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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

sábado, 26 de julio de 2014


280.000  visits till this moment it is more than ever I hope to this unusual blog as it is it  ..............   

Only I can say THANK YOU SO MUCH  to every one of you
that have visited the Blog, my Blog,  desembuches gatufo


It is absolutely incredible to me just seeing this


The more visits, but have been more than two hundred countries.

Estados Unidos 


Rusia 32052

Corea del Sur 

Alemania 3150

Francia 1866

Ucrania 1551

Reino Unido 659

México 548

Japón 497

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Páginas vistas (historial completo)


miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014



The year is 1921, the First World War and the so-called "Spanish Flu" have caused millions of deaths worldwide.

's greatest plague ever recorded in the world happened during 1918 in full World War.

could begin in England or France, and soon after most countries in contention suffered the ravages of the virus, the horror of the war was so great that thousands, millions, of deaths flu caused within weeks silenced.

Spain was a neutral country and the disease spread rapidly to all corners of the nation. The press, uncensored war, echoing the huge disaster that caused influenza especially in children, healthy young adults was made.
Such cumulus news about the effects of influenza virus caused the pandemic began to be called "Spanish Flu "when in fact it was not Spain where the terrifying plague began.

Gayangos Tragedy passed without leaving casualties in the family of Joseph and Manuela.
Four children were under his wing and the two men had no idea of staying in the village, thus practically left without arms to work the farms, not enough resources to survive the rest of the family.

Among the remaining two daughters, the eldest Mary, also thought about leaving to Argentina with his brothers, in search of a better life in the small village Burgalesa.
To his father Joseph was not a good idea for your favorite daughter Mary embarked heading to the Americas, too many children had to leave home to another has to do the same.

Yet in December 1920 accompanied his daughter to the port of Bilbao and see the boat from Santa Isabel to stopping at Cadiz, transbordaria to all transatlantic passengers bound for Buenos Aires.

+ + + + + + +

I remember the 213 who died in the sinking 'Santa Isabel'
On January 2, 1921, the steamship sank off the island of Sálvora; 213 people died.
Curiosa date 2.1 19 2.1

Left: Image of the exact area, marked with an X, in which the disaster occurred front Sálvora. Right, The steamship 'Santa Isabel' from the bow - PHOTO: XMFP
It was only 9 years that the Titanic had sunk off the coast of Newfoundland on the sea leaving a trail of death; that cold night of January 2, 1921 (Sunday will be 90 years old), Ribeira suffered a similar tragedy and a siren blast dawned: the steamship Santa Isabel was going to chop off the island of Sálvora.
The sinking resulted in the deaths of 213 passengers and left a deep imprint on the history of the town: rapid relief to the residents of the island of Sálvora paid to victims helped save 53 lives.
The locations at which the king Alfonso XIII had granted the title of city in their wedding (1906), would go down in history for this heroic action as Very Noble and Very Loyal Hospital (though not this last title There is documentation and some believe was the invention of a writer).
But that black history has its own names.
The ship finished building the October 21, 1916, belonged to the Spanish Transatlantic Company, whose president was the Marqués de Comillas. He had 1,181 registered tons, measuring 88.85 meters in length and was worth about six million pesetas.
It was the route Bilbao Cadiz as auxiliary shuttle passengers from the northern ports of Spain to Cadiz, where the big ships that made voyages to Argentina was caught.
He was 40 berths for first class passengers, 16 for second and 400 for third. Yesterday (New Year 1921), had sailed from Corunna bound for vilagarcía, with heavy seas and strong winds.
Was carrying 266 people: 188 passengers and 78 crew members (including Pedro Paz Miguez, son of the mayor of Minho). At ten in the evening, at the height of Finisterre, a severe storm that erupted difficult navigation.
The captain ordered the passengers retire to their bunks and slowed.Shortly after one-thirty in the morning of day 2, when he passed 200 meters from the island of Sálvora, particularly in the low Meixides, rammed into a rocky shallows and began to sink bow after splitting the hull in two.
In the same place had already sunk several English vapors, the Spanish warship Cisneros and steam Larache . Steam asked for help to 01.55 hours; the radiogram was taken up in Finisterre station but when the operator asked for his situation, not one answered. The Santa Isabel sank exposing a third of the chimney and the foremast.
The incident shocked most of the passengers and crew sleeping. In Sálvora (about 60 people) had only stayed that night the elderly and single mothers with their children; the rest had gone to Aguiño with their families to celebrate the New Year.
So, among the first neighbors of sea lie Sálvora in a dorna to aid the victims were four young men who would go down in history as heroines Sálvora: Josefa Parada, 25; Cipriana Oujo, 16; Oujo Maria Fernandez, 14, and Cipriana Crujeiras who rowed about five miles to the boat in the middle of a heavy storm.
Among the first rescued was the captain, Esteban García Muñiz, who was found on a table and was speechless. The driver, Juan Antonio Pérez Cano was also saved. But soon began arriving in the vats with Aguiño first bodies aboard. One of the vessels that participated in this task was the Rosiña .
Among the dead (many farmers Ferrol), were the first official, Luis Lazaga, who had saved in the shipwreck of the steamer Eizaguirre , occurred at the Cape of Good Hope, which had only 8 people survived; Fisherman Saberon Antonio, chaplain of the ship; and chief engineer, Miguel Calvente (Malaga), rescued alive, but died on landing.
But there was also a person saved by divine providence: Manuel Abad, who had bought the ticket to go to Cadiz in Santa Isabel and, at the last minute decided to go by train.
The first boat that passed through the area after the wreck was the steam Ibarra Company; by then he had only at sea a long trail of suitcases. In the case of the collapse, it was the first time the insurance was applied migrants.
delegribeira @ elcorreogall ego.es
+ + + + + + + + +
After the tragedy all in the Valle de Mena, from which came many of the deceased, especially Jose, Manuela and siblings of Mary were absolutely shattered and in the case of Paquita, who was seven years old, a tragic reminder for all that prevented the boarding any ship for the rest of his life.
No other brother tried to sail back to Argentina, and even neighbors Gayangos and other small towns of Burgos The Merindades ceased to migrate to those American lands for several years.

's gatufo

(Cuca의 살아) CUCA´S LIFE

이 날 육십팔년이 전 마드리드에서 태어난, 부드러운 부드러운 아기가 자신의 부모와 형제 자매의 기쁨이 될 것입니다.
그의 두 형제는 그녀보다 훨씬 나이가되었습니다로 센터의 차이점은. 작은 집이었다
모두 만족스러운보기 및 관리가 가장 부드럽고 고난과 부족의 일상을 내포 생활 apartándole 둘러싸여 이야기와 이야기의 세계에서 사용할 수 있습니다 행복 작은 것은 입증이 귀여운 인형에 의해 촬영되었다.

이들 형제는 그녀와 함께 수업을 검토하고, 내가했다 곧 줄리어스 시저 또는 알렉산더 대왕, 그리고 이야기는 장로.의 전체 환경에주의를 읽고 지불 배운

알레한드로, 훌리오 세자르, 엘 시드, 레오나르도 다빈치, 더 많은 사람들이 가득 찬 세계의 일부가되었다 누구의 이야기 그는 각각의 대학 경력을 준비하고 자신의 오빠 소리내어 읽고 배운 행동과 영웅.

그들의 역사적 인물은 자신의 삶과 상상력의 일부를 형성하고 그를 거의 매일 다른 세계에서 손실 자신의 생각을 피할 수 있도록, 나중에 떠나지 않을 것 하드 불리한 때때로 함께 자신의 오늘 육십팔년 된 것이었다.

그에게, 달콤한 친절하고 부드러운 성격을 확보하는 사랑과 관심에 둘러싸여 성장했다.
그것은에 의해, 그들의 장로들에 의해 응석되고 있었다 대신 그녀가 교육을받을 것으로 예상했다, 순종, 좋은 딸, 자매, 그는 받았다. 모든 애정과 배려에 적절하게 적용 할 수있는 자신의 행동

이 아주 좋은 학생 시절, 내가 좋은 성적과 즐거운 것을를 얻기 위해 자신의 책임을 인정 그녀의 기대되는 어떤 형태.

그녀가. 이렇게 빨리 학교를 떠나 가족 경제에 기여할 수있는 일을 찾아야했다 젊은 십대 때의 아버지가 사망

했습니다 육성하기 위해하자하지 않았다 독학 그는, 특히, 독서, 음악, 상상으로 여행하고, 특히 역사 즐겼다.
그들의 문자가 가끔 구매 가족 구성원으로 그들을 알게 된 자신의 삶을 포기하지 않고 노력 저축과 책을 읽고 않을 것 선명하게. 상상

열일곱에서와 독일 회사, 첫 직장에서 비서로 일했으며, 새로운 회사 방코 이스 파노 아메리카노에 열 여덟 살이, 즉 자신의 삶과 영원에 대한 결정하는 것입니다.

그는이 충족 될 때까지 어떤 소년이 그의 마음에 함몰되지 나는 삶에 대한 그의 사랑이 될 예정이었다.
기다렸다 바로 배송까지 눈부신 빛에 약간의 비와 태양을 필요로하는 분야의 꽃으로 유지했다.

그의 동반자가 될 것의, 그는 다른 존재를 만났다 이 젊은 남자가 그녀가 슬림, 매력, 지능, 달콤한, 부드러운 자신의 현실 세계를 찢어 최고 수준에있는 종류의 여자를보고 다른 세계, 꿈, 환상으로 이송, 그녀의 주위에 그녀의 마음을 훔친 사랑, 부드러움과 함께 자신의 인생에 대한 공동 프로젝트.
그들의 사랑을 의심하거나 균열이없는, 깊은, 강한, 인스턴트되었다.

그들이 원하는 항공사, 세계는 가능하지 않습니다 아무것도 할 수 있도록 이미 존재들이 분리 된 경우, 그것은 프로젝트를 공유했습니다 , 죽음을 분리 할 때까지. 불멸의 사랑을 다짐 년 이상 조금에서 그들을지도하는 꿈, 경험, 놀이기구, 부드러운 애무

잘 가톨릭 종교 교육을 그는 인생에 대한 그녀를 데리고 원한다면 복도를 걸어했고, 그리고 어느 날 아침 그들이 SI의 페디큐어, 내 인생의 마지막 날까지 당신을 사랑하고 존경 할 것을 약속했다 마드리드에서 2011 년 4 월 1970 년 달에 있었다.

일반 꿈이 행복하게 일상 만든 4 년의 과정에 있었다 세 가지 새로운 존재는 꿈과 행복과 경제적 어려움의 공통의 삶에서 그들을 동반했다.

충분히 사랑, 그녀는 자신을 헌신하는 것이 바람직이 여자가 자신의 가족에 대한 관심 생각 그는 일 은행에서뿐만 아니라 자격을 갖춘 비서 자신의 일을 종료합니다.
그의 그녀는 빛나는 생물이 떨어져 자신의 유지되었습니다 원하지 않았기 때문에 결정은, 그, 그녀의 인생과 자신 사이에 합의했다.

그들이 부드럽고 사랑의 어머니가 자신의 사랑하는 딸을 바칠 수있는 모든 사랑을 준 그들 모두의 사랑을 생각하고 그들의 가족의 품으로받은 것이 신경이 두 젊은 기대 부모의 세계를 채우는 데 온 작은 것 3 있었다으로.

자신의 꿈의 세계와 환상의에 둘러싸여 몇 년간 지속 그의 세 딸, 부드러운 아기, 부드러운 여자의 애정이 점차 청소년이되고 있었다.

또는 집에서 세 청소년을 의미 무슨 말을하기 위해, 꿈은 일상의 문제, 교육, 인수, 특허 청구 범위의 현실에 무너졌다 . 80 년대에 자신의 젊은 세계
환율 제도, 민주주의 독재, 자유의 엉덩이 섹스, 마약, 대부분의 부모를 알 수없는 새로운 시대에 청소년의 반란.
비압축성에 대한 기성 세대, 하나 결코이 유사한 다른.
자녀 또는 손자의 새로운 세대를 이해하기 위해 주장하는 바나 환상 세계는 계속 변화하고 이러한 청소년의 세계는 그들의 부모와는 아무 상관이 없었다.

이 젊은 어머니가 잠못드는 밤, 전반적인 관심과 절대이었다 들어 그 소녀는 자신의 아버지와 함께 여성과 불일치되는 한 그들 자신의 의견을 자신의 retoñas 너무 친절하고 교양 교육에 일치하지 좋아한다.

이 어머니는 큰 소리로 그들을 책망하지 않습니다,이에 도움이 될 것을 요구하지 않습니다 집은 exigiles 아무것도하지 않고 자발적인 협력을 예상보다 책임있는 사람들로 치료를 자신의 방식으로 항상 존중했다.
싸움을하지하려고했던 젊은 아내와 어머니에 의해 발언 결코이 집에 들어 비명 또는 당신의 가족의 논의는.
항상. 경제적 어려움 또는 genaracionales 불일치를 공급 수있는 모든에 대한 자신의 사랑을 생각

실수 여부는 소녀가 성장하고, 책임을 근면하고 교육을 성인,로 가족의 후견인을 해방하고,에 응답 양쪽 부모가받은 교육은.

항상 그의 주위에 세상을하고있다 그의 가족과 친구에 부드러운 및 종류. 오늘 여기에 우리의 역사에있는이 여자는 여자로 설정되어

그녀의 애인을 위해 자신의 빛으로 빛난다 이 아름다운 사람의 관대 한 마음을 알고 사랑을 그녀의 친구에 대한 평생 남편. 그는 지금 당신이 필요로하는 유일한 것은 그의 삶의 지난 사십육년 파트너 부근에 있으므로 항상 대가로 아무것도 묻지 않고 사랑, 불평 결코 불평하지 않았다.

그리고 오늘 6월 15일는 적절한 시간 어깨에 깊은 애정과 그의 동료, 친구, 애인, 아내, 그의 딸의 어머니. 성장했습니다 다음 sintiendo 엄청난 존경과 사랑에 대한 동경

Cuca 축하 친애하는 아내에게 나의 하나님은 우리가 항상. 공유 한 우리에게 꿈과 환상의 우리의 세계에 빠져 상호 felices 회사의 많은 년을 줄 수

있는 모든 내 사랑, gatufo으로

martes, 8 de julio de 2014


YES, I am going to Berlin, incredible.

That´s true, after so many years without traveling, except last year that I went to London, next eleventh of july I´m going to
one of the big capitals of Europe that is Berlin.

Berlin it is not only one of the bigger nice cities of Europe but
it is also a symbol of how time changed after some decades, as this a city with a large history since the last seventy years of 
last century.

When I was born, Berlin was the capital of The German Nation that was under the Nacional Socialism  Regimen that has inmersed Europe, and the rest of the world, in the Second World War.

Along the years of the Second World Berlin thousands of bombs
were throwed on the city till its total destruction.

After that, once the war was over and the nazis were defeated, the city of Berlin was divided in four parts, the same as the rest of German, England, France, EE.UU. and Russia occupied the four parts of the German Nation.

Some years after, Berlin was divided only in two sides, the Russian Communist Side and the Occidental part controled by EE.UU. , and a wall was erected on 1961 by the D.G.R., to prevent the bad capitalists ideas of the East and preserved the communist regiment of the West as long as possible from that bad capitalist east influence on people.

In fact what the R.D.G. wanted was avoid the pass of german people from the West side to the East.
So Germany was divided in two, the East, capital Bohn, and the West, capital West Berlin.

The Cold War between the West countries of Europe and the East, together with EE.UU. and other allies , was so long that I could live it in first person along all my youth and adult life.

It seems the world was going to be destroyed by the Nuclear Bombs, and some how every body was afraid of that events. 

But in 1989, radical political changes occurred in the Eastern Side. 

After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. 

Over the next few weeks, euphoric public and souvenir hunters chipped away parts of the wall; the governments later used industrial equipment to remove most of what was left. 

The physical wall was primarily destroyed in 1990. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification in one Nation, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.


el gatufo

domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

A LIFE (Cuca´s livings)

June 15th  2014

On this day 68 years ago was born, in Madrid, a tender and gentle baby that would be the joy of his parents and siblings. 

A big difference was among this little baby and her two brothers that were too much older than her.
All pampering and care were captured by this cute doll that proved to be the most tender and happy little thing that might be expected in a world of tales and stories that surrounded apartandole of living fraught with hardships and shortages everyday. 

Their brothers were reviewing lessons with her, she had stories of Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great, and soon learned to read and pay close attention to the whole environment of her elders. 

Alejandro, Julio Cesar, El Cid, Leonardo de Vinci and many more, became part of her world full of deeds and heroes whose stories she learned read aloud by her older brothers who were preparing respective college careers.

Their historical figures will never leave her, forming part of her life and imagination and helping the little girl to evade her thoughts almost lost in a different world of everyday hard and adverse sometimes along their was sixty-eight years old today.

Grew up surrounded by love and attention, which secured her a sweet, kind and gentle character.
She was a being pampered by their elders, by Instead she was expected to be educated, obedient, good daughter and sister, and their behavior properly applicable to all the affection and care she received. 

She was a very good student,  accepted her responsibility to get good grades and pleasing that forms what is expected of her.

Her father died when she was a young teenager so soon had to leave school and find work to contribute to the family economy.

Did not let for it to cultivate and be self-taught, she especially enjoyed reading, music, traveling as imagined and especially history.
Their characters will never abandon her living and reading books with their savings sought buy occasionally came to know them as family members vividly imagined.

At seventeen and worked as a secretary in a German company, her first job, and turned eighteen in the new company Banco Hispano Americano, that would decide about her life and forever.

No boy made ​​a dent in his heart until he met I was meant to be his love for life.  

Waited and kept as a flower of the field that just needs some rain and sun to shine resplendent until delivery.
Who would be his companion, she met a different being this young man stole her heart around her, she saw a slender, attractive, intelligent, sweet, tender and kind girl in the highest degree that tore their real world and transported to a different world, dreams, illusions, love, tenderness and joint projects on their life together.
Their love was instant, deep, strong, without doubt or cracks.

Already existed for them to be anything of your desired company, no world is possible if they were separated, it was shared projects , dreams, experiences, rides, tender foreplay to lead them in a little over a year pledging undying love until death separated them.

Well educated in the Catholic religion had to walk down the aisle if he wanted to take her for life, and and was one morning in the month of April 1970 in Madrid where they said SI chiro, I promise to love and honor you until the last day of my life.

Ordinary dreams happily everyday were made ​​and in the course of four years three new beings came to accompany them in their common life of dreams, happiness, and economic hardship.

With love enough, she thought this girl who preferred to devote himself to care for his family and quit his job as well qualified secretary in the bank where he worked.
Her decision was agreed between them, the love of her life and herself, because she did not want the creatures she shine were kept away from himself.

For them gave all the love that a tender and loving mother can devote her dearest daughters , as were three small ones that came to populate the world of these two young expectant parents who thought of them all the love and care that they had received in the bosom of their families.

Their dream world and illusions lasted several years surrounded by the affection of his three daughters, tender babies, tender girls gradually were becoming teenagers.

To say what is or means three teenagers in a house, the dream gave way to the reality of everyday problems, education, arguments, claims own young world in the eighties.
Exchange regime, dictatorship to democracy, freedom butt sex, drugs, youth rebellion to new times unknown to most parents.
never there similar to its older generation, one for incompressible the other.
Illusion to claim to understand the new generation of children or grandchildren, the world keeps changing and the world of these teenagers had nothing to do with their parents.

For this young mother were sleepless nights, overall concern and absolute for their girls were becoming women, and disagreements with his father love them not coincided in his opinion too kind and liberal education for their childrens.

Never this mother scolded them loudly, never demanded that the will help in the house was always respectful in his manner of treating them as responsible people than expected spontaneous collaboration without exigiles anything.
Screams heard in this house never uttered by the young wife and mother who was trying to not have fights or discussion in your family.
always thought his love for all it would supply economic hardship or genaracionales discrepancy.

Mistake or not, the girls grew and were emancipated family guardianship to be adult, responsible, hardworking and educated, responding to the education received by both parents.

Here today this girl in our history turned into a lady so tender and kind to his family and friends as it has always been for the world around him.

shines with its own light for her lover lifelong husband, for her friends who love to know the generous heart of this beautiful person. He never complained, never complains, always loved without asking anything in return, as now the only thing you need is close to your partner the past 46 years of his life.

And today June 15 is an appropriate time for the shoulder deep love and admiration for his companion, friend, lover, wife, mother of his daughters, the following sientiendo immense respect and love that has grown over the years.

Cuca Congratulations dear wife of mine, may God give us many years of mutual felicies company mired in our world of dreams and illusions we have always shared.

With all my love, gatufo


Recently reflected on the fact of being or not being a grandfather having been, of course, previously father. 

Well, keeping with the theme in my head I have come to the conclusion that I am not and I don´t like to be.

Many will wonder who this guy says that neither wanted to be, it is not easy to explain and I have given a lot of thought into my coconut. 

Moments are, brief, I envy grandparents.  

Creatures of months or a few years are lovely. We move to the deepest tenderness and sublimate our most intimate feelings of protection and love for them. Who will not envy the feeling love for such small and fragile beings that you tend small arms and ask sweetheart buzzing. 

Soon get her little hand and can walk with them, and the best call you grandpa, abu, yayo or even if you're just a giant grandfather beside them.

Pleasure is huge every time a person sees his young grandchildren. The tenderness, time, dedication that sometimes could not be taken with children is for the grandson or granddaughter. 

So at least it was years ago, but are now changing customs and more than "grandchildren" have become " children "if children who care for, feed, watch, watch, and bring to school or daycare every day when they begin to no longer be infants.  

During two or three years have raised them at home as a second version of children grandfather or grandmother is not, it returns to being a parent, with hot flashes, trouble, fear, work, disappointments and all the delights that previously provided the first children. 

But those if we could educate them according to their / our criteria, the second children-grandchildren not even that, because WE ARE THEIR PARENTS, and if they are, children, sons or daughters are responsible to remember again and again. 

Sorry, we are only the lack of freedom which is re- raise children, or work, or money, is simply being parents and not simultaneously. 
entire job, new grandparents, like their parents, but the judgment or decision of how to educate their part is NOT suck. 

Nor is there any appreciation, contrary have to feel happy and grateful to be USEFUL, and enjoy the companionship and love of grandchildren at the expense of labor, lack of freedom, poor sleep and sometimes expensive. 

I have seen and heard bitter complaints from some grandparents that I know that SI much love their grandchildren practically raised them, but deep, deep down ARE SICK and tired of repeating the story of raising a few seconds children which soon lost sight of and which are NOT imply any right to review or make a educational rules. 

With everything exposed, and that callus prudence, repeat, 
"I am not grandfather" or desire to be. 

's hard to say something like, sure I lose something nice and great it makes us feel better, stand and endure the looks of pity other grandparents throwing me so sad for the failure to be a grandfather like them, but sometimes, in the background, I envy not address the responsibilities, lack of freedom and work to suffer them. 

I think society, government, advertising, media abuse praising "the great work being done by grandparents" but do little to THEM. 

Fine words, that good they are, they work so necessary do, and little else. 

When these same grandparents look alone, cornered in their homes or in a nursing home, and neither the grandchildren or the children to go to see 
the old , the elderly who looked after them and helped them when it was necessary, who will remember the thousands of hours spent doing work that was not for them, the love they showed towards small, now people "never have time" going to see them, to give them love, give back a little of the love received, and then everyone that?. 

What people say about them, government, consumer and inhumane society in which we live, and finally the children and grandchildren to looked after and are too busy to care for their elderly or dedicate some time of your time to give them company and affection. 

They work as useful and necessary grandfathers do, replacing the parents, and little appreciation are then when they need the love of those who cared and recognition of that hypocrite Society praising them when they are USEFUL. 

then die alone, thousands of them in their homes without anyone will worry the least. 

Clearly it is my opinion based on what I've seen and I see constantly and repeatedly. 


(which has no grandchildren or inclination, but he has a cat who adores him)


Hace poco reflexionaba sobre el hecho de ser o no ser abuelo habiendo sido, como es lógico, previamente padre.

Pues bien, siguiendo con el tema dentro de mi cabeza he llegado a la conclusión de que ni lo soy ni tengo ganas de serlo.

Muchos se preguntarán por que dice este sujeto que ni ganas de serlo, no es fácil de explicar y le he dado muchas vueltas dentro de mi coco.

Hay momentos, breves, que  envidio a los abuelos. 

Las criaturas de meses o de pocos años son encantadoras. 
Nos mueven a la mas profunda ternura y subliman nuestros mas íntimos sentimientos de protección y amor hacia ellos. 
Quien no va a envidiar el sentir amor por esos seres tan pequeños y frágiles que te tienden los pequeños brazos y piden cariño a tope.

Al poco tiempo te dan su manita y puedes pasear con ellos, y lo mejor te llaman abuelo, abu, yayo, o simplemente abuelito aunque seas un gigante al lado de ellos.

El placer es enorme cada vez que una persona ve a sus nietos pequeños. La ternura, el tiempo, la dedicación que a veces no se pudo tener con los hijos es para el nieto o la nieta.

Así era hace años al menos, pero ahora están cambiando las costumbres y mas que "nietos" se vuelve a tener "hijos", si hijos a los que cuidar, alimentar, velar, vigilar, y llevar al cole o la guardería día tras día cuando empiezan a no ser ya bebés. 

Durante dos o tres años los han criado en casa como una segunda versión de hijos, no se es abuelo o abuela, se vuelve a ser padre o madre, con los sofocos, apuros, temores, trabajos, sinsabores y todas las delicias que previamente proporcionaron los hijos auténticos.

Pero a los hijos si pudimos educarles según nuestro criterio, a los segundos hijos-nietos ni tan siquiera eso, por que no somos sus padres, y los que si lo son, hijos, yernos o nueras se encargan de recordarlo una y otra vez.

No es solo la falta de libertad que supone volver a criar hijos, ni el trabajo, ni el dinero, es simplemente el ser y no ser padres de ellos simultaneamente.
Se chupan todo el trabajo, los nuevos abuelos, como si fueran sus padres pero el criterio o la decisión de como educar NO les corresponde
a ellos.

Ni se les ocurra sugerirlo pues se lo pueden recordar de no muy buenos modos.

Tampoco hay ningún tipo de agradecimiento, al contrario se tienen que sentir contentos y agradecidos de ser útiles, y poder disfrutar de la compañía y el cariño de los nietos a costa del trabajo, la falta de libertad, de sueño y a veces las malas caras.

He visto y escuchado amargas quejas de algunos abuelos a los que conozco, que si quieren mucho a sus nietos que prácticamente crían de ellos, pero en el fondo, muy en el fondo están hartos, cansados de repetir la historia de criar unos segundos hijos a los que muy pronto perderán de vista y sobre los que no se les atribuye ningún derecho a opinar o marcar unas reglas educativas.

Con todo lo expuesto, y más que callo por prudencia, repito que
"no soy abuelo"  ni ganas de serlo.

Es duro de afirmar algo parecido, seguro que me pierdo algo bonito y grandioso que nos hace sentir mejores, soporto y soportaré las miradas de pena que me lanzan otros abuelos por el hecho tan triste de no ser abuelo como ellos, pero se que algunas veces, en el fondo, me envidian por no afrontar las responsabilidades, falta de libertad y trabajo que sufren ellos.

Pienso que la sociedad, el gobierno, la publicidad, los medios abusan alabando "la gran labor que desarrollan los abuelos" pero que poco hacen por ellos. 

Bonitas palabras, que buenos son, que labor tan necesaria hacen, bla bla bla y poco más.

Cuando estos mismos abuelos se vean solos, arrinconados en sus casas, o en un asilo, y ni los nietos ni los hijos vayan a ver a los viejos, a los ancianos que les cuidaron y les ayudaron cuando hizo falta, quien va a recordar las miles de horas que gastaron haciendo una labor que no les correspondía, del cariño que demostraron hacia los pequeños, ahora mayores "que nunca tienen tiempo" de ir a verlos, de darles cariño, de devolver un poquito del amor recibido, y entonce que?.

Que dicen de ellos, el gobierno, la sociedad consumista e inhumana en la que vivimos, y finalmente los hijos y nietos a los que cuidaron y que están muy ocupados para cuidar a sus mayores o dedicarles algún rato de su tiempo en darles compañía y cariño.

Que labor tan útil y necesaria hacen los abuelos, sustituyendo a los padres, y que poco agradecimiento reciben luego cuando más necesitan del cariño de los que cuidaron y el reconocimiento de esa Sociedad Hipócrita que les alaba cuando son útiles.

Luego, se mueren solos, miles de ellos en sus casas sin que a nadie le preocupe los más mínimo.

Las cifras no mienten, solo hay que consultar internet y leer los miles de ancianos que aparecen muertos sin que nadie se haya apercibido de ello, patético, triste e inhumano.

Está claro que es mi opinión en base a lo que he visto y veo constante y repetidamente.

el gatufo   (que no tiene nietos ni ganas, pero si un gato que le                    adora)

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014


Corre el año 1921, la Primera Guerra Mundial y la mal llamada "Gripe Española" han causado millones de muertos en todo el mundo.

La mayor plaga que se recuerda en el mundo sucedió durante el año 1918 en plena Guerra Mundial. 

Pudo comenzar en Inglaterra o Francia, y muy poco después la mayoría de los países en liza padecían los estragos del virus, el horror de la guerra era tan grande que se silenciaron las miles, millones, de muertes que la gripe causaba en pocas semanas.

España era un país neutral y la enfermedad se extendió con gran velocidad a todos los rincones de la nación. La prensa, no censurada por la guerra, se hizo eco del desastre enorme que la gripe causaba sobre todo en niños, jóvenes y personas adultas sanas. 

Tal cumulo de noticias sobre los efectos del virus gripal hicieron que la pandemia comenzara a llamarse "Gripe Española" cuando en realidad no era España el lugar donde comenzó la terrorífica plaga.

La tragedia pasó por Gayangos sin dejar bajas en la familia de José y Manuela. 

Cuatro hijos seguían bajo su tutela y los dos varones tenían idea de no permanecer en el pueblo, con lo que prácticamente se quedarían sin brazos que trabajaran las fincas, ni recursos suficientes para subsistir el resto de la familia.

De las dos hijas restantes, la mayor María, pensaba también en marcharse a la Argentina con sus hermanos, en busca de una mejor vida que en la pequeña aldea Burgalesa.

Para su padre José no era una buena idea que su hija predilecta María se embarcara rumbo a las Américas, demasiados hijos habían tenido que abandonar el hogar para que otra más tuviera que hacer lo mismo. 

No obstante, en Diciembre del año 1920 acompaña a su hija hasta el puerto de Bilbao y la ve partir en el barco Santa Isabel que haciendo escala en Cadiz, transbordaria a todos sus pasajeros a un transatlántico con rumbo a Buenos Aires. 


El 'Titanic' de Sálvora

La Ría de Arousa conmemora el 90º aniversario del naufragio del 'Santa Isabel'


Aunque la fama de peligrosa se la lleve la Costa da Morte, uno de los naufragios más recordados del litoral gallego tuvo lugar algo más al sur, en la bocana de la Ría de Arousa. En 1921, el buque Santa Isabel, un vapor correo, se fue a pique a poco más de 100 metros de la isla de Sálvora, todavía habitada. El valor de los vecinos de la isla que Cabanillas elevó a tierra sagrada quedó grabado a fuego en la memoria de la comarca del Barbanza. Este año se cumple el 90º aniversario del hundimiento, y Xosé María Fernández Pazos sacará la segunda edición del libro sobre la tragedia que publicó en el 1998, Sálvora: Memoria dun Naufraxio. Se trata de una edición actualizada con nuevas fotografías que estará en las librerías en unos días.
Los vecinos de la isla recibieron varios homenajes tras el naufragio
Se reabrió un antiguo cementerio para dar sepultura a los fallecidos
A la 1.50 de la madrugada el barco encalló en unas rocas próximas a Sálvora y se fue a pique. Los vecinos de la isla, y muy especialmente tres jóvenes que luego se convertirían en heroínas, prestaron auxilio a los viajeros y lograron salvar a unas 56 personas. La hazaña les valió varias medallas al mérito así como el reconocimiento de Muy noble, muy leal y muy hospitalaria a la villa de Ribeira, concedido por el rey Alfonso XII.
El buque había pasado por varios puertos del Cantábrico recogiendo emigrantes que se dirigían a América. Su destino era Cádiz, de donde partían barcos más grandes hacia el otro lado del Atlántico. Era la madrugada del 2 de enero del recién estrenado 1921, cuando el Santa Isabel chocó contra las rocas al intentar maniobrar para acceder a la Ría de Arousa. En los bajos de la embarcación se abrieron varias brechas y en poco tiempo el Santa Isabeldesapareció bajo el agua. Aunque desde el buque intentaron pedir auxilio por radio, fue imposible que en tierra comprendiesen lo que intentaban transmitir. Se qudaron sin electricidad y fue imposible enviar un mensaje pidiendo auxilio. "Estamos encima de las rocas de Sál...". Ese fue el último mensaje que emitió por radio el Santa Isabel. Los telegrafistas de Finisterre Radio no se imaginaron lo que estaba sucediendo y no pudieron avisar para poner en marcha un equipo de salvamento.
Fue el farero de la isla quien escuchó los gritos de los que viajaban en el buque. Cuando se dio cuenta de lo que estaba ocurriendo corrió hasta las casas, a dos kilómetros del faro, para avisar a los vecinos. De Sálvora partieron tres embarcaciones; una hacia Ribeira para avisar del naufragio, y las otras dos se dirigieron al lugar donde se hundía el Santa Isabel para rescatar a los supervivientes. Aunque los héroes acostumbren a ser hombres, en Sálvora hubo tres mujeres que desde esa noche formarían parte del entramado mítico que subyace tras el imaginario social gallego. Cipriana Oujo, de 25 años; Josefa Parada, de 16; y María Fernández, de 14, tripulaban una de las dos embarcaciones que se enfrentaron al oleaje para rescatar supervivientes del naufragio. Fernández Pazos calcula que tras realizar varios viajes, estas tres jóvenes rescataron a entre 15 y 20 personas. Aun así, 213 personas, entre pasajeros y tripulantes, fallecieron en el Santa Isabel. No se recuperaron los cuerpos de todas las víctimas. El Ayuntamiento de Ribeira tuvo que reabrir un antiguo cementerio para dar cabida a los muertos en el naufragio.
El segundo oficial del Santa Isabel, el ferrolano Luis Cebreiro, también quedó en la memoria de la comarca por salvar vidas aquella noche. Retuvo a varios botes salvavidas hasta que amaneció, lo que permitió que con la luz del día fuese más fácil evitar las rocas. Además, se negó a subir en un bote porque era muy corpulento -lo llamaban El Toneladas- y temía hundirlo. Nadó durante dos horas hasta Sálvora agarrado a una de las embarcaciones. Cebreiro resultó ser el marinero más condecorado de la historia. "No sé si era gafe o si fue casualidad que estuviera presente en muchos naufragios", cuenta Fernández. Las tres mujeres recibieron la Cruz de Tercera Clase con Distintivo Negro y Blanco del Consejo de Estado. Una cuarta también fue premiada por su trabajo en tierra, Cipriana Crujeiras, que ofreció a los náufragos rescatados comida y ropa seca. Varias ciudades como Vigo o Vilagarcía homenajearon a las jóvenes.
Pero también hubo una leyenda negra que acusaba a los vecinos de Sálvora de haberse quedado con las pertenencias de las víctimas. De las tres heroínas poco más se supo y se dice que evitaban hablar de lo que había sucedido aquella noche. De hecho, Fernández Pazos explica que en el Ayuntamiento de Ribeira apenas hay documentación sobre el naufragio. "Los vecinos decidieron correr un tupido velo ante los rumores que los acusaban de raqueiros", explica. A pesar de que el rumor se mantuvo, el autor del libro pudo constatar que esto no fue cierto tras revisar una carpeta con documentación que guardaba el segundo oficial del Santa Isabel, Luis Cebreiro.