After all, who does not have a blog today?, there you can write about what you want, you try logically not to offend anyone, but I think it is difficult not to offended some of your readers.
I have opened another blog in a very different nature of this "Desembuches Gatufo" in it I would try to talk just about my life, boring for many, uninteresting to most, but after all my life.
In the new pour feelings, daily life of a "retired" who cares for his wife, Cuca, and his cat Gatufo and for himself also what it could be enough.
I invite you to take a look, maybe you like it, does not intend to talk about anything important, it's just a diary in which according alive I have ideas about what is and has been my life long and by the way.
In this blog is likely that some will escape smile, because I try to be friendly, non-acidic as I am very frequent hard as usual in this first one.
Nor will I use photos from anyone, I will take only mine, I've thrown in recent years in any city I have visited.
Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Nuremberg, London, Paris, and some other more.
(It is Germany, last july)
I try not to commit misspellings, but no corrective use of texts or anything, it is natural, spontaneous, use the language spoken here in Madrid, capital of Spain where I was born and have lived all my life.
I will try to write in a quite good Spanish for all the students
of this language over there, every place of the world.
It could be good for those who study Spanish can be interesting to read, if only for that, learn the language that is being done and universal.
Remember the address:
ABSENTEE absorbed (AUSENTE Y ENSIMISMADO) is the name of the new blog, hope you like it and I thank everyone who read it sometime.
(A fountain in Núremberg)
Greetings emi