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Mi mas oculto deseo fue siempre ser escritor y aprender varios idiomas. He llegado a defenderme bien en Ingles y chapurrear algo de Frances. El cine y la fotografia me fascinan. La música, de todo tipo, ha sido siempre mi relax. La amistad la valora mas que a nada en la vida.

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013


Nothing is better as to be at home.

Years ago having hollidays ahead and having the nedd of making the package of the necessary to be out from home, sometimes for a month, usually at the beach with my children and wife, I felt that it cost me a lot to leave home and goind to another place wich I know nothing about it.

Yes it was close to the sea, I have always love the sea, may be because I was born far away from the sea and the first time I could saw it I was eighteen years already, but even so, having in mind to rest, to have time to read, to take the sun on a beach, to be close to my family,to have the childred around us and so forth, I always were lazy to leave home.

Why I was lazy to that?, not idea but of what I was certain it was that before the hollidays were over I was thinking in returning back home  four or five days before that it was necessary to return and  work once again for another year.

But it was like a crazy subject, I was on hollidays, every one wants to have hollidays at least twice a year or even  more, they use to be anxious of leaving their city, their houses and going far away to spend the time on hollidays far away their city, their home, their routine
It could be incredible  but in my possition I have always two feelings, yes anxious to have hollidays, to rest, but at the same time I didn´t like to close home and have to go other place, the whole family, the car full of several things, not knowing what it was coming on us, and so forth.
Once we were out, far from home I´ll try to enjoy as much as possible, but after some days, fifteen or twenty I was with great desire or coming home again.


Now, living other health circunstances that prevent me on vacation I have been over fifteen years without moving home.
Happy or not happy of staying home for so long?. Well, in fact not, I would like to leave once again and going too far away for a period of time. That will be the best signal that healthy things were going well.

But it is not posible, now with enough incomes to make a nice trip to which ever place we would like to go, bouth Cuca and me, we have to remain home because her health is not good, nime now is also not so good, but if my dear wigr would be good it is sure we left home for at lest two or three months. 

But what about Gatufo?, this is his house too, in fact this is more his house than our and he si so happy without going out for three years, all his life Gatufo have been inside, playing, taking the sun, sleeping, and giving us all his affection. 

He, like me before, doesn´t need ever to leave home. He is absolutely happy being here for years, it is so good being a Cat like him.

So yes, for Gatufo nothing it is better that being home, months, years or all his life. I would like to be like him.
My best friends.  



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