Why being in democracy persons designed to be presidents or first ministers use to be always the same that were before, once, two or even three times in countris where it is possible to do that.
Twice it is enough to do what a person have in mind to iimprove the life of citizens doing the things they think it could be the best for the country at the moment.
I like countries like EE.UU. where a president can be choosen only twice, that is the best as by my own point of view.
And the question could be, which is the reason to repeat once, two, three or four times the same people to govern a country?.
It is because they want to win, to held power for years and other subjects doesn´t matter?
What about people who votes?.
Their opinión doesn´t matter at all?. There is not any best candidate in the parties to choose the one who has the power in that moment?.
Some times democrats seems dictators by all means, and inside the parties it is so always. Bad for people of a country where lists are not open.....like mine, Spain, for instance.
It is so difficult to release the hands from the power once we have it?. To get up from the chair once we are sitting on the throne.
Of course a dictator it is absolutely difficult to throw away from their position, there is a lot of good examples of that, but what about the so bad called democracies?
Once the ring of power is on my finger no one likes to take off from his hand and give the power to the best one.
Humans after all.
We all like power more than anything more.
We have a good book, one of the best I think, where this is the gist of three nice incredible good books of fantasy, or reality it depends of points of view.
To me "Lord of the Rings" has this incredible good example of "What power it is" and how much it cost to left it aside.
One of the best good personages of the book, the nice good Hobbit Frodo is unable to throw "The Ring of Power" to the fire and destroy it
once He has the ring in his hands.
After being one of the best Hobbits, generous, trusted to follow the good way doing what is right, making a high sacrifice to finish his mission, at the end He can´t do it, he can´t throw away the power and have to be SAM, the humble generous friend that doesn´t want any power and have not be tempted by them who throw the ring of powe away from his hands to the fire and destroy it for ever.
Just a good lesson to have in mind......the power corrupts people and as much power they have more corrupted they finished.....
Please, renew candidates every eight years or less, it is necessary if we like to be in Democracy.
I would be good for us, for them, for the countries that democratic parties popose new persons to be presidents every period of time.
People needs to be renovated and also needs generate illusions.
By my short experience living in democracy, presidents, first ministers , and goverments made their great mistakes along second or third legislatures.
Some last examples could be:
Bush, Blair, Aznar, F.Gonzalez, Zapatero, Berlusconi, Chirac, Mitterrand.....only to mention next firts ministers or presidents.......................and what about dictators?.
Now Angela Merkell seems to be elected once again, that´s incredible
have not she done enough?.
Yes, by all means she has done enough, good or bad, it depends of the points of view of people of German....or the rest of South Europeans countries.
But yhat´s onother story I don´t like to touch.
EE.UU., following the rule always propose the same person who is president at the moment as the best candidate to repeat. Power after all, but at least it is only by second candidatura.
Please, be happy despite so many difficulties along this new year.....
that is nearly begining.
el gatufo
Once the ring of power is on my finger no one likes to take off from his hand and give the power to the best one.
Humans after all.
We all like power more than anything more.
We have a good book, one of the best I think, where this is the gist of three nice incredible good books of fantasy, or reality it depends of points of view.
To me "Lord of the Rings" has this incredible good example of "What power it is" and how much it cost to left it aside.
One of the best good personages of the book, the nice good Hobbit Frodo is unable to throw "The Ring of Power" to the fire and destroy it
once He has the ring in his hands.
After being one of the best Hobbits, generous, trusted to follow the good way doing what is right, making a high sacrifice to finish his mission, at the end He can´t do it, he can´t throw away the power and have to be SAM, the humble generous friend that doesn´t want any power and have not be tempted by them who throw the ring of powe away from his hands to the fire and destroy it for ever.
Just a good lesson to have in mind......the power corrupts people and as much power they have more corrupted they finished.....
Please, renew candidates every eight years or less, it is necessary if we like to be in Democracy.
I would be good for us, for them, for the countries that democratic parties popose new persons to be presidents every period of time.
People needs to be renovated and also needs generate illusions.
By my short experience living in democracy, presidents, first ministers , and goverments made their great mistakes along second or third legislatures.
Some last examples could be:
Bush, Blair, Aznar, F.Gonzalez, Zapatero, Berlusconi, Chirac, Mitterrand.....only to mention next firts ministers or presidents.......................and what about dictators?.
Now Angela Merkell seems to be elected once again, that´s incredible
have not she done enough?.
Yes, by all means she has done enough, good or bad, it depends of the points of view of people of German....or the rest of South Europeans countries.
But yhat´s onother story I don´t like to touch.
EE.UU., following the rule always propose the same person who is president at the moment as the best candidate to repeat. Power after all, but at least it is only by second candidatura.
Please, be happy despite so many difficulties along this new year.....
that is nearly begining.
el gatufo