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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


 Пятница, 4 Январь 2013 Л.Н.

Cuca сотрудничестве с моей женой).


Родился немецкой принцессой по имени София, родилась в  Щецин  ( Штеттин ),  Померании , [1]  в настоящее время  Польша , на  2 мая  в  1729  и умер в  Санкт-Петербурге  на  17 ноября  1796 года.
Когда дело доходит до Москвы очень молод, 16 лет, и перешел в православие. 28 июня 1744 был крещен с именем Екатерины (Екатерина или Екатерина) Алексеевны. На следующий день состоялась помолвка, и Кэтрин вышла замуж за великого князя Петра 21 августа 1745 в Санкт-Петербурге. 
Молодожены поселились в  дворце Ораниенбаума , которое было бы резиденцию "молодых суд" в течение 54 лет.
Каталина была фамилия матери царицы Елизаветы Петровны, что тетя мужа был будущий царь Петр III.

Елизаветы Петровны, императрицы была дочерью великого царя Петра Великого.
Потребовалось несколько лет, (12) и Екатерины не было детей, потому что не было никакого сродства сексуальной или иной проблемы, связанные с таламуса.
Они были друг от друга, каждый искал любовника и, как это было необходимо иметь такого сына, как из .......... родился будущий царь Павел I? Сын кто? , с которым , несмотря на то сын, которого она никогда не брали тоже.

Когда Изабелла умирает наследовал его племянник Петр III муж Екатерины.
Он был прогерманской и она, Кэтрин. был очень популярен среди русского народа и армии. С помощью русской армии дает переворота, в котором ее муж Петр III умирает ..... совпадение? Зарина, и она названа именем Екатерины II.

Во время своего пребывания на посту Россия расширила свои границы никогда не делал раньше.
Либеральная внешний вид, он писал на французском мыслители того времени , такие как Жан-Жак Руссо, Вольтера и Дидро, но в пределах России поддерживается диктатура Ferrea любой либерализм или французского влияния.
Он стал править в 1762 году и умер в 1796 году, т.е. была Зарина 34 лет, в которых абсолютной властью и Россией значительно расширены его границы, став великой державой того времени.
Он говорит, что было много любовников, но не женился, потому что они не хотели любой другой человек мог вычесть власть или контроль.
В какой-то степени напоминает Елизаветы I в Англии, так называемая Королева-девственница , который правил с 1558-1603 без брака и во время л arguísimo мандата Англия стала великой державой.
Доказано, что женщины, как королев, императриц правителей или превышают большую часть времени ...... люди в дни до и текущий ... (Я Изабель Кастилии и Испании, Англии Виктория "Королева с 1837 по 1901 по 1964 год царствования »M.Tacher.Golda Меир, Индира Ганди ...... Ангела Меркель) .... и некоторые забыли.
К моменту своей смерти ему наследовал его сын Павел I был также про немецкий, и вызвал много недовольства среди своих людей, которые убили пять лет.
Сын этого Александр I стал преемником своего отца, когда он был убит, и на этот раз царь в союзе с Наполеоном, который позже вторгнуться в Россию в 1812 году.
Большая ошибка Наполеона впоследствии был вынужден покинуть Россию абсолютно победил с висячими ушами и огромным числом жертв, а затем был сослан на остров Эльба.
Позже Гитлер совершил ту же ошибку для него и его армии, а не остальных из нас, кто сделал Наполеон ..... Вторжение в Россию.
Россия является слишком большим и совершенно неудобоваримые для absovido императорами ......... или диктаторов, как Наполеон подобными ateriormente
Его войска, с не по вине амбиции этих субъектов, заплатили своими жизнями великие мечты таких сумасшедших.
История повторяется снова и снова, до сегодняшнего дня.
Он говорит, он сказал, что с Павла I, сын Екатерины, царям России и Романов не являются подлинными.
В те времена существовала отцовства, или ДНК, или что-нибудь , что так как нет способа узнать наверняка.
Я надеюсь, вам понравится эта история РОССИИ.
С Новым Годом 2013 

el gatufo

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013


Justice is represented by a blindfolded woman with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other.Is to say but no words adjusted  and precise to convey both disgust and shame to live right now sad and degrading for many Spanish and especially for families foully murdered people who do not seeno relief for the non-administered justice the murderers and accomplices.

Not failing, but when millions of Spanish repugnant the performance of judges, lawyers and if too, no reason to have to endure the ineffectiveness of a comprehensive criminal justice system, attenuated,is only safeguard the rights of the criminals, is clear and irrefutable that something is wrong to the satisfaction of honest people, millions of accompanying them in their grief, the family today Marta.Yesterday was Sandra's family, as with other families murdered by terrorists, pedophiles, rapists, armed robbers and the violent macho are not previously treatment necessary to prevent their crimes.

This is unbearable.

Please do something to address this without reason and impunity in which we live.We can not do anything for those already killed but honor his memory punishing their murderers.Also in proper ratio's punish the executioners, is the only reasonable way to avoid other problems to come, in addition to preventing which begin to think about taking justice by our hand.

He agrees to this our Spanish society Remember "The Code of Hammurabi" in the year 1760 BC, and established that some laws should be immutable, not even a King could alter the face is included instone.

Over millennious this code was an example to legislate, the feeling that today and has been forgotten.At least today here, at this time seems water under the bridge for the pain of many, myself among them.

Claim, demand justice.
Are you obligated to be fair, of do what it takes to comfort the afflicted by the pain of having lost the most valuable thing exists, the life of loved ones.

The only way to lessen the pain is to see that justice is applied fairly proportional the crime ommitted.

For events like this there should be no apologies of any natures, or age or circumstances, or by so  much lie that promotes rather than harm the liar.

All my sorrow and solidarity to parents and the family of this child as well as for that of

many who are no longer with us.

el gatufo


domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013


Je ne me souviens pas avant que l'économie personnes intéressées autour de moi. Parlant de la balance commerciale, compte courant, l'état de déficit, le produit intérieur brut, et toutes ces choses tellement ennuyeux motive pas l'enthousiasme. j'étais beaucoup plus heureux parler sur le sport, la tauromachie, le film ou les prochaines vacances.

politique?, Toston souvent. Aujourd'hui, après des années d'indifférence à toutes ces questions quand vient le temps parle pas d'autre chose. plus curieux est de savoir combien nous comprenons tous, il ya eu de nombreux experts dans le terrain et pas un jour où les premières pages des journaux ne parlent pas de la Bourse, la prime de risque, la propagation de la dette, l'euro, l'indice des prix à la consommation et le pire des chiffres du chômage. L'économie est le sujet principal de conversation quand les amis se réunissent et il est temps que nous avons tous les soins des affaires profondément pécuniaires d'un pays, un continent et même du monde. Nous ne savons presque rien, mais on pense beaucoup et ont émergé experts innombrables nous dire quelles étaient les causes de notre pauvreté brusques. causes de cours n'ont jamais été notre propre ignorance, l'indifférence ou même insouciance poser lors de notre ancienne vie de prospérité. A mon avis, nous sommes tous responsables de la catastrophe et sans aucune exception. Par crédules, indifférent, dépensiers ou des spéculateurs. It Seems que nous n'ajoutons pas, soustraire ou multiplier. Une info mot que nous n'avons pas réussi à faire les comptes et même ne sait toujours pas essentiellement parce qu'il est très difficile d'acquérir dans la nuit. Etre presque un enfant mes parents m'ont parlé de "vieux compte" ou "les comptes de la laiterie» et qui n'a pas ces termes son je dirai. "comptes anciens" sont: . J'ai sauvé ce, Win Ceci et celui-ci devrait-je passer si je veux garder mes économies ou les augmenter Si l' somme des dépenses dépasse ce que je gagne, je dois dépenser moins et voir Comment augmenter mes économies un peu s'ils viennent le maigre et nécessaire pour les tirer. Et si la question est de savoir combien une nouvelle voiture? une machine à laver? pour les vacances ? ou plus fort encore, je peux me permettre d'acheter un appartement?. L'hypothèque serait le quota et même quand. Et si je perds mon emploi qui serait alors, avec ce que je peux répondre?.

Ces dépenses, je peux rencontrer sans dilapider mes économies?. L'question serait toujours le même, donc je peux gagner congés annuels ce site, je peux changer de voiture?. je peux effectivement prendre un prêt? et si je fais ce que je fais? . Pendant la nuit j'ai crayon dans les comptes de la main et d'étudier de nouvelles stratégies qui me permettent de dépenser moins et économiser un peu plus. Dans grands traits qui était «ancien compte" d'antan. celui qui a fait que mes parents étaient mes grands-parents, et ma femme pour nombreuses années, j'ai vécu sur un salaire de cinq personnes à la maison. Faire cette considération mes filles 17 ans et moins ont commencé à travailler pour payer leurs études ne mange pas, et s'ils le faisaient ils ont eu et ont à l'esprit ces simples additionner et soustraire des comptes tels calculs projeté dans l'avenir est toujours incertain.

Maintenant, nous allons parler de «les comptes de la laiterie", et le son ne lui a dit que le terme provient d'une fable pour les enfants et les adultes, nous faq avons souvent eu il ya quelques années. Pas étonnant que cette fable est juste ce que vous avez été oublié au cours des dernières années.

el gatufo

Ces comptes de la laiterie pourrait être:

Ces comptes de la laiterie pourrait être: Avec ce que je gagne je peux me permettre tout, parce que si je vis bien, je vois beaucoup de bizarreries et si je pense que cela vaut la peine d'acheter un appartement il n'y a donc pas de problème car après un an ou deux, je le ferai était magnifique, même deux fois ce que je peux le vendre avec un bénéfice d'entreprises importantes. Le risque est minime, car la brique ne baisse pas, et le loyer réel est jeter de l'argent. Si je quitte les studios, qui ont besoin d'étudier pendant de nombreuses années, et je reçois pour travailler dans la construction ou autre emploi relié à son chachi piruli je peux vivre, je ne peux pas acheter une supercar et pas me priver de quoi que ce soit, les voyages, vacances et week-end mettre mon nouvel appartement, que je pense à acheter, ne manquez pas rien. Si je fais un événement de mariage dans le style, je passe douze ou dix-huit milliers d'euros, je me rendrai à La Ribera Maya, au moins. Bien sûr, si je n'ai pas assez de demander un prêt parce que "vous ne vit qu'une fois" et l'occasion fond. et des comptes?, petite lourdeur amer qui forme de vie. Et sauver?, et bien maintenant je ne peux pas parce que j'ai beaucoup beaucoup de dépenses. Lorsque le pot à lait est cassé, tous les rêves et les comptes du lait vont baisser et rien n'est à gauche, l'investissement de l'étage est un gâchis et donc ne s'est jamais maintenant, si vous le faites.

Rien n'a été enregistré, tous ont passé et ya beaucoup de dettes à payer. L'État a dépensé plus que ce qu'ils devraient, politiciens et conseillers tous eu le scandale des salaires, des œuvres absurdes, ILS argent à droite et à gauche. 'ai pardonné dettes des pays lointains, ont reçu l'ordre de milliards de prêts improbable.

Les banques ont été l'affaire de sa vie à payer plus que ce que vous aviez à acheter des biens absurde, over-rated deux, trois ou quatre fois. Pas de problème, nous donnons l'hypothèque et encore plus de l'évaluation à meubler la maison. Ne vous privez pas de nous finançons tout est en encore plus. citoyens nous laisser emporter par la voie des belles paroles, la sirène, l'état de bien-être, le droit à tous les services gratuits, et nous demandons à acheter du crédit de crédit après l'inimaginable dans d'autres circonstances connu auparavant . Non seulement la bulle immobilière a éclaté, c'est aussi la bulle a éclaté les rêves, utopique Cet état ​​n'a jamais existé et existera Que nous pesons. Rien n'est gratuit, tout est payé et le délire de la vie infos que nous avons vécu que croire que nous étions riches, nous font des ravages sur la base de beaucoup de souffrances, de désespoir et d'impuissance. Et quelle information nous avons laissé.
Pour tous ceux qui souffrent est que personne ne sait ce que toute ma solidarité absolue et une grande impuissance. Franchement, nous ne pouvons pas faire autre que regarder autour de nous et essayer d'aider les uns les autres. 




Wake up it is something difficult for me. Just the act of beginning a new day after being sleeping for hours just to get out from the bed it is a big effort always.
To start the morning cheerful, with a smile in my face, even just saying something like good morning my dear, have you sleep well?....I need half an hour or so to be
in the real world again.

If there is something irregular in my life, the first thought I have in the morning it is just this problem......it could be just what ever subject along life could happens.

A friend who is passing through difficulties, problems with the family or in the office when I was working, the last argue with a relative and so on.
I do think it happens to nearly every person but I am not so sure about this premise, not all people have to feel the same, why for?.

Who knows how a baby sleep? or an adult? it is always  the form a baby dreams is the way of an old person does?....may be not.

Being a child it was hard to wake up just to go to the school very soon. I could remember that the hour of being in the school was 8 a.m. every day and it cost me a lot to be there so soon.

Madrid it is a city very cold in winter. Usually we have less two or three degrees at the morning to reach up fourteen or fifteen at noon which it is a big difference and the body suffers this changes in temperature.
All clothes you put on by the mornings it is not necessary at noon, so you may carry
them on the arm or just be hot for a time.

Now I could see that children go to the school being so little, and they use to cry aloud every morning, I could listen to them from my bed,  just because the poor children don´t want to be out from bed so soon.

I do think it is cruel what it is done now with the little babies taking them as small to the nurseries every morning just because their parents have to work....Wel,l who has
work now which is really difficult here in this country now.

Being a baby, a boy and finally and adult I have felt always the same, my humor is bad as soon as I open my eyes in the mornings.
I need at least half an hour to get my humor in a good way, to talk or to reply some questions or even to be concious about the reality of a new day, good , bad or or the simple daily routine of the moment we are living.

Yes, I can imagine what could be the feelings of a person who his life have changed suddenly from a day to another. The dead of a husband or a wife, a son or daughter, a sudden sickness or accident that changes our way of living for ever.

As usually just the first subject we use to think as my eyes are open is all the reality of the moment, the lack of my mother, a bad situation in the office, the last argue with my wife or a friend, and so on. 

However I know persons close to me that use to wake up brightness, happy, in good mood to talk since the first moment they awake. Giving thanks of being alive and facing reality with strength and courage undar any circunstance.

I admire these persons, my wife Cuca is one of them, and always I wanted to be like them, to have this will from the first moment of the day.
Gift of life and optimism of living just the moment without thinking anything about, it is just the feeling of being alive it is the best gift a human could have.

When I have depressed, fortunately for only some months, it is even worst, mornings are the hard hour of the day. I want to remain in bed, one two three hours, or more. It is the feeling of not wishing to live a new day.
All is over now, and I try to wake up early and start doing something just to get a
good humor when other appear at home.

I would like to be like Cuca, that every morning think "Thanks to God" I am alive and I want to conquer the world, things are as they are and no as one would desire to.We can´t change them once they have occurred but we like to think ....if I have done this, or not done this other....it´s absolutely silly just to have in mind this kind of things.
World it is not what we desire to be, and we can´t controll everything in our life or even life of the persons we love.

Only we can do a better world with our mind, our weakness is not a good way to be happy,, knowing that life is a daily struggle and that it depends only on us just to do a little effort to give some happiness to the love one we have it could be a happy time every day we will be here.

Just live the moment without thinking about future and nothing more.
It could be enough.

Have a happy day.

el gatufo

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


Fidelity and suffering

If you think in dying with you I die
Together in the trip of not return
Tired of living without hopes
With this daily torture you feel
Wishing the end of that suffering

If you feel that life is your wish
Living with you day after day is my will
Watching the smile in your face 
or the firm fight of your character
that strong wants a day more together

My partner´s life I´ll do mine your wishes
Prepared I am to make your trip each second
That life is discovering in fateful time
Of illness, suffering and hopelessness
till the moment you think it is the end.


Nights in Silence

At night the desire to keep awake
So late ..What´s the reason to be up
Alone with myself I am
Quite at this hour I think

Asleep you are close to me
Early in the morning I am
Enough time to meditate in silence
but I feel little noises of the house

Your breath, the rain´s drops
a voice that far breaks the morning
So, without any witnessess
finally I take the pen and start to write

Love you so much my dear
than I don´t want to make any noise
Listening your breath I know your presence
that bright me every moment of my life.


The Wait

Far away of our yesterday world
So quite we see the passage of the days
Gathering enough time to your freedom 
I see the sunset that it shortens the time limit
Uncertain future we await without hurry

So, although these isolated prisoner we are
feel closer than ever we feel each other.


Lost   (always lost.....again and again) 

Lost I am without your happiness
It gives me strength to continue this path

followed together since so long time
Can´t remember waking up without your lap.

el gatufo feeling sad as she was suffering....................
some time ago.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013



A sect is a subgroup of a religious, political or philosophical belief system, usually an offshoot of a larger religious group. Although in past it was mostly used to refer to religious groups, it has since expanded and in modern culture can refer to any organization that breaks away from a larger one to follow a different set of rules and principles. The term is occasionally used in a malicious way to suggest the broken-off group follows a more negative path than the original. The historical usage of the term sect in Christendom has had pejorative connotations, referring to a group or movement with heretical beliefs or practices that deviate from those of groups considered orthodox

Some religiou believes:

sisterhood - a religious society of women who live together as sisters (especially an order of nuns)

organized religion, religion, faith - an institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him"
Albigenses, Cathari, Cathars - a Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries; believers in Albigensianism
High Anglican Church, High Church - a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority)
Abecedarian - a 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge
Amish sect - an orthodox Anabaptist sect separated from the Mennonites in late 17th century; settled chiefly in southeastern Pennsylvania
Karaites - a Jewish sect that recognizes only the Hebrew Scriptures as the source of divinely inspired legislation and denies the authority of the postbiblical tradition of the Talmud; the sect arose in Iraq in the eighth century
Shia, Shiah, Shiah Islam - one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam; mainly in Iran
Sunni Islam, Sunni - one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam
Shivaism, Sivaism - a Hindu sect worshiping Shiva
Saktism, Shaktism - a Hindu sect worshiping Shakti
Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism - Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu
Haredi - any of several sects of Orthodox Judaism that reject modern secular culture and many of whom do not recognize the spiritual authority of the modern state of Israel
International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON, Hare Krishna - a religious sect founded in the United States in 1966; based on Vedic scriptures; groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna; devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
Jainism - sect founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism
Taoism - a Chinese sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-tzu but incorporating pantheism and sorcery in addition to Taoism
Kokka, Kokka Shinto - the branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan
Shua, Shuha Shinto - any branch of Shinto other than Kokka
brethren - (plural) the lay members of a male religious order
monastic order, order - a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
Quakers, Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends - a Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660; commonly called Quakers
Shakers, United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing - a celibate and communistic Christian sect in the United States
Vaudois, Waldenses - a Christian sect of dissenters that originated in southern France in the late 12th century adopted Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century
Zurvanism - a Zoroastrian sect that claims Zurvan was the ultimate source of the universe
convent - a community of people in a religious order (especially nuns) living together
I am not a believer, may be I am a sceptic, a person who habitually doubts the authenticity of accepted beliefs.
Also a person who mistrust people, ideas, in general, also a person who doubts about Religions in general. 

 el gatufo

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013


I would like to be younger, just to understand what is happening round me, to see how things are changing so fast, to have a young mind who could be changing every moment
with new Smart TV., new tablets, new systems like Android, or other gadgets that seems like magic to me.

What about the world that sorround me?. It has nothing to be with the one I knew being young. Everything was more easy, friendship, love, couples, there were not politicianslike not and we didn´t care so much about ecoconomy.

It is hard for me but sometimes I think I could be informed in the past time, but now I have the idea that every moment I know less and less every moment I am living.

In fact I think I know nothing about all this informatic world but I would like to know just a little, enough to write here what is called a Blog.

Well, I am doing it but that´s all.

It would be good to share it with friends and people all over the world some of my ideas or what is happening right now close to my country or Europe but I don´t know how.
Also It would be good if people could write here also, telling me what ever things they like, but again how?...thats the subject.

Just a problem for me at the moment, I can´t inform friends how to stick their opinios or points of view. I hope that litle by lithe it will be possible for me in future, or at least that what I thought at the begining, but the time is pasing by and everything remains the same.

Why I could know that I am not writing in the desert and no body read my writing?
Ja, ja, for my own knowledge I want to learn the form but who is going to teach me?.
Nice question that I ask myself frequently.

Usually I have done some informatic works that afterward I did not remember how I have done it, just because we don´t write anything. Taking notes? That is not my way of doing thing, never it has been so.

When I want to do the same thing, it is quite difficult to do them again, and the time pass away so fast that it seems all is new once and again.

Years ago everything was easier, once you learn something it was for years.
Now you may be happy if you learn something and it is for a month or less, frequently only a week it is necessary to change everything.

So fast, that it is nearly impossible to be up the moment.

You are happy for a short period of time because after open and close your eyes you know nothing once again, and have to start from nothing.

Nevertheles I am goin to write some ideas, thoughts and evens here for  a long period of time, if I have some readers it will be good for me and sure it will give me more force to write equently.


Thanks in advance to every one who wants to read or to write here with me.

Sharing thought and other subjects I do think it is a good idea just at the moment we are living.
My best to all of you.

el gatufo