just a pity she is dating already. I don´t like to suffer it is better to put some distance, was his feelings without being alert about them.
Poor boy Emiliano, he is hard inside his heart about falling in love with the first o second girl he could meet, or the hundred or thousan, that is his way of feeling.  Difficult to find a girl who could like him specially and the one he meets is engaged?. There is not a reason for that, so many time alone without a loving one, and now.....nothing?.
Be in you boy, don´t lament anything, you are going to the bank soon and afterward you´ll be out of Spain and could know a blonde girl in Canada that make you happy.

SPRING IS COMING cuca/emiliano´s story


They would like to talk for ever, at least emiliano, but it was complicated for this couple.
After two months Cuca and Jose Luis take their seat at the first row of the class, why?. No body knows, but emiliano are not behind them any more. There are not more opportunities for Cuca and emiliano to talk one with the other when there is a short between two classes. Finally Emiliano take his seat at the end of the class room in the last row.  From this situation he could watch everything round him and frequently his sight was fix on the back of Maria Jose. He are thinking nothing, nothing at all as this girl has her boyfriend at her side and there some things it is not possible to change. Not hoping anything he frequently thinks on her, he thinks that with this girl he could be happy for ever. She is the one, the one he likes absolutely and it is out hand, or out his heart already as this by doesn´t like to suffer. Why for suffering or thinking impossible goals?.
Litle by little things settle down, feelings start to be cold and every one of the boys attent their lessons onf countability, composition and commercial mathematics. It is necessary to do this if they want to pass the exams at the bank.

There will be two exams at the Bank, the two will be written exams. Firts one of countability, language,  mathematics with two or three problems, composition, and even some other tests of general culture.
Once the first exam will be pass for some of the students will be a second one about Bank´s Office themes, and this will be very difficult as it is necessary to learn lot of commercial terms of the own Bank.
First exam will be takeen on first days of June, and the other will be on October in other to give some time to study the Bank´s subjects. 
All the candidates that approve the final exam of October will take a place in the Bank offices as first official inside the Bank organization. That wlll attached a significative increase of the month salary but even a reward of money for the time this charge of official could be free without being covered.  It could be a lot of money by the difference between the salary of an auxiliar and the official´s salary obliged in that site since a long time.
Emiliano and every one of the candidates want a good exam result and consequenly a good number to take the older official sites, as much time without being covered the official place more money to earn. So, it was not enough to pass the exam, Emiliano wants a good number to get a nice sum of money.
What for Emiliano wants the money?, just to save it and get enough savings to go soon to Canada.  It could be twisted but he wants to be official not to work in the Bank in a better place, no, that was not the point. He wants the money to be off from the Bank and from the country.
So, in a short period of time he was thinking all these subjects and fix his attention on the studies, just a good help to keep away his mind from the nice girl who has takeen his heart so strongly.
Meanwhile this boy was doing his military service at the mornings with different people and an absolute strictly atmosphere. Where is Emiliano doing his service?, that´s good question an it is secret by the moment as he is in the Secrect Military Sevice trying to be invisible over there.  Invisible and without thought, just doing his duty that is tyiping secret documents with the tyipwriter. His mouth is shut, his eyes don´t see anything and his mind is empty.


Being inside a progresists of the left side it is funny that he is in the Secret State sharing secrets of the moment. Listening to the police radio station, taking notes about what is happening in the State, and afterward tyiping them to the colonel who is in charge of the secret Service. Emiliano doesn´t wear his soldier uniform any more and he is happy about the subject.  Type the documents every morning, give them to the official in charge and he doesn´t think any more.  He is just awaiting to next december to be off from the army for ever. Nothing to be with this people as in fact they are nice and good educated.  Not any problem disturb him in the office, so days pass fluently and happy thoughts were always in his mind. 
Meanwhile what is doing Cuca?. Well, she is working in the head office of the Bank and doing some rehabilitation to her leg. Never she talk about this question with Emiliano the same as he neither talk of his morning work to her or to anybody, it is just secret inside his mind and he likes not to remember anything once he is out the Office.
Difficult to tell what you do´t remember, that is Emiliano´s actitude.

to be continued..

THE SUN SHINES ONCE AGAIN....cuca/emiliano´s story


Time is passing on and everything reminds the same in the life of this two young people.
Both of them were studing, working in the mornings and going to the academy at evenings.
They don´t speak to much now, being separate in class it is difficult to talk, beside inside Emiliano´s mind there is something similar as being on guard against his inner feelings about the girl.  He likes her a lot, but better not to think too much just the same as he does with his morning work. He types thinking another subjects and hes is at the class room looking at her thinking on his future projects. Lessons are very easy for him so it not requires a big effort to get everything in his mind.
Emiliano had been a student till the age of 21 years old, he is desighner, and before getting his work at Bank he was studing to be an engineer, so this kind of Bank´s studies are really easy for him.
Not and extra effort is necessary to him so his mind is free to be thinking in his future far away from Spain with his eyes looking to that girl who is seating at the first row of the class room.
Without knowing what he does he looks at the girl with pleasure and he is alert to all her movements.
Day after day the class room is full of young people that wanted the same goal that our friends, Cuca, Emiliano, Jose Luis and Jesus.
Nothing remains calm for long and this situation is going to break quite soon.
 Spring has came, Emilano´s blood is hotter in this beautiful season
in Madrid city.
Something good is going to happens that could change the life of these young persons.  Cuca and Emiliano are not aware of what destiny has reserved them, may be "God ways are inscrutable" and it was not said the last word about the relationship of them.  

A day of April the girl has came alone to the class room and she is waiting the teacher siting on her desk in the firs row as always, even Emiliano is sitting on his desk looking at her.
When she looks to him it was like a flash, Emiliano gets up and goes ahead to where she is alone, and greets her friendly.
How are you Cuca?
Well, I am very well.
Are you alone?
Yes, Jose Luis can´t today and I have came alone.
Great, it is good not to lost a single lesson.
Yes, I think the same.
They start to talk about the lessons and how the weather was, it is always easy to talk about the weather when it is a long time without having a conversation. Nevertheless they soon started to have their friendly talk of ever but this time more frankly.
The teacher is delayed and they take their sit one in front the other close enough to talk low, only for them, as a point they forget where they were and everything disappear round them.  For him there is only her and for the girl there is only him, so calm, so easy to talk with that she started to tell him her story. She tell Emiliano her fall on the snow, how bad it was as to break her  hip, the long time she has been without moving, and all the subjects about her life that Emiliano doesn´t know.
The air is magic for them, spring is outdoors and the time pass without being perceived by these girl and boy. Nearly an hour and half they were talking without any hurry, and the teacher doesn´t appear.  They were nearly alone as lot of other young has leaving already.  Finally another teacher appears and say to the few people who still were in the class that the professor couldn´t come so they could left and go out if they want. So Cuca and Emiliano, goes to take their things and left the class room with great pain. It has last so brief than now they are in the street again and Emiliano said good by to Cuca as they are taken different ways. 
Something has been removed inside them, in their souls, but it has been like a flash and it is finished again.
What incredible nice girl thinks Emiliano when he is going home by the underground, she is so beautiful and our conversation is quiete, soft,  amusing, we laugh as we know each other for a long time.  It seem we are very good friends after all and we feel very confortable together, it seems for me she is the in the same form like me, thinks the boy but could he be sure about this?. Why is dating this incredible girl with that boy?. It has been great tha he hasn´t came today, thinks  Emiliano, reviving their conversation once and again.
What is thinking Cuca when she is going home? Well, the girl thinks about the different talk she has with that boy Emiliano than with Jose Luis, her fiance, it is different.  With the boy who has been in the class room till now she could talk about everything, even she has told him her life along the last two years and he seems really interested. Little by little the old idea she has that her situation is not good with Jose Luis take shape in her mind, she can´t talk with her boyfriend the same way she talks with Emiliano, is it natural?, no it is not a good life for future, just to be the wife of a man that she can´t talk with.  She has not confidence to speak with him the way she has done with Emiliano and this is absolutely fundamental to Cuca.
To have confidence with your couple is essential to her, talk with him, relax on him, stand by him too, and nothing of these are happening now. Even a boy that she doesn´t know well awake inside her a nice unknown feeling of pleasure and friendship.
This is unusual she was thinking, what I know about Emiliano?. Where is he going now?, may be,  is he going to see his girlfriend?, Who knows?. He is always in a hurry, as he has to go another place after here, beside it is a nice looking boy and sure he is dating already. But, what I am thinking, I don´t care about his life, what I care is that I can talk with him too much better than with Jose Luis, even I have been telling him lot of things that usually I didn´t like to say any body, but with Emiliano it seems so easy to say him what happened to me in Navacerrada mountains, my year being at home without moving and so may things, it is absolutely surprising to me this incredible behaviour with a boy so serious like Emiliano.  But he is soft for me, I think we could talk for hours without being tired of this long talk, eve he is so attentive to my story. 
Every moment I am thinking that was a mistake to say Jose Luis I was going to be his girl friend, he is nice and a good boy, his behaviour with me was really good when I need friendship but I can´t be married only because I am so grateful with him, I think it is necesary to feel he is my boy for ever, the one with I like to be everymoment, who listen to me the way this other boy, Emiliano, has been.  I think it is not Jose Luis, he is good, it is me that I am not so confident to talk with him, I really can´t it is a feeling that he doesn´t understand me at all.
Maria Jose´s mind was full of ideas about her boy friend, herself, their relation, and even about the boy she has been talking so well, creating round them an atmosphere so nice, pleasant, soft, so much confidence and the feeling of been understood for Emiliano was present for her, now and then, in fact always they have been talking.
Coming home she stopped her thoughts, but they are going to remind  for long, it has been like this night being along with that boy a veil had fallen from her eyes and mind for ever, and the ideas she was thinking months before now there were more clear. 
At last she said for herself, this relation has little future, it is better to cut it as soon as possible without hurting Jose Luis that has been so good friend to me.

MAY OF 1968 cuca/emiliano´s story


Emiliano is coming home like in a cloud, he was happy, he was thinking in Cuca all the way back, how nice girl she was, how much has she suffering with her broken hip, how good conversation they had, it is such a pity she is dating already. 
Why when he find a girl like Cuca, so unique, she is dating already?. Are he going to do anything?, well it is not my style, if she is dating it has to be because she likes Jose Luis, it can not be other reason and he, Emiliano, am not going to do anything. She has all my respect he was thinking, there is not way to do nothing diffierent with this girl, she is fair and good, she is not going to change one boy for other, it is clear for Emiliano, beside why do you think Emiliano, she could likes you?. 
Awake boy, don´t dream any more,  Cuca is engaged already, she is not for you boy.
Despite this alert Emiliano was happy, he has been so delighted with her that nothing matter, he has to live the moment and don´t think in future.
Once he is at home, he likes to tell his sister Esther something about the girl and her story, but even he is talking with his mother about the nice girl who fall in Guadarrama mountains and has to be in bed nearly a year.  Yes, that girl of the bank that we listened about her accident, don´t you remember mom?, yes said his father, yes said his other sister Paquita, I remember her very well, it was comented for weeks among the friends in the Bank.
It is funny that Emiliano´s father and his older sister Paquita are working in Banco Hispano Americano too, the same like him.  May be is it a family tradiction to work in the same Bank?.
Something was in the air that propiciate lot of changes, youngs at the universities were all days in strike, they were agains the dictatorshipment, agains the lack of liberty, they all want a new society to express themselves with more freedom. 
Vietnam´s war was a let motive to be agains all kind of weapons, all kind of wars, to agaist the army of all countries, agains the societe of that time that was so constricted to the old rules. 
After more than trwenty years since the end of the second war the new generation want to change everything.  Spain was one of the countries were the protests were increasing day after day. In EE.UU., happens the same, in West Germany and all west European countries were happening the same.  The world have been at the edge of be destroyed by the missiles crisis in Cuba.  A red telephone was created between Moscou and Washington to elude another crisis like that.  Even Holliwood has made a film by Stanley Kubrick where this nuclear crisis was pariodied in one of his great movies. The world has takeen off its breath waiting for the bombs, but thanks God nothing happened in this called:
 The Cuban missile crisis—known as the October crisis or The Missile Scare (Spanish: Crisis de octubre) in Cuba and the Caribbean crisis (Russian: Карибский кризис, tr. Karibskiy krizis) in the former USSR—was a 13-day confrontation in October 1962 between the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the United States on the other side. The crisis is generally regarded as the moment in which the Cold War came closest to turning into a nuclear conflict[1] and is also the first documented instance of mutual assured destruction (MAD) being discussed as a determining factor in a major international arms agreement. 


To avoid another similar situation the two presidents, Khrushchev and Kennedy, created "the red telephone" between its nations, as I said above, doing so it seems we were more secured.

Even the Kubrick´s movie was like a nuclear joke destrution of the world, but it was very realist after all.

Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" 

An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a war room full of politicians and generals frantically try to stop.


Writers: (screenplay), (screenplay), 2 more credits »

Stars:, , | » 



After some years Kennedy was assesinated, and Khrushchev on October 14, 1964, the Presidium and the Central Committee each voted to accept Khrushchev's "voluntary" retirement from his offices for reasons of "advanced age and ill health." 

Even so the world is more or less the same, the Vietnam´s war follows and young people are really tired of their Goverments.

On first and second of May 1968 all this anger explodes on the streets of Parish. May of 1968 has been initiated and things are going to change for long. 

Strikes, barricades, coctels molotov, soldiers, fights, were again on Paris and millions of workers and students started to move all over France and its cities.

The strikes were incesant, all has been stoped, no body works and the French society is ashtonished. Rest of Europe and USA were looking these youngs and wokers, this French societe that was moviing. 

Like on the French Revolution of july 1789 people were again on the streets, and as they can´t take off the head of the King they propiciate the fall of the Presiden Charles de Gaulle, and everything started to change in France and the rest of the Europe and inside the mentality of the new generations.


Charles de Gaulle resigned the presidency at noon, 28 April 1969, following the rejection of his proposed reform of the Senate and local governments in a nationwide referendum. De Gaulle vowed that if the referendum failed, he would resign his office. Despite an eight-minute-long speech by de Gaulle, the referendum failed and he duly resigned. Two months later Georges Pompidou was elected as his successor.




Changes will be seen quite soon in Spain too, and the two boys could see the changes of their life with the seventy years coming to enlight a new decade.

Their life will turn a way that they can´t imagine on May of 1968.

PARIS /MADRID.. MAY 1968 (second) cuca/emiliano´s story





MAY 1968

What these young people, Cuca and Emiliano,  were doing on may 1968 while Paris street´s were burning?.


Nothing similar to that, Spain was out of that movements because the dictatoship was absolutely strong an police were in the Complutense University were the students were the only  democratic force at the moment.

Cuca have taken her holidays at the work and she has gone to a city in the Malaga´s coast, Torreblanca it is the name of the beach little city and Cuca is in a little hotel with her mather for the first fifteen days of May. 

She wants to relax from everything, and the best form of be relaxed it is to go to the beach.

Cuca talked with Emiliano some other days after their talk in April, and she is feeling that with this boy she is pleased, she likes to be with him and touch different subjects that with her boyfriend it is not possible.

A nice conversation is one of the things in life she likes more, and being with this boy it is easy, he is a good listener and carrys the conversation the way she likes.

Cuca has been thinking a lot after the day both of them were alone in the class room. She thinks Emiliano has a girl friend waiting for him when he is coming home just because he seems to be in a hurry when they go out from the Institute. Now the four youngs are not going walking to her house any more, Emiliano says till tomorrow and disapear immediately from the class room.

Now that she is going to the beach, emiliano has said to her that is not a prudent actitude to go to the beach now if she wants to pass her exam in the bank. 

But she needs the beach, so here is she with her mother going to take Sun´s baths every day close near the sea side.

While she is in Torreblanca, the world out Spain seems to burst,  in France and other countries of Europe strikes and students fights were the rule day after day, France was stoped by so many strikes and the police hits thousand o people that was in the streets of Paris and other France big cities, but these news does not come where Cuca is resting.


By the contrary Emiliano is up to all these news, working as a soldier who has to write events of this nature, he has a lot of work. News come to Spain every moment and the dictatorship was alert, Secret Service where there was the soldier Emiliano was taking  notes of everything, listening to the police radio stations (this was another work to the soldier Emiliano) and having all the police agents inside the universities of Madrid and other Spanish capitals.

In the Spanish country it seems that nothing was happening, dictatorship try to no inform about these events, and the Spanish life was going on waiting for summer, holidays, beaches, swiming pools and easy life, nevertheless the world was changing very fast outside the border of this country.

At the end the  De Gaulle have to convocate elections in France that he lost, and things in France for its people start to be different.

In Spain there are persons that wants a change, but nothing hapens and life seems to be the same as before May 1968.

Cuca has returned from her holidays and the exams in the Bank were ahead to be done in June.

The lessons in the Jorge Juan Institute were finishing and the girl and the boy Emiliano sead each other "be lucky" I hope to see you after the exams having good news at that moment.

Emiliano is alone again, without talking with this girl he likes so much but his head is thinking in Canada, where soon he thinks could be working after less than two years. His future life was ahead in this cold country where he wants to go, out his country, out from the dictatorship he dislike so much, out some other rules in the Spanish societe of that time he also dislike.

Cuca is with Jose Luis, not very sure about her future and what is she going to do with the problem she had. She didn´t love this boy but it is difficult to say him go, I don´t like you any more, what to do?. Just wait some time to no hurt him?. In fact she doesn´t think in Emiliano as for her this boy has to be dating another girl as he never has told her loving words or he hadn´t do nothing in the way of dating her. For her Emiliano is a very nice young boy, serious and very good talking and listener, she felt at his side incredible good but what can she do about the subject?, nothing. 

She is a serious girl that have already a boyfriend and being dating with him it is inimaginable to date another boy, Emiliano or which ever one who wanted to date her, that´s certain in her mid while she is with Jose Luis.  She has felt herself very confortable talking with the boy, Emiliano, that she is not going to see more as they never has done anything inappropriate. Good for him and for her, their friendship has ben clear and absolutely fair, that´s good and gives her a nice feeling to think about it.

PARIS /MADRID.. MAY 1968 (second) cuca/emiliano´s story 

MAY 1968

What these young people, Cuca and Emiliano,  were doing on may 1968 while Paris street´s were burning?.

Nothing similar to that, Spain was out of that movements because the dictatoship was absolutely strong an police were in the Complutense University were the students were the only  democratic force at the moment.

Cuca have taken her holidays at the work and she has gone to a city in the Malaga´s coast, Torreblanca it is the name of the beach little city and Cuca is in a little hotel with her mather for the first fifteen days of May. 

She wants to relax from everything, and the best form of be relaxed it is to go to the beach.

Cuca talked with Emiliano some other days after their talk in April, and she is feeling that with this boy she is pleased, she likes to be with him and touch different subjects that with her boyfriend it is not possible.

A nice conversation is one of the things in life she likes more, and being with this boy it is easy, he is a good listener and carrys the conversation the way she likes.

Cuca has been thinking a lot after the day both of them were alone in the class room. She thinks Emiliano has a girl friend waiting for him when he is coming home just because he seems to be in a hurry when they go out from the Institute. Now the four youngs are not going walking to her house any more, Emiliano says till tomorrow and disapear immediately from the class room.

Now that she is going to the beach, emiliano has said to her that is not a prudent actitude to go to the beach now if she wants to pass her exam in the bank. 

But she needs the beach, so here is she with her mother going to take Sun´s baths every day close near the sea side.

While she is in Torreblanca, the world out Spain seems to burst,  in France and other countries of Europe strikes and students fights were the rule day after day, France was stoped by so many strikes and the police hits thousand o people that was in the streets of Paris and other France big cities, but these news does not come where Cuca is resting. 

By the contrary Emiliano is up to all these news, working as a soldier who has to write events of this nature, he has a lot of work. News come to Spain every moment and the dictatorship was alert, Secret Service where there was the soldier Emiliano was taking  notes of everything, listening to the police radio stations (this was another work to the soldier Emiliano) and having all the police agents inside the universities of Madrid and other Spanish capitals.

In the Spanish country it seems that nothing was happening, dictatorship try to no inform about these events, and the Spanish life was going on waiting for summer, holidays, beaches, swiming pools and easy life, nevertheless the world was changing very fast outside the border of this country.

At the end the  De Gaulle have to convocate elections in France that he lost, and things in France for its people start to be different.

In Spain there are persons that wants a change, but nothing hapens and life seems to be the same as before May 1968.

Cuca has returned from her holidays and the exams in the Bank were ahead to be done in June.

The lessons in the Jorge Juan Institute were finishing and the girl and the boy Emiliano sead each other "be lucky" I hope to see you after the exams having good news at that moment.

Emiliano is alone again, without talking with this girl he likes so much but his head is thinking in Canada, where soon he thinks could be working after less than two years. His future life was ahead in this cold country where he wants to go, out his country, out from the dictatorship he dislike so much, out some other rules in the Spanish societe of that time he also dislike.

Cuca is with Jose Luis, not very sure about her future and what is she going to do with the problem she had. She didn´t love this boy but it is difficult to say him go, I don´t like you any more, what to do?. Just wait some time to no hurt him?. In fact she doesn´t think in Emiliano as for her this boy has to be dating another girl as he never has told her loving words or he hadn´t do nothing in the way of dating her. For her Emiliano is a very nice young boy, serious and very good talking and listener, she felt at his side incredible good but what can she do about the subject?, nothing. 

She is a serious girl that have already a boyfriend and being dating with him it is inimaginable to date another boy, Emiliano or which ever one who wanted to date her, that´s certain in her mid while she is with Jose Luis.  She has felt herself very confortable talking with the boy, Emiliano, that she is not going to see more as they never has done anything inappropriate. Good for him and for her, their friendship has ben clear and absolutely fair, that´s good and gives her a nice feeling to think about it.

IT WAS THE YEAR 1968 (first. ...)

Students gathered in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, MEXICO DF 1968


  • On October 2, 1968, in Tlatelolco Plaza of the Three Cultures or are nearly 50,000 students gathered . But they did but they ambushed because of all the converging streets, army forces appeared, surrounding the square. A flare is fired ... and the killing began.

  • In that now occupies our attention, 1968, was celebrated the 1968 Mexico Olympics , but was growing international concern: is living the worst days of the Vietnam War , just months before the tragic Prague Spring had happened.
  • When Soviet tanks rolled into the Czech capital , in Paris, students had risen (the well-known French May 68), racism in South Africa reached its peak, and Mexico was a strong internal instability result of poor economic conditions spanning .
  • On August 27 of that year, more than 200,000 students marched through downtown Mexico City , and settled in the Zocalo, the central square of Mexico City. The next day, the police suppressed the revolt.
  • Mexico was the ideal city for its next staging of the Olympic Games and become a good advertising focus to show the disagreement not only with the internal policy of the federal government, but with the global instability. But Mexico and its government was not willing to become a focus of revolts precisely some special days.
  • The riots followed, and in September the government sent the army to occupy the Campus producing dozens of injuries among students. Now, in this repression, there was talk that there had been dozens of deaths, and that police had burned to hide the evidence to the world. Still, the protests continued at an increasing rate, while participants from all over the world were coming to the capital.


 + + + + + +

1968 .... PRAGUE

 Prague Spring

in 1968 he was elected president of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Alexander Dubcek. This president took action as the proclamation of the freedom of the press and release of non-communist political organizations, revealing their intentions to democratize the regime. The new government line was enthusiastically welcomed by the Czech population. The winds of freedom favored criticism of Soviet control over the country, against the bureaucratic dictatorship and against Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe. What Dubcek was intended to give a new orientation communism, avoiding his radical and dictatorial ends.

It remains something of that year in which social and student movements seemed going to change the world?.
ideals were close to the surface, the movements pacifists were multitudinous, humanity looked like was going to change forever.
And then, what happened?.
pacifists, idealists, buenistas to intone where they hid, that positions occupied?, secretaries of state?, secretaries of NATO?, soldiers who mobilized other soldiers?.
Did the Vietnam War was the last?.
After forty-six years of those years 1968/1969 everything looks the same or worse.  The path is bleak, new wars ravaged Europe and the rest of the world.

+ + + + + +

Now and forever

Thousands of people were mobilized under the slogan "We're going to find"; attentive to "actual" violations of human rights organizations.
When he was called concentration Rivera and Jackson, the rain stopped falling on Montevideo. Minutes after, and seventeenth time, thousands of people marched silently through July 18th Avenue to Plaza Libertad, on the date that the killings in Buenos Aires Zelmar Michelini, Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, Rosario Barredo and William remembered Whitelaw.

SUMMER 1968 IN MADRID...cuca/emiliano´s story

It is summer of 1968, Cuca has taken her holidays has, made her exam at the Bank and now she wants to study the second test to get the goal of bein official at the Banco Hispano Americano.

She has aproved the first test that seems the most difficult and now she needs to memorize a lot of themes relative to the Bank´s commercial administration,

It will be necessary for her to study two or three hours by day all the commercial subjets necessary to be in one of the Bank different sites, like cash, foreign exchange, commercial credits of import and export, contability, and so forth till October, that will be the second test.

Jose Luis her boy friend has failed his exam and for him is very frustrating to see his girl friend studing so many hours, he wants to go out and day after day is telling Cuca he wants to walk, to go to the theatre, to the swiming pool or to the park. It is so boring for him to be indoors looking at her studing. Cuca is thinking that this boy doesn´t understand she has to study, to study very hard as she wants to pass her exam.  

It is tiresom for her to be fighting with a frustrated boy that have not past his exam and finaly she decided to be in doors that summer  studing hard every day.

Emiliano is doing the same, every evening of this summer he is studing the same exam than her, even he is thinking about Cuca, has her past  the exam or not?. He knows nothing about the girl as he is still not working in the Bank and he doesn´t know anybody who could tell him about the girl. 

At the morning Emiliano goes to the office where he is doing his service in the army looking to the end of his time in the Spanish Army Forces that will be next December if all goes the right way to him.

Summer in Madrid use to be very hot, no body goes to the streets if it is not necessary till seven  p.m., or even later, as the sun burns. It is better to have a nap indoors after lunch and await till late to go for a walk.

Soon will be July, the hottest month, it take a big effort to study so many items that soon, once next exam in October will be over, shall be forgotten by the majority of these candidates.

Some of the army officials that are working in the S.S. are taken their holidays, so Emiliano has in mind to ask for fifteen days of liberty to be with his sister in the mountains near Madrid. He has the idea that the colonel could give him these days if there is a good reason for that. To loof after his sister in her holidays could be a good reason for this official and surprisedly it happens and he has fifteen days of holidays to rest in the mountains close to Madrid but also to study full day the Bank´s themes.

Nice holidays indeed, he has lot of ideas inside his mind without beind aware that none of them will be accomplish in future.

Softly the summer is going on and October will be soon ahead anouncing some changes in the life of Cuca and Emiliano. 

Autumn is the best season in Madrid, hot is finished and people likes to walk through Retiro´s Park where there is a sinfony of colours every where. It is a nice place to take a seat in the middle of the park and start to read one again the themes it is necessary to remember for at least another week, just enough to take the exam and be free to forget whic ever subject you don´t need to remember.

It is not going to happens that Cuca and Emiliano meet each other in the exam, too many candidates have passed first exam and it will be a good chance for them to meet each other doing their exams.

The results will be in November and finishing the proof Cuca and Emiliano were happy of doing a good test.

It was THE YEAR 1968, AND FOLLOWED? (Second)

It seemed that the Western world was changing for the better this year, 1968, nothing was further from reality. The seventies were responsible with their terrifying facts back to the repressor actually less than ten years was a dream of freedom.

 ( General Videla acclaimed B.Aires) ......?

military dictatorship in Argentina. From 1976 to 1983 Argentina seizes power in one Coup military junta which suppresses almost human rights consistently proceeding to physical eliminición of cualquir class opposition or criticism to their heinous acts. It is considered one of the bloodiest dictatorships in history 

military dictatorship in Chile. Between 1973 and 1981 in Chile took power General Augusto Pinochet, establishing a similar process would be established in Argentina.  disappear human rights, freedom of association, any opisición is removed and the empizan years of so-called "disappeared" suspected opponents mercilessly out of a company governed and oppressed with the support and consent of other empires that consider themselves democratic. 

And in Latin America military dictatorships arise as all the bad condition of :
Bolivia - Hugo Banzer 1971-1978
Uruguay - 1973/1984
Paraguay - Alfredo Stroessner 1954/1989
Peru - Juan Velasco Alvarado 1968/1975
addition to Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba and some Nations who joined more repression and annihilation of opponent.

Dictatorships in Africa continued as if nothing had happened, and the worst was that the former colonies run by European countries became dictatorships ocidentales orchestrated by the same countries with economic and military interests in the region.

Asia was death camp systematic whole civilian populations swelled annals exteriminio or genocide. 
Nations in Cambodia and other Southeast Asian left by the death throes of the Vietnam War led to the establishment of dictatorships annihilating its population in nearly ten countries these latitudes.  Cambodia's Khmer Rouge dictator Pol Pot and massacred half million countrymen. Suma y sigue, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia ... and stop counting and then the list is endless.

A libertarian movement Europe and America led to suffering and destruction to millions of human beings in later years.
The generation that lived through those years, among whom I count myself, was quite disappointed with any similar movement of a kind or another whether he was not accompanied by a economic stability that guarantees work, health and freedom. 

Crisis that began in 1973, called 1973 oil began in August of that year and affected countries of Western Europe and the United States who were punished by OPEC for their support to Isral in their war of Yom Kippur, then extending to virtually the entire planet. 
Rising prices coupled with the heavy dependence had the industrialized world oil caused a strong inflationary effect and a reduction in economic activity globally.
liberation movements of the late sixties frustrated aspirations to one crisis to the seventies, and repression worldwide was the point and followed daily. freedom and economic crisis are not usually accompanied, see the present time, so there would to wait until the late eighties when other levels of political and economic expediency in different stratum of power, the Berlin Wall was torn down. 
But these events are another story. 

DECEMBER IS COMING....cuca/emilliano´s story   

November is going on in the city and news are so good for the girl, she has approved, that now Cuca is happy thinking in her next future. A future being alone, as she is breaking inside her mind with her boyfriend and she wants to make it soon and without hurt for him or for her.

Reality has been over there and Cuca knows already that this boy is not for her, she likes to have a good friend at her side, a friend to talk, a friend to love, a friend to live together for long and this boy is not appropriate for her feelings. There is not any confidence or solidarity inside him with the fact she needs time to study and can´t go outside as he lately has requested her. No, Jose Luis is not her boy or her love any more, so the best is to cut soon, in fact she is doing that little by little without hurting his feelings.

Being approved her exams means more money, also more consideration at work office among her partners and this is even more important for her. She likes her work at the Bank and she wants to give the best of her doing her task at the office.

Good for the boy too, he has approved and Emiliano was happy. It means just what he wanted, more money to save for his final trip to get his site in the world, working in Canada?, it is possible, but he doesn´t care where if he goes out this vulgar world he lives in.

What it would happened with the girl?, he was thinking, and the image of her was inside his mind frequently. Is it was in July the last chance he has to see her?, yes, it was, he was going to the Bank to get his month´s salary and Cuca was in Sol Square with that boy of hers, they were chatting each other ten meters from Emiliano that cross Alcala street fast,  going short of time and seeing that the girl was with her boy friend he preferred not to go and meet them as by chance. 

It was not easy to him just to see Cuca thay way with her boy  close to her and never Emilano has talked with that boy Jose Luis, it was not his type to talk with, less to be friendly. There was something he dislike about him, but of course this was natural knowing what his feelings to the girl were.

So, that´s the last time Emiliano saw Maria Jose and was not possible to him just to know if she has passed the first exam and if so, what have happened with the second?, not any news about that. 

Being already in the first days of December winter was ahead, soon Christmas will be in the air and everything will be going to change about the lights, the shops, and of course the feelings of people who lives in this big city of Madrid.

For Emiliano it was the time to get his freedom of the military army service that was so troublesome for him. At that moments the boy is going to an English Academy where he attends two hours by day of conversation and English grammar. His intention of going to the British Columbia in Canada remains inoculated in his mind and it seems nothing will be enough to change his will. That´s what he is thinking now when he is going to learn more English and have to pay a lot of money for the two hours of class.

They are good classes with very few people inside them, so the boy could talk a lot and even sometimes he is alone with the teacher, and Australian girl with a very good English accent. 

Curious, he thinks, my first will was going to Australia so in accordance with these thought he have lots of question to the girl and their conversation is always vividly and nice. His improvement is going fast with so many chats. English grammar class is good enough to prepare the Lower Certificate of English a subject that is alos in Emiliano´s mind.

Emiliano is not aware that relationship between Cuca and her boy friend is going to its end. The girl has realized that there is not any future for her with this boy, she can´t married him only by gratitude, that will be sure a hell for him and for her. 

Having that in mind for a long time, may be Emiliano has something to do about her feelings, she has talked with Jose Luis asking him for a period to think, she needs to think if their relation is good and she needs time, the same as him, she told. Just we need to take some time to think about our future, if it is a good idea to continue or it is better to cut our relationship amicably before it advance more. 

So now Cuca has done her first step to finish her relationship with her boy friend, that is her idea absolutely but she prefer to cut wih him in the right way, not hurting his feelings after all.

She has passed  the Bank´s exams and now she is aware that is going to be a meeting in the Jorge Juan academy, among the guys that have succeeded in their exams. It will be on 20th of December and it will be a good ocasion to see which one has approved after all. May be that boy Emiliano has approved?, it is sure she said for her, he seem smart to pass, sure he did a good exam.

Will be he in the meeting? she asked herself, may be and we´ll have a good talk together if there is time enough she is thinking.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS IN MADRID...cuca/emiliano´s story  

It is December already, a nice month to Emiliano as he is going to be free from his army service and soon will be doing his life not being a soldier any more.

Nice perspective for this month he is thinking; "just I have to return the uniform, the boots, everything I have from the army and I will be a person not a soldier who has to obey the orders of the first official I could see". 

Good he said, I will be a person again and soon will get my passport and could go which ever country I like to.

His studies of English continue every day and he is thinking that knowing English will be the real subject to have in mind now, it will very good for him in future if he wats to get a good job. 

Not going to work, not going to the academy, not being in touch with any of his partners at the Bank, Emiliano knows nothing about who has passed the exams, nothing about Cuca, and nothing about the meeting it was going to be celebrated in the academy.

He goes to the military office in the mornings, at the English academy in the evenings and that is all along the first days of December. 

On the fifteen of this month he goes to Alcalá de Henares to return his uniform in the CIR, the camp where he was first designated, he says good bye to their guys in the secret service office, good people after all, despite he doesn´t like army, soldiers, or police inspector. The concept is different, he could not like policemen or inspectors in general, or the officials of the army because they are soldiers who are armed forces with weapons in their hands, but when you are working with them and have good experiences with these persons, you start to see the people, the persons, and how are they with you, if they are good or bad people, and not what they could represent. 

The experience has been good and he will have good memories of this year he was in the military secret service office, treating with secret police, officials, and so forth. One of the guys who is inspector already,  despite he is very young, has been like a friend to Emiliano and he feel sorry to say him good bye.

Today it is the twentieth of December and Emiliano is leaving his class in the English academy, he is stepping down the stairs of the subway, before entering in the station and buying the ticket he thinks in going to the Hispano branch which it is close to the metro entrance. He knows that Jesus, the boy who was going with him to the academy probably is working inside the office, moon-lighting work in fact, and he wants to know who passed the exams and even if Jesus passed it. 

Thinking on that subjects he returns his way back, goes up the stairs and at the Bank´s door ring for a while. A person comes and Emiliano asked if is there Jesus in the Office.

No, he is not now, he has leaved five minutes ago because he wants to go the the Jorge Juan Institute.

Thank you, but do you know why is going Jesus to the Institute?.

Yes, I can tell you, the people that have passed their exams are going to celebrate a little feast in the academy, they want to see each other and see what of them have approved the exams and have a drink to celebrate their exit.

So, is there a feast in the academy?,   thanks I know nothing about that, thanks a lot.

Yes, today, sure they are going to have a good time together.

Thank you very much, again, bye.

So, there is a meeting in the academy thinks Emiliano, it would be a good idea to go and see which one have passed the exams. "Why don´t you go Emiliano", he thinks for himself, "just a while would be enough and you have time enough to go there before going home". 

Thinking that he turn up whe he is going dow to the subway and goes up the stairs again to the street.

So once again he is in  Goya´s street searching his way to the Jorge Juan institute. "That will be nice" he thinks crossing the street and stepping  down fast.

It was a short walk for him and he moves faster every moment as being anxious to be again in the place he felt something new some months before. In fact he was not thinking on anything now, he has made up his mind to be an hour or more with the approved guys and there is all for the evening, nothing more is ahead his life in that moment.

There it is, Jorge Juan Institute, a long time without being here he is thinking, and suddenly a clear lovely voice reach him,  he.. Emiliano, and again even louder,  ..¡¡¡¡¡Emiliano ¡¡¡¡¡, he turn his head to the left and yes, there is her, Cuca calling for him three meters behind. He, Emiliano, are you?, after all you approved, doesn´t you?.

Oh, my Good, good, very good indeed, the boy is thinking at the same time he is greeting the girl eagerly, how are you, Maria Jose?, it is such a pleasure to see you here, that means you passed the exam too, like me, do you?.

Yes, I do, It has been a summer studying but here we are to celebrate we are free of having to study it again, aren´t we?.

Of course, it is very nice that you passed it, I am very happy for you. What about Jose Luis, where is he?, have you come alone?.

Yes, I am alone now, It was a matter of time that my relation with Jose Luis has to be over, he is a good boy but not for me. In fact we have breaking already, and it will be certain in a short time, we have given us a while to think, but it is so clear to me that I don´t need any time, it is just courtesy to let him change his mind for ever. So, now I am relaxed about a complicate subject that take me worried for some time.

These words sounds like heaven music for Emiliano, the girl is free, absolutely free and she is here alone, it is his chance and he is not going to lost it. No, that´s for sure, he is not going to spoilt the opportunity fate has given both of them this evening. 

I have to be very careful with this nice girl I like so much and just touch her feelings about me very slowly. May be she doesn´t want anything about love affairs so soon. So be careful Emiliano, don´t afraid her with you propositions, he said to his mind.

They go up the stair of the academy and ring twice, no body comes to open the door and for a moment the were in silence. Another ring, but nothing happens.

What do you think?, says Cuca, we could come again later if you agree and you are not in a hurry. Yes, of course Cuca, just a walk to make time?, Nice, in ten minutes we could come again.  That´s right for me, says Emiliano.

The two goes for a short walk and talk about their exams and some other things making time to return. After a time again in front the door, ringing and no body comes, it is so odd, says Cuca.

Well, that´s could be good says Emiliano, what about going for a walk Cuca?, o.k., that´s good, I like to talk with you, do you want to see the Christmas lights in Castellana street, Emiliano?. Right, sure it would be nice to see them, it is a lovely weather outside despite we are close near Christmas, don´t you think so?.

Yes, it is, so let´s go to see the lights, sure you´ll like them. Be sure about that, Cuca, I will like them very much walking with you at my side and having that so nice talks we had before.

TOGETHER? IS IT POSSIBLE?.... cuca/emiliano´s story.

Well, that´s could be good says Emiliano, what about going for a walk Cuca?, o.k., that´s good, I like to talk with you, do you want to see the Christmas lights in Castellana street, Emiliano?. Right, sure it would be nice to see them, it is a lovely weather outside despite we are close near Christmas, don´t you think so?.

"Yes, it is, so let´s go to see the lights, sure you´ll like them. Be sure about that, Cuca, I will like them very much walking with you at my side and having that so nice talks we had before".


That´s what Emiliano is thinking, but say nothing to her as it is necessary to go slowly with the girl. 

He says, yes, it wold be so nice to go for a walk and have a chat together like other we had before. 

Saying that they are stepping down the street and going to Castellana promenade, where the lights have been displayed for Christmas. It is a beautiful nice show and Cuca likes it very much.

Christmas it is not a cheerful time for Emiliano and he is telling the girl accordingly with his feelings. 

Watching the Promenade they go up the street and reach Cibeles Circus that was the top of the lights exibition in the city. Left up it is Alcala street till Sol Square, and right up it is Gran Via street till España Square. By the right follows Castellana Promenade  till Atocha Square, and behind there is Alcala Street till the Alcala Door Square where the lights were splendours. It was really a wonderful sight by all means, the air was full of Christmas songs and just the moment seems magic for the couple. 

After a while walking Emiliano is telling her if she likes to have something like a coffee or a cup of tea in a nice tea shop close near them. Cuca agrees and they go into the nice tea/coffee shop ant take a seat beside a little table, they ask for a cup of tea and continue talking eagerly giving information about their life in the last months.

Cuca told her problems and feelings about breaking his relationship with Jose Luis while Emiliano is listening to her without losing a word from her lips. He says nothing that could disturb the girl but inside him happiness it is his inner feelings. "This relation is over, he thinks, good, very good indeed, I am going to care her as she can´t imagine". He says to her that soon he is returning to the Bank as his army service it is over too and he is happy now looking at future with hopes. 

They talk also about the exams and the people who have passed them, also the number they have gotten in the list it is important because it means how the exams were made and the money they could get by occupying the site for long or short time, just since the time this site has being free without being occupied once again for a new official. To be clear, all the time the site has to be occupied without being so it will be the difference of moth´s salary between auxiliar and official multiplied by the months since that date of the lack sit till the date they are going to work like officials instead auxiliars.

It could be a lot of money, but it depends of the list´s number. There are 150 sites to be occupied by the candidates and both of them, Cuca and Emiliano, have got a good approved number at the list. 

She has been among the firs ten, either Emiliano has been among the first twenty by his exams, but for him it has been a not good report from his boss or even the fact of being out from the Bank now, doing his army service, has been something wrong to get a nice good report. That inform has motivated he has been situated far from the first hundred of the definitive list of approved people. He is disappointed but nothing about the subject it could be done. 

Cuca by the contrary has received a very good report from her boss and she has been situated even in a better number of the list that the one she got by her exams. 

Sitting in the tea-shop the two youngs were happy, talking about their life, their late months, the time goes up and soon they have to leave going up to Cuca´s house. It was Emiliano´s chance to date her again and he is asking her if the could see each other another time. 

She thinks and says, yes, our talk is really nice and I enjoy walking with you Emiliano. What do you think of seeing us again next saturday, Cuca?. But next saturday is tomorrow, says Cuca. 

Yes, it is tomorrow, so do you like to see me tomorrow about seven p.m., close to you street, Cuca?, it suit you well dear?, Yes, it would be nice, just in the corner of the Hermosilla street with Alcala, do you know where?, emiliano?. Yes, I think I know the site, it is less of five minutes from you house, Cuca?; Yes, it is over there, then till seven p.m., tomorrow. That´s right?, yes it is.

to be continued.....

martes, 2 de agosto de 2016


Hablo con mi hermana del tema dinero mezclado con amigos y me canta una canción que antaño cantabamos en las excursiones.

"Si no tienes un duro
 no te hace caso nadie.
 En cambio si lo tienes
 amigos por millares"

Mi padre decía:

Don sin Din.
Cojones en Latín. 

Viene a ser lo mismo pero mas escueto.

Suele ser ley de vida, no siempre afortunadamente, que cuando tienes o parece que tuvieras dinero se es tan incauto que te sientes querido. 
Cuando no lo tienes, o reclamas las deudas dejas de ser querido y el vacio es una losa pesada que te hace ver lo estupidos que somos en realidad.


Estoy leyendo un libro muy interesante y poco frecuente, se titula "Razones para seguir Viviendo" escrito por Matt Haig, trata sobre su propia experiencia con la "Depresión" escrito con mucha dificultad pues tratar un tema como este cuando se ha vivido es duro y muy complicado.

Su anhelo es que sirva de ayuda, y es dificil que lo sea, para personas que están pasando por esa experiencia. Facil de entender y seguir para alquien como yo mismo que se muy bién lo que es la depresión, pero dificil, puede que incomprensible para personas que no la han vivido.

A mi entender y con la salvedad hecha me parece interesante y sobre todo valiente, hay que tenerlos muy bien puestos para escribir sobre un tema semejante en primera persona.
Los escritores, o quien pretende serlo, suelen desnudar su alma en alguno de sus libros, y hablar en primera persona de una etapa en la vida que es tremenda, incomprensible, complicada en grado sumo y sobre todo no entendida por la gente que te rodea, que te quiere y no sabe que es lo que a esa persona querida le está pasando.

Recomiendo el libro a todos que hayan vivido una situación semejante, la estén viviendo, o que tengan cercano a un ser que sufre lo indecible por semejante incomprensible enfermedad.
De hecho, como dice el autor, es una enfermedad de las mas graves ya que produce mas muertes, suicidios, que ninguna otra conocida.

Por evitar la soledad estamos siempre dispuestos a ser generosos, hasta el punto de parecer compras la compañía y los favores siendo pródigo sin parar hasta el punto de parecer tonto.

Y no es que seas tonto, no, sabes que no lo eres, sabes que lo estás haciendo pero simplemente gratificas el tiempo que te dedican y el afecto real o fingido.

Ya sabemos la canción, mienteme y díme que me quieres aunque sea mentira, con eso me basta. 
Y es claro que quien busca compañía en una pareja mucho mas joven, a quien se lleva treinta o cuarenta años, quien esta enfermo o torpe, o es mayor y desea que le hagan caso, sentirse querido, siempre está dispuesto a comprar ese cariño.

Ejemplos los he visto a mi alrededor infinidad de veces, y no solo eso, creo que soy alguien que puediera cantar con razón la cancioncilla con la que empezaba esta charla.

Ya sabes, si no tienes un duro  (un euro) no te hace caso nadie, en cambio si lo tienes amigos por millares.


el gatufo

domingo, 31 de julio de 2016


Hazmereir, persona o cosa que es objeto de risa o burla de los demás, y en eso nos hemos convertido en este pais.

Los funcionarios a quienes llamamos, y se llaman, políticos han convertido nuestro país, España, en el hazmereir de casi todos los paises que a si mismo se llaman democráticos.

Estos funcionarios, suspendidos todos, no miran el bien de nadie. Ilusos somos nosotros, los españoles, si en algún momento hubieramos pensado semejante cosa.
Lo proclaman, lo repiten, lo vuelven a proclamar mas alto todavia por todos y cada uno de los medios a su alcance. 
Pero nada mas lejos de la realidad, solo miran el bien propio, la propia subsistencia, y la de su partido.
De esa forma han covertido España en el "Patio de Monipodio" donde nadie mira por el bien general, si no por el suyo propio.

Este sistema No Sirve, no tenemos opción los Españoles de elegir directamente un Jefe de Gobierno, o un Presidente de Gobierno que forme de la manera mas efectiva y breve un Gobierno, en minoria o mayoria, pero que lo forme.
Luego vendrán las consabidas disputas, enredos, e improperios parlamentarios.

Votamos una lista u otra diferente, y los que forman esas listas cerradas y en el recuento salen diputados van a su propios fines que para nada son los del bien común.

De esta forma tan "sui generis" hemos caido todos en el mayor de los ridículos, siendo el hazmerreir del resto de Gobiernos de Europa y parte del extranjero al no tenere un Gobierno formado tras dos elecciones generales.

Esto No sirve, enterénse ya de una vez y hagan sus deberes.

Aversión profunda siento por lo que ocurre y no merece la situación ni
una palabra mas por parte mia.

Hoy día 17 de Agostos dicen que se reunen los del PP para ve si aprueban o no las condiciones que Ciudadanos le exigen para obtener su SI.
¿Y de que sirve si los otros, el Sr. Sanchez y sus mariachis no salen de su NO?.
¿Alguien sabe algo del programa de gobierno, a parte del NO a Rajoy, de un partido que antes era importante y ahora se está quedando en nada?.
Lo increible del caso es que se suicidarán en masa, eso si clamando NO, si volviera a haber otras elecciones pues la gente harta y cansada e incluso tapándose la nariz, como yo mísmo, votarian PP con tal de tener un Gobierno de una maldita vez.
Tan obtusos son, conducidos por un inepto y la legión de aduladores que le rodean, para no darse cuenta de ello.

No me explico que hacen otros dirigentes del PSOE y en concreto la Sra. Susana Diaaz que si alguna vez tuvo ocasión de erigirse en lideresa de este partido la está perdiendo cada día que pasa, en detrimento de ella misma, de su partido, y del resto de los españoles que aspiramos a tener una oposición como es debido, liderada por alguien sensato o sensata, y esta Señora Diaz lo parece.

Hagan algo ya, please, no nos lleven al mayor de los ridículos pues el hazmereir de toda Europa y parte del extrajero ya lo somos, no persistan y saquennos del pozo a que su absoluta y total ineptitud nos han precipitado.

el gatufo


Comentaba del gran valor crematístico de los llamados "No válidos" siempre y cuando se pueda pagar por ellos a los empresarios que poseen las Residencias.

Es un negocio próspero y lucrativo que va e irá a mas si la vida sigue 
prolóngadose para todos los mayores, entre los que yo me cuento, y si antes sus patrimonios iban a parar a sus descendientes ahora ya no, necesitán de esos patrimonios para sufragar sus cuidados residenciales.

Si no se pueden pagar sus necesidades vitales que les den, es lo que con seguridad ocurre, pues de inmediato si llega la domiciliación de pago al Banco y es devuelta impagada al No Válido lo ponen de patitas en la calle.
Llaman a familiares para que lo saquen, o al Estado, Comunidad o institución de caridad pública o privada para que se haga cargo del viejo/vieja pobretón que ya agotó sus recursos o los recursos de sus respectivas familias.

Nada imagino mas humillante que te denomine NO valido, pues si eres consciente de ello y tienes razociocinio lógico lo único que deseas es simple la muerte, cuanto antes mejor y a ser posible sin dolor.
Eso al menos es lo que uno piensa ahora, en mi caso, pero cuando cumpla mas años si es que los cumplo, y me veo ahí recluido y soy clasificado como No válido es posible que me aferre a la vida con uñas y dientes.
Con dolor, sin el, con dignidad, sin ella, simple y llanamente vivir, eso es lo que cuenta para la mayoria.

Cada persona es un mundo en si mísma, y lo que sirve o es razonable para unos en absoluto lo es para otros.

Yo siempre he creido y he sido partidario, de la eutanasia voluntaria, escrita y firmada cuando uno tiene capacidad para hacerlo. Igual que se donan los órganos, y se firma la voluntad, o se es partidario de lo que llaman muerte digna.
No se si la muerte es digna o no lo es, depende de la forma y circunstancias, pero es segura y deberiamos ser muy conscientes de ella.

He ido decenas de veces a los Asilos, he visitado a mi madre, a mi padre, a la madre de mi esposa, a mi hermana, y finalmente a mi esposa.
Me producen un profundo "repelus" pues creo me veo yo ahí, y sufro por tener a un ser querido en semejante sitio.

No queda mas remedio, te dicen o me digo, pero no acabo de creerlo. No lo deseo para nadie y menos para quien quiero.

¿Que podemos hacer?.
No se me ocurre nada sensato, pues cualquier idea que cruza por mi mente es un disparate según las creencias o las leyes imperantes en esta sociedad que rige en esta sociedad hipócrita y mercantilista donde las haya.
Han hecho del cuidado de los ancianos longevos, válidos e invalidos, un negocio floreciente que enriquece y engorda las arcas de algunos a costa de patrimonios y ayudas estatales que salen del bolsillo de los contribuyentes.
Me asquea profundamente esta sociedad que llaman del bienestar, y no es tal, ni mucho menos.

Luego cuando no puedes hacer nada toca aceptar, hacer que das por bueno lo que sabes perfecto que No lo es, y la vida en el exterior sigue en apariencia alegre y divertida.
Cuando veo felices a jóvenes parejas, o a comunes mortales, que disfrutan y rien, pienso: 
Aprovecharos, disfrutad, reir, que no sabeis lo que os puede estar esperando.

Un ejercicio pedagogico para los jóvenes en las escuelas sería visitar estos centros que llaman Residencia de Ancianos, y que vieran en que se convierte la juventud, la salud, y la dignidad de las personas.

Pero no, sumidos en una sociedad hipócrita es mejor ignorar lo evidente, lo que está ahí agazapado.
Se esconde la vejez, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento, el dolor, la indignidad de las gentes.

Y no digamos nada de la guerra, los bombardeos indiscriminados, la pobreza absoluta, el hambre, la miseria que nos rodea, en fín esa es otra historia larga desde que el mundo es mundo o lo hemos poblado los seres humanos.

Mejor no verlo, ofende la vista y la sensibilidad de nuestros jóvenes y la nuestra propia.

el gatufo