Datos personales

Mi foto
Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


Fidelity and suffering

If you think in dying with you I die
Together in the trip of not return
Tired of living without hopes
With this daily torture you feel
Wishing the end of that suffering

If you feel that life is your wish
Living with you day after day is my will
Watching the smile in your face 
or the firm fight of your character
that strong wants a day more together

My partner´s life I´ll do mine your wishes
Prepared I am to make your trip each second
That life is discovering in fateful time
Of illness, suffering and hopelessness
till the moment you think it is the end.


Nights in Silence

At night the desire to keep awake
So late ..What´s the reason to be up
Alone with myself I am
Quite at this hour I think

Asleep you are close to me
Early in the morning I am
Enough time to meditate in silence
but I feel little noises of the house

Your breath, the rain´s drops
a voice that far breaks the morning
So, without any witnessess
finally I take the pen and start to write

Love you so much my dear
than I don´t want to make any noise
Listening your breath I know your presence
that bright me every moment of my life.


The Wait

Far away of our yesterday world
So quite we see the passage of the days
Gathering enough time to your freedom 
I see the sunset that it shortens the time limit
Uncertain future we await without hurry

So, although these isolated prisoner we are
feel closer than ever we feel each other.


Lost   (always lost.....again and again) 

Lost I am without your happiness
It gives me strength to continue this path

followed together since so long time
Can´t remember waking up without your lap.

el gatufo feeling sad as she was suffering....................
some time ago.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013



A sect is a subgroup of a religious, political or philosophical belief system, usually an offshoot of a larger religious group. Although in past it was mostly used to refer to religious groups, it has since expanded and in modern culture can refer to any organization that breaks away from a larger one to follow a different set of rules and principles. The term is occasionally used in a malicious way to suggest the broken-off group follows a more negative path than the original. The historical usage of the term sect in Christendom has had pejorative connotations, referring to a group or movement with heretical beliefs or practices that deviate from those of groups considered orthodox

Some religiou believes:

sisterhood - a religious society of women who live together as sisters (especially an order of nuns)

organized religion, religion, faith - an institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him"
Albigenses, Cathari, Cathars - a Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries; believers in Albigensianism
High Anglican Church, High Church - a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority)
Abecedarian - a 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge
Amish sect - an orthodox Anabaptist sect separated from the Mennonites in late 17th century; settled chiefly in southeastern Pennsylvania
Karaites - a Jewish sect that recognizes only the Hebrew Scriptures as the source of divinely inspired legislation and denies the authority of the postbiblical tradition of the Talmud; the sect arose in Iraq in the eighth century
Shia, Shiah, Shiah Islam - one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam; mainly in Iran
Sunni Islam, Sunni - one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam
Shivaism, Sivaism - a Hindu sect worshiping Shiva
Saktism, Shaktism - a Hindu sect worshiping Shakti
Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism - Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu
Haredi - any of several sects of Orthodox Judaism that reject modern secular culture and many of whom do not recognize the spiritual authority of the modern state of Israel
International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON, Hare Krishna - a religious sect founded in the United States in 1966; based on Vedic scriptures; groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna; devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
Jainism - sect founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism
Taoism - a Chinese sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-tzu but incorporating pantheism and sorcery in addition to Taoism
Kokka, Kokka Shinto - the branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan
Shua, Shuha Shinto - any branch of Shinto other than Kokka
brethren - (plural) the lay members of a male religious order
monastic order, order - a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
Quakers, Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends - a Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660; commonly called Quakers
Shakers, United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing - a celibate and communistic Christian sect in the United States
Vaudois, Waldenses - a Christian sect of dissenters that originated in southern France in the late 12th century adopted Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century
Zurvanism - a Zoroastrian sect that claims Zurvan was the ultimate source of the universe
convent - a community of people in a religious order (especially nuns) living together
I am not a believer, may be I am a sceptic, a person who habitually doubts the authenticity of accepted beliefs.
Also a person who mistrust people, ideas, in general, also a person who doubts about Religions in general. 

 el gatufo

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013


I would like to be younger, just to understand what is happening round me, to see how things are changing so fast, to have a young mind who could be changing every moment
with new Smart TV., new tablets, new systems like Android, or other gadgets that seems like magic to me.

What about the world that sorround me?. It has nothing to be with the one I knew being young. Everything was more easy, friendship, love, couples, there were not politicianslike not and we didn´t care so much about ecoconomy.

It is hard for me but sometimes I think I could be informed in the past time, but now I have the idea that every moment I know less and less every moment I am living.

In fact I think I know nothing about all this informatic world but I would like to know just a little, enough to write here what is called a Blog.

Well, I am doing it but that´s all.

It would be good to share it with friends and people all over the world some of my ideas or what is happening right now close to my country or Europe but I don´t know how.
Also It would be good if people could write here also, telling me what ever things they like, but again how?...thats the subject.

Just a problem for me at the moment, I can´t inform friends how to stick their opinios or points of view. I hope that litle by lithe it will be possible for me in future, or at least that what I thought at the begining, but the time is pasing by and everything remains the same.

Why I could know that I am not writing in the desert and no body read my writing?
Ja, ja, for my own knowledge I want to learn the form but who is going to teach me?.
Nice question that I ask myself frequently.

Usually I have done some informatic works that afterward I did not remember how I have done it, just because we don´t write anything. Taking notes? That is not my way of doing thing, never it has been so.

When I want to do the same thing, it is quite difficult to do them again, and the time pass away so fast that it seems all is new once and again.

Years ago everything was easier, once you learn something it was for years.
Now you may be happy if you learn something and it is for a month or less, frequently only a week it is necessary to change everything.

So fast, that it is nearly impossible to be up the moment.

You are happy for a short period of time because after open and close your eyes you know nothing once again, and have to start from nothing.

Nevertheles I am goin to write some ideas, thoughts and evens here for  a long period of time, if I have some readers it will be good for me and sure it will give me more force to write equently.


Thanks in advance to every one who wants to read or to write here with me.

Sharing thought and other subjects I do think it is a good idea just at the moment we are living.
My best to all of you.

el gatufo      

martes, 30 de abril de 2013


It is possible that Gatufo knows more than me, as he use to look through the window and don´t listen to the news, so he is not bad informed.

What is worst?. Be disinformed like more or us or knowng nothing like my cat?

Thank is a good question to reply today.

Here at home I have known something about house chores, but outside this my little world of house I do not know what is happening in the world.
Why for?

So bad news every moment, there is ideas, there is not new faces of politicians with good ideas, every day it is always the same, bla, bla, bla......
Yes, the world of outside home, the Spain´s world, The Europa´s world, and so forth.
I don´t like Tv. news, even radio news, I like more to read the papers, so reading I could choose what a read.
Despite my big ignorance I coud say that:

Everything if falling down since five or six years ago, and people are not aware that their world of before is over.
Not work, not hopes, not any future for the moment, and thousand and thousands of young well prepared that have to leave their countries looking for a work.
People with fourty or fifty years old that have not money, not work, not home, and so forth.......till when?.

So, I said that "Just the same as every day" no good news at all, not justice, not hopes for our young and still looking to a best future.

Its funny to listen to the news about Spain. Spain? does exist this country?...or it is something I was teached and now that idea is not valid?.
Since years I thought there was a country or nation called Spain, now I am not so sure.

Why?. Because every one región out  the centre of Iberia wants to be out of the Nation.

Spain? Not, it is better to be Cataluña, Comunidad Vasca, Canarias and so on.......
What people thinks about being out of what their country till yesterday, that is the way of living better? having a work? money?.
Speaking only a language spoken by four or five millions is better than speaking English or Castellano? that is spoken by hundred of millions?.
Of course it is not my problem, I don´t mind any more but it sound so silly out from here.

This morning a new said:

.......the agreement would be affected to....the fishmen/women of Spain, Andalucia and Canarias.....and I thought......
So, evidently:

Andalucia is not Spain?
Canarias is not Spain?
Cataluña is not Spain?
other lands of Iberia are not Spain?
What kind of news are these?. I have headache already of listening news like this every day.

They change the concepts, the language, the ideas of people day after day and it is not a good way to follow.

Well, I would like that news, subjects, and so forth should be a Little more clear as people at the end don´t understand anything.

That´s all friends.
This was an example of the subjects I use to write a year ago, and now I like more to write about my cat Gatufo, some funny news or feelings which can help other people, that´s all.

It is possible that after a year I have learn anything to talk about, thanks a lot if you have enough patience to read me in this blog.

As a matter of fact, Little by Little there are some of you that read me after all.....

Thanks to all people who read this blog.
el gatufo 

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO ILLNESS OF DESOLATION OF OUR TIME.(Go my absolute love for all who suffer in silence or without this modern plague sinks into despair to millions of people worldwide, sick and family who do not understand what is happening)To whom it may concern, is the contrast of hope and despair in the same issue, human suffering, misunderstanding with the pain of others and the merit of those who work in silence to address one of the scourges of our society developed a disease until currently incurable each passing year is becoming more widespread among the young and adult population worldwide.

It was first developed in the Society called first world, but year after year is also extending other less developed societies.

The pharmacological treatment of this disease is very expensive, unthinkably expensive for many patients, families, health care systems of governments that do nothing for global finance the study of remedies that can alleviate suffering and death of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people across the world.Who would win with the discovery of a therapy that would solve the health problem of a significant amount, increasing of mostly young people, women more than men and even percentage in short children / girls who all his life suffer pain, misunderstanding, lack of support or lack of a "normal" life, and finally having to resort to the final solution to request voluntary assisted suicide:The human person would win, they would earn the government, society in general but my question is always the same ...... win pharmacological multinationals are lined at the cost of pain?.However news of hope go and another incomprehension at the free choice about our own life and pain.Let each one of us takes the consequences and make your thoughts.
For my part a long time ago and I've done.


The Supreme Court ruling on asking for a terminally ill assisted suicidelainformacion.comMonday, 29/04/13 - 10:45 .The Irish Supreme Court pronounced today on the appeal filed by a woman who is terminally ill with multiple sclerosis, which was denied the right to get help from her husband in an assisted suicide.
Dublin, April 29. - The Irish Supreme Court pronounced today on the appeal filed by a woman who is terminally ill with multiple sclerosis, which was denied the right to get help from her husband in an assisted suicide.

Marie Fleming, one university exprofesora 59 who have multiple sclerosis, had appealed to the Supreme Court last February, after a lower court refused it Irish law two months before her husband to help him commit suicide.

In Ireland, assisted suicide is forbidden under the "Criminal Law (Suicide)" in 1993, and is punishable by a maximum of 14 years in prison anyone who "aids, abets, counsels or procures" assisted suicide .

The seven judges of the Supreme Court must decide whether, as argued by the patient, the law violates their personal rights and life, according to the principles enshrined in the Irish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Fleming has more than 25 years in a wheelchair and his lawyers also want the Justice decides whether the "criminalization" of assisted suicide is justified in cases where it should, according to them, override personal rights of the person who requests a suicide attended.

In this sense, the defense argues that in other countries such as the UK or Canada, their respective Prosecutors have clear guidelines that define the cases in which they can or should act.



Open hope for multiple sclerosis◾ Directory Fernando Castro◾ Molecular Life Science    Cellular

MoleculesPhoto: IRIN / JCCM
TOLEDO, 29 Apr.
(IRIN) -

The Group-GNDe Developmental Neurobiology, National Paraplegic Hospital, led by Dr. Fernando de Castro, have identified how two new pharmacological agents, called VP1.15 and TC3.6, increase survival and differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursors into myelinating oligodendrocytes.
These latter cells are dying in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

The study was conducted with oligodendrocyte precursors isolated from mouse brains (postnatal and adult), and also those who have been isolated from samples of brain neurosurgical adult patients, which makes this study particularly important, informed the hospital
in a press release.

After demonstrating that all oligodendrocyte precursors express phosphodiesterase-7, article published in the prestigious journal Cellular and Molecular Life Science, shows how the aforementioned drugs, synthesized by the group of Dr. Ana Martinez (Institute of Medical Chemistry-CSIC,
Madrid) inhibit this enzyme, thus increasing the survival of oligodendrocyte precursors and accelerate their differentiation into cells that form myelin.NEW HORIZON

The study published by Eva Medina-Rodriguez, Ana Bribián, Fernando de Castro, researchers from the National Paraplegics Hospital, and colleagues, is particularly relevant in the face of thinking in the development of restorative therapies damage in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, where
oligodendrocytes die part of the adult central nervous system demyelinating plaques are formed, the loss of the myelin covering these cells axons and facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses.

To date, multiple sclerosis is not just with immunomodulators that modify the course of the disease, but there is no treatment to replace the damage (dead oligodendrocytes, myelin loss).

This kind of approach are very encouraging because between 3 and 8% of the total cells of the central nervous system are adult oligodendrocyte precursors.
These cells react normally to the demyelinating damage and even are able to spontaneously replace it in whole or in part, but for unknown reasons, when the disease is established endogenous reparative capacity is exceeded and damage appears.

Both the Martinez Group, as the Group of Developmental Neurobiology doctor-GNDe Castro, part of the Spanish Network of Multiple Sclerosis (www.reem.es), one of the Re Tics Health Institute Carlos III
(currently the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).NORMAL CELL TESTS

The findings of the group led by Dr. De Castro is also of great interest to test physiological cells, normal, those in the brain of patients, the different treatments that may be developed in the future.

Until now, it had raised obtaining the type myelinating oligodendroglial cells from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) technique developed by Yamanaka Dr.Shinya why this researcher won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in its last
a shared editing with Prof. Gurdon.

Although very powerful, the use of iPS is not without risks and comparative studies in normal cells, such as those developed by the group led by Dr. de Castro, are essential in order to test the effects of new drugs and accelerate the
possible acceptance as therapy for multiple sclerosis sufferers.

This study has the journal Cellular and Molecular Life Science, is the second article that is published worldwide on the physiology of oligodendrocyte precursors isolated from adult human brain unchanged. In the first, published in late 2008, we analyzed the effects of one of the new generation immunomodulatory drugs for multiple sclerosis, fingolimod.


And that's all friends and followers of this blog, or rather not all, anymore it is an issue in which I am involved very directly. I still hope that the news daily actually finally found an effective, inexpensive, to the relief of suffering caused each and every one of the diseases in which myelin disappears covering the nervous system of these patients that increase in the world year after year.

With affection, respect and much love ...

the gatufo


domingo, 28 de abril de 2013


Igual que te amé
nadie te amará
cuando despiertes
no me encontrarás
de ti ausente estaré
mi soledad ya no sentirás
de amante no correspondido
sin tu amor la vida viviré
tu tiempo pasará
sin amor como el mío
ya nunca mas amada vivirás
y mi ausencia en desamor
pronto sufrirás.

LIKE I loved you no one will love
When you wake up you´ll don´t find me
I´ll be missing from you.

My lonly heart you´ll never feel again
Unrequite lover not one day more
without your love iI will live my love.

Your time will be pass

No love like mine would you ever find
never so beloved your life would be.

My absence in hearbreak.

Soon after you´ll suffer
and my today´s pain I´ll not desire
you my dear heart broken heart.


Que sientes cuando sin mi estás
acaso te percibes que ya no estoy
o sigues ensimismada en tu vivir

What do you feel when without me you are?
Perhaps you perceive that I am not
Or are you still absoved in your living?


Destino cruel conocerte
sufrimiento continuo de amante sin amor
viendo al ser querido siempre a su lado
sin atreverse a decir te amo mi amor.

Estás ya acompañada, pero feliz te sientes
es mi pregunta siempre al borde de soltar
y no me atrevo un día más
a confesarte mi encendida espera

Meet cruel fate
continuous suffering lover without love
always the loved seeing at his side
without daring to say “I love you, my love”

You are accomanied, but do you feel happy?
my question is always on the verge of release
and I dare another day
to confess you my lit expected.


Tanto tiempo esperando
una dicha semejante
y tan efímera fue que pienso
no sirvió de nada ser fiel
fiel a que, a quien, a una idea
nunca pensé que la ilusión
fuera tan corta, que sin tu
amor tan pronto despertar sería
cotidiano dolor en lugar de amor
vivir sin ti es un imposible
que nunca pensé podría soportar

Long time waiting
such a bliss
and so fleeting was that I
it did not good to be true
faithful to whom, an idea
I never thought that the illusion
was so short, that without your
as soon awaken love would be
a daily pain instead of love

Living without you it is an impossible
I never thought I could bear

Ya no me miras, ya no me amas
nunca estas dispuesta a hablar
en que, en quien piensas
que tan callada estás.

You never look at me, don´t you love me more?
you are never willing to talk
what do you think about?
whom are you thinking all time
that you are so still


Sin ti un día mas
un infierno soportar cada mañana
en mi ya eterna soledad.

Pensé que conmigo estarías siempre
Y te vas, te has ido ya
Sin decir adiós me has dejado
ni una palabra de mas

Hoy sin ti me he despertado
donde estás
Este mundo no era para ti
tan joven te marchaste
sin saber que yo no vivo mas

Tu ausencia no podré soportar
allí donde te encuentres
pronto estaré
recorriendo otra vez juntos
alguna otra nueva senda para

Cogidos de la mano para siempre
felices otra vez de estar juntos
de correr una vida, otra vida ya sin fin
esa es mi esperanza que me lleva
a pasar el resto de mi vida sin ti


This is for you, Dear Jeff, dear friend and professor
who taught me so much English and humanity
till the point of making English poesy?...at least
I like to think so.


Without you one more day
endure hell every morning
in my eternal loneliness.

I thought you'd be with me always
And you go, you're gone
Saying goodbye you left me
not a word more.

Today I woke up without you
where you are my love
This world was not for you
so young you left it
not knowing that I do not live any more.

Your absence can not face
wherever you are soon I will be
again traveling together
another new path for us to walk.

Hand in hand holds forever
happy to be together again
to run a life, another endless life
that is my hope that leads me

spend the rest of this not life without you.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013


Years ago when I see a white paper waiting for me I felt the touch of a pen in my fingers and only moving it to créate words or drawings on the white surface of the paper I felt something special that taping with my fingers I don´t feel any more.

Starting a new year always was a good moment to think, to write about the old year that it is gone and doing purposes to the new one.
The pen held into my fingers was a nice good sensation that now I don´t feel any more. No book notes, not pen, only a cold computer to tap......It is easy, of course, but different.
There is not any personality without the own personal words made with a pencil......all is different, not so peronal now.

But there are another things that have changed for life, taking photos could be an example....now it is so easy, free, not any cost for the actions of taking them......thousand of shoots in one second, or a minute one...another....immediately we could see them, or receive them, not emotion, not any awaiting to see the results....if we don´t like it just to the trash, and another one.

The emotion of waiting the results are over for ever...Not any expectations or care about our shoots.

There is not any measurement for anything, photos, calls, food, trips, plains, there is not any distance, you could go whiche ever place you like, with enough money in one day, one hour, or less.....

Incredible easy.

Where is the turn to the world in eighty days?...what could think Julio Verne about that?. Now it is possible in two days?, or less taking not

any rest.

But it is posible that the crisis gives us a time to think, which is the measurement of our acts, it could be good to think that not all young people could be enginers, doctors, informatic, advocates, and so forth.

That we can´t do so many photos, calls, waste so many food, waste sush a lot of wáter, not to kill such number of animals that have the same rights to live on earth as we have.

It is true that some countries have been living up their posibilities wasting all kind of resources so needed for other nations of people round the world, a world not so rich.

Years ago the high societe do nothing, not any work, they think that doing a work like a doctor, a lawer, a farmer, a Taylor, or so forth was for other, lower people. They were up from them....and it was on the XIX century, just yesterday only.
Now we think just something similar.....our son, our daughters have to go to the university because doing another kind of work it is unthinkinble, not for them, that kind of work, hand work, are for other less inteligents, less Smart.. Foolish, yes we are foolish..., I have been a foolish too.
But sorry my English it is really bad, I would like to write just a little better, but I have not time to look in the Dictionary....too many ideas to write now, too many subjects to touch.

But my way of thinking it is clear to say that:

Hands are direct conected with the mind, nothing make us more humans than our hands, It is just what make humans what they are for good or for bad....so Yes I Miss the Pen.....and also some other kind of manual Works .
We call them "artisan"....and it will be sooner than later that hand works could dissapair for ever.

el  gatufo